Genius Warlock

Chapter 272

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"…The apparent reason is the large scale of the scam. If left unchecked, the very existence of Landa would be threatened."

Carver spoke with utmost sincerity.

However, Oliver couldn't understand the correlation.

He didn't understand how an individual's scam had anything to do with the survival of Landa.

“The freedom of Landa isn't maintained for free. I think I mentioned this when I tasked you with the out-of-town mission, that there are always those who covet Landa.”

"Ah… you mean the Parliament and the royal family?”

“Yes, that's right. They pretend to worry about Landa's safety with the mere event of the prison being attacked, trying to interfere with the freedom here. The reality is that they're just greedy for the wealth of this place. Imagine what would happen if massive damages occur not only in Landa but across the whole of England due to a single businessman?”


Oliver exclaimed.

Although he wasn't good at handling such issues, he could predict that it would provide an excellent excuse.

After all, the fact that actual damages occurred is undeniable.

“That's right. They might even question the status of Landa as a free city. Causing massive damage to the nation due to mismanagement…."

“…Isn't that somewhat true if it actually happens?”

Without thinking much, Oliver asked.

Caught off guard, Carver was unable to utter a single word, appearing startled.

Noticing the unfolding scenario, Forrest interjected.

"That's not entirely wrong.”

“…It’s unsettling to hear you say that, Mr. Forrest.”

“I admit. I'm a middleman. I'm the one who benefits the most from Landa's freedom. But, isn't it against Landa's freedom if I can't express my opinion?”

Hearing Forrest's answer, Carver gave a small laugh. He didn't seem too displeased.

“…Yes, I admit. We made a big mistake this time. While the city of Landa may be corrupt, it is also a competent group, but some individuals made foolish decisions. However, isn't it unjust for all the progress we have made thus far to be rendered meaningless because of that? Honestly, neither the Royal family nor the Parliament is any cleaner than us.”

“That's also true.”

Forrest addressed Oliver with a serious tone.

Upon hearing the response, Oliver turned to Carver, aiming to clarify any potential misunderstanding.

“Um, I wasn't trying to argue.”

“Well, that's good…. Somehow, the conversation went off topic, but the point is, we want Mr. Dave's help for the peace and preservation of Landa.”

As Oliver was about to answer, Forrest politely raised his hand, asking if he could speak first.

Oliver gladly gave him the floor.

“Mr. Carver, may I ask a few questions?”

“Please, ask anything. Given the situation, I will answer as honestly as I can within the limits.”

“You mentioned that there are city council members and public officials taking money from Shamus, so this task isn't a decision of Landa city.”

“You've got it exactly right. I am leading this operation with the support of other city council members who are opposed to those bought by Shamus.”

“You, Mr. Carver? Not the Ministry of Internal Affairs?”

“Yes, the Minister said that he couldn't risk the whole Ministry. He said if I really want to proceed, I should lead it alone.”

“That sounds very risky.”

“It is indeed risky. If I fail, my career will not just be tarnished, but destroyed. I would probably be kicked out, and have to say goodbye to the pension I've been diligently saving up as a public servant. Well, I'd probably be assassinated before that anyway.”

At that point, Oliver, who had been quietly listening, asked a question.

"Assassinated? By whom?"

"By Shamus or those higher-ups who have their sights set on me. Going against those with money and power in this city equates to that."

His tone was nonchalant, but his words were serious. At this moment, Carver was willing to risk his life to carry out this mission.

"Why are you taking such a risk?"

Oliver, not understanding, asked the question.

Certainly, as Carver suggested, there was a possibility that Shamus was devising a scam that posed a threat to the survival of Landa. However, there was also a chance that he wasn't.

Even if Shamus was plotting a scam, it would have been much wiser to stay still.

Nevertheless, Oliver couldn't fathom why Carver would willingly expose himself to danger.

Carver confidently responded, "Because I love Landa. This city."

His words were genuine.

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"What's the reason?"

"Because it's a city of unparalleled equality and freedom. Oh, of course, the interpretation of these words can differ, but at least to me, that's what it is. There are no aristocrats whose birth is their greatest achievement, no need to shout Long live the queen while shaking a small flag. Each person acts on their own will and ability, and receives treatment commensurate with that… Where else is a place more righteous than this?"

This statement was also genuine, carrying a strong sense of conviction.

It was a remarkably impressive expression of sentiment.

"So, I don't like those who seek to harm this city. That's why I'm willing to bear the risk and take the lead… Of course, if things go well, it would also help my promotion."

Every word spoken by Carver was genuine. His sincerity was evident in everything he said.

Having absorbed the information, Oliver relinquished control of the conversation to Forrest, seamlessly allowing him to carry on with the discussion.

"Thank you for your honest answer. As a citizen of Landa, I'm very proud and grateful for your attitude."

"Good. That's fortunate."

"But that aside, I'm a broker. I take jobs based on the chance of success and compensation, disregarding my personal feelings about the client."

"I understand."

"Even with the passive support of the council and the tacit agreement of the Minister of Internal Affairs, I understand this mission is being carried out independently by you, Mr. Carver. Is there anything I've misunderstood?"

"No, you've grasped it exactly right."

"Then your resources are limited, Mr. Carver. Can you afford to pay us compensation suitable for the size of this task?"

"I will try my best to match it. However, given the size of the task, I would like to pay the compensation after the work is completed."

"After the work is completed… You mean, only if it's successful. Without any advance payment."

"I can't pay you with money."

Carver answered, and Forrest assumed a firm expression. It was clear he intended to refuse.

And he had every right to, given the unreasonable terms.

"Mr. Carver… Don't you know it's difficult to accept a job without an advance payment? The larger and more dangerous the task, the more suitable the conditions must be."

"Is it very dangerous?"

Interrupting, Oliver interjected with a question. Despite being in the midst of negotiations, Forrest graciously responded.

"Of course. Although he's retired, Shamus is a living legend among Solvers and is currently a boss leading numerous subordinates. Not just druids, but wizards, warlocks… There's even a rumor that he's in collusion with the District Z Anti-development Committee."

"Anti-development Committee…?"

"The ones who attacked us. We haven't confirmed whether Shamus directed them yet."

Although he said it wasn’t confirmed yet, Forrest seemed fairly certain.

"Seems like there's a serious discussion going on, can I add something?"

Despite the unfavorable situation, Carver calmly opened his mouth. It was a peculiarly persuasive and calm figure.

"Firstly, I will admit that the conditions I proposed are ridiculous. Mr. Forrest is not someone who would accept such nonsense, and Mr. Dave is not in a position to accept such conditions."

Carver paused for a moment before speaking again.

"But I hope you understand my situation too. To put it bluntly, the advance payment I can mobilize now is only about 100 to 200 million, which is almost as good as not receiving considering the scale of the job, right?"

"That's true, but that doesn't mean you can't receive it, right?"

"It's not that I won't pay. It's just that I want to pay in a different way. To you, Mr. Dave."

Carver, who had been looking at Forrest, turned his head towards Oliver.

"To me?"

"Yes, because the decision to accept the job is entirely up to Mr. Dave."

"Um… I do like money."

"Is that so? Didn't you answer that you're doing the Solver job because you want to know the world when we had a conversation last time?"

It was true. After finishing the out-of-town mission, Oliver had a conversation with Carver at a cafe, and they had such a conversation.

Carver continued to speak.

"To be honest, I thought it was nonsense. It was a question to see your heart, but such an answer came out… But somehow it didn't seem like a lie."

"It wasn't a lie."

"So I propose this condition. It might sound like showing off, but I'm smart and somewhat knowledgeable. I went to a prestigious university, joined the army, and then, right away, came to work in the city of Landa. I've taken what they call the elite course."

"You're impressive."

"I'll answer anything you're curious about for the rest of my life."


"Economy, society, politics, diplomacy, military, and so on. Within the range of my knowledge, or even if I don't know, I will try to satisfy Mr. Dave's curiosity by asking for advice from those around me."

Forrest, who had been listening to the conversation from the side, widened his eyes.

It was a suggestion that was way beyond expectations.

It was absurd to make such a proposal to a Solver who lived off of violence in the underworld.

The problem was that Oliver was also a non-conventional character.

"Ho… That's interesting."

What failed to captivate any other Solvers had a peculiar appeal to Oliver.

Paradoxically, it was a section that revealed the extent of Carver's efforts to persuade Oliver.

Negotiation resembled the construction of building blocks, where avoiding mistakes was just as crucial as excelling. Presenting such a condition was akin to taking a gamble, and that gamble had paid off.

However, since there was still one more individual to convince, a condition had to be proposed that would accommodate their needs.

"……In addition, I will maintain a friendly relationship with Mr. Forrest and Mr. Dave during my tenure as a civil servant."

"A friendly relationship…?"

"That is to say, as long as I'm in good condition and there is no harm to Landa, I will maintain a good relationship with you. I'll provide advice or gather information for you."

Forrest showed a reaction. It seemed trivial, but it was a fairly good trading condition – a connection with a civil servant from the city's internal affairs department.

Without showing any outward emotion, Forrest spoke.

"That's a vague condition."

"Wouldn't it be a scam if I offered more than this?"

Forrest did not deny his words.

It seemed like a trivial condition, but it was the best offer Carver could make from his current position.

However, Oliver, who was not very bright about such a fact, asked a question.

"What exactly do you mean by ‘advice' and ‘information'?"

"I mean exactly that – I'll provide advice and gather information for you. I handle information that is hard for brokers to access in the city. Rumors about policies and international situations circulate here… Of course, it's hard to get classified information."

Information that is hard for brokers to access… Oliver recalled a long-buried memory.

"Then, can you look into matters related to the Parter Church personnel?"

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

Deep into the night, well past midnight.

Paul Carver, the city official, departed after a lengthy conversation, leaving Oliver and Forrest alone in the private room.

Despite the late hour and the demands of their day, neither Oliver nor Forrest displayed any signs of weariness.

After all, they had engaged in a truly captivating discussion.

Following a prolonged silence, it was Oliver who broke the quiet and spoke first.

"Do you have any questions?"

Forrest's emotions were pierced by Oliver's question. He was curious.

"To be honest, yes… I didn't know you had any connection to the Parter Church. Can I ask who you're curious about?"

"Um… it's a bit difficult to answer."

"Well, I figured… Then let's move on to business. Do you want to take on this job?"

Forrest asked bluntly.

"I mean, we needed time to think, so we let Carver go, but we need to answer such issues as quickly as possible to avoid misunderstandings."

"What do you think as a broker, Mr. Forrest?"

"It would be rational to refuse."

His words were honest.

"It's an interesting offer, but it's unfair to participate in such a thing without receiving a down payment. Having a connection to a city official may be attractive, but it's too unfair to you."

"Hmm… To be honest, I think it's okay?"

Oliver was sincere. Magic and black magic were fun, but so were world affairs. Unfortunately, there was no one to ask for a proper opinion on that. Kevin was busy with classes and research, and it had been a while since he had seen Merlin.

In the midst of that, it seemed very useful if Carver could help.

"I figured you'd say that, but we still need to think more about it. In fact, it's virtually declaring war on Shamus."

War with Shamus… Given that he's a familiar person-

"It seems to be no problem. He once attacked us anyway, I think he would understand. But when did you know that? That Mr. Shamus was behind the Anti-development committee?"

"I didn't intentionally not tell you. I planned to tell you once it was confirmed."

"How did you find out?"

"Just like I said last time, I gave some money to people from Districts Z, Y and found out. All I found out was that one of Shamus's underlings is seen around often."

"Um… But, is it easy to join hands with the Anti-development committee? It didn't seem like that when I saw them last time."

"You saw right. They're exclusive and dangerous, so it's not easy to join hands with them. That's why I'm curious. I heard Shamus is good at winning people over, but I didn't know it was to this extent."

"Hmm… What do you think, Mr. Forrest?"

"About what?"

"Do you think ABC Investment Company is a scam?"

Forrest paused briefly, taking a gulp of his coffee, before he began to speak.

"Yes, I do."

"Why is that?"

"Firstly, for the same reason as Carver. It's an implausible business. The fact that they are collecting investments means they are promising profits, but can it be as easy as they say? Above all, the circumstances around it are not good."

"The circumstances?"

"Yes, for example, Shamus and his lovers and followers have split from Miranda and formed their own investment group."

"Um? Why is that?"

"Because Miranda didn't approve of this business. She said the risk was too high. So Shamus split with his followers… Ah, by the way, Jane stayed with Miranda."

"Ah, I was going to ask, thank you… But how do you know all these details?"

"Because I also investigated personally. When the body grows, it's easily swept away by the waves… Do you want to hear more?"


"With the split from Miranda, the Sisterhood is also almost divided. It was not a systematic organization centered on a leader, but a federation formed by a delicate balance."

"That must be chaotic?"

"Right. Thanks to that, Elizabeth, Coco, Jane, etc. are hectic. Therefore, some members, including Miranda, are investigating Shamus's business."

"Are there any other people investigating?"

"Of course. Professors and reporters continue to question, and investment companies and crime syndicates that have been directly or indirectly harmed by ABC are also digging in the back. The Moirai school too."

"The Moirai school? Why them?"

"I don't know for sure because I found out by chance. However, there is a story that they are coveting Shamus's technology."

"Mr. Shamus's technology? Are you talking about the World Tree?"

"Yes, the Moirai School is also researching the technology to predict the future based on the vast information entered into the World Tree. Knowing the future is power itself… I think they might collaborate with Carver."

"Do you know something?"

"I don't know. I'm just guessing. I have a rough idea of how he will approach, so a Net Navigator who can access the World Tree is needed. They must be skilled and trustworthy."

"Isn't the relationship between the city and the magic tower not good?"

"This time it's separate from that. And even if the relationship is not good, they can cooperate as long as there is an understanding… Anyway, one thing is for sure. The scale of this game is much larger than expected. It's not about the grand story of Landa's existence, but a big game tangled with numerous interest groups."

Forrest clearly redefined this mission.

It didn't seem like a wrong statement.

"Hmm, then. What do you think I should do, Mr. Forrest?"

"Well, I'm not in a position to tell you what to do now. You make the choice, and I'll do my best to help."

"You never told me what to do, Mr. Forrest. You just advised. It's the same now. I'm just seeking advice."

"……If you want money from here, it's right to get out.”

"Do you think it won't work out?"

"Not like that. Of course, I can't guarantee that they will make a lot of money, but if the game itself is this much, there will be a chance to touch big money in the middle. However, aside from that, if the simple goal is money, it is good to get out of such a game. There are safer ways."

"Then, what should be the purpose to participate?"

"If you want something big, it would be good to participate."

"Something big?"

"Yes. Of course, it's not easy to define what something big is, but if you want something more than money, it's good to participate. If things go as Carver says, Landa will owe you a big debt. Above all, it's not bad to establish a connection with Carver. He does a lot in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He's influential and smart, so it's not bad to make a debt."

"Uh……. By any chance, do you have a way to find out about the Parter Church personnel?"

"I don't want to show incompetence, but it's hard. I don't have any personal connections because I don't have anything to do with them, and the connection of the Brokers Union is also limited. It's hard to get important information."

"Then, do I need to get help from the city?"

"I'm reluctant to answer because it seems like I'm leading, but yes."

"I see……"

"Yes. What are you going to do? Honestly, what you gain is uncertain, but what you lose is certain. It's reckless for a job commissioned by a sing city official……"

Forrest sincerely advised, and a moment later, Oliver replied.

"Maybe by being reckless, I might gain more than what I can lose?”

(To be Continued)


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