Genius Girl

Chapter 10 - 10: Mama I'm in love with a criminal

Chapter 10 - 10: Mama I'm in love with a criminal

Inside of a spacious elegant bar, two men wiping the circular glass table were chattering about the sudden change of the policy towards the entertainer.

'Gentleman Bay'

The bar is located at the second floor of a five-story building, while the ground floor is serving as the lobby and the second floor as the bar, the rest of the floors were designed as a private room.

It was previously owned by a Senator but after his name was tangled with corruption, he went into bankrupt, damaging his whole family.

And now, the employee got a message that their new boss is coming. First time after the bar was closed for some months.

The bar was used by the previous owner to have their secret meeting, mostly doing an illegal transaction, and each meeting includes alcohol and women.

But now that the owner changed, all of the gentleman's employee think that their business will also be different.

Based on how the owner required the camera to be in each room and, corridor tells them that their special services will no longer be available.

'Do you think they will really not let our customer brings their companion?' one of the waiters – busy fixing the alcohol on the shelves spoke.

The bartender, with a built of a wrestle, shrugged a shoulder, 'I am not sure. They haven't removed the beds in the room,'

As they continued chatting and preparing for their third-week opening, a man in a white shirt emerged from the elevator.

It was Robert, he walked towards the bar counter and stopped in front of the bartender.

'Are you Dexter?' Robert asked.

He was here for one purpose, and that it to convey their plan.

Daniella asked him to look for a man named Dexter, who supposed to be the new manager of the bar.

The bartender sized him up, then he turned his face in their right direction where a woman in a mini white sequin dress was sitting on one of the high chairs by the wall.

Robert rose an eyebrow, 'I am looking for a man named Dexter,' he repeated.

'That is Dexter,' the bartender pointed with his index finger.

Robert sighed after blinking, (Damn it! Daniella) he just cursed in his mind.

Then he walked towards the man named Dexter, he stopped in front and the man in a woman's clothes. Dexter's head rose to look at him

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'Hi Darling, I would love to accompany you but, we are still close. Also, we are no longer offering our special service,' Robert took a step back, inside he was stunned, the woman, with a beauty of a fairy just spoke to him and the voice she had sounded so manly than his.

'You are a man right?' he gulped, trying to hold himself from punching him.

'No, I am a woman well, I used to be a man. So, darling what can I help you with?' Dexter spoke teasingly, his hand even stretched to reach for him but, Robert asked him to stay put.

'I am here on behalf of Daisy,' without even finishing his sentence, he already knows that Dexter understood what he meant.

'Oh! Did she send you to collect the favor?' this time, Dexter's flirtatious voice has turned serious.


'Ok, what can I do for her?' Dexter gave him a lopsided grin and it made his skin shivered.

'We want to work here tonight. And she wants to be alone with this guy,' saying that, Robert placed the photo of the Senator Greg Villa on the table.

Dexter, without looking at the photo nodded, he picked it up and shoved it in his bra.

'No problem. Can you extend my regards to Ms. pretty flower?' and once again, his sweet candy smile was back on his lips.

Robert just nodded and turned around, he wondered what kind of favor did Daniella do for Dexter.

With curiosity, Robert turned to look at Dexter.

'What kind of favor did you ask to her?'

Dexter charmingly smiled, his hand widened to flaunt his body.

'This Darling,' Dexter said, his body swiveled around to show him how perfect his curve was.

'She made me a Goddess.'

With Robert's jaw almost falling to the ground in shock, he turned and decided to leave.

Standing in front of the full-body mirror, Daniella stared at her reflection.

The black V-cut long dress covered with glitters was perfectly fitted to her body.

Her rich bosoms were squeezed by the push-ups bra she was wearing – showing the dark mole she had on her left b.r.e.a.s.t aligned to her underarm, it was circular with shade as dark as a coil.

She hated what she's seeing in the mirror. Her face grimaced as she stared at her reflection.

Her clothes, that almost showing her body, was too beautiful yet disgusting in her sight.

Seduction - something she needed to learn in order to get her revenge. Men will always be men; they might be the sturdiest species but, everyone and anything has a weakness. And to the man's world that would be a woman with an exquisite innocent face but, a good look is not enough to reveal the hidden l.u.s.t of the men.

Each man has a hidden desire, something they want for a beautiful woman to do when alone with them.

To Daniella's current target, the senator Greg Villa, his l.u.s.t towards the women was just like the other man, they want a bold, seductive and wild women. Someone who doesn't need to be persuaded, someone who would do everything for money.

And tonight, she will be that kind of woman.

When her eyes lifted to look at her face through the mirror, her eyes which were brown slowly turned into black while her thin lips, curved in a malicious smile.

She had a beauty of a Goddess, she could attract anyone even the opposite s.e.x but, Daniella Chen only exists for one good reason, and it is to end the life of the people that ruined her life.

And the process, she promised it to not only be painful for her target but, also to the people who loved them.

Mercy, that word doesn't exist in her mind.

Conscience is something her body doesn't have.

Love is something she considered to be a person's weakness.

She has one mission and, is it to get back on the people that ruined her life.

And she will not only settle by killing them, but she will also let them suffer, let them experience the pain, and she only gets satisfied if she does it in front of her target's love ones.

She had never killed a person, but what she's doing to them is worse than killing them.

That's why she was not surprised when the people who decided to join her journey has dubbed her as the 'Master of Torturer'

"Are you ready?" the voice of Daniella's friend Robert rang in the room after the door was pushed open.

Daniella turned to look at him, Robert walked closer with her shoes in his hand.

He kneeled and lifted one of Daniella's legs.

It was so smooth, so white and delicate but, only a few people know that behind her smooth skin was layered of liquid powder used to hide all the scar of her past; the scars her body had suffered from the greedy people who ruined her life.

He patted the foot he was holding to remove the dust. Slowly he shoved it inside of the red stiletto.

His face hardened when his face lifted and saw the gun in between her legs, it shouldn't be like this.

Daniella, a genius woman like her shouldn't be doing this kind of work.

She could have asked him or hire someone to get her revenge but, she prefers to do it herself. She wanted to do it not because she needed too but, to satisfy her craving for revenge.

He pitied her. To his eyes, she will always be his cute little neighbor but, her past has made her into a monster she shouldn't be.

After he put on her other shoes, Robert straightened up.

He placed both hands on her shoulder, Daniella doesn't trust anyone aside from herself, not even him.

But at the time past, Daniella learned to depend and asked for his help.

"You didn't put any makeup," he said after noticing her pale face.

"Its fine Robert, I don't need it," Daniella refused, her hands were stopping him from taking the makeup kit from the table.

He sighed and nodded, he wants to say that he can do it alone but, he knows that it's useless, Daniella loves danger, so as long as it includes guns, knives, and bombs, she will rush like the wind without hesitation.

After making sure that everything was settled. Daniela got into the car waiting for her outside, while Robert took her motorcycle.

Time passed, and the bar has opened.

Customers – men in their suits together with their friends entered the Gentleman's Bay bar and proceeded to the second floor.

As the table was slowly filled with customers, the entertainers in their s.e.xy and alluring clothing stood by the corner of the bar, waiting for the customer to call their name and assist them.

Waiters were busy walking back and forth to fill the customer's table with drinks. The night is young, with alcohol and beautiful women in the bar, each man will surely be satisfied with the newly improved bar.

Suddenly, the loud music in the background stopped and, was replaced by the slow key tune of the piano.

The dim lights were turned off, and the only light around is the candles on the tables.

The place turned quiet after all the chattering of the customer was stopped.

Everyone's eyes turned to the small stage of the room; a smooth light spot was directed to the woman standing on the stage in front of the microphone.

The woman in a black dress, with a full b.r.e.a.s.t, small waist, and wide h.i.p.s, held the microphone with one hand.

Her long eyelashes flickered, and when her eyes focused at the customers' direction - opposite the stage, her thin lips opened to let out a soft hum.

The slow sound of the piano filled the room, everyone's eyes were at the stage, bewitched by the woman's face.

When the melody stopped, the woman sang the first lyrics of her song.

With a melancholic yet full of seduction voice, she started singing.

"Mama I'm in love with the criminal."

And as she continued her song, everyone was turned into a statue - listening to her angel-like voice.

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