Genius Club

Chapter 30: QQ


Gao Yang snapped his fingers, his face lighting up. “I get it!”

“You get it again?” Lin Xian raised an eyebrow, skeptical.

“Absolutely! If someone in your dream looks exactly like someone you’ve seen before, it confirms the dream isn’t real. Guaranteed!”

“Echoing my thoughts from five minutes ago?” Lin Xian chuckled.

Dr. Liu laughed and nodded at Gao Yang’s excitement. “Exactly right, Gao Yang.”

“If we dream about someone and they exist just like that in real life, we simply compare and analyze their actions. It’s straightforward to discern the reality of the dream,” Dr. Liu explained.

“It’s not that complex, Gao Yang. Help Lin Xian apply this when you get back. I’m confident it’ll address his psychological issues effectively.”

Gao Yang clapped Lin Xian on the back, grinning. “Though I wish your dreams were real… if this clears your mind, it’s worth it.”

“Hopefully,” Lin Xian sighed, feeling a mix of hope and resignation.

After wrapping up their session, Lin Xian and Gao Yang left Dr. Liu’s office.

“So, was the 3000 yuan well-spent?” Gao Yang asked as they walked out into the sunlight, his grin infectious.

“I told you, Dr. Liu is the expert! We’ve wasted so much time with ineffective methods. She figured it out instantly.”

Lin Xian gave a resigned smile. “It’s hard to say. Just shows it’s easy to make money from the wealthy.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He had already anticipated needing to confront CC about her mysterious persona, regardless of any advice.

Gao Yang glanced at his new Longines watch. “Let’s grab some food and talk more.”

They caught a cab to their favorite BBQ place, ordered a round of skewers and beers, and settled into a relaxed chat.

As they sipped their drinks, Gao Yang recounted odd encounters from his car sales job, while Lin Xian mulled over how to persuade CC to reveal her true self. He felt confident about approaching her without causing conflict, but dealing with Big Cat Face was a different challenge. His presence could derail even the best-laid plans.

“I need to find a way to sideline Big Cat Face…” Lin Xian pondered, biting into his skewer, yet no clear strategy emerged.

“Hey!” Gao Yang suddenly exclaimed, breaking Lin Xian’s train of thought.

“Why the shout?” Lin Xian asked, slightly annoyed.

Gao Yang pointed his skewer at him. “You’re zoning out. Are you even listening?”

“What was it?”

“I was saying, Lunar New Year’s in two months. It’s been five years since we graduated high school. Shouldn’t we plan a reunion?”

“Oh, that.” Lin Xian casually picked up some peanuts. “You were our class president. You decide.”

Gao Yang, not academically inclined but a people person, had been a popular class president throughout high school.

“Wonder if people would be interested…” Gao Yang mused. “They say reunions are awkward for the underachievers and just a brag-fest for the successful, ending in drama.”

“It’s been five years. I guess anyone doing better than a simple car salesman like me shouldn’t feel too embarrassed to come.”

Lin Xian smiled wryly. “Hard to predict, really.”

“Back then, we wouldn’t expect a ‘Dragon King’ or ‘Asura Chen Bei Xuan’ to show up. But five years can change a lot. If you organize it, I’ll be there to support you.”

Lin Xian took a gulp of beer, then eyed Gao Yang thoughtfully. “The real challenge is… do you even have everyone’s contact info? How will you notify them?”

“Through our old QQ group, you caveman!” Gao Yang looked at him with playful disdain. “Remember? We all used it back in high school, though it’s been quiet for years.”

“Oh, right. I haven’t logged in forever,” Lin Xian admitted, focusing back on his skewers. After starting his job, he hadn’t felt the need to check QQ.

Gao Yang continued, reminiscing as he wiped beer foam from his lips. “You were quite the show-off with your QQ account in elementary school. Everyone had nine-digit numbers, but you snagged an eight-digit one with a sun icon!”

Lin Xian laughed, remembering. “That was from my cousin in the city. He got into QQ early and grabbed all these short numbers.”

Suddenly, Lin Xian’s beer mug slammed down, startling Gao Yang with a splash.

“Are you okay?” Gao Yang dodged the droplets, puzzled by his friend’s sudden intensity.

But Lin Xian was deep in thought, his eyes fixated on the disappearing foam.

Eight… digits… Eight-digit number.

A realization dawned, connecting to the safe with eight dials he’d been puzzling over.

“I see… now…”

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