Genius Warlock

Chapter 349

After receiving a concise explanation, Oliver handed over both the living Carl and the deceased Theodore to Merlin. He then proceeded to place the fragments of Theodore's body and Corpse dolls into Bigmouth.

Merlin initiated the opening of a portal to transport Carl and Theodore to an undisclosed location. Following this, he escorted Oliver to a makeshift lodging in Lake Village, more precisely, to what used to be a hotel.

The once-historic hotel, situated atop a substantial hill, had been utterly devastated by the recent battle. There remained no trace of its former grandeur. The hill that had once supported the hotel had crumbled into a mere mound, unable to withstand the onslaught of the battling wizards.

In addition to this devastation, signs of scorched earth and remnants of explosions were prevalent throughout the area. Yet, the most conspicuous sight was the group of wizards receiving medical attention beneath a spacious tent, attended to by wooden doll-golems.

Having previously served at Merlin's mansion, these golems diligently performed the tasks of categorizing and providing medical care to the injured wizards. They did so while encircled by intricate magical symbols, almost as if they were real, living individuals.

Observing the extensive relief efforts, Oliver couldn't help but inquire, "Did you do this?"

"On my way over, saw some wizards attacked by the Life School and Life Alchemy lots. So, just dropped off some supplies and golems. Ya learn to give a bit back as ya get on in years."

"Ah… You're amazing." Oliver complimented sincerely.

Merlin, ever the jesting individual, responded with a hint of humor, "I'm always amazing,"

Though Merlin's comment was light-hearted, Oliver couldn't help but feel the truth behind it. He had sensed Merlin's extraordinary abilities before, but now, he was witnessing them in full force.

The wooden doll-golems that Merlin employed casually surpassed Oliver's current understanding of golemcraft. Furthermore, Merlin's lightning-sniping technique during the confrontation with Gretel had left Oliver astounded.

Add to that Merlin's remarkable skill in organizing and treating numerous wizards; there was nothing left to say except that he was truly incredible.

Oliver's attention was drawn to a figure in the distance as he remarked, "Look, there's Archiver."


"Merlin… Archiver Merlin…"

"Ah, so he was the one who resolved the earlier battle?"

As Merlin and Oliver walked, some of the wizards receiving treatment and waiting began to murmur as Merlin passed by them. They displayed a range of emotions towards him, including awe, admiration, respect, fear, curiosity, and questions. Overall, the sentiment toward Archiver seemed quite special among wizards.

Oliver couldn't help but wonder if he, too, was being scrutinized. However, the difference between him and Merlin was stark—his reception was marked by doubt, skepticism, suspicion, and an ominous air.

"Have you made it here?" Kevin's voice interrupted their thoughts.

As Oliver walked alongside Merlin, he encountered Kevin. Kevin had been forcefully dragged out by Finn Russo, who employed blood magic, and now he was pulling along an unconscious Finn Russo by the scruff of his neck.

Judging by the severe wounds covering Kevin's body and Finn Russo's half-burned, seriously injured state, their battle had been nothing short of intense.

"It took some time, but here I am." Kevin replied

"I see."

Merlin responded with his characteristic apathy, as did Kevin. Previously, Oliver had seen them as nothing more than a sly Master and a grumpy disciple. However, with a glimpse into their shared history, he viewed their relationship in a new light.

Despite their evidently deep connection and lingering emotions, they still maintained a Master-disciple dynamic. Oliver couldn't quite put into words the emotions this observation stirred within him.

Turning to Oliver, Kevin inquired, "How is Theodore?"

"We'll talk 'bout it later. Got more pressin' matters to sort. You comin' with us?" Merlin directed their attention to the largest tent and asked.

Kevin nodded, and together with Oliver, they followed Merlin into the tent.

Upon entering, Merlin wasted no time and inquired, "Everyone doin' alright?"

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Merlin entered the tent with a cheerful greeting, dispelling some of the tension that had settled in the air.

Despite its considerable size, the tent wasn't crowded; instead, it housed individuals of significant standing. Many faces were familiar to Oliver from the social gathering he had attended on the conference's first day. Most of these individuals were either associated with the Magic Tower or came from prominent wizarding families in the central continent. Among them were some particularly recognizable figures.

“My arm may be gone, but I'm alright,” said Philip, lying on his bed, breaking the tense silence that had settled upon noticing Merlin’s arrival.

"Kevin, Zenon, are you both alright?" Philip inquired.

“Things got tangled, but we're fine,” Kevin replied, tossing a defeated Finn Russo onto the ground as evidence. A wooden doll-golem within the tent promptly began to heal the fallen Finn Russo.

“I'm also fine… thanks to Elder,” Oliver responded, sticking to the narrative he had coordinated with Merlin. The story was that Merlin had come to his aid while he was dealing with Theodore.

Oliver had no real interest in the subject matter at hand.

‘Also, I've gained something even if it was unintended. Some of the life school knowledge and techniques that Mr. Theodore had, and even a physical fragment of him. Not bad.’

“It's truly a relief to know you're safe. There's nothing more joyful than knowing a comrade-in-arms is safe,” Philip said.

“Thank you for your words, General Philip.”

“In that context, how about we bring out some alcohol? These wooden dolls don't have as much sense as you.” Philip suggested, half-jokingly and half-seriously.

As Oliver prepared to retrieve his flask, Tilda interjected with her chilling voice, drawing the attention of everyone present, particularly Oliver.

“I would rather hear an explanation from the Archiver first.” Tilda stated, her gaze fixed on Oliver. While her tone bore no malice, there was a palpable urge to seek clarification.

“What explanation are you speaking of, Tilda?” Merlin inquired.

“It's about Kevin, a disciple of the Archiver, employing a warlock as a personal staff member in Magic Tower. And not just any warlock, but Dave the solver, who is rising in value in the underworld of Landa.” Tilda explained. Her knowledge of Dave the Solver didn't surprise anyone, given the blurred lines between the criminal underworld and the public sphere in Landa.

All eyes turned to Oliver, except for Philip, Terence, and Yareli. The others seemed to harbor a hint of hostility, fear, and suspicion.

Oliver remained composed, expecting this line of questioning. He considered it a valid concern.

Tilda, too, felt no negativity about raising the issue; she recognized it as her duty as a leader.

‘Considering the mood around, it would be better to explain quickly.’

Oliver assessed the emotional climate in the tent—distrust and suspicion ran deep. Addressing the matter promptly was essential to prevent it from becoming toxic.

Tilda spoke again, her tone firm. “Surely you understand that this is not a matter to gloss over, even for the Archiver? There are too many eyes on this… Do you have nothing to say?”

“I do, actually.” Merlin spoke up, capturing the undivided attention of everyone in the tent. Even Philip, who had been jovial moments ago, became serious.

"As a matter of fact, had prepared two things."

"Two things?"

"Yes. First off, I'm in the dark 'bout the whole shebang, so I'm layin' all my sins on Kevin."


Confusion and irritation rippled through the crowd, especially from Kevin.

"Does that mean… the Archiver is also involved?"

"Not just involved. I threatened Kevin and ordered him to hire Dave."


Despite the casual manner in which Merlin delivered his statement, it left everyone in stunned silence. The notion that Merlin, the Archiver, had instructed his disciple to collaborate with a warlock to infiltrate the Magic Tower was utterly bewildering.

It defied all conventional logic.

Yet, what followed was even more astonishing.

"Why did you do that?" someone finally managed to ask.

"‘Cause he's my disciple," Merlin replied, his words filled with both truth and sincerity, echoing the explanation he had provided to Oliver.

However, the truth and sincerity didn't immediately convince the gathered individuals. They seemed to doubt their own ears, and a heavy silence hung in the air, a silence tinged with skepticism.

It was an uneasy silence.

In many ways, it was a natural reaction. Throughout various eras, the Archiver had been the most outstanding wizard of their time. Even among wizards who followed a path distinct from ordinary humans, the Archiver was a living legend. His authority was recognized not only by the kings of England and the continent but also by the Parter Church.

Now, he was claiming to be the Master of a seemingly ordinary, irreverent Warlock. The shock was beyond words.

"Is what you're saying true?" Tilda Issai, the Grand Master of the Skadi School, questioned Oliver in confusion.

"Yes, the explanation would be long, but I am tempo… no, I'm just his disciple." Oliver responded, omitting the word ‘temporary' for the sake of coherence and persuasion. Still, it felt somewhat uncomfortable, as if he were stretching the truth.

"Ah, no…! The Archiver has a Warlock as a disciple?! What sorrowful…!" A wizard with tightly wrapped bandages around his chest exclaimed, rising from his seat. Judging by his exotic accent, he appeared to be a wizard from a prominent family invited from the central continent. His sorrow was evidently genuine.

"Ah, stuffed that up. Don't get it twisted. It's true he was a Warlock, but not anymore." Merlin clarified.

"What does that mean?" another wizard inquired.

"I did find him when he was a Warlock, but he's not one now. When I happened to go and subdue a Warlock family, took him as both as a guinea pig and disciple, curious how much magic skill a bloke who'd made a hash of learnin' black magic could accumulate."

Oliver nodded in alignment with the prearranged narrative. Given Merlin's penchant for experimentation, it seemed plausible that he would have numerous experimental subjects and disciples.

"I don't quite understand." Philip interjected, asking earnestly. His intention appeared to be more to assist than out of mere curiosity.

"Don't need to wrap yer head 'round it. Simple as, found the bloke and took him as a disciple."

"Hmm, that's interesting. Very interesting… May I ask why? Why did Archiver take a Warlock as a disciple? Did you suddenly want to conduct such an experiment?"

Merlin, understanding Philip's meaning, responded, "Well, yes, General Philip. Partly 'cause I was curious… but mainly 'cause the bloke's got talent."

As he had previously told Oliver, Merlin reiterated that he had taken Oliver as his disciple due to his exceptional talent.

Merlin then added, "Regardless of the era, age, or nationality, the greatest value of a wizard lies in their talent."

"Talent… you say?" Philip inquired.

"Yes, the greatest value of a wizard is not something else but talent. Even I, Archive, took him in because he had a talent too valuable to simply kill."

Merlin concluded his explanation, placing his hand on Oliver's shoulder.

Having witnessed Oliver's remarkable abilities, Philip, Terrence, Yareli, and even Tilda, who had initially raised the issue, found themselves unable to dispute his exceptional talent.

"But still, to take in a Warlock like that…"

"He was just a beginner in black magic, barely worthy of the title ‘warlock.'"

"I have no intention to argue, but as far as I know, his level of black magic is extremely high. His reputation in the back alleys is proof."

Rather than being flustered by Tilda's question, Merlin responded enthusiastically, pointing at her.

"That's the point, Tilda. Bloke's got mad skills, whether it's regular magic or black magic. Can copy any ol' spell or curse like that—never seen anything like it."

While Merlin praised Oliver's talent, Oliver himself felt a bit embarrassed. He had a vague awareness of his talent, but he wondered if it truly warranted such praise from Merlin.

As a hushed silence settled over the gathering, Philip interjected once more.

"I wholeheartedly agree with that statement. The level of talent Zenon has shown is astonishing."

All eyes turned towards Philip, conveying expressions of bewilderment, as if asking, "What are you talking about?"

However, Philip clarified his stance.

"If even half of what that guy showed in front of me is true, then Archiver's words are true. He interfered with the fog barrier that no one else could, freely used blood magic, and even performed well against Theodore."

Terrence echoed Philip's sentiments, adding, "I agree with that as well. He has done more than anyone here. He rescued the trapped wizards of Magic Tower, minimized damage by moving Theodore to another location using the fog barrier… Honestly, if he hadn't been there, resistance would have been impossible."

Terrence's words carried sincerity and weight.

Indeed, it was a fact that without Oliver's intervention, they would have remained trapped within the fog barrier, facing dire consequences.

Philip emphasized the point further, making a significant observation.

"What's more, how would it look if it becomes known that, while the Life School and the Alchemy Department—two groups of wizards—betrayed and attacked the Tower wizards, and a warlock was the one who helped? Where would that leave our reputations? Would you walk around with your faces held high?"

Philip's tone, usually jovial, had grown cold and calculated. His statement carried significant political implications, and its impact was palpable.

In essence, if they continued to deny Merlin's words, they would be left with the uncomfortable truth that the warlock they so despised had come to their rescue. It was a challenging situation.

Merlin glanced at Philip, who had spoken, and they communicated silently through their eyes. Merlin then redirected the discussion.

"General Philip is correct. Got more pressin' worries than my disciple, don't we? Talkin' 'bout the backstabbin' from the Life School and the Department of Life Alchemy."

A heavy silence fell over the gathering, signaling that Merlin's words had struck a chord.

In reality, the matter at hand was more critical than Oliver's situation, but it had been conveniently pushed aside due to its complexity.

Human nature often led to avoidance of the most significant issues.

"This is a big deal, right? Betrayal from the Life School and that Alchemy mob. Not just an overseas kerfuffle; they've messed with the whole Lake Village population, causin' a heap of civilian casualties. It ain't just a wizarding issue. It's got political tentacles, affectin' not just our kingdom but also Galos and other smaller nations in the guts of the continent."

Merlin personally conveyed the gravity of the situation, and those present could only swallow hard.

"Depending on how we play our cards, could make or break wizards' freedom and rights goin' forward. Reckon it's time we put our noggins together instead of sussin' each other out. Bit funny that I, a retiree, am saying this… So, what's the consensus, eh?"

Merlin shifted the decision-making to the assembled wizards, tossing the metaphorical ball into their court.

However, the issue extended beyond this point.

Rose, a student in the Department of Life Alchemy, was the younger sister of Human-meat Chef, a scandal of considerable magnitude. Even Oliver, who was not well-versed in politics, knew this much.

Merlin had mentioned that he would discuss this matter when only the higher-ups remained, and if this fact came to light, it would likely overshadow everything else.

‘If I'm lucky… I'd rather stay in the Magic Tower.' Oliver thought to himself, casting his gaze around and contemplating the Magic Tower's library and classes.

Amidst the prevailing tension, Tilda, who had initially demanded an explanation from Merlin, spoke in a cold, measured tone.

"You're right. Zenon… his case is important too, but for now, let's discuss what to do about this issue first."

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