Genius Club

Chapter 8: Rhine

“Rhine… Rhine Cat?”

Could it be that simple? That casual?

Murmurs swirled among the colleagues.

“Isn’t Rhine Cat perfect?” Lin Xian explained. “When crafting a brand image, the name should enhance the brand’s recognition. I can’t think of a better name than Rhine Cat.”

“Indeed, Rhine Cat is excellent,” Zhao Ying Jun concurred. “Linking this cat with our brand gives us a significant edge.”

“We won’t overlook your talent for this contribution,” she added, then clapped for attention.

“I have an important announcement about a new personnel appointment!”

A personnel appointment?

The room quieted, everyone tensing in anticipation.

Zhao Ying Jun held up the Rhine Cat design draft. “The potential value and prospects shown by Lin Xian’s Rhine Cat design are undeniable. Using it merely as a promotional mascot would be a waste.”

“I plan to establish a dedicated department for the IP development of Rhine Cat. From now on, Rhine Cat won’t just represent Rhine Cosmetics but will stand as an independent IP entity.”

“We envision Rhine Cat merchandise, animations, dolls, clothing, and various licensed products. This expansion will boost our brand’s influence, benefiting our cosmetics market.”

“This new department, temporarily named the Rhine Cat IP Development and Operations Group, will operate at the same level as our formal departments and report directly to me. And the leader of this group… will be Lin Xian!”


Lin… Lin Xian?

A key department under President Zhao’s direct supervision led by someone as young and inexperienced as Lin Xian?

Yet, after the initial shock, everyone reconsidered…

Wasn’t this exactly what Lin Xian deserved? He had created Rhine Cat and demonstrated his abilities for this role.

Thunderous applause filled the room!

Colleagues swarmed Lin Xian with enthusiastic congratulations:

“Fantastic, Lin Xian! You’re a team leader now! Transfer me to your department; I’ll work under you!”

“Lin Xian, you owe us a celebration tonight! Your status and benefits are now on par with Sister Juan’s, and your salary must have tripled!”

“At the team leader level, who cares about salary! Think of the performance bonus… several times the salary! And don’t forget the company policy that grants you copyright revenue too! So, no excuses, Lin Xian, tonight you treat!”

“Team Leader Lin! Remember us when you’re rich and successful! You’re now the youngest team leader in our company, with a limitless future!”

Surrounded by excited colleagues, some were nearly ready to lift him into the air in celebration.

“Okay, okay, I’ll treat everyone. Let’s calm down.”


Even Lin Xian was surprised by Zhao Ying Jun’s decision. His tenure at the company was less than a year.

“Do your best, Lin Xian.”

Zhao Ying Jun approached, her smile warm. “I’m really impressed by the cat you designed and have great faith in your talent. I hope you can help MX Company explore new commercial frontiers.”

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“Cosmetics are ultimately replaceable consumer goods, but culture and art endure through history.”

“Perhaps centuries from now, people may no longer use MX Company’s cosmetics, but they will still remember Rhine Cat.”

With those parting words, Zhao Ying Jun left.

“I look forward to seeing your results. Good luck.”

By the time Lin Xian got home, it was past ten.

The dinner was lively, a genuine celebration of his promotion. Lin Xian was well-liked, and his rise was a festive affair.

During the meal, some senior colleagues discussed Zhao Ying Jun’s bold and assertive management style:

“Our MX Company’s meteoric rise and nationwide reputation within just two years are deeply tied to President Zhao’s radical approach to talent management.”

“Though, cough, let’s not forget, when it comes to dismissals, President Zhao is equally ruthless! Stay vigilant…”

After a bath, Lin Xian poured himself a glass of yogurt—a good remedy for sobering up, leaving him feeling refreshed.

“Who would’ve thought… dreams could be this powerful.”

All his life, Lin Xian’s dreams had been filled with carefree adventures, never thinking to harness them until now.

“Even though dream material is fictional, in art and design, there’s no true divide between reality and fiction.”

He recalled Zhao Ying Jun’s words.

Mendeleev had dreamt up the Periodic Table, and Einstein found inspiration for the Theory of Relativity in his dreams.

So, it made sense that he had dreamt up Rhine Cat too.

“Actually, it was Coco Cat in the dream.”

Lin Xian yawned, “But Rhine Cat does sound better…”

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, he headed to bed.


The familiar dry summer breeze, the fresh scent of young leaves greeted him.

Lin Xian opened his eyes.

He was back in the familiar plaza.

Everything was unchanged.

But tonight, he had gone to bed late, so the plaza was quiet; the children had probably all gone home.

Lin Xian looked toward the road.

Big Cat Face’s van was absent.

At this hour… he must have already met up with CC and headed to the bank.

“What should I do?”

Lin Xian glanced around and noticed the toy store he had visited before was still open.

“Let’s check out the Coco Cat dolls again, see if there are any new styles.”

With Zhao Ying Jun’s high expectations, he couldn’t afford to disappoint at work.

That toy store had a whole shelf dedicated to Coco Cat dolls, in various sizes and styles, along with keychains, pendants, and stationery.

As the head of the IP Development and Operations Group… how could he pass up such a perfect “stocking up” opportunity?

Lin Xian walked straight into the toy store, heading for the Coco Cat shelf.


“Where are the Coco Cats?”

On the shelf before him, there wasn’t a single Coco Cat in sight!

All he saw were various unfamiliar dolls.

A chill ran down Lin Xian’s spine.

An indescribable fear spread through him.

It had changed…

The dream had changed!

For over twenty years, thousands of nights, every dream had been exactly the same.

Children always fell at the same spot, the broadcast repeated the same news, even the leaves blown down by the wind landed in the same place, without deviation.

But now.

The toy store was the same.

The shelf was the same.

But the Coco Cat dolls that should have been there were all gone!

The sudden unfamiliarity was suffocating.

“Is this still my dream?”

Lin Xian turned around quickly.

He saw the shop assistant standing behind him, smiling.

“Sir, how can I help you?”

“…I’m looking for a Coco Cat doll. It used to be displayed right here.”

“Coco Cat?”

The shop assistant tilted her head, puzzled.

“Sir, you must be mistaken.”

“We’ve never sold any Coco Cat dolls in this store!”

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