Genius Warlock

Chapter 375


Galahad swung his longsword, targeting Oliver.

He believed he had successfully struck him.

This assumption appeared plausible, given the impeccable timing and the Holy spell shrouding his sword.

A weapon infused with a Holy spell wields immense power, capable of overcoming black magic, mana, and even thick iron.

The Holy spell itself possessed formidable might.

As evidence, the unidentified man’s barrier, constructed from five layers of wooden stems, was instantly cleaved apart.

That single strike should have concluded everything.

“…What is that?”

Galahad questioned as he gazed upon the quarterstaff that obstructed his sword.

At first glance, it appeared to be an ordinary stick devoid of any special energy, yet it undeniably blocked his Holy spell-infused sword. It marked the first instance he had encountered something of this nature in his decades as a Paladin.

“You’re not just an average guy.”

“Is that so?”

Oliver responded sincerely, feeling honored by the Paladin’s appraisal.

“You arrogant fellow! Who do you think you’re sneering at?”

Another Paladin who had been observing Oliver’s actions seemed to have misconstrued his intentions and shouted as he swung his mace.

While facing Galahad, Oliver adjusted his timing to the attack, throwing his body backward to absorb the impact while simultaneously creating distance.

His physical strength, augmented by the power of nature, and honed reflexes allowed him to execute this maneuver, but the shock still reverberated through his bones.

He experienced a tingling sensation throughout his body, realizing the immense power wielded by a Paladin.

‘Black magic doesn’t affect them at all. They weaken magic and enhance their physical abilities to such an extent… And then-‘

“-Sir Paladin, we will join the battle.”

Scores of servants surrounding the temple exclaimed.

Each servant possessed individual skills and were highly organized, a rarity in Landa.

Facing such a well-armed group was daunting.

If he were alone, he might have attempted it, but as the conflict escalated, he couldn’t bear the thought of jeopardizing Marie and her companions.

As he pondered, the Paladin Galahad sighed with relief.

“Stand by.”

“Huh? But-“

“I commanded you to stand by.”

When Galahad, the man in question, issued a firm command, dozens of servants complied.

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He was certainly no ordinary individual.

‘It’s unpredictable…’

Oliver observed Galahad, who radiated a mix of emotions, including surprise, contemplation, optimism, and a sense of opportunity.

Even when facing the uninvited presence of Oliver, Galahad did not appear irritated. Instead, he seemed to perceive an opportunity, much like a speculator, a businessman, or a politician in Landa who rejoiced when trouble emerged. The difference was that he lacked personal greed—a rather unique case.

Cunning without personal avarice.

“What are you?”

Galahad pointed his sword at Oliver and inquired, still concealing his intentions.

“May I ask why I should answer? You seem to have no intention of letting me go.”

“That’s right. I don’t plan to let any of you heretics go.”

“Why would I answer, then?”

“If you don’t, I’ll command an immediate attack with all my forces. Then, neither you nor those below will be safe… Are you convinced?”

“Ah… I understand.”

Oliver nodded.

Marie, who was down in the temple, shouted for them not to worry, but Oliver gestured for her to stay and continued speaking. He hadn’t given much thought to the future, but since he had come to assist Marie and her group, he hoped that everyone would remain safe.

Observing this, Galahad spoke.

“I’ll change the question. By any chance, are you Oliver, the god of this heretical religion?”

Paladin Galahad ventured a guess, drawing on Oliver’s appearance, the circumstances, the attitude of the Pseudo religion’s leader, his own experiences, and intuition. And he was correct.

“Yes, that’s correct… Though, I’m not a god.”

Everyone except Galahad and Marie was taken aback by Oliver’s frank admission.

Marie’s followers were astonished by the presence of the God they worshipped, while the dignitaries on Galahad’s side were surprised because they hadn’t expected to encounter the heretical God here. According to their investigations, he had vanished…

“How fortunate.”

Galahad thought to himself.

Supressing the heretical religion was a significant achievement, but eliminating the God of that religion was an even greater accomplishment.

The impact when this was announced to the world would be extraordinary. It must be seen as a divine intervention.

“I didn’t expect to meet the false god of the heretical religion here.”

“Uh… I’m sorry, sir Paladin. As I said earlier, I’m not a god.”

“You lie to save your life?”

“It’s true I value my life, but I’m not lying. I’ve never once considered myself a god. I mean it.”

Galahad hesitated for a moment.

He had encountered various types of individuals – those intoxicated by power, those who revealed their true colors in times of crisis, and hypocrites. This was a first.

When someone is hailed as a God, they typically develop a sense of arrogance, but Oliver displayed no such conceit. On the contrary, he seemed rather uncomfortable with it.

“It was because of Marie that I was treated as a god…”

Oliver began to explain but paused, then corrected himself with a solemn bow of his head.

“Uh… No, it’s my fault for not making it clear. If the Parter Church was harmed because of me, I sincerely apologize. I will take full responsibility and address this issue. Could you possibly show mercy and grant an opportunity?”

“How do you intend to resolve this?”

“If you show mercy and release us, I promise to abolish this heretical religion.”

It was a startling statement, both for the Paladins and for the Parter Church.

“Insulting. Do you think we’re fools who’d believe such a lie?”

A Paladin with a mace interjected angrily.

Such a reaction was to be expected.

The false God of a heretical religion pledging to abolish it? It sounded absurd.

Aware of this, Oliver calmly responded, “I apologize for that. But still, can’t you show mercy? Doesn’t the Parter Church teach love, faith, mercy, tolerance, and forgiveness?”

“Blasphemy! How dare you mention God’s teachings… It’s disrespectful and sinful! Do you think the likes of you deserve God’s mercy, tolerance, and forgiveness?”

The mace-wielding Paladin was furious, his face contorted with rage.

However, Oliver genuinely questioned, “Shouldn’t people like us seek God’s mercy, tolerance, and forgiveness more? Why do you despise us so much?”


The Paladin, consumed by anger, swung his mace.

Oliver, sensing the Paladin’s emotions, moved slightly in advance, evading the attack. However, he stumbled afterward, losing his balance due to the powerful wind generated by the mace’s swing.

In that fleeting moment, Galahad silently drew near, restraining his sword, and inquired, “You really don’t know the reason?”

Then he struck at Oliver.

The assault was swift. Oliver employed a spell to connect his body with the surrounding structures, pulling himself away just in time to dodge the blow.

Even amidst this, Oliver responded, “Yes, I don’t understand.”

[Holy Light]

Upon witnessing Oliver employ black magic, Galahad promptly dispelled it with his sacred spell.

Feeling utterly powerless, he was suddenly consumed by curiosity about the origins and constraints of Holy power.


At the instant Oliver paused, Galahad lunged forward, directing the tip of his sword squarely at Oliver.

The attack was incredibly rapid, not solely because of his physical prowess but also due to the impeccable technique behind his movements.

Fortunately, owing to Oliver’s combat experience, he instinctively contorted his body to narrowly evade the attack, but the peril was far from over.


Immediately after sidestepping Galahad’s strike, Oliver sensed a threat from above and swiftly twisted his body in response. He felt a sharp pang in his shoulder at that moment.

Another Paladin, wielding a spear, had leaped high and descended with a downward slash.

The attack was so swift that even with Oliver’s slightly faster reactions, he couldn’t entirely elude it.

Likewise, Galahad’s strike was equally potent.

Seizing the moment when Oliver had twisted his body to dodge and lost his balance, Galahad swiftly swung his sword, inflicting another wound on Oliver’s shoulder.

It was perplexing. He could have completely evaded it.

“You chosen ones extracted emotions from your followers to make drugs. Just for that, you deserve to be executed.”

Oliver attempted to interject.



As Oliver attempted to formulate a response, the mace-wielding Paladin charged forward and swung his formidable weapon.

The flanged mace, with its menacing appearance, hurtled toward Oliver, who quickly utilized a tree firmly rooted in the temple’s surroundings to create a protective barrier.


Despite the tree being reinforced with the vitality of life energy and the strength of nature, rendering it as resilient as steel, it shattered upon impact. The force not only splintered the tree but also sent Oliver hurtling into a nearby dilapidated building.

The impact was so jarring that he could scarcely grasp what had just transpired.

However, numerous questions still weighed on Oliver’s mind.

“Ugh… Sir Paladins. It may sound like an excuse, but while the chosen ones did extract emotions and life force from the believers, no one died. We only took a moderate amount. Isn’t that acceptable? It’s similar to donating blood.”

Taking a potion, Oliver descended from the damaged building. His mask remained intact, but his body emitted ominous creaks, suggesting damage.

“So, are you saying that’s right?”

Galahad, along with the other two Paladins, inquired as they approached, their attention no longer on Marie.

“I’m not sure… I don’t think I’m remarkable enough to determine right from wrong. And the world is too complex. But I do know that the chosen ones tried to maintain a minimum standard of morality.”

“Compromises lead to sins.”

“Has the Parter Church never compromised?”

Placing the empty potion bottle on the ground, Oliver posed this question, recalling the incident with Joanna.

Whether by chance or design, Galahad remained silent, as Joanna had done when Oliver mentioned it.

The mace-wielding Paladin interjected, his disapproval evident.

“How dare a heretic like you judge our Parter Church? I’ll really bash your head in this time!”

“I’m just asking if you’ve never compromised, as the scriptures suggest… Actually, I have another question.”

Oliver shifted the conversation to another topic that had been on his mind.

“Even if we were innocent, do you intend to let us go?”

“What do you mean?”

Galahad halted the other Paladin and asked.

“I’m asking if you believe your actions are righteous, or merely necessary.”

Galahad closed his eyes for a moment before responding.

“It’s not even worth answering… The two coincide.”

“I see… Thank you for clarifying.”

Extending his hand, Oliver revealed wooden fragments and a green bean. With his will, emotions, life force, and the power of nature, he infused them.

The wooden shard and sprouting bean enveloped Oliver, forming an armor-like covering. Shortly thereafter, eyes and a mouth materialized, emitting a scream from a being that was neither entirely human nor beast.

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