Game Of Life System!

Chapter 164: Fortunately, I picked it up for nothing

Chapter 164: Fortunately, I picked it up for nothing

"Except for the red book that you may value more, I should... give you all of them, right?"

Zhou Wang thought for a while and said, "It's hard to measure the spiritual aspect, but from a material perspective, I think I will give her a prosperous life."

"Does having money mean you will be happy?"

When this topic was mentioned, Su Man chuckled.

"It's not like I haven't seen rich people when I was young, but guess why, now I'm willing to stay here, find an ordinary man, run a small inn, and live an ordinary life like this?"

"Because...then we ran out of money?"


Su Man opened her mouth, then got angry and said, "Zhou Wang, I'm not talking about cross talk with you."

"I'm sorry, aunt, maybe I don't have enough experience and I can't think of any other answers at the moment."

Looking at Zhou Wang's innocent expression, Su Man probably remembered that he was indeed just a big boy in his early twenties. What else could she do...

Of course I forgive him.

Just as Su Man was about to continue talking, Su Yajing, who didn't know when she was dubbing "Dang Dang Dang Dang", appeared and trotted over with a plate of washed fruit.

"Auntie, brother, eat the fruit quickly, I've washed it cleanly!"

"What are you doing here?"

Su Man frowned, "We haven't finished talking yet..."

"Oh, aunt, even if you don't want to eat, your brother must be thirsty. He drank just now."

Before Su Man could finish speaking, Su Yajing had already hugged her neck from behind and said coquettishly.

"You are so considerate."

Su Man was a little helpless, but when Su Yajing stuffed a strawberry into her mouth, she still opened her mouth and ate it.

The strawberry was a bit big and made her cheeks bulge. Su Man felt a little uncomfortable at first, but after moving her mouth a few times, she showed an unexpected expression.

"It's... quite delicious."

After Su Man swallowed the strawberry, she was a little surprised and picked up another strawberry from the plate.

In addition to being round and plump in size, this strawberry is not very good in color. It is a dark red with a purplish tint, which is very different from the traditional bright red.

"Where did you buy the strawberries that are so sweet?"

Su Man asked doubtfully, "Why didn't I know there was someone selling such good fruit in the ancient city?"

"I didn't buy it, my brother brought it."

Su Yajing blinked at Zhou Wang at this time, and then smiled at Su Man: "I just looked at the packaging box. They are imported strawberries from Sakura Country, but the price is a bit expensive, 198 yuan a piece..."

When Su Man heard the price, she originally wanted to stuff the strawberries into her mouth, but her hands suddenly shook and she almost dropped the strawberries to the ground.

"How much do you think each one costs?" Su Man said in shock, "No... where can strawberries be sold by the number?"

"198, it's true, the boxes are still in the house... I see that the whole box is 5940, and there are only 30 pieces in it, so it's just 198 pieces!"

Su Yajing said and confirmed with Zhou Wang, "Brother, is this the price?"

"I guess so. Someone else bought it for me."

Zhou Wang smiled and nodded.

The box of strawberries Su Yajing was talking about was not bought at Belvedere Supermarket. It was already in his car.

When Jiang Qingkui helped Zhou Wang's parents buy fruit, she bought two boxes of strawberries, one of which was reserved for Zhou Wang himself.

However, Zhou Wang changed his way to Belvedere, so he took advantage of the situation and put the box of strawberries into the gift bag.

Not only because women generally like to eat fruits, but also because this box of strawberries is about to expire...

Although it is vacuum packed, the shelf life is only 7 days in total. Plus the transportation time to China, it is already close to the edge of expiration today. If you don't eat it, it will really be wasted.

Just now, it was because Zhou Wang had told Su Yajing in advance while eating that she took apart the box of strawberries and washed them first.

Su Man opened her mouth slightly, obviously shocked by the price.

She didn't know exactly how rich Zhou Wang was, and after guessing that the relationship between the two was abnormal, she was even less interested in listening to Su Yajing talk about anything about Zhou Wang, but 198 yuan for a strawberry...

It's too exaggerated.

Isn't this just pure resentment?

If you buy ordinary strawberries at this price, you can buy ten kilograms of strawberries, right?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Auntie, expensive things are always expensive for a reason. I just searched and found out that these 'Black Beauty' strawberries are grown vertically. I don't really understand..."

Seeing Su Yajing's excited look, her eyes seemed to be shining when she mentioned these things, Su Man didn't know what she thought of, and she went from wanting to speak to finally becoming silent.

"If you like it, eat more..."

As she said that, Su Man wanted to put down the strawberry in her hand.

At 198 yuan a piece, she would feel very uneasy eating it... It always felt like she was getting some benefits from Zhou Wang for nothing, and it was a bit hot to the taste.

"Oh, aunt, I can't eat that much by myself. If you don't eat it, it will expire tomorrow."

"Huh? Does it expire tomorrow?"

When Su Man heard this, she stopped moving her hands and said subconsciously: "That can't be wasted..."

Well, it's expensive, but... it's so delicious!

Zhou Wang heard what the two women, one big and one small, were saying, so he also picked one up and put it in his mouth to taste it.

Zhou Wang, who doesn't eat much fruit, can't say much. His intuitive feeling is that there is almost no sourness, it is very sweet, and there is also a lot of juice...

Su Man, who silently ate another strawberry, was really embarrassed to say anything at this time. Perhaps she felt that Su Yajing's smile was a little narrow when she saw her, so Su Man couldn't help but pinch her face.

"I know you came here to interrupt me on purpose!"

Su Man said angrily, "Okay, okay, let's not talk about it for now, aunt. You can also give this strawberry to your mother to try. She loves fruits so much, she should like it."

"Yeah, the nurse aunt just told me that my mother's current condition is not bad. I originally wanted to ask my brother to come with me..."

Su Yajing responded immediately.

"Well, you go ahead, I'll go back and settle the accounts...Zhou Wang, regarding what I just said, I hope you can think about it carefully again, and we can talk again before you leave Belvedere."

After Su Man stood up, she paused, did not shy away from Su Yajing, and said something serious to Zhou Wang before turning around and leaving.


"Brother, I'm sorry..."


As soon as Su Yajing opened her mouth, Zhou Wang interrupted her and said helplessly: "Let's make an agreement. Don't apologize to me again... If you are always like this, I will feel bad for you."

Listening to Zhou Wang's sincere tone, Su Yajing was stunned for a moment, her eyes filled with mist. She moved into Zhou Wang's arms and whispered: "Brother, do you think my family is not good..."

"As you said, do I need to take this seriously when talking about a girlfriend?"

Zhou Wangxiao said, "Is there any essential difference to me whether you are penniless or wealthy?"

"Roar too!"

When Su Yajing thought about this, she started laughing, and then she safely pulled Zhou Wang up to the second floor and to the door of a room in the corner.

This room was not marked with a house number like other rooms in the inn. It only had an orange lantern hung on the porch, showing that it was special.

"The orientation and light of this room are the best in the inn, but since the inn was renovated, my mother has been living there. I sometimes sleep here, and sometimes when my mother is not in good condition, I sleep in my aunt's room..."

Standing at the door of the room, Su Yajing talked about her past with a smile on her face.

"I don't know how many times my aunt has complained that it would be a shame for my mother to live in this room, but she has never really asked my mother to move out, even when there are many empty rooms in the off-season..."

"My aunt said that my mother had a sum of money deposited with her, but once I accidentally saw her account book, I realized that my aunt had lied to me..."

Su Yajing looked a little depressed at this time, "My father's property was confiscated, and he left no money for me and my mother at all."

Zhou Wang was startled when he heard this, but another doubt in his mind was solved.

No wonder Su Yajing's character is not too distorted even though she grew up in such a special environment...

It turns out that to a large extent, it was Su Man who helped Su Yajing fill part of the missing maternal love over the long years.

Thinking about it this way, it's not surprising that Su Man has a quarrelsome attitude towards her.

"Brother, I originally wanted to transfer all the two hundred thousand you gave me to my aunt before I left Mingcheng, but she would definitely not accept it..."

"Let's talk about it later. There are many ways to repay your aunt. It doesn't necessarily have to be transferring money."

Zhou Wang came back to his senses and squeezed Su Yajing's hand, "Let's go in and see your mother."


Su Yajing nodded and pushed Zhou Wang directly in.

Under the warm light, it is a room that is not large in size but very warmly decorated.

There is not a lot of furniture placed, there are soft cushions and various dolls everywhere, including the corners, which are also wrapped with cotton. Although the windows are sealed, there is enough space for ventilation...

At this time, on the bed in the room, a thin woman wearing a thin nightgown was sitting quietly, flipping through a magazine in her hand. Next to her, a fat aunt was sitting, trimming her toenails.

She has delicate facial features and slightly pale skin. She doesn't look much like Su Yajing, but she is indeed a beautiful woman.

In terms of age, Su Yajing's mother should be close to forty, but just looking at her appearance, she looks surprisingly young, not much different from Su Man.

It may even be because she has been sick all year round and seldom goes out, but she actually has an innocent and innocent temperament, which is very similar to Su Yajing...

"Auntie, let me do it. You can get off work."

Su Yajing said hello to the aunt, took the nail clipper from her hand, sat by the bed, and replaced the nurse to help her mother cut her toenails. "We usually don't hire caregivers because it's too expensive and my aunt can't afford it. It's just the peak season these days, so..."

After the aunt left, Su Yajing and Zhou Wang explained in a low voice.

"Zhou Wang, this is my mother Su Qiang."

With that said, Su Yajing told Zhou Wang her mother's name.

But during the whole process, from the moment the two entered the door, the woman sitting on the bed had no reaction. Instead, the fashion magazine in her hand was flipping from time to time, showing that she was immersed in reading.

At first glance, it seemed quite normal... although Zhou Wang knew that this was already an abnormal behavior.

"Hello, Auntie, my name is Zhou Wang, and I am Su Yajing's boyfriend."

Regardless of whether Su Qiang could hear it or not, Zhou Wang still smiled and said hello.

"Brother, just wait a moment...Mom occasionally wakes up."

Su Yajing was a little nervous as she spoke. Obviously she was not sure whether she could get a response from Su Qiang, but deep down in Su Yajing's heart, she obviously still hoped that Su Qiang could really get to know Zhou Wang.

"What kind of mental illness does your mother have? Has it been diagnosed?"

While waiting, Zhou Wang asked softly.

"In the early stage, it was probably depression, but later she developed personality disorder and cognitive impairment. The doctor said that her memory also deteriorated a lot... Fortunately, my mother rarely became manic, so my aunt was able to place her at home to take care of her."

While Su Yajing was trimming Su Qiang's nails, she whispered: "Most of the time, she sits quietly like this, reading books and magazines..."

Zhou Wang glanced at it and saw that there were indeed many books and magazines on the cabinet on the side of the bedroom, as well as some old newspapers. Of course, the content was not in-depth.

Most of them are in the same fashion category as the one Su Qiang is holding, and there are a lot of illustrations in them...

However, Zhou Wang vaguely understood why Su Yajing had always had good taste. It seemed that it was also because of the influence she had received.

At this moment, Su Qiang suddenly put down the magazine in her hand, looked at Su Yajing with her bright eyes, and then a surprised smile broke out on her face:

"Yeah, Ran Ran, you're home!"

After saying that, Su Qiang hugged Su Yajing directly, took Su Yajing's hand, looked around, and kept asking: "Are you getting used to it in school? How are you getting along with your classmates? Is Mingcheng beautiful now?" ..."

When Zhou Wang heard these questions from Su's mother, they were quite normal, although it felt like she hadn't seen her daughter for a long time...

"My mom thought I just went to college..."

Su Yajing got used to it very well. While responding to Su Qiang, she whispered to Zhou Wang.

At this time, Su Qiang finally noticed Zhou Wang.

After being startled, she suddenly hid behind Su Yajing and shyly stuck out her head, "Ran Ran, who is this handsome guy?"

"Mom, this is my boyfriend Zhou Wang!"

"Ah, what? You brought a handsome boy back, but he didn't prepare it for mom..."

Su Qiang murmured and stopped hiding. After looking at Zhou Wang carefully, she nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "Very good, as handsome as your father."

"Although I have never met dad, I don't think dad can be so handsome..."

"Nonsense, your mother's boyfriend must be more handsome than your boyfriend!"

"No way, my boyfriend must be more handsome!"

"Are you questioning mom's vision?"

Seeing the mother and daughter arguing like angry besties, Zhou Wang smiled and wondered, is this how Su Qiang and Su Yajing get along when they are awake...

Quite interesting.

Seeing and talking, Su Qiang seemed a little angry. Zhou Wang interrupted in time: "Auntie, I believe your boyfriend is more handsome than me."

"Did you hear that, Ran Ran, your boyfriend has admitted it!"

Su Qiang suddenly smiled.

Of course, Su Yajing was not really arguing with Su Qiang. After hearing this, she pretended to be helpless and said, "Okay, okay, dad is the most handsome!"

But when Su Yajing said this, she looked at Zhou Wang with a smile, and her voice became sweet.

It can only be said that she really understands puns, and Zhou Wang can only stiffen slightly to show respect.

"Ran Ran, you already have a boyfriend, you should be more sensible in the future."

Su Qiang pinched Su Yajing's face and suddenly became more serious in her words, "Remember what I taught you? We girls can know nothing, but we must master one skill..."

"Mom, I know, coquettish women have the best life!"

Su Yajing smiled and hugged Su Qiang, "Brother is very good to me, don't worry!"

"Yes, I also have a hidden Van Cleef & Arpels pendant. It's very beautiful. Since you are in love, my mother will give it to you generously!"

As Su Qiang said, she got out of bed and started searching, but she looked confused because she couldn't find it for a long time.

"The few luxuries my mother had left were sold by my aunt in order to raise money for her medical treatment...but my mother doesn't remember."

Su Yajing didn't stop Su Qiang, she just whispered from the side.

Zhou Wang nodded, feeling a little emotional.

In fact, if you think about it from another angle, Su Qiang's mental illness with amnesia symptoms may not be a self-protection mechanism of the brain. It can be hit to the point of mental disorder. You can imagine what kind of pain she has experienced before...


After staying in the room for about twenty minutes, when Su Qiang fell into the silence of self-estrangement again, Zhou Wang helped Su Yajing give Su Qiang medicine. After Su Qiang fell asleep, the two of them walked out of the room.

Just when the evening breeze blew in his face and Su Yajing looked at Zhou Wang with a relieved smile, Zhou Wang heard the system prompt.


[It is detected that the host has fulfilled Su Yajing's wish, random rewards have been distributed]

[Host obtains: Silas' real estate blind box]

[Silas' real estate blind box: After opening, real estate in the city where you are located x1 will be stolen randomly]

[Note: Because Silas, the "liberator", stole it with his eyes closed, the value of the property is uncontrollable]


Naturally, Zhou Wang is no stranger to real estate blind boxes. After all, he also got one in the second round.

After reading the introduction, Zhou Wang's first reaction was that he had to save this blind box of real estate until he went to first-tier cities. After all, the bigger the city, the more expensive the house.

But after seeing the system's "comments", Zhou Wang gave up the idea.

Assuming property values ??are completely random, you might as well start now.

The reason is very simple. At this time, Zhou Wang still has the [Divine Luck Halo] on his body. With the blessing of the halo, this real estate blind box may be able to unlock surprises.

The halo will expire in less than two days, and Zhou Wang won't be able to wait until he goes to a big city...

Besides, there will always be new rewards in the future, so there is no need to worry about it.

Thinking of this, Zhou Wang tightened his hold on Su Yajing's slim waist and directly selected "turn on" with his mind.

["Silas' Real Estate Blind Box" is now open]


[The suitable property has been successfully locked and is currently interacting with reality...]

[Realistic interaction successful]

[The host obtains the property rights of "No. 55 Jishan Lane, Xinyi Street, Belvedere Ancient City"]

[Real estate details can be clicked to expand]

[Please host after 12 hours, hold your ID card and go to the corresponding location to receive the property]


Zhou Wang was stunned for a moment after reading it. After all, if it was just a house number, he couldn't see anything special about this property.

Fortunately, the system had already uploaded the detailed information, so Zhou Wang clicked on it and took a look.

After a moment, Zhou Wang's eyes became surprised.

No. 55, Jishan Lane, was formerly a very famous courtyard-style hotel building in Belvedere.

Because the landlord owed a huge debt and was unable to repay it, the house entered the foreclosure process during the execution process. However, due to the high price, no one has taken over it yet.

The Siheyuan is located between the most popular waterwheel and Sifang Street in the ancient city. Just two steps away is the check-in point where all kinds of young ladies gather. It is the core area of ??tranquility amidst the hustle and bustle.

The entire hotel is composed of three courtyards of different styles. The core courtyard has a history of more than 80 years. It is a typical courtyard-style building with three squares and one screen wall. It is also one of the key protected residences in the ancient city.

(Real view of the core courtyard at No. 55 Jishan Lane, Belvedere Ancient City)

Looking at the entire ancient city, this is definitely one of the top high-quality buildings. In fact, before it was implemented, it was still a high-end B&B operated by the landlord.

It is estimated that it is also because of the foreclosure that this house can be settled in Zhou Wang, an outsider without restrictions.

Taking another look at the price, Zhou Wang understood why the foreclosure had been going on for several days, but no "culprit" had happily taken over...

This courtyard house has a total construction area of ??680 square meters, and even the starting price for foreclosure is as high as 39.6 million!

After conversion, it is equivalent to an average price of close to 60,000 square meters. Although with the second floor, its actual usable area exceeds 1,000 square meters, it still cannot hide its exaggerated price.

After all, it's not the hottest time in Belvedere in the past few years...

This is just a corner of Yunnan Province, not the capital city nor the northern capital. Houses of 50,000 to 60,000 yuan per square meter are astronomically expensive.

Needless to say, [Divine Luck Halo] is still very powerful. He went to a first-tier city to get a real estate worth 40 million, which was actually quite difficult...

After reading the general information, Zhou Wang was pleasantly surprised and shocked by the price.

He couldn't help but smacked his lips: "Fortunately, I picked it up for free."

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