Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Chapter 498 - Flame (1)

Chapter 498 – Flame (1)

Thursday — March 21

Heavy breathing and sensual moaning filled the inside of the Escalade that was parked outside of The Manor. Gael rained wet kisses on Angela's damp neck and chest as he slowly pulled out of her, his cock still semi-erect in the air, glistening from both of their cum—a trail of it stretching between them.

"Mmm…" She moaned, her legs still shaking from the intense orgasm, not more than a minute ago. About to close her legs, she gasped when he slid his tongue down her body, and his face settled between her legs, lapping her up like he didn't want to waste any of her.

"God, I missed you so much, baby," he murmured between licks, his tongue and lips warm and soothing against her sensitive skin.

"I missed you too," she purred, sighing. They hadn't seen each other for two days because Gael had to take a quick trip to another state yesterday morning. Perry was supposed to do it, but the man still hadn't shown up to work since Monday.

On Tuesday morning, Malia reported to the police about his disappearance. Something that Angela thought was expected—after all, they were engaged. But Gael and Giovanni told her that Malia might have had no choice but to do so, or people would wonder why she didn't bother—as if she was hiding something. And Angela understood this too. It reminded her of Evan's "disappearance".

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

So Gael and Angela hadn't seen each other for two days. They spoke on the phone while they were apart, but it still sucked that she went to sleep without him next to her.

Gael's plane landed at 6 p.m. — an hour ago. They met outside The Manor, and he didn't waste any time kicking his men out of the vehicle and devoured Angela in the backseat.

Despite his haste, he did restrain himself from ripping off her dress that night as they had to meet his family inside in…fifteen minutes ago.

After licking her clean, Gael wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and then wiped her between the legs. The two helped fix each other's clothes as much as they could, huge smiles plastered on their faces as they worked and gave each other glances.

Then he took Angela's face in his hands and kissed her softly on the lips. "I wish I could take you home right now, Angel. I'd love to continue this all night long."

"I'd love that too."

"But we're already late, and we can't bail."

Her heart warmed at his word choice, "we". Because technically, they weren't married yet, and she wasn't needed at this party. But Gael had been clear about his stance regarding their relationship. They were a unit. And he needed her to stand by his side. So how could she not be there for him? Even if the people behind those doors were dangerous human beings who wouldn't hesitate to kill her if she made one wrong move and put their family in danger.

"Then we should go." Angela smiled, giving him one more kiss before they got out of the car.

He smoothened her hair with his fingers and cast a quick scan down her form. She wore a black long-sleeved wrap dress and black pumps that complimented his black suit and black shirt. He nodded and squeezed her hand. "I love you," he said, making the corner of her lips curl into a smile.

Hugging his arm, she let him walk her towards the double doors as she whispered to him, "I love you back."

The Manor was closed for tonight's exclusive party, and only a few trusted servers and staff were around to serve the De Lucas and the people who worked for them. Everyone was here, even Nonna and other women in the family and the kids. Too bad Gabby couldn't come because Mariano had something going on tonight, and he didn't want his wife traveling on her own without him. He said it was too risky for them to go out right now. Angela heard that the Morellis had some group targeting their backs.

Even though Angela wished that Gabby was around, Gael was there with her, and she was comfortable with his family too. It didn't escape her that she received a certain level of respect from the people around them when they learned that she was the future Mrs. Gael De Luca. The thought of that made her feel giddy. She was surrounded by powerful women who stood by their men amidst the dangerous life they signed or didn't sign up for.

Gael's female cousins and extended family were so excited to plan the wedding for her. They began reminding her that they had family traditions to uphold. She was close to telling them that the Su Family also had traditions, but tonight, she kept her smiles and thought there was no harm in indulging their excitement for a while. In the end, decisions would all be made between her and Gael and not them.

Alessandro made a toast for his grandfather. "Domenico "Scotty" De Luca. A man who meant business. A man who knew who followed him until the end and a man who knew who to cut loose when they no longer serve a purpose for him. He was formidable and respected. And wherever he may be, he will always be remembered." Then he proceeded to speak in Italian, saying more good things about his grandfather before raising a glass and finishing it with "Salute".

Angela followed suit, clinking her glass with Gael and Aurora on either side of her, then with Sebastian behind her, and raising her glass to Val across the room sitting next to her sickly father.

Oddly enough, Angela only felt a slight dread in the first few minutes of entering the club and seeing the capos and soldiers of Gael's father all around the room. While their women threw a glance her way, scrutinizing her from head to toe, the men avoided looking at her. The men weren't allowed to look at another man's woman—especially not from the main family's women.

Feeling the need to pee, Angela shifted her weight, looking around to find Gael while the female De Lucas' attention drifted to something else. A figure approached her from the side, and when she turned her head, Giovanni smiled at her.

"Not drinking tonight?" she probed, nodding at the club soda and lime in his fancy glass.

He sighed. "Don't tempt me, love. I'm really trying to be good here. But if you insist, perhaps I can have a taste…" He smirked as he slowly glanced down her lips while taking a sip of his drink.

Angela wanted to slap his head, but in a room full of Mafiosos, she didn't want to put a dent on Gio's pride. So instead, she stepped on his foot discreetly with her heel. His face morphed into a mixture of pain and surprise. "That's for kissing me last weekend, you dolt."

Giovanni grunted while keeping his composure as she slowly lifted her foot off his. Then he softly chuckled and flexed his foot to ease the throbbing. "If you think I'm gonna apologize, I won't." He grinned.

She scoffed. "Yeah… I doubt you were going to."

"Did he get mad I kissed you?"

Angela thought for a second and slowly shook her head. "We hadn't talked about it." It was as if it didn't happen and Gael wasn't bothered by it. Why wasn't he bothered by it?

His grin grew wide and turned suggestive. "Maybe because he isn't averse to sharing with me. It wouldn't be the first time." 

"W-What?" She stammered, but Giovanni was already walking away. No… No way… What? She looked at Gio's back and then across the room where she found Gael, and her cheeks flushed. "What do you mean?" she asked even though she already had an idea what he meant.

Giovanni glanced over his shoulder and nodded towards the buffet table. "You coming?" 

Huffing, Angela began turning away. "I'll follow. I really need to use the bathroom." She walked, and Trigger immediately followed behind her, taking a bottle of beer with him.


A few minutes later, Gael wondered where Angela was. His eyes scanned the room from left to right. "Have you seen her?"

Tossing a piece of smoky bacon wrap into his mouth, Giovanni licked his fingers as he nodded towards the opposite side of the club. "She went to the ladies' room ten minutes ago. Trigger's guarding."

Gael opened his mouth to say something but the lights momentarily shut off, darkening the whole club for a few seconds and causing everyone to gasp before the lights turned back on again.

Most of them went on unbothered, but Gael was worried. "I'll go find Angela," he said as he started turning, but then Alessandro called him over, stopping his tracks.

Giovanni finished his drink and wiped his fingers with a tissue as he offered, "Go. I'll check on her. I need to smoke anyway."

"Thanks." Gael nodded, patting him in the back as he walked away. 

Taking out a stick from the pack, Giovanni began lighting it as he made his way to the back door, the sound of music and chatter already faint behind him. He narrowed his eyes at the door that was left ajar when it was supposed to be closed at all times and was only accessible from the inside unless prompted with a code from the outside.

As he came closer, he noticed a black heel between the door and the frame that prevented it from closing all the way. Pushing the door open, he picked it up and puffed out a cloud of smoke as he scanned the quiet alley. The only movement that caught his sight was a grey van a few meters away, swaying from side to side as if people were fucking inside.

Giovanni cocked a brow as he carefully approached the van, wondering who was having a quickie outside of work among his men and server. He ought to remind them to do it outside of work hours. He didn't pay them to play. But as he got closer, another shoe right outside the van's side door caught his sight. Then a faint muffled moan came from inside the vehicle, and his eyes snapped towards it.

That was when it registered to him that none of their people inside owned a van like this. And no one would ever use this alley to park their cars.. His heart pounded in his chest as he reached for the door handle.

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