Genius Warlock

Chapter 289

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"No… The contract ends here," declared the leader of the Anti-Development Committee, his body concealed beneath bandages and robes.

Shamus couldn't believe his ears. The timing of this announcement caught him off guard.

"What did you just say?"

"The contract. It's over… We are withdrawing," the elder stated, addressing the other committee members.

Though his voice was not particularly loud, it commanded the attention of the committee members, who had been engrossed in a frenzied ritual. They immediately ceased their activities and prepared to depart.

"Summon all our comrades. Our objective is—"

"Wait a minute!"

Finally reaching his limit, Shamus reached out and grabbed the elder's collar.

Surprisingly, the elder, a thin figure slightly taller than average, felt heavy, like an ancient tree.

"What the fuck… Are you playing games with me? Suddenly withdrawing? What's going on?!"

"We have achieved our goal."

Deliberately and calmly, the druids and the Anti-Development Committee faced each other, with Shamus and the elder as the dividing line.

Shamus tightened his grip.

"I hired all of you, paid you for your work…!"

"Do you believe we moved because of a piece of paper?"

"My money-"

"We accepted your payment because you provided it, but didn't we make ourselves clear? We are here to assist you based on trust. That is why we have the power to terminate this relationship at any moment. Don't you remember?"

Shamus was momentarily at a loss for words.

Those words rang true.

When Shamus first encountered the Anti-Development Committee, risking danger, they had stated that they would establish a cooperative partnership based on trust. They had also cautioned that they could sever the relationship at any time, guided solely by their trust.

Back then, Shamus had readily accepted their terms, perceiving no risk of loss. But had he truly anticipated this turn of events? It seemed unfathomable.

Firmly, Shamus tightened his grip on the elder's collar.

With this level of force, an ordinary person's neck would have snapped by now.

The other members of the Anti-Development Committee glared at him, but their leader raised a hand, signaling them to stand down.

"We gave you advance notice," the elder explained.

"Why are you doing this? Do you need more money? I'll offer a greater sum!"

"Do you believe that the desires of the Supreme Being can be appeased with money?"

"The Supreme Being? Who is that? Explain it to me, so I can understand! Find that wretched Dave…!"

Shamus stopped mid-sentence, frozen in place. Dugan's absurd claim from earlier suddenly resurfaced in his mind.

The nonsensical notion that the spirit they had summoned had fled upon seeing Dave's face.

The timing was too coincidental to dismiss as mere chance.

"…Is your objective… Dave?"


"Answer me! Dave, that wretched—"

Thump. Swishhh—!

The elder of the Anti-Development Committee lightly struck Shamus's hand, causing him to release his grip. The elder then swung his quarterstaff, carving a long and intricate inscription into the ground, resembling a snake.

A testament to his superior strength and skill.

Moreover, the inscription extended not only towards Shamus but also reached the surrounding druids, wherever they stood.

"Make your choice," the elder of the Anti-Development Committee declared.


"Whether to stand and fight with us for our lives here or let us go. Your sins and arrogance warrant decapitation, but I will exercise patience for the Supreme Being. What will you do?"

"I have one question."


"This Supreme Being. Who is it?"

The elder of the Anti-Development Committee, whose face was wrapped in bandages, smiled.

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"This is all so bizarre," Oliver muttered earnestly. This mission had been a series of peculiar events.

The spirit had vanished upon looking at Oliver, and the members of the Anti-Development Committee had retreated as they locked eyes with him.

It had been the opportune moment for an attack.

Yet, after observing Oliver, they had withdrawn, studying him briefly before bidding their polite farewells and disappearing.

The strangeness didn't end there.

The Anti-Development Committee, who had been obstructing the coalition against Shamus throughout the forest on behalf of the druids, suddenly began to retreat.

Furthermore, the unsettling energy emanating from the heart of the forest had dissipated.

Instinctively, Oliver suspected that it had something to do with the bandaged man wielding the quarterstaff who had backed away earlier.

Although he couldn't pinpoint the exact reason, he had a hunch.

"Um… that's not the immediate concern," Oliver pushed aside the unresolved issue and refocused on his initial purpose for being there.

To find Shamus and seek answers. Determined to reach him before anyone else, Oliver pressed forward toward the center of the forest. As he did, he noticed something peculiar happening within the woods.

The immense power of nature that had surrounded the entire forest was rapidly converging at its core.

The once fortified haven of the druids, the dense forest, was reverting back to its natural state, and in its wake, a being infused with formidable natural power emerged.

It was Shamus.

[Earth's Fury]

Harnessing the pervasive force of nature throughout the vast forest and supported by numerous druids, Shamus let out a thunderous roar that reverberated across the entire woodland.

Then, from the center of the forest, where the eerie energy and multitude of druids had congregated, an eruption of earth burst forth, triggering a massive landslide.


The tremors from the landslide rippled through the entire forest, pushing back the advancing coalition against Shamus and threatening to engulf Oliver.

As the landslide approached, Oliver plucked an emotion particle and swung his hand from right to left, connecting with the particle's energy.


A multitude of emotional particles acted as a giant's hand, sweeping aside part of the forest, including a mound of dirt.

Thanks to this intervention, Oliver narrowly escaped the wrath of the natural disaster.

[Nature's Wall]

Shamus didn't halt there. He commanded a dense forest of colossal trees to sprout from the ground, creating a towering wall that shielded the center of the forest.

It was so immense that it seemed to pierce the sky.

The coalition against Shamus, attacking from all directions, found their advance blocked and suffered significant damage. Oliver, too, felt the pressure from the towering columns that erupted all around him.

With a swift motion, he turned them to ash using fire, but the onslaught persisted.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

As Oliver dispersed the nearby tree columns and extinguished the flames, applause resonated through the air. It came from Shamus.

That's impressive. Very impressive! The landslide and the tree columns. I used them with the intention to kill… Were you always this talented?"

Shamus emerged, having absorbed the power of nature that permeated the entire forest and assimilated the powers of numerous druids into his own being.

The magnitude of his power was so immense that vibrant green energy visibly emanated from within him, coursing through his well-trained physique.

It was a display of immense power, yet also precarious in nature.

"Are you alright, Mr. Shamus?"

"Oh… Are you concerned for me?"

Shamus deliberately twisted his words, not wanting to disclose his current state of exhaustion.

Furthermore, he exuded a mix of anger, unwavering determination, and above all, a deep sense of responsibility. Responsibility for his actions and for the well-being of his subordinates.

His reckless actions, which pushed his body to the brink of bursting, stemmed from that very sense of responsibility.

Shamus continued to speak.

"That's surprising. If you were genuinely worried about me, you wouldn't have confronted me like this… I don't understand. I never expected you to harbor animosity towards me. Answer me. Why are you hostile? Didn't we have a good time at the party?"

"Ah… I appreciate your kindness back then. However, previously, Mr. Shamus, you attacked not only me but also Mr. Forrest and Mr. Al through the Anti-Development Committee, so I thought you'd understand."

"Ha! You're quite cunning. You knew everything but pretended ignorance."

"I only discovered the truth recently."

"But who is this Al? I admit I had intentions to harm you and Forrest, but I have no knowledge of this Al."

"He is a subordinate employee of Mr. Forrest who was present at the time. A restaurant worker and driver."

"Do you expect me to be concerned about some insignificant fellow like him?"

"I don't know… But I do care. He is kind-hearted and knows good restaurant jokes. By the way, may I ask why you attacked me?"

“I don't want another wretch like me to rise within the Crime Firm. It's like kicking away the ladder. Any problem with that?”

"No, I was simply curious and asked."

"Good attitude. Despite being an unpleasant individual, I quite like you. That kind of attitude is commendable. Everyone's in this for the money, so let's overlook the minor details."

"I somewhat agree."

"Great, very good! In that case, I have a proposition."

"A proposition?"

"Yes, take a look around you now."

As instructed, Oliver surveyed the forest with his eyes.

Towering tree trunks formed an impenetrable wall, far larger and thicker than any ordinary trees.

"You are the only one trapped within this barrier. The rest of the city's forces are outside. In other words, you are alone."

"But aren't you alone as well, Mr. Shamus? The other druids seem depleted, providing you with their remaining strength from afar."

Oliver remarked as he observed the druids in the background, continuously channeling their energy to Shamus through the natural elements such as trees, roots, and the ground.

From a distance, they depleted their own strength to continuously supply Shamus with energy.

"You mercilessly strike at the sore spot. Have you always been like this?"

"Um… I'm not entirely sure about my own character. However, my friend told me that I have a unique personality. Naive yet intelligent, seemingly fragile but resolute, not prone to anger and appreciating the value in everything… he said he liked my personality."

"Awww… How touching. Shall I play something on a violin?"

"My friend was attacked by your subordinates."


"One of his arms was severed, as an act of venting anger."

"Ah… Is your friend, by any chance, a member of the Poor Brothers?"


"I'm curious how you ended up being friends with such a poor bastard… But, tell me, did you come here seeking revenge?"

"No, he told me not to seek revenge. And not to be angry. He said it's a common thing in Landa. So, I came here to ask a question. To try to understand Mr. Shamus, even a little bit."

"To understand me?"

Shamus narrowed one eye, displaying evident discomfort.

"Do you dare to understand me?!"

"I thought I could at least try."

"That's good… very good! There is something I have been curious about as well!"

"That's really good news. Can I ask my question first?"

"Go ahead," Shamus replied, channeling the power of nature into his being.

His muscles appeared so taut that they seemed to protrude through his skin.

"Did you become a solver and a businessman solely for the sake of money, Mr. Shamus?"

"Of course. Just like everyone else."

"But I have never witnessed someone as successful as you who still pursues money so relentlessly… Is there a particular reason why you desire wealth so fervently? I mean, you have already achieved immense success as both a solver and a businessman."

"Such accomplishments fail to satisfy me. No matter how much money one amasses, it is never enough."

His words carried genuine conviction.

"Actually, I want to ask the opposite. Why don't you acquire money through easier means, considering your skills? Instead, you make excuses about not wanting to join an organization… Why do you do this?"

"Because I want to know about the beautiful light."

Shamus snapped his fingers.

"Ah, yes… You mentioned it before, didn't you? Some kind of unique emotion? But still, shouldn't you be amassing power and wealth for that purpose? I mentioned it to you earlier."

"Hmm… Actually, I have contemplated experimenting with that a few times."

"What? An experiment?"

"Yes, human experimentation. In my master's library, I came across several books about evoking intense emotions. For example, placing a child and their mother inside a massive tank and then…"

Oliver trailed off, but Shamus instinctively realized that this was no ordinary experiment.

It went beyond mere material greed, delving into something more malevolent and sinister.

"So, did you go through with it?"

"Um… no, I wanted to, but it didn't feel right to conduct such experiments on living individuals. And looking back, I believe I made the right choice. I can witness a myriad of fascinating emotions and encounter intriguing individuals without resorting to such actions."

Oliver reminisced.

"Wizards and mana users who persist despite being exiled from the Tower and their families, warlocks who strike bargains with demons to achieve their dreams, those who protect the poor despite being poor themselves, Veterans who never surrender even in the face of humiliation and crisis, warlocks who establish grand organizations for their beliefs despite disagreements, wizards who gain recognition through their skills despite discrimination based on their skin color, Paladins who uphold their convictions, civil servants who risk their lives for their principles, children who keep moving forward despite experiencing bad things and send letters in the meantime… The world seems like a very interesting place."

"So you're curious whether I'm an interesting guy as well?"

"Yes, I don't believe you're driven solely by greed for money. Initially, I thought so, but now… I can see your strong sense of purpose and responsibility towards your colleagues. It's quite beautiful."

"You fucking mad pervert. Rambling on and on…"

"Why do you willingly subject yourself to danger and even antagonize Landa for the sake of money? What is it that you desire?"

Shamus was on the verge of cursing, but he paused momentarily before speaking.

"…To become my own master."


"I want to be my own master. Do you understand? The kingdom and Landa boast of having the most advanced political systems where everyone is free and equal?"


"But in reality, it's far from the truth. Those devoid of wealth or influence are neither free nor equal. They are no more than slaves. That's the way the world operates."

Oliver silently nodded in agreement. He had experienced it firsthand during his time in the orphanage and the mine.

"In the past, I drew lots with my brothers, and I was chosen. My father sold me to the Druids, trading me for a sack of potatoes. From then on, I endured grueling training to become a Druid, something I never desired. More than half of the children who entered with me died."

His words held a profound sincerity.

"But then, an opportunity arose. The elder Druids and the reformists in their prime clashed, and we, the Enjoiment, finally gained our freedom… And we use our power to attain what we desire. Do you have a problem with that?"

"Um… I do have something to say, but fundamentally, no."

"That's good… I am doing all of this to become the master of my own life. To experience freedom without being chained to anything. And for that, I need a colossal amount of money."

"How much money do you require to go to such lengths?"

"Well, enough to establish a nation or an organization more powerful than the Tower… But I can think of that at a later time. Money is everlasting. And in that regard, let's proceed with my proposal."

"Go ahead."

"Tell me how much you want. It's just you here, so be honest. I will give you as much money as you ask for. So, withdraw from this matter. Additionally, I will even pardon you for killing my subordinates as a bonus."

"Even if you give me money, there are plenty of others out there, you know?"

"That's fine. I can handle the rest myself. The fact that they couldn't breach the wooden pillar is proof of that."

Indeed, it was true. Over a thousand soldiers were struggling to break through Shamus's wooden pillar, highlighting a significant disparity in power. Not because the outsiders were inferior, but rather due to Shamus's extraordinary might.

"What do you plan to do after eliminating them all?"

"I intend to flee once I've eliminated them all. Things have become rather entangled. So, I must sever the knot itself, akin to a great conqueror."

He spoke with genuine seriousness. Shamus was genuinely plotting to single-handedly annihilate the thousand-strong force.

After contemplating for a moment, Oliver spoke.

"……Can I really ask for any amount?"

"Yes, go ahead and unleash your wildest desires. One billion? Ten billion? One hundred billion? I will give you as much as you request."

"In that case, can you provide me with 3.130255 trillion?"

Shamus flinched.

"……That's the total amount of the ABC investment fund."

"Yes, if you return that sum, I will withdraw. I will also persuade the others. Mr. Kent did have his arm severed, but… it was an unfortunate incident that occurred during our line of work, so I will fulfill my duty."

"Do you think I'm offering you this because I'm scared? I'm simply irritated."

"I understand. However, as I just mentioned, I am simply trying to do my job."

"Ah… well, that works even better."


"I was wondering whether or not to spare you, curious about who you truly are. The Supreme Being and all… now it's crystal clear. I suppose I must bring you down as well."

Who he truly was? Just as Oliver was about to inquire further, Shamus lunged towards him, unleashing the power of nature contained within his body in all directions.

(To be Continued)


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