Genius Girl

Chapter 148 - 148: Impossible fruit

Chapter 148 - 148: Impossible fruit

Meanwhile, in the garden.

Evan squeezed his eyes shut, and blew a deep sigh when he saw Matthew and Daniella in the apple tree. The two were sitting on the tree branch chewing apples like monkies.

"Daniella, it's 8 why don't we have breakfast first?"

Daniella looked down, "I am full," she replied and then looked at her side where Matthew was sitting, "what about you?"

Matthew lifted a shoulder in a shrug, "I am full," then he shoved his leftover apple into Daniella's mouth, "eat up, be fatter so you will be ugly."

Daniella groaned and pushed Matthew but, the man has been expecting it so his feet landed smoothly to the ground

Matthew looked back and stuck out his tongue at her like a kid, seeing that Daniella grabbed another apple from the tree, he left the place running.

"Yes, run Matty, once I catch you, I will shove this apple tree into your ass!" Daniella yelled.

Evan pinched the space between his brows, "language Daniella!"

Daniella bit her lips and used the stairs to go down from the tree. Then she locked their hands together and strode towards the back door.

From the window, Camille gnashed her jaw in irritation as she watched the couple walking hand in hand towards the kitchen back door.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She gulped hard and with a dark face, she went to the kitchen cabinet. She grabbed the sesame oil she got from the maid's house and quickly replaced it with the cooking oil as well as the olive oil.

The door of the backdoor kitchen was opened, rushing like a wind, Camille put the oil bottles back in the kitchen cabinet.

"Do you want eggs?" Evan asked as he released Daniella's hand. He stood next to the kitchen and opened one of the cabinets.

Daniella didn't answer, her eyes focused at Camille who was busy arranging the fruits in the basket on the table.

Laying both hands on the table, Daniella leaned forward.

"Camille," she called her out.

The woman raised her head to meet her eyes.

As Daniella dug deeper to see her thoughts, a smile slowly curled her lips.

"While I was on that tree," her eyes remained staring at Camille while her finger pointed at the tree outside which can be seen through the window, "I searched for an orange or a mango hoping for a miracle but I guess," her head bent while her hand picked up the apple from the basket.

"I was foolish to waste my time searching for mango in an apple tree," she took a bite of an apple and stared at it with her eyes burning in irritation, "you really reminded me of your father," she tittered bitterly, "oh God! I suddenly miss him."

She turned to Evan after putting the bitten apple back to the basket, "Babe, why don't we invite your parents and Camille parent's for a dinner tomorrow?"

Evan went stiff upon hearing it, slowly he closed the cabinet door while his other hand was holding the cooking oil, "tomorrow?" his brows rose, "are you sure?"

Nodding her head with exaggeration, Daniella replied, "yes."

Evan pursed his lips, the way Daniella's eyes shone, it's making it hard for him to say no.

"I will call them."

"Great!" Daniella clapped her hands like a child, she stood behind Evan and embraced him.

"I will go to the hardware, need anything?" she asked.

"You meant market right?"

Daniella took a step back and turned to Camille who was looking down at her hand on the table clenching the cloth she used to wipe the fruits.

"Ugh! Did I say hardware?" she asked innocently.

Feeling the eyes staring at her, Camille looked up and found Daniella gawking at her with a maniac-like smile.

"Yes, you said hardware."

Daniella's shoulder slumped, "well, I don't think the market has the stuff I want to buy."

"Babe, I need keys and your wallet."

Without a word, Evan bent down to plant a kiss on her lips while his other hand went behind his pocket and pulled out his wallet.

Daniella chuckled, "I said keys - car and my apartment keys."

"Oh! I thought you said kiss," he pinched her nose teasingly and was about to turn to get the keys when Daniella pulled him back.

Daniella took a few steps back until her body bumped on the edge of the table, quickly she sat on it and pulled Evan even closer.

"Well next time, listen well," she whispered with a smile. Her hands were just as quick as a snake as it wrapped around Evan's neck.

Camille rolled her eyes and turned around. It was one of the usual mornings where the two would make out. They didn't care about the place or the people around, the two would kiss each other as if they're alone in the room.


At Claire's house

A loud gasp left Claire's lips to see Daniella injecting a syringe in her arms.

Inside the room, Daniella was sitting down on the bed, paled face and lips from pain. She shut her eyes, bit her lips to ease the pain but, as the liquid from the syringe mixed in her blood, a painful scream escaped her lips.

"Enough Daniella!" Claire yelled nervously.

After Daniella said that she will have dinner with Camille and Evan's parents, the woman went to the room and injected a concentrated sesame in her blood.

"It's fine Claire," Daniella said in a hoarse and broken voice, "Roman Lee knows my weakness. I need to show him that I don't have allergies anymore," she bit her lips hard as the pain rose to her arm, numbing it while the nerved in her arm popped like angry snakes.

"My body won't feel so much pain if I eat anything that has sesame tomorrow" her lips opened so wide as she screamed so loud, "so if he gets to me at least I can take care of myself."

Her body shook by the pain, soon the nerve on her neck swelled angrily, while blood came out of her nose.

Claire immediately wiped it; her eyes were wet with tears as she watched Daniella suffered.

"Do you really have to do this?" Claire's hand – shaking like a leaf lifted to touch her shoulder.

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