Genius Girl

Chapter 184 - 184: Her decision

Chapter 184 - 184: Her decision

"We don't need to tell this to my family," Evan said to Ken. After Daniella left Ken came looking just as dirty as Daniella.

Ken sighed and nodded, "alright," he jammed both hands in his pockets as he ran his eyes on Evan's body. He still looked like himself despite the hospital gown he was wearing.

"Shorty has too much energy, she was able to dig the soil without my help."

Evan rose a brow," when did you start giving her nicknames?" he said bitterly.

Ken casually shrugged his shoulders in response, exhaustion was apparent on his face "I don't know," he replied even though he knew very clear when it was, "are you jealous?"

"Yeah," Evan replied straight. He will always be straight to Ken when it comes to Daniella. He will not give anyone a chance even his friends to think that he's fine with them hanging around her.

Ken shook his head in disbelief, the place was so new to him and he just met Claire who happened to be Daniella's doctor.

"Don't worry Evan I am not Bing. I don't sleep with my friend's ex," he jokingly said.

Evan slightly chuckled and turned his sight to the left where a huge window was located. He saw the stars in the sky shining brightly and it made him feel exhausted.

He blew out a harsh breath and turned to Ken.

"Can you go to the Villa and tell Anders that Daniella and I went on a vacation? We will come back in two weeks."

Ken rose a brow, since when did he become Evan's messenger.

"Don't you have a phone?" he asked sarcastically.

"I wouldn't ask you to call them if I have one," Evan replied in the same tone he had used.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Rolling his eyes, Ken patted his pants pockets to check for his phone but they were empty.

His eyebrow creased as he tried to remember where did he leave his phone.

He brought it with him when he went to Evan's office and then he remembered using it to the hardware.

Slowly, his eyes squinted as he tried to remember where he left his phone. He gulped hard and awe overtook his face when he finally remembered where he left it.

"Sh*t" he cursed out. Absently his hand slapped his forehead, "It must have fallen when I lost my balance."

Evan's face remained flat, Ken was not a careless type. He loved to have his things organized, "so where is it now?"

"Probably with the corpse," he replied casually.


On the other side.

Roman Lee entered the office of the president. He had a black suit on and his almost bald hair was comb neatly on the side. Behind him was his wife who was holding his arm proudly.

"Good Morning, Mr. President," Roman Lee and his wife Diana greeted the president who was sitting on his chair cheerfully while his wife was standing next to him wearing an elegant A-line dress.

The president got up and stretched a hand to him.

"Good Morning, it's been so long since we saw each other."

Roman Lee nodded, a wide smile on his lips, "indeed."

After their shorts greetings, their wives left the office to chat alone while the two men stayed in the office.

As the door closed, their smile faded like a bubble while their faces flashed a grave like expression.

"You said you have found the girl, right?" the president spoke.

Roman lee nodded, his hand-picked up his bag and took out a folder containing information about Daniella.

"Daniella Chen, I know where she lives and who are the people she cares."

The president accepted it and opened the folder. He furrowed his brows when he stared at the photos in his hands.

He couldn't be mistaken, this woman was his son's ex-boyfriend who saved him.

Terror swept over his face as his skin crawled in fear.

Evan Su asked me to kill myself because of her, and then she saved me. What was she trying to do? He asked himself.

Meanwhile, Roman Lee was not aware of what's going on with the President. His mind was in another world imagining what he should do to make his dream work.

"So, what is your plan about her?" he asked.

Roman lee's eyes glistened like a happy star, "I want to open a new laboratory. This time, it's only for her. The results we have a few years ago were taken by Roy Chu," he paused.

"Can we get it back or do we need to start from scratch?"

Roman lee shook his head, with a serious voice he continued, "Roy Chu hid all the information and I have tried everything to retrieve it but no one knew where it was."

The president became silent, "how are you going to convince her? I doubt she will agree."

Roman's lips formed a lopsided grin, "don't worry, I know her schedule so we can snatch her during that time."

The President nodded in understanding, "what do you need me to do?"

Roman lee straightened his back and laid both hands on the armchair, gripping it a bit.

"Daniella Chen seemed to be a powerful woman, I will need your soldiers' assistance."

The president stiffened, the new army general happened to be Evan Su's friend so it's impossible to get him to work for him especially the man was supporting another party.

But he didn't want to look weak in front of Roman Lee. This project would cost him so much money but it's worth it. He was a businessman as well and he could smell a profit for this project.

"I will arrange for the soldiers. Let me know when you want to start."

Roman lee rose from his chair and stretched a hand, a triumph smile curved upon his lips. The president was the most powerful man in the country so getting his help would make sure that the opening of a new laboratory will be successful.


Entering the room, Daniella found Evan sleeping peacefully.

He walked tiptoed towards the bed to not wake him up. He needed to rest, after getting shot twice his body must feel exhausted.

When she reached the bed, her eyes locked at his face. He's sleeping so peacefully like an innocent child.

She swallowed hard, her hand trembled as she lifted it to touch his hair.

She felt guilty that he was in this state because of her. She sighed heavily as she settled on the space next to him. There were tubes injected in his arm while his heart was being monitored, he didn't need it but Claire insisted.

His heartbeat was calm but as she lay his head on the pillow next to him and touched his cheek, the heart monitor started to beat fast.

She smiled, even in his sleep Evan recognized her touch. Slowly, she closed her eyes, the hand which was caressing his cheek lowered to his chest for a hug.

She blew out another sigh before she surrendered to sleep.

Her mind had decided. If she wanted to have a normal life with Evan, there was one person she needed to meet. The person who started everything. The man whom she despised so much, Roman Lee.

Killing him won't end her misery so she decided to use him to be the bridge that would connect her to the people who wanted her.

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