Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Chapter 58 - Truth Or Dare

As per Angela's instructions, Gael set up the table by the window and had two dining chairs next to each other, so that they were facing the balcony with the table in front of them.

She ended up asking for a few more shot glasses so that she could make a few concoctions at once and when they arrived, she started preparing domino bomb shots. She filled up six regular glasses with beer halfway to the rim and poured amaretto into the shot glasses. Then, she lined up all the beer glasses in a straight line with their rims nearly touching.

"Bomb shots? Really?" Gael asked with his hands on his waist as he towered over the table.

He watched her with amusement when her mouth slightly parted as she carefully balanced a shot glass between the rims of a pair of beer glasses. When she was successful, she flashed him a bright smile. And then, she did the same to the rest of the glasses. In the end, there were five shot glasses of amaretto balancing on top of six beer glasses.

Looking up at him, she patted the chair next to her for him to sit. He lowered himself on the chair and softly chuckled. He couldn't believe that he was going to take shots with her—he thought that he was too old for this. With the sixth shot glass in hand, Angela raised it to him and she heard him say, "Go ahead."

Then, she pushed the first shot glass using the one in her hand—in the next second, the shot glasses tipped and fell, creating a domino effect of shots falling into glasses of beer, making clinking sounds before she dropped the one in her hand into the first beer glass. The alcohol sloshed and splashed onto the table.

"Ahh… It's been a while!" she exclaimed. They each got one glass and chugged it to start.

"Alright, Su… How is this going to work?" he probed after placing the glass back to the table.

Angela hissed and clenched her hand when the drink hit her tongue, the taste of dry, bubbly beer, and the sweet and nutty flavor of the other mixed together reminded her of Dr. Pepper—it's why this bomb shot was named after the soda.

"Very simple. Truth or Dare," she responded. "We'll take turns asking each other. If you refuse to answer or do the dare, then you have to take a shot."

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Gael glanced at the glasses on the table and back at her without saying anything. He wondered if she was aiming for them to get to know each other or to get drunk.

When he did not say anything, she took his silence as an agreement and began, "I'll go first. Truth or dare?"

"Truth," he said.

"I'll start with an easy one. What type of music are you into?"

He cocked a brow. That was indeed an easy question. "I don't listen to music."

"How boring." Angela frowned at his answer but decided to share a bit about herself. "I like pop music, and mellow love songs."

Seeing as she was generous in opening up, he relaxed and leaned against the backrest of the chair. "You. Truth or dare?"


"Do you like going to the movies or do you prefer watching at home?"

"Hmmm…" She bit her lip as she thought about it. "I like going to the movies once in a while, but I enjoy watching at home so I can fall asleep anytime and not think about anything or my surroundings. Truth or dare?"


Angela brought her knees up and turned her body towards him so that they were perpendicular. "What's your guilty pleasure?"

"Gelato," he answered in proper Italian pronunciation.

"Wow… your accent showed on that one," she commented and they both laughed. "We always just called it gelato (juh-laa-tow)."

"Well, I never knew about that until I went to Italy." He shrugged. "You? What's your guilty pleasure?"

"I wanna say… any dessert. I love anything sweet. Not too sweet… Just something that I can enjoy with a cup of coffee. Oh and cappuccino, but I think you already know that one." She glanced at him and he scoffed.

Smiling, Angela continued, "You already asked a question—the same one, so it's my turn. Truth or dare? Pick dare."

Gael gave her a look and enunciated, "Truth."

She clicked her tongue, disappointed that she couldn't dare him to do something silly. "Okay… Um… Do you have any pet peeves?"

"Yeah. People who drink cappuccino in the afternoon," he answered almost instantly and threw his head back laughing when she widened her eyes.

"Hey! That's not fair!" She playfully slapped him in the arm. "Tell me another one!"

"Ugh. Fine." He folded his arms across his chest as he carefully thought about her question. "People who are chronically late. A one-off time is fine but I hate it if they constantly make me wait."

"Yikes. I can't imagine what your girlfriend must feel like when you nag her if she's late for a date or something." Gael raised a brow at her but she didn't notice it as she was staring into space while she thought about herself and her past. She was late on dates sometimes.

"You, truth or dare?" he asked.

"Same. Truth."

He contemplated his question and decided to just go for it. They were playing anyway, so he might as well take advantage. "Do you like someone right now?"

The question caught her by surprise that she snapped her stare at him and met his curious gaze. His grey eyes stared right back at her so intensely, she felt like her insides were melting. The question was so damn simple, but her lips refused to move and remained shut. Why? She gulped and felt her heartbeat in her throat and ear. It was too loud.

Angela tried so hard to think of any male friends, but no matter what she did, her mind was filled with Gael's image. Maybe she was stuck on the island for too long!

Not knowing what to say, she reached for the glass and downed the bomb shot. And he watched as she chugged the drink down, wondering why she evaded the question.

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