Genius Warlock

Chapter 206

Fortunately, the conversation ended peacefully.

Upon hearing Oliver's words, Gordon paused with a dumbfounded expression before bursting into laughter and agreeing.

" ….Alright. I can't argue anymore since you've said that much. Although I can't promise a definitive answer, I'll make an effort to discuss it with the other members of the board."

Ultimately, Gordon was in agreement with Oliver's proposal and even showed his willingness to assist.

"I'll do my best to avoid any confrontations with the Fighter Crew. Dave, please accept the aid of the Fighter Crew as you suggested, and capture the remaining thieves. After that, I'll use my influence to help persuade them."

Oliver naturally agreed to the plan.

After hearing the positive response, Gordon expressed his satisfaction with the meeting and left the restaurant politely to get into his car outside.

The staff at the restaurant swiftly began cleaning up, although they didn't display any visible signs of relief. Forrest accompanied Oliver and entered his office with him.

"Thank you, Mr. Forrest," Oliver said as he closed the door to the office.

Oliver proceeded to express his appreciation for Forrest's assistance during the negotiations, acknowledging that it would have been challenging without him.

Murphy was an alternative option, but he was associated with the Crime Firm, making Forrest the obvious and most suitable choice.

Forrest took a gulp from his drink, feeling a combination of relief and a subtle sense of unease.

"Would you like a drink as well?" Forrest asked Oliver.


Oliver agreed and Forrest proceeded to pour some alcohol into a beautiful crystal glass with a clinking sound. He then handed the glass to Oliver.

"Just a moment."

As Oliver took the glass, Forrest spoke and gently clinked his crystal glass against Oliver's.

The clinking of the glasses produced a clear and refreshing sound.

Oliver inquired, “What are you doing?”

"It's a toast. It's a tradition to celebrate something special. It's an old custom, so don't ask for more details," Forrest replied.

Oliver closed his mouth and refrained from asking any further questions.

"…But what are we celebrating?"

"Thanks to you, I've hit the jackpot at the end of my career. I planned to retire quietly, but now I have a huge job to take on. Life is unpredictable, and I'm grateful to you."

His words were mostly true, and he was genuinely appreciative of Oliver's contribution to his newfound fortune.

However, his emotions were also mixed with some inner turmoil.

He had made efforts to maintain a certain distance from Oliver.

Forrest preferred to maintain a friendly but not overly close relationship with Oliver, and Oliver appreciated that aspect.

As a broker who linked people and work, the emotional distance was crucial for Forrest.

"There is no need for you to thank me. In fact, it is I who should express my gratitude towards you. Your assistance allowed me to fulfill my promise to Joe safely." Oliver replied.

"Well, not to be a buzzkill or anything, but why did you even make that promise in the first place? I mean, you're pretty darn good at what you do, so you could've found a way around it without having to make that promise. If anything, it just makes things more complicated, you know?"

Forrest inquired, genuinely curious. Although he didn't check every time, he had an idea of Oliver's skill level since he periodically monitored his battles through Heimdall.

To be honest, Oliver's skills were not only good enough to be employed exclusively by the city's big shots, including the Crime Firm but also to create his organization like Shamus, who became a legend in this field.

In this city, a force was as powerful a competitive advantage as business acumen or political power.

Oliver pondered for a moment before answering Forrest's question.

"Um… If someone was set on killing me, I would be helpless to stop them. However, even if there's a chance to evade it, engaging in a fight doesn't seem like the best option, does it? Additionally, I am responsible for the deaths of Joe's friends, and he is presently looking after their siblings. It would be excessive to take Joe's life as well, wouldn't it?"

"…It's scary how sincere you sound."

"Is it?"

"Really… So, you're not gonna take any cash then?"

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The money Forrest mentioned referred to the fees Oliver would receive for teaching black magic to the Fighter Crew.

Originally, Oliver could have demanded payment from the Fighter Crew, middleman Forrest, or the Crime Firm, but he refused to accept it.

Quite firmly, at that.

"Yes. It would be strange to accept money when I said I would help, right?"

"Indeed, if you were to charge appropriately for your services, the project would not even move forward, and the fee would be substantial. While it benefits me, I wonder if it's acceptable for you. It's not my place to ask, but is it appropriate to share your knowledge and expertise so freely?"

The point made was very sensible and logical. Whether one was a wizard or a warlock, their livelihood depended on their knowledge.

Knowledge was equivalent to power, authority, and a means of earning a livelihood.

Thus, they tended to keep their knowledge closely guarded, only divulging a small amount when they received something of comparable worth.

Although this behavior may appear selfish at first glance, it was a completely natural practice.

However, Oliver seemed to be unaware of this fundamental reality.

"Yes. Teaching doesn't diminish it. Although it can be a bit disappointing to invest a significant amount of time, I have come to terms with it."

Forrest remained silent on the matter.

Despite discussing the same subject, their conversation failed to progress as they were on entirely different wavelengths.

Nonetheless, the conversation was not awkward or irritating.

Well, it was slightly vexing, but in a positive way.

To experience such feelings in Landa was unexpected.

Forrest found the man in front of him quite peculiar. Even surreal.

"Whew… Looks like I'm gonna have to lay off the booze for a bit. Got a ton of work to get done."

"I guess so."

That's right. It was an enormous undertaking to form contracts with almost 300 Fighter Crew members and provide them to the Crime Firm.

And that was merely a portion of the work involved.

"I also have to relocate the restaurant and expand the security company. Besides, I need to seek out a partner from the other brokers in District T. I'll be pressed for time."

"Other broker?"

"Certainly, when the number of Solvers under a broker's management exceeds a certain threshold and the workload becomes too onerous, they engage the services of other brokers. It's similar to the idea of having a business partner."

"Oh, I see… But is it necessary to move the restaurant as well?"

"I'm not too keen on it either. Location is important. However, with the scale growing this much, it's necessary to move. The number of employees, clients, and Solvers will all increase."

Forrest's emotions shone with certainty, and Oliver didn't ask any more questions.

If Forrest, who had more experience and knowledge, was saying this, there must be a reason.

"Um… Would it be impolite if I offered to assist with the paperwork when forming contracts with the Fighter Crew members?"

Oliver gave the matter careful consideration.

His motivation was none other than his preparation for working at the Magic Tower.

Despite having secured a job with Merlin and Kevin's assistance, Oliver lacked knowledge of paperwork.

Although it wouldn't be identical, he believed he could learn a few tips by assisting Forrest with his paperwork duties.

Yet, he felt hesitant to request aid.

After all, he had already received assistance with the Fighter Crew matter, and Oliver, who was ignorant about paperwork, didn't want to be a nuisance.

Fortunately, Forrest spoke up first.

"Dave, can I ask you for a favor if you don't mind?"

“Yes, please tell me.”

"When you train the Fighter Crew members in black magic, you'll do it in District X, right?"

"I guess so."

“Can I come along with you?”


"I understand that Gordon and others will handle the middle management, but I prefer to oversee all the Solvers I'm working with. It's the only way I can perform my job to the best of my abilities. If I accompany you, it will be more manageable for me to work with them and establish good relationships. Would it be possible for me to ask you this favor? I'll compensate you for your time."

"In that case, can I ask you for a favor as well?"

"I presumed you would agree without any conditions, so your request for compensation has caught me off guard. It's a bit surprising. You don't like me or somethin'?"


"Don't stare at me like that. What do you require in return?"

"By any chance, do you do paperwork?"

"Half of my job is paperwork. Receiving subcontracted work, gathering information, cross-checking, and concluding contracts with solvers… Of course, I do. Why?"

"Then, can you teach me how to do paperwork when we go there?"

"…Whoa, are you planning on changing your career to a broker?"

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

Although there was a minor hiccup with Forrest, they managed to finalize the agreement successfully.

In truth, it wasn't much of an agreement. All Oliver had to do was accompany Forrest to District X.

As a result, Forrest consented to teach Oliver how to handle the paperwork.

‘Of course, I have to take care of urgent matters first.'

[They are moving in the north direction of Street 41.]

Oliver's communication device transmitted a message from Jonathan's team member, Aul.

Subsequently, Oliver, Bear, and a few Pinkman members modified their movements to encircle the intended target.

They shortly identified the escaping Venium and his subordinates.

Venium served as a subordinate of Human-meat Chef, an infamous criminal in Gallos. Terrorism was Venium's primary offense, which had resulted in a significant bounty on his head even in Landa.

"I know he has a decent bounty, but his subordinates aren't very impressive!"

Bear swung his ax at Venium's fleeing subordinate in the cramped alleyway.

The captive subordinate attempted to defend himself with his magically enhanced body and kitchen knife, but the blade shattered, and he received a diagonal gash from his shoulder to his chest.


As if attempting to dislodge Venium's subordinate from his ax, Bear swung his weapon recklessly.

Consequently, the previously wounded subordinate of Venium was flung against the wall like a piece of refuse, causing blood to scatter.

[What if you kill him recklessly?!]

[If he's going to fall for this kind of attack, there's no point in capturing him anyway. The real target is Venium. I just cleared an obstacle.]

Aul and Bear's brief argument came through the communication device.

Not wanting to argue further, Aul let it go, and Jonathan joined the fray.

[Bear is right. They're just bullet sponges who haven't received the teachings of Chef. The important one is Venium. Get rid of the rest if they get in the way. Dave, please.]

In Jonathan's final statement, he singled out Oliver.

This was because Oliver had slain up to three warlocks who had acquired knowledge from Human-meat Chef.

The first warlock, who possessed manipulative abilities, was killed as part of a mission.

Oliver was also responsible for the deaths of Cook and the fat man with a pig's face.

"Yes, I'll try my best."

[Good. Then… now!]

Jonathan signaled and obstructed Venium's path by circling around.

Considering Venium's speed, which equaled that of a vehicle, his running ability was truly impressive.

It resulted from a combination of a well-conditioned physique, mana within him, and combat gear that employed magic stones as raw materials.

Venium, caught off guard by his preoccupation with the rear, was taken aback and halted abruptly, providing Jonathan an opportunity to aim his enormous revolver.

The firearm held an enormous amount of power, which was unleashed by a pull of the trigger, creating a deafening gunshot.


The magic bullet, accompanied by a shockwave, pierced everything in its direct path.

It tore through Venium's unprepared subordinates, demonstrating power comparable to that of the corpse doll-sniper's sawed-off shotgun.

"Damn it!"

With all of his subordinates dispatched in a single shot, Venium jumped onto the rooftop using his magically enhanced legs and evaded.

Despite his evasive tactics, Bear relentlessly pursued him and leaped upwards, swinging his double ax.

"Take this!"

Bear's magic-infused ax sliced through the bricks like butter, but the nimble Venium skillfully avoided it and spat greenish venom from his mouth.

The venom covered Bear from head to toe, causing his battle gear to sizzle and emit smoke.

Whoosh… clang!

Suddenly, a purple magic circle appeared in the air, and a large bullet filled with holy water struck Bear, neutralizing the venom.

Despite the damage, the harm was minimized.

With his safety secured, Bear roared and swung his double ax sideways.


Taken aback by the unexpected counterattack, Venium retreated, causing his chest and abdomen to spill blood.

Yet, he did not die from the assault.

"You wretched…"

Venium seethed with fury and intended to retaliate, but he decided to flee again when he saw Oliver approaching from behind.

The sizable wounds on his chest and abdomen were already healing.

"You won't escape that easily."

Jonathan and other team members ascended to the rooftop, blocking Venium's escape route.

Venium, trapped on the rooftop, appeared to have exhausted his patience and grumbled with a sinister expression like that of Cook.

"I was going to let you off quietly, but to hell with all of you…"

His cheeks and neck took on a greenish hue.

Venium aimed to cast a broad-range disease-weakening dark magic.

[Poison CI]

[Cling Web]

Oliver preemptively activated his black magic, enveloping Venium in a black spider web.

Venium was suspended in place, as if time had ceased.

(To be Continued)


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