Genius Warlock

Chapter 371

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“Are you talking about a deal?”

“Why, don’t you like it?”

In response to the pharmacist’s inquiry, Oliver bowed his head.

“No, I’m rather grateful. Considering my credit must be at its lowest, I’m thankful you’re offering a deal.”

Oliver reminisced about the past when he departed without warning. Just the offer of this transaction filled him with deep gratitude.

“I’m glad we understand each other. Let’s get to the point.”

By now, the pharmacist had completely stashed away his double-barreled shotgun.

“First, let’s get one thing straight. All I can provide is the location where Lawrence and other priests are held. I can’t help beyond that. Do you understand?”

Oliver nodded immediately.

As mentioned earlier, the pharmacist was barely scraping by, living on the edge. Asking for further assistance would be an unreasonable request.

“Now, let me state my terms.”

“Please, go ahead.”

“First, even if things go wrong, you don’t mention me. It’s obvious, but I want a promise.”

“Of course. I promise.”

“Second, I’d like you to control Marie.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what you mean. Control Marie? Did she somehow offend you?”

“She hasn’t outright offended me, but she’s gradually trying to mess with me.”

“I see… I apologize.”

“It’s not your fault. After all, I did enjoy the product that young lady offered. I don’t really hold a grudge. Naturally, one would regret a lost opportunity. So, I’m just trying to make use of the current situation.”

“I appreciate your understanding. Can you specify how I should control her?”

“I want Marie to give up all her control over this city. Honestly, I don’t really like the so-called ‘chosen ones’ religion. I despise pseudo-religions taking over my hometown… I don’t mean any disrespect to you.”

“It’s fine. ‘The Chosen Ones’ are indeed a pseudo-religion.”

Oliver responded honestly.

“Well, I’m glad you admit it… The last, third condition is that I’d like you to help me.”

“What do you need?”

The pharmacist extended his arms, gesturing toward the underground greenhouse.

In the basement, various herbs, flowers, unidentified plants, and bonsai trees were neatly arranged.

“There are a few plants here I bought from the Enjoyment Druids. The plants cultivated by druids each contain special powers. Just like the beans you used.”

Oliver glanced at the green beanstalk he had grown. It was a possession he had acquired after defeating Shamus and other druids.

“It’s not just plants. I also have seeds… I’ve been personally researching these, but without much success. I’d like your help with my research.”

“Um… I’m sorry, but I don’t know anything about druids.”

“It’s fine. I have acquired some knowledge, albeit limited. The issue is the ability to harness the power of nature. As you might know, druids are even rarer than wizards, so it’s hard to secure their expertise. I’d like you to take on that role… If you help, I’ll share the knowledge I’ve gathered.”

“I would actually like to request your guidance then.”

Oliver showed genuine interest. He was also intrigued by the power and knowledge of the druids.

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“Good, we have a deal.”

The pharmacist stood up and extended his hand, indicating a handshake as a symbol of the agreed-upon deal.

Oliver recalled the past when he had shaken hands with the pharmacist.

The pharmacist spoke with sincerity, displaying goodwill and expressing a desire to maintain a positive relationship for as long as possible. However, shortly after, Oliver unilaterally broke his promise with him.

Reflecting on it now, it was an unjust action indeed.

Yet, given a second chance… Oliver expressed his gratitude while shaking the pharmacist’s hand.

“I’m truly thankful for giving someone like me, who lost trust, a second chance.”

“You don’t have to be too thankful. You’ve become more valuable than you think… Also, I like your attitude.”

“My attitude, you say?”

“Yes, instead of threatening me, you’ve apologized and asked politely. It’s honestly a rare attitude to see. Whether they’re warlocks, wizards, druids, or paladins. People with a bit of special power always seem to be of bad luck… Keep up with that attitude. It’ll be your strength.”

“I’ll keep that advice in mind.”

Oliver nodded.

“Now, take this.”

Releasing Oliver’s hand, the pharmacist retrieved a brown paper envelope from an old desk placed in the corner of the greenhouse.

“This contains the location of the hideout where the paladins have secretly established their base, along with a probable route to infiltrate.”

Without hesitation, Oliver opened the envelope to examine its contents. Inside, he found a blueprint of an underground shelter.

“Um… But, Mr. Pharmacist, why did they set up a separate base? Wouldn’t it be much easier and better to seek help from the police or the city?” Oliver inquired.

“There are several reasons,” the pharmacist explained. “Paladins tend to think they’re special and prefer to act separately, and they don’t trust the local authorities here. They believe most are corrupt. It’s somewhat true.”

“Ah…” Oliver responded, recalling the pharmacist’s influence in Wineham, as he perused the information.

The pharmacist continued, “Paladins may be troublesome people, but they’re not incompetent. The place they’ve chosen for their hideout is a civilian bunker, spacious and easy to defend and seal. It might be somewhat feasible to break in, but getting out won’t be easy.”

As Oliver reviewed the material provided by the pharmacist, he nodded in agreement.

Indeed, the temporary hideout chosen by the paladins appeared to be a challenging target both to breach and escape from. It had only one entrance, its interior was enclosed, and it was likely to house a significant number of occupants.

“The biggest issue is that there are dozens of people presumed to be captured… It’ll be hard to escape with all of them. Do you plan to just take Lawrence and run?” the pharmacist inquired.

“Well… That doesn’t seem right, so I plan to escape with everyone if possible.” Oliver replied.

“No offense, but is that feasible? With a large number, escaping will be difficult. Moreover, most of them won’t be in a good condition.”

“I think it’s achievable with effort.”Oliver responded nonchalantly.

It was an audacious answer, but what was even more astounding was the sense that Oliver might actually have the capability to fulfill his words.


In a dimly lit, narrow chamber, the sound of a button being pressed reverberated.


In unison with the cheerful sound, the bright light emanating from a standing lamp pierced through the darkness, akin to how a scalpel would dissect flesh.

The person who pressed the button adjusted the light, directing it squarely onto another individual’s face.


Blinded by the sudden brilliance, the man emitted a groan of discomfort.

“Remarkable… Lawrence.”

The individual controlling the light, a paladin, remarked.

“Holding out without saying a word for three days… Even if it’s a pseudo-religion, it’s impressive. Others couldn’t last more than half a day, at most a day.”

“…It’s because you tortured them.”

Lawrence replied with a voice filled with discomfort. Actually, it wasn’t just his voice that displayed discomfort.

Difficult to discern due to the intense illumination, Lawrence’s condition appeared far from favorable. One side of his face was severely swollen, rendering one eye unable to open. His neck and exposed upper body bore the marks of purple and blue bruises, resembling streaks.

Additionally, his back bore numerous wounds, and more of his fingernails were damaged than remained intact.

“Do warlocks whine after being interrogated?”

“No, it’s a self-proclaimed servant of God resorting to torture that I question.”

Despite his battered state, Lawrence, with his one remaining good eye, defiantly retorted.

It was truly remarkable. Most individuals, under such duress, wouldn’t even manage to maintain eye contact, let alone respond with confidence. But even after enduring the torture, Lawrence held his ground.

“…I must admit, you have resilience.” the paladin conceded before grabbing the back of Lawrence’s neck and forcefully slamming his face onto the desk.

A loud, echoing sound reverberated through the room.

This brutal act wasn’t a one-time occurrence; it happened three times.




With each impact, blood splattered across the desk.

It was Lawrence’s own blood, flowing from his head.

“It’s just a matter of how long you can endure.”

“Ugh… Do you think I’d betray our leader?”

“That’s not what I meant. Regardless, your group is about to be subdued. The only difference is how long it will take.”

“You won’t fool us with such schemes…”

“It’s not a scheme. It’s a fact. Do you know who’s involved in this operation and who’s deployed? Your leader won’t be able to escape.”

“If you’re so confident, why are you telling me all this?”

“To make you suffer more. I despise pseudo-believers like you, pretending to be martyrs. It feels like an insult to my faith.”


Lawrence scoffed.

Martyr? It was truly a ludicrous term.

He had never believed in any deity, not the God of the Parter’s religion, nor Oliver, the God of ‘The Chosen Ones’.

If there was something, or rather, someone he believed in and followed, it was only Marie.

The beautiful, enigmatic, and resilient woman who had rescued him from his miserable existence.

‘If dying for our leader means being a martyr… Then I’m a martyr. And I have no regrets.’ Lawrence genuinely thought. If his death meant safeguarding her, he saw no injustice in it.

However, the paladin appeared displeased by Lawrence’s response and scowled, demanding, “What’s so funny?”

“Your Parter religion… You know nothing. Neither about me, nor why people believe in our religion… You’re all fools. Just like the god you serve.”

In response, the paladin abruptly tightened his grip, pulling Lawrence’s head closer to his own.

“How dare a pseudo-believer like you blaspheme the true God!” the paladin seethed, genuinely infuriated and offended on behalf of his deity.

Nevertheless, Lawrence remained composed. In fact, he seemed to derive satisfaction from it, having wounded the pride of this arrogant paladin.

In the past, engaging in conversation with Lawrence would have been inconceivable. Yet, this very exchange held significance in itself.

“Why? Plan on slamming my head into the desk again? Or pulling out my nails, or pouring boiling water on me? Go ahead. Violence is all you’re capable of.”

The paladin’s face flushed with anger. He moved as if to strike Lawrence once more but held back.

Had he done so, it would have validated Lawrence’s point, admitting defeat.

That was something he couldn’t allow. As a paladin, he couldn’t allow himself to be dominated by a heretic like Lawrence.

So, the paladin opted for a different approach.

“582R North Street, the abandoned temple.”


At the address the paladin mentioned, Lawrence’s eyes widened. That was where Marie was presently hiding.

“Ah, your reaction tells me I’m right.”

Although Lawrence was tempted to ask, ‘how did you find out,’ he summoned every ounce of self-control and remained silent.

Nevertheless, the paladin continued, appearing nonchalant. He spoke primarily to inflict more suffering on Lawrence.

“Curious about how I found out? It wasn’t hard. Fake believers like you, with their shallow faith and equally shallow resolve, betray easily when cornered… Moreover, fools like you can’t hide your emotions. I never expected it to be this easy.”

In a surge of rage, a battered Lawrence attempted to lunge at the paladin.

However, with a single decisive movement, the paladin pinned Lawrence down, slamming him onto the desk.


“What were you trying to do? You’re weakened, your hands are bound by cuffs preventing you from using your black magic… Huh? What were you attempting?”


Lawrence attempted to respond, but the paladin’s pressure stifled his words.

“Your fake leader will be captured soon. And you? You’ll be powerless. Absolutely powerless… Just like the false God you worship.”

Lawrence’s face reddened with the strain.




Amidst the interrogation of Lawrence, a servant abruptly burst into the room. His urgent demeanor hinted at something amiss.

“What’s the matter?”

“We’re under attack! A druid has infiltrated!”

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