Genius Warlock

Chapter 196

After checking the corpse doll brought by Oliver, Jonathan and his team set out for the District Y border with him in tow.

This was a prohibited area, off-limits to ordinary civilians, but as with all things in Landa, there were loopholes to be found.

Thanks to Pinkman's extensive connections, Jonathan was able to persuade the city's defense forces to grant them passage.

"What if something goes wrong?"

"We'll pretend not to know each other."

After exchanging greetings with the barrier manager, the group passed through multiple soldiers into the interior of District Y.

As they ventured forth, the eerie landscape they encountered matched the horror depicted in the video.

The city had officially abandoned this region, and it showed.

"Let's go over the operation plan again. Keep your words brief for a quick conversation."

Oliver nodded in agreement, and Jonathan produced a small map, which had been crafted by Pinkman office, indicating the location of the temple where their target items were stored.

“This is the location, and this is where the auction items are stored. As you can see, the distance is closer than you think.”

Everyone focused on the map.

"The operation will be straightforward. We'll use heavy firepower to attack the warehouse and take control of the situation. Then we'll move quickly to the interior, seize the stolen goods, and make our escape as soon as possible. The time limit is 20 minutes… does everyone remember that?"

Everyone nodded. Jonathan had warned them that if they took longer than 20 minutes, they risked attracting enemy reinforcements or the attention of the looters seeking food in the vicinity, making their mission all the more perilous.

In other words, it was a battle against time.

"What if not all the auction items are there? Will that be a problem? If we rush to take them out, they might dispose of other items quickly or hide them more deeply." asked the muscular middle-aged man, Bear, equipped with a much thicker and sturdier than the other Pinkman members.

Like other armor, it was equipped with mana stones that were flowing with mana in real time.

"That's a valid point, but we need to recover what we can and see. If we're too cautious, we might not find anything at all. We might even make a mistake in a panic. We're keeping an eye on the Landa Black Market and nearby ports, so we might find a lead."

Bear nodded his head as if convinced. He didn't know much about it, but Jonathan's words seemed to be right.

Having worked in this field, there were times when pushing forward with solid skills was more effective than clumsily thinking.

Jonathan explained the plan again.

"I'll keep you updated on the time using the communication device in your ear. And if anything unexpected happens, our support Aul, who is monitoring the warehouse and the area around it, will let us know. "

Aul was the woman who greeted Oliver at the safe house.

She was Jonathan's subordinate who used small golems and magical equipment to monitor the surroundings in real-time and relay information to the team.

"Also, Brook will provide real-time sniper support, so don't worry. He talks a lot, but he's highly skilled. Just hold on for 20 minutes, and everything will be fine. Does anyone have any questions?"

No one voiced any questions, and the mission's goal and execution remained clear.

As Jonathan issued orders, Oliver, as a contingency measure, instructed [Sniper] to carry the new corpse doll, [Corpse Cannon], to their designated location in case of any emergencies.

"If I need help, I’ll give the signal."



⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

Tak. Tak. Tak.

Jonathan led the group with a cautious stride towards their destination, skillfully guided by Aul outside District Y through their communication device. Her guidance was crucial in avoiding any major obstacles that could jeopardize their mission, deftly redirecting them when they encountered any potential threats without taking unnecessary detours. This way, they could reach their destination swiftly and safely.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


As they approached their target, Jonathan raised a fist, signaling the group to halt in front of an alleyway.

Oliver peeked out of the alleyway and saw a broken temple in the distance, with mutants chained up and sick-looking gang members surrounding it.

‘There are around thirty people… some with higher Life-force than others. This place is definitely different from the others.'

Oliver thought and with ease he unleashed his black magic, preparing both [Targeting] and [Black Dart] with [Las Bomb].

He knew this combination would give him the element of surprise and maximum impact against their foes.

The emotions processed by his black magic took shape as unique black smoke, swiftly transforming into black dart boards that flew toward their enemies.

"Huh? What's this?"

"What the f***! It's an enemy attack! Everyone, wake up!!"

But the District Y gangsters were not to be underestimated.

One with a dog-like nose quickly identified Oliver and pointed him out.

But it was too late.

"Over there. Over there… huh?"

Before the man with the dog-like nose could finish his sentence, black darts that had been fed with Las Bomb came flying in front of him.

Not one, but twenty darts flew like a swarm of bees.

Certainly, the gangsters here seemed to be on a different level than the other districts, but the difference was negligible in the face of overwhelming firepower.


The explosion that followed was intense, sweeping the area and raising a cloud of dust. But Oliver had carefully adjusted the firepower to avoid damaging any of the auction items they were after.


"Now, we have twenty minutes left."

Without missing a beat, Jonathan charged forward, closely followed by his PinkMan allies.

Their physical abilities, coupled with their mana skills, allowed them to cover the distance to the warehouse in no time.

It was then.

"Is it an outsider?!"

"How dare they come here?!"

But the District Y gangsters were not done yet. A few who had withstood the earlier bombardment emerged from the dust, ready to fight.

"I'll hang your corpses at the…."


One of the gangsters in District Y, who had come out of the dust, was knocked down by a bullet flying in the air.

To be precise, a bullet that came out of a purple magic circle formed in the air.

Thanks to the support of Brook, a PinkMan with an eye tattoo who was with him, Oliver fired three consecutive shots.

BAM-!! BAM-!! BAM-!!

The bullets found their mark, taking down three more of the District Y gangsters and causing the rest to falter.

"Charge forward!!!!"

The armored figure of Bear swung his mighty ax with ferocious strength, living up to his namesake.

As a skilled dual-wielding axeman, he carried a magical bag on his broad shoulder, packing a deadly punch. In one swift move, he cleaved apart four fully-grown men, leaving the gangsters in District Y shaken and intimidated.

With Jonathan at the forefront, Bear wasted no time in leading the charge, urging his comrades to "kill them all."


Jonathan, a skilled marksman, fired his revolver with pinpoint accuracy, cutting down several foes before switching to his twin blades to dispatch the rest.

Bear and the other Pinkmen joined the fray, breaking through the enemy's defenses with ease. Before long, the gangsters in District Y began to scatter in fear, their morale shattered.

[Dave. I'll pack things with Bear, be prepared with the others.] Commanded Jonathan, who entered the temple.

Oliver nodded his head in agreement as he had promised beforehand.

From now on, all he had to do was to deter the approaching enemies with his high firepower until Jonathan came out.

As two PinkMan armed with close-range weapons and submachine guns joined, Oliver focused on his surroundings.

As expected, there were many people living nearby.

Most of the people here had nothing to do with the fight. However, some of them looked for an opportunity to try their luck, while others approached with excitement, anger, or joy.

There were also people watching with interest and curiosity.

‘… Interest? Curiosity?’

Oliver focused the warlock's eye, which he spread widely in the direction of a particular emotion.

Roughly one kilometer away, there was someone who seemed to be a Warlock, and not an ordinary one at that.

[—Crick! Multiple enemies are approaching the abandoned temple. They're surrounding the temple from both sides. It seems that the guys near the warehouse are probably just bait.] Aul's voice, who was providing support from a distance, brought Oliver back to reality.

Soon Jonathan's voice was heard, [What's the level of their weapons?]

[For the most part, it's not very threatening, but the problem is that there are many mutants. Six hounds and one ogre-man.]

Ogre Man.

Jonathan knew this before entering the operation.

As one of the things to be careful of in District Y, it was the mutants that grew to be 3-4 meters tall.

They were so threatening that they could be called living tanks, breaking buildings barehanded, and their defense was on par with military-grade weapons.

They were beings that could not be captured with ordinary equipment. However, Jonathan did not panic and called Oliver.

[Dave? Can you hold them off?]

Oliver replied, "I'll hold them off until you come out."

[Thank you.]

As soon as the short conversation ended, Oliver focused the energy on his eyes.

As Aul had said, enemies were approaching from both directions. Among them, he sensed a huge Life-force that was twenty times more than that of an ordinary person.

Oliver first went to the right and cast black magic at the halfway point of the road leading this way.

A [Grudge Trap] made with emotions of hatred, resentment, and anger, filled with minions fed with Las Bombs, and minions full of hate bullets, and so on.

A PinkMan asked while looking at Oliver who was preparing.

"Isn't it better to use ‘that' you prepared?"

"I'm saving it. Personally, I think we should save our ultimate weapon as much as possible. It's best if we don't have to use it."

Oliver answered, inferring from his accumulated combat experience.

Fortunately, the PinkMan didn't press the issue any further.

"The preparations are complete. I will take care of the other side, so please take care of this side."

Two PinkMan nodded their heads while adjusting their guns.

As soon as he heard the answer, Oliver went to the opposite side of the road.

As before, Oliver set up traps on the left side street and created numerous minions to help him.

Just as he finished the preparations, he heard a voice from the communication device in his ear.

[They’re here!]

"Over there!!"

District Y gangsters appeared from both sides of the temple.

Those who came from the right side had fewer mutants, but they had more numbers.

As predicted by Aul, they were armed with District Y's signature homemade guns and bomb launchers. But it was of no great concern to Oliver.

The fact that it was a specialty item did not guarantee its quality. While there were a few diamonds in the rough, most firearms made by District Y were trash.

"Shoot them to death-"


Proof of this was that only two PinkMan were able to keep the gangsters of District Y in check.

With superior firing speed and accuracy, the PinkMan's gun outclassed the gangsters' weaponry. Thus, despite their numerical advantage, the gangsters were pushed back by the PinkMan's firepower. In fact, their sheer numbers worked against them, resulting in greater casualties.

"Fools! Charge them and hack them to pieces!" cried one of the gangsters, goading his comrades. And with that, the District Y gangsters charged at their foes with sickles, scythes, and axes in hand.

The situation grew even more perilous.

Despite being shot and knocked down, the gangsters closed in on the PinkMan, and in the process, the gangsters stepped into the [Grudge trap] Oliver had set up.

Camouflaged until then, the trap revealed itself in a burst of black light, exploding like lava.


The leading gangsters' lower bodies were obliterated in the eruption, and those who followed stumbled about in confusion.

Oliver's minions, previously positioned to strike, rushed forward and self-destructed among the dazed enemy ranks.

In quick succession, minions carrying bullets of hatred fired off the bullets and shot down the enemies.

In the ensuing chaos, the PinkMan joined forces with the minions and concentrated their firepower, quickly subduing the gangsters.

"This side is safe! What about your side, Mr. Warlock?"

“Um… it doesn’t seem to be going well,” answered Oliver while looking at Ogre-man, who was still intact even after being hit by Las Bomb and hate bullets.

(To be Continued)


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