Genius Warlock

Chapter 148


It is a type of Black magic that is similar to the spell [Obedience], which allows the user to exert control over the revived body. However, [Brainwash] is used on living creatures rather than corpses.

It is considered a fundamental form of black magic, as it serves as the foundation for many other dark spells.




"Squeak…! Squeak…! Squeak…"!”

"Kriiii, Kriiiii, Kriiii."

"Uiiiii! Uiiii! Uiiiii! "

The contaminated creatures that had already been affected by [Brainwash] and were following orders, emitted a strange noise like that of a broken car when a new brainwash was imposed on them.

Usually, it was advantageous to apply [Brainwash] first, but in cases where there was a difference in skill level, the person applying the brainwash later could gain control.

This appeared to be the case in this situation.



The contaminated creature, which was a mixture of crocodile and frog, and naked mice, altered their objectives and charged toward the Kell Liberation Army.

The enemy forces were caught off guard by the sudden behavior of the creatures, and were momentarily stunned.

"Huh? Uh-huh?"

When everyone couldn't grasp the situation, a muscular man over two meters tall ordered.

"What are you doing?”

With his command as a signal, everyone came to their senses and fired in unison.


Contaminated creatures were massacred by gunshots in the sewer.

Their bodies were perforated like a honeycomb, and as they fell, flesh, blood, and bone fragments scattered.

Some tried to escape with the black magic getting released due to extreme pain, but it was already too late.

Most of them just ran in blindly or fell while trying to escape, with only two of them managing to get close to the Kell Liberation Army personnel.

"We've been discovered! You guys, get out of here! Protect Hewitt!"

A tall and heavily built man, almost two meters tall, shouted into a crude communication device before taking the lead.

He then cast a spell of black magic upon himself.

His skin appeared to be burning red and his musculoskeletal and muscle structure expanded, indicating that the spell he used was related to disease-type black magic.

His height appeared to have doubled and his muscles were noticeably swollen, showing that he was quite skilled in the use of this spell.


The disease-type Warlock snorted and shook his fist loudly.

At the same time, the two contaminated creatures that were stuck in the wall became chopped hamburgers.

It was a contaminated creature that was intercepted at best, but they left without much activity. That was enough, though.

"Close combatants approach, and the rest support! I'll wrap it up… Huh?!"

Before the disease-type Warlock could finish speaking, something quickly rushed in.

It was corpse doll [Rag].

It rushed in with the sound of chattering teeth, its hair disheveled and cloak resembling a mop. It ran frantically, using multiple limbs.

"Corpse doll?"

He shouted and swung his ferocious fists.


It was incredibly powerful, as one side of its body was shattered and sent flying as if struck by an industrial iron ball.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

This resulted in all of its loosely attached limbs falling off, including those with blades attached.


The disease-type Warlock made a noise, but it was already late.

The blade, which was imbued with the spell [Exhaustion], which drains the opponent's energy and desensitizes the body and mind, was embedded in the body of the enemy warlock.

Phew! Phew! Phew! Phew! Phew! Phew!

Suddenly, the situation changed. But it was not over yet.

The enemies, who were already bewildered, now had dart-like marks on their bodies, and soon, black blades sped toward those marks, pouring out like a flock of mosquitoes, and embedding themselves in their bodies. Some managed to avoid the blades, but many couldn’t.

“It appears that there are both soldiers and executives among the enemies, and it is requested that they be subdued without killing them, if possible. If they are killed, the reward will be reduced.”



"All right."

Joe, Sam, and Owen responded in unison and ran toward the enemies.

The enemies whose bodies were modified with black magic suddenly charged forward with large swords (claymores), but were broken and blown away by Owen's swinging iron club.

Sam opened fire to stop their advance, and Joe tried to engage with his sword.

The enemies blocked or dodged Sam's bullets, defended against Joe's approach, and focused on countering Owen.

Meanwhile, the disease-type warlock tried to assist his allies by healing himself.

"Excuse me."

Oliver, who had been reinforced with [Black suit], [Burning Life], and [Muscle Up], jumped up and hit the temple of the disease-type Warlock with his quarterstaff.

The Warlock staggered and fell, as if his brain had been shaken.

Joe, Sam, Owen, and the others were surprised by the sight.

It was a decisive victory, as Oliver was able to defeat a man with a significant difference in physique with just one blow.

However, Oliver, the party involved, simply turned around casually, looked at them, and said.

"Damon, a disease-type Warlock, Allister, a Warlock who deals with contaminated creatures, and Hewitt, a Magic hacker who deals with World Tree….. All three of these are key executives. Damon just told them to run away, so the other two should be around. I'm going after Allister and Hewitt, so please take care of this place with corpse dolls."

Oliver told Joe and ran through another sewer passage.

However, Joe did not say anything back or complain.

In fact, Damon, Allister, and Hewitt were executives each with a bounty of more than 100 million, and were of great importance.

Rather than reluctance, he simply didn't feel any resistance to the orders given by Oliver.

This was because overwhelming power was the law of this place.

Joe said unknowingly.

"Let's get it over with."

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

Despite Oliver's departure, the task at hand became simpler due to the incapacitation of the disease-type Warlock, Damon.

Even with a formidable array of opponents, Joe, Sam, and Owen were able to handle them efficiently.

Although the presence of enemies armed with firearms posed a challenge, they were able to effectively counter them with the support they had.



Corpse doll [Warlock] used black magic to tie the enemy's feet.

The enemy's shadow crept up like a weed and grabbed their legs.

Thanks to this the movements of the enemy who tried to suppress them with a Claymore were momentarily paralyzed, allowing Joe to take advantage of the opportunity and deliver a devastating blow to the enemy's side with a clenched fist.

With a bang, the side bones of the enemy cracked.

Joe quickly took out the two enemies who were backing the fallen enemy by using a combination of punches and kicks.

Soon after, when he surveyed the scene, he realized that his assistance was not needed.

The Corpse Doll [Sniper], true to its name, provided support to the group by firing from its eight arms, taking out enemies who were shooting from behind, and assisting Owen in another direction.

But the most impressive thing was that [Sniper] approached the enemy who was fighting with Sam and shot with a sawed-off shotgun in both hands!

Bang! Bang!

Two shots were fired.

The enemy, caught off guard by the sudden attack, was unable to defend against the relentless onslaught and fell to the ground like a ripe tomato.

It was not the power of a typical shotgun, and it seemed that the bullets were enhanced by black magic like Sam's.

Joe got goosebumps.

It was not just because of the strong firepower. It was because of the attitude of the Corpse doll [Sniper] who wanted to show off its firepower and killed unnecessarily, despite Oliver's words to avoid killing as much as possible.

Despite his limited understanding of the intricacies of black magic, Joe recognized that the corpse dolls created by Oliver were distinct from the typical corpse dolls and zombies made through general black magic practices. He may not have fully grasped the nuances, but he was certain that there was a difference.

As the Corpse Doll [Sniper] smiled triumphantly, Joe couldn't shake off the feeling of discomfort, as the creature seemed to take pleasure in the destruction it had caused.

"Kya…!Kya…! Kya…! Kyaahh…!”

The appearance of it was like nothing of a Corpse doll, it felt like seeing a living creature beyond a simple zombie. As venomous as humans.

As the chilly sensation briefly passed down his spine, Sam approached with a cautious expression and asked.

"Are all corpse dolls like that?"

"I don't know."

"What the hell was Dave trying to make?”


The corpse doll [Warlock] responded to the complaints disguised as grumbling with a low cry, as if to give a warning not to speak ill of Dave.

It didn't make logical sense, but the message was clear.

Joe, noticing the uncomfortable situation, quickly changed the topic, perhaps in an effort to redirect the group's attention after seeing the performances of the two earlier.

"Okay, let's finish the work first. Owen, bring me a rope."

Owen, who had taken down three enemies with his iron club, quickly rushed to follow Joe's command and pulled out a rope.

The rope was specially tied with a unique knotting method and could be easily wrapped around the target's arms.

To his surprise, the tool proved to be incredibly useful and was even available for purchase at various shops.

He had heard rumors that the rope was originally designed for use in a peculiar brothel and couldn't help but wonder if there was any truth to the claim.

‘Do this mean pervs have a place to use this?’

Joe bound the arms of the unconscious enemies and dragged them using a rope. He then gathered them together.

The city usually doesn't spend money on most things, but surprisingly, when it is used, it is possible to expect at least a few hundred to a thousand or more if you pass all the general soldiers.

In fact, Sam was already calculating the money.

"Typically, capturing general soldiers can earn a minimum of a hundred per person, but if one, two, three… some are killed, will there be an exception?"

"Wouldn't we at least get half the price?"

Joe immediately said to Sam and Owen, who are folding and unfolding their fingers.

"Even if you take out the small things, it's already 150 million just by the guy who fell over there.”

Joe gestured towards Damon, a disease-type Warlock, who was bound to the ground and unconscious.

According to information received from Dave, Damon possessed formidable skills and was said to have decimated more than ten platoons of the Empire's Army in guerrilla warfare.

Looking at the black magic he used, it didn't seem like an exaggeration.

Damon appeared to be a giant, towering at four or five meters tall, with balloon-like, swollen muscles that instilled a sense of biological fear simply by looking at him. Even 150 million seemed like a small price for someone of Damon's caliber.

As Joe was lost in thought looking at Damon, Owen carefully opened his mouth.

"But… Didn't Dave just say he was going after someone else?"

Everyone retraced their memories of what Oliver said about pursuing Warlock Allister and Hewitt the Magic Hacker.

The bounties for the two were 110 million and 300 million, respectively.

Owen was surprised when he recalled their bounties.

"Uh, then, shouldn't we go help? If he fails…."

Joe shook his head without saying a word. He couldn’t pinpoint when he started trusting him, but he never thought Dave would fail.

Is it because he teaches him black magic? No, it wasn't.

It was a belief that came from the overwhelming power and presence he showed.

And it seemed to be the same for Sam.

"Do you think that monster is going to lose to some motherfu*kers who lost the war and ran away? ….Oh, by the way, that's a compliment."

Sam made an excuse to the two corpse dolls which were staring at him.

The two were packing the dismantled corpse doll [Rag].

Although Joe only learned black magic on the surface level, just by looking at them he could tell that they were high-performance corpse dolls.

Even though they weren’t ordered, they judged themselves and moved..

Meanwhile, Sam continued.

"Anyway, it's awesome. It means that if we add all the big ones together, it's 560 million. Our share of it is..?”


Sam nodded convincingly.

"280 million. You and I eat 40% each, and Owen eats 20% so I make at least 112 million."

Joe nodded.

Sam exclaimed "damn!"

The amount of money that exceeded 100 million was a treasure that couldn't be handled even in District X, or rather, most of Landa's humans couldn't handle it.

‘Depending on how you use it, it's the kind of money that could take you out of District X and open up a new life. Of course, no one will be thinking like that.’

"Even if you spend as much as you want for a year, you don't have to worry about it. I'm suddenly so happy. Owen. What are you going to do with this much money?”

Owen scratched his head with a big smile.

"Well… First, I'm going to pay the fighter crew and then buy a lot of medicine and food for my younger brothers."

"It's like you. What about you, Joe?”

Just as Joe tried to answer, a fourth voice interrupted.

It was the disease-type Warlock Damon of the Kell rebels.

"You filthy motherfu*kers… Did you attack us for some piece of paper that those Empire basta*ds throw at you?"

Although he was sealed from using black magic, there was a sense of intimidation thanks to his unique eyes and physique.

"You managed to wake up, huh?”

"I asked you how much dirty money those Empire dogs throw at you to catch us."

Without answering Joe's words, Damon spoke freely.

"What the fu*k are you talking about?"

"If it's not money, what do you fight for? For family? For compatriots? For your country? …NO… There's no way sick motherfu*kers like you have anything like that."

Not only his tone but also his eyes looking at Joe and his party were like looking at garbage.

Joe, Sam, and Owen did not feel very good hearing his words. It was as if he was mocking their struggle to live somehow.

"Those are some piece of crap nonsense those who don’t know the value of money spits out."

Said Sam, who, like Joe, rolled at the bottom of District X.

It was a huge difference in this city with or without money, the difference between being a human being or a worm.

But Damon laughed at this fact.

"As expected, you guys are sh*t. Sh*t that only cares about money."

Sam ordered Owen in displeasure.

"Hey, stuff some clothe in that basta*ds mouth. If it isn’t for the bounty, I would fu*king kill him."

Owen approached Damon as he was told.

No one was nervous. They already know he was tied up with several layers of rope.

However, this was an illusion.


(To be Continued)


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