Genius Club

Chapter 13: Chu Shan He

The banquet began promptly. As the last note from the violins faded, conversations hushed, and all eyes turned to the grand staircase at the center of the hall.

Chu Shan He made his descent with a broad smile, wine glass in hand, sweeping his gaze across the room. “Welcome, everyone! Tonight, we’re graced with the presence of esteemed scientists and brilliant entrepreneurs. It’s truly an honor for my humble home! Hahaha…”

The hall burst into applause.

Lin Xian, who had only seen Chu Shan He from behind earlier, now observed his full demeanor. Sharp eyes set above a square, distinctly chiseled face gave him a striking appearance. His youthful looks had aged into a dignified charm. Despite being over fifty, Chu Shan He radiated a vigorous energy. His warm smile was backed by a quiet authority that commanded respect effortlessly.

As the applause waned, he advanced to the hall’s center, his voice resonant and commanding. “For years, I’ve held that science and technology are the pillars of productivity! Our lifestyle and national prosperity owe much to scientific progress and the relentless dedication of researchers!”

He continued, “The advancements in every industry are underpinned by science. The unsung heroes, those laboring behind the scenes, deserve our utmost respect and recognition!”

“I consider myself merely a fortunate man, having made my mark in Donghai. My contributions pale in comparison to those of our esteemed researchers.”

“That’s why tonight’s gathering is not just a banquet but a fundraiser for science! I hope the young entrepreneurs among us will join in supporting scientific advancements. Let’s bolster our nation’s scientific pursuits!”

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“Enough talk—” With a flourish, Chu Shan He set down his glass and raised an index finger. “The Shan He Group will donate 100 million to the Donghai City Science Development Fund!”

The announcement left the room in stunned silence, followed by a surge of applause and cheers. President Chu’s generosity was beyond expectation.

Once the applause settled, he picked up the microphone again, his smile widening. “That was on behalf of the group. Now, personally, I will contribute an additional 100 million!”

The hall erupted again with excitement. Two hundred million! The energy in the room skyrocketed as the young entrepreneurs applauded with admiration and aspiration.

Chu Shan He’s status in Donghai was unmatched, his respect well-earned and heartfelt. The applause lingered long after.

Lin Xian noticed even the typically reserved Professor Xu Yun clapping with enthusiasm, a look of admiration in his eyes. “This is unexpected,” Lin Xian murmured.

Zhao Ying Jun chuckled softly. “Who wouldn’t admire Chu Shan He?”

“But it’s more than just admiration. Professor Xu respects him deeply because of his consistent support for the sciences. He’s invested in research, funded scholarships, supported students, backed niche projects, and helped scientists return from abroad. His commitment has earned him immense respect among academics.”

“And do you know who’s been financially supporting Professor Xu’s research all these years?”

Lin Xian now understood the full picture. He had initially felt Professor Xu was out of place at this event, but it all tied back to Chu Shan He. From Zhao Ying Jun’s words, it was evident Chu Shan He was a significant benefactor. It was no wonder he held such high status and commanded great respect.

The donation round followed, with each entrepreneur contributing significantly. Zhao Ying Jun herself donated ten million. The circle Chu Shan He moved in was elite, where wealth and nobility were merely the entry requirements. Zhao Ying Jun had yet to even speak directly to him.

As the traditional dance portion began, the center of the hall cleared for dancing, while high-end snacks were served at tables around the edges. The orchestra resumed, their music filling the elegant space.

Chu Shan He had slipped away, and Professor Xu Yun had left at the dance’s commencement. Most guests took to dancing. A few lingered at the tables, enjoying refreshments and conversation.

Zhao Ying Jun sat at a dining table, elegantly nibbling snacks and sipping wine. Lin Xian stood behind her, noting how many guests seemed keen to invite her to dance. Realizing his presence, they smiled and turned away.

“Should I move further away?” Lin Xian whispered.

Zhao Ying Jun dabbed her lips with a napkin, her eyes still closed. “If you move away, what was the point of bringing you here? Sit, eat something.”

The rest of the evening passed quietly. Zhao Ying Jun remained contemplative, likely strategizing on how to win over Professor Xu Yun. Her significant donation seemed aimed at currying favor.

Lin Xian felt it was a futile effort; Professor Xu Yun was notoriously stubborn. Perhaps if Chu Shan He intervened… But given his stature, he was unlikely to plead on Zhao Ying Jun’s behalf. They simply weren’t on the same level.

Lin Xian ceased his musings. In the realm of these giants, he felt like a minor, inconsequential figure, unable to influence or impress. In his dreams, he was a powerhouse in the city. But here in Donghai, he was just another face in the crowd…

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