Genius Club

Chapter 16: Speed Run

“Genius Club?” Lin Xian raised an eyebrow, puzzled by the name. It sounded more like a pretentious academic group than a criminal syndicate.

“What exactly is this organization? What do they do?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” Big Cat Face responded, shaking his head.

“How many members does it have? Are they all high-IQ geniuses?”

“I don’t know,” Big Cat Face repeated, his head shaking more vigorously. “I really don’t know anything about them. I couldn’t find out anything!”

He looked serious. “If it weren’t for a random tip-off, it’s like they don’t exist at all! I can’t figure out how they’ve managed to stay so hidden.”

“I’ve been investigating for years! But now, I have no idea who they are, where they are, or what they’re planning. The only thing I’ve heard is—”

He turned to Lin Xian, his eyes solemn. “The rumor is that only the richest, the most brilliant geniuses, and the most influential people get an invitation to join the Genius Club.”

“Ah, I see,” Lin Xian nodded, grasping the severity of the situation. “So you robbed the bank to get the funds, but your ultimate goal is to secure an invitation from the Genius Club to infiltrate their headquarters and seek revenge for your daughter.”

“But honestly, Big Cat, if the entrance criteria are as strict as you say, just robbing a bank might not be enough.”

Big Cat Face sighed. “It’s a gamble. That rumor isn’t even confirmed; it’s all hearsay. But what other choice do I have?”

“I know robbing a bank alone won’t cut it, but with that money, I might be able to orchestrate something bigger. It’s a sliver of hope for revenge.”

He checked his watch. 00:07. His expression darkened. “Are you sure we still have time?”

“I trust you, but I want to check the warehouse to make sure there’s really no money there.”

Lin Xian pulled out his gun, checked the magazine, and reloaded. “Relax, Big Cat. I promised to make up for lost time.”

“Can you run? Follow me!”

They jumped out of the car, Lin Xian leading with Big Cat Face close behind.

Lin Xian loaded his gun and aimed at the guard by the door—Bang!

“Ahhh!” screamed Big Cat Face.

“Can’t leave dishonest guys alive,” Lin Xian muttered, heading towards the bank.

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“Wait, why did you shoot my man?!”

Another shot rang out—Bang! Blood splattered over the control panel.

“Ahhhhhh!” Big Cat Face grabbed his head in horror.

Lin Xian glanced at the body disdainfully. “Flirting with the boss’s wife earns you a bullet.”

“How do you know everything?! Who told you this?!” Big Cat Face was in disbelief.

Lin Xian didn’t stop, heading down the corridor.

“Wait! Slow down!!”

Pale-faced, Big Cat Face caught up. “I’m suddenly not in such a hurry! Slow down, okay?! I’m not feeling safe!”


As they entered the underground passage, another body lay before them.

“Bro! Stop the killing! This isn’t how you clear house!”

Lin Xian helped Big Cat Face up. “The warehouse is just ahead.”

Despite his shock, Big Cat Face followed, impressed. “Bro, your shooting is like that of a marksman!”

“I saw you fire three shots without aiming, and you hit each time… how long have you been using guns?”

“Over ten years,” Lin Xian replied casually. “I used to engage in nightly shootouts with the police.”

“With the police?!”

“And sniper duels, though I never won those. Sniper rifles are trickier.”

“Sniper duels?!”

Big Cat Face was astounded.

“You mean in video games, right? Like those shooting games?”

Soon, they reached the warehouse.

Lin Xian took some C4 from behind Big Cat Face and placed it on the code-locked door.


They sprinted away as explosions rocked the door—Boom! Boom!

When the dust settled, Lin Xian checked his watch. 00:09.

“I did okay, right, Big Cat? I think that was the fastest route.”

“Excellent! Let’s never do this again!”

Jumping into the warehouse, Big Cat Face cursed loudly. “That code expert lied to me! Not a penny here! What now?”

Lin Xian motioned towards the passage. “First, we move your henchman’s body from there. He’s about your size.”

They dressed the corpse in Big Cat Face’s clothes and placed the Rhine Cat mask on it.

“All set,” Lin Xian clapped his hands, pleased with their disguise.

“You’re a genius, bro!” Big Cat Face, now unmasked, had a red mark on his face from the mask.

“What’s my next task, bro?”

Lin Xian handed him a handgun. “Take this, hide behind the safe, and wait for my signal.”

Everything was ready, just waiting for the target to appear.

Lin Xian paced, checking his watch. At 00:20 in his previous dreams, CC had shown up.

At 00:21, he shouted into the darkness. “Come out! I know you’re there!”

Seconds later, a slim figure in an Ultraman mask appeared, tilting her head as she looked at Lin Xian.

“And who are you?”

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