Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 151: The Protectors!

Chapter 151: The Protectors!

Editors and Proof Reader: Delther, Dervish

After some days passed, Fu Yan was sitting in the room prepared for him by Feyli who had become a good retainer doing his best to serve Fu Yan and leave the best impression he could. 

Of course, all his efforts were not wasted as Fu Yan was quite pleased with him. So days passed and the connection status with the Library was near 100%.

Sitting in the room, Fu Yan put down the book he was reading and looked towards Feyli who was sitting not far from him, awaiting any orders.

"When I said that this would be the best choice that you had made, I was not kidding. Now it's time for me to go back but I will make sure to reward you."

Suddenly hearing Fu Yan's voice, Feyli's eyes sparked with light as he hurriedly stood up and gave a bow.

"It was my honor. I am glad that I was given the opportunity to serve you."

Fu Yan let out a soft smile and walked out of the room towards the open area just in front of the castle. While Feyli wondered what Fu Yan was going to do, Fu Yan suddenly looked up. 

Feyli followed Fu Yan's gaze and looked up but there was nothing but blue sky. Just when he was wondering what Fu Yan was looking at, his eyes suddenly opened wide with shock. 

The sky suddenly started to turn white and the clouds suddenly dispersed. The white light suddenly intensified and landed in front of Fu Yan. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

While he was still trying to comprehend what happened, Feyli noticed two figures walking out of the white light.

He was not sure if they were living people as their bodies mostly consisted of fluid with a transparent film protecting it. Also instead of hands, they had multiple tentacles that waved around with 5 black balls floating behind their heads.

When they appeared, Feyli unconsciously stepped back a little, as for the slaves and soldiers near them, they screamed and ran away. 

One of the daring ones suddenly screamed and threw his weapon towards these strange beings.

What happened next surprised Feyli because before the weapon could even reach them, it suddenly evaporated and the same happened with the soldier. 

This all happened so quickly that Feyli did not have the time to comprehend what just happened. When he came to his senses, he suddenly turned towards his soldiers and roared.

"No one makes any kind of move. Don't take a single step without my orders, otherwise, I will kill you myself."

Soldiers who were planning on running away or readying themselves for a last-ditch effort, stopped where they were with their legs trembling with fear. 

Fu Yan looked at all this without batting an eye and then shifted his attention towards these strange beings. 

He knew they were sent here from the Library and they were known as the protectors. They would usually hibernate in their respective capsules and would only be activated when the Library encounters an emergency or the Librarian is in danger. 

Fu Yan had read about them in the Library information but had not seen one for real so it was also the first time seeing them. Looking at their bodies made out of jelly-like fluid and their tentacles that they waved around, Fu Yan was immediately fascinated by their appearance. 

According to the information he had read, one of these protectors costs around a medium-size planet's energy to activate. After activating, they could go on for about a month before needing the energy again. 

Of course, when it cost this much to activate them, they could do things that scared anyone malicious to the Library because each one of these protectors could fight against an entire fleet of enemies and as last resort they could self-destruct, taking an entire solar system with them. 

This showed how destructive they were and how seriously the Library took its security and why no one dared to mess with it. A place that contained the knowledge of an entire universe, how could someone not covet it? 

With just one protector capable of doing that much destruction, what about the hundreds of these protectors sleeping in their capsules? 

Fu Yan had not seen the exact figure because of his low level but he read that if the Library encountered any imminent danger then it had enough energy reserves to activate all these protectors and was able to keep them activated for 15 cycles. 

While he was immersed in his thoughts, the two protectors walked in front of him and bent down on one knee, and looked at Fu Yan with the middle part of their heads flashing from time to time as if they were sending a signal. 

Seeing this, Fu Yan opened the panel in front of him and then noticed the message sent by the protectors.

[This area is considered dangerous with the danger of being attacked again. Need to leave as soon as possible.]

Fu Yan understood what they were trying to say as he still did not know who attacked him while he was transporting back to the Library and why.

So he gave a slight nod and replied with a soft voice while pointing towards Feyli.

"Ok, we will depart immediately. You protect for a minute. I need to deal with something."

Receiving the order, the protectors immediately stood up and surrounded Fu Yan while the balls behind their heads flew out and made a sphere with Feyli, Fu Yan and them being at the center. 

White light shined out of these balls and a dome appeared, covering all of them. Even after doing all this, these protectors did not relax, and each one stood on one side with their tentacles waving from time to time, ready for anything. 

When Fu Yan saw this, he wondered if the Library knew who the attacker was because, considering the capabilities of the Protectors, there was no need to be this careful. 

After thinking about this for a bit, Fu Yan decided to get the answer after getting back and turned towards Feyli who was standing in his original position with a stupefied expression, possibly wondering what was happening around him or if all this was even real. 

While he was still looking at the protectors and the strange balls that suddenly surrounded him, Fu Yan walked in front of him. 

"I liked your hospitality and enjoyed my stay here so it's time to reward you."

"No! No! Lord Fu Yan. I would never dare to request any reward. It was my pleasure to serve you." Feyli did not notice the change in his tone as he had started to address Fu Yan as lord.

Fu Yan smiled upon hearing this and tapped in the air in front of him. Suddenly a blue light shined and a Library token appeared in front of him. 

Fu Yan threw the token towards Feyli who promptly caught it. After that Fu Yan thought for a bit and then tapped in the air for a while and a white light shined. 

This time a strange ball appeared in front of him and Fu Yan threw it towards Feyli. Before Feyli could react, this ball hit his chest and then went in. 

"The badge is for your communication with the Library. You can come to the Library 3 times with it and purchase the books from there that will help you. As for the ball, seeing that you did your best to protect me while I was here,  it's my gift. If you ever encounter any danger, it will help you."

After saying this, Fu Yan paused and took a breath as he looked towards the sky.

"Since this is a new solar system and no one from here has ever been to the Library, so being the first customer, you can use one inhabited planet as a payment. That means you will have the ownership of anyone planet that is barren." 

While Feyli was still trying to absorb all this sudden influx of knowledge, Fu Yan turned around and walked away from him. 

After that, Fu Yan looked at the protectors and gave a nod. The protectors immediately recalled the ball back and made them surround the three of them. Suddenly after that white light shone around them and they vanished.

Feyli looked at the spot where Fu Yan just vanished and gave a deep bow, full of gratitude. He knew that his life, his destiny had changed from this moment on. 

[[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]]

The ref art of the Protectors is available on the discord server. Link in the synopsis. 

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