Genius Warlock

Chapter 303

Emotion, mana, and life force—all three were said to originate from the soul, according to Merlin's theory.

‘Of course, it ain't set in stone. Just a theory, mate. There's other yarns out there sayin' the origin of magic is in the body, mind, or noggin, and beefin' up the body can also give your life force a bit of a boost.'

Despite the uncertainty, Oliver found himself intrigued. He recalled a similar story he had heard in the past when he first came out of the mine and followed Joseph.

-Anger, sadness, hatred… emotions are a form of energy that stems from the soul.

But what piqued his interest was whether these connections were convincing enough.

‘Why does it matter if emotions and mana combine to enhance power, and both originate from the soul?'

‘It's all just guesswork, but if mana and emotions both sprout from the soul, then mixin' 'em ain't just about adding their power together.'

At that moment, Oliver grasped Merlin's point, and the wizard quickly confirmed his understanding.

‘If mana and emotions are brought together, it's like getting closer to the source of power—the soul. It suggests not just getting tougher, but also climbing the ladder to a higher level, ya know?'

Oliver readily accepted this idea.

In reality, when he mixed mana and emotions, the power didn't merely grow stronger—it gained a kind of desire, a will.

There were ample examples to support this notion.

The [Greedy Fire] and [Hunger] consumed everything voraciously, increasing their lifespan and size.

The [Fierce Thunder] and [Fierce Wind] unleashed all their might as if venting their anger, completely obliterating their opponents.

Perhaps it was a more fascinating phenomenon than just becoming more potent.

‘By the way, the artificial soul created by Mr. Puppet also mixed life force, emotions, and mana… I tried to emulate that as well. It wasn't an easy feat, though,' Oliver reminisced.

He recalled the small amount of artificial soul he had created during the battle against Bathory and Duncan. Then, he shifted his gaze to the Corpse dolls—Warlock Sniper and Duncan—blended among the Fighter Crew members.

They were minions crafted with life force and emotion, following Puppet's research, but they were a step above minions—they were "Children."

Like the [Greed Fire], [Fierce Thunder], [Fierce Wind], and [Hunger], they were shouting with will and emotion.

"Kill! Kill it!!"

"Pop the eyes out!!"

"Guard… raise your guard. Guard!"

Corpse Doll-Warlock, housing First, cheered while climbing on the stadium fence, and Sniper, housing Second, trembled with his gun, ready to shoot at any moment.

Duncan, housing Fourth, watched the match relatively quietly with the arms folded but occasionally shouted advice loudly.

Incidentally, their cheering was directed towards one of the two Glutton bags fighting in the stadium—Bigmouth.

"Is the smaller one your Glutton bag, Dave?" a man next to Oliver asked. The man was Paul Carver, who had become the city's Minister of Internal Affairs.

Paul Carver had detected and preemptively resolved the ABC incident that had shaken Landa, earning recognition from the city council and securing the ministerial position.

This had become a significant topic of discussion, both in public and underworld circles.

Everyone speculated on the impact that competent city official Carver, known for his excellent reputation in Landa, would have as the Minister of Internal Affairs.

Such was the magnitude of Carver's standing, and surprisingly, he even disguised himself to visit District X and meet with Oliver.

"Yes, the slightly smaller one is my Glutton bag, BigMouth."

"It has a name?"

"Yes, it asked for it."

Oliver recalled the moment when Bigmouth requested a name and replied.

"Huh… that's interesting. I've heard that the more powerful a black magic item, the stronger its consciousness, but asking for a name is quite remarkable."

"Oh, how did you know?"

"Well, since my position has risen, I've been studying to suit it… But, you must have become quite attached to it, giving it a name and all."

Oliver paused for a moment.

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"Um… maybe?"

"But, are you okay? From what I can see, it seems to be losing?"

Carver pointed at the stadium.

Indeed, Oliver's Bigmouth was struggling against a newly created Glutton bag crafted by Smith, the warlock who had made Bigmouth.

It's because the size of the Glutton bag that Smith created is bigger than Bigmouth. It overwhelmed Bigmouth with its strength, not only beating it one-sidedly but also performing a Military Press Slam.

Gukruk! Gukruk! Kwang-!!

The horrifying sound of being slammed into the cement floor echoed as the Glutton bag raised both arms in celebration.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrr!! Gruk!!”

The fighter crew members who had come to watch the fight cheered, and the Glutton bag reveled in the applause with open arms.

It was quite astonishing. Oliver had thought that Glutton bags only cared about money… He figured he might have to ask Ewan or Smith for more insight later.

“Kahahaha! Get up!!”

"You! When you're down!! Turn!! Kaht-! Get up! Please!!”

As Bigmouth struggled and attempted to flee, the children inside the corpse dolls seemed to cheer almost desperately.

Their sincerity was apparent. They seemed genuinely eager to help if they could.

Oliver had always felt this way, and it appeared that Bigmouth and the children got along well.

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Carver, asked a question.

"I'm curious, why did you bring out the corpse dolls when it's not even in combat?"

"Um… … They asked to be around when BigMouth fights.”

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yes, they have been a bit sulky lately, and it was hard to refuse.”

That was true.

Ever since learning about a method to increase Bigmouth's capacity, the children obeyed when brought out for corpse handling or to create blood potions. However, the overall atmosphere seemed gloomy.

Even though Oliver compensated them with plenty of food, they gazed back silently, emitting emotions of betrayal, fear, resentment, and other emotions for unknown reasons.

Oliver couldn't fathom why they behaved that way.

"Then, isn't it dangerous?"


"Ah, I don't mean to belittle Dave, but as far as I know, creatures created by black magic can harm their owners, especially if they're strong.”

"Yes, you're right."

"Then, isn't it a bit risky to have such a big Bigmouth, or a Child controlling the corpse dolls, harboring resentment? They might attack their master."

Carver's words were valid.

When Smith received the order for a large Glutton bag from Oliver, he repeatedly explained the risks, and Merlin also warned of the dangers of such creatures.

They could even turn against their own master.

Oliver pondered for a moment before responding.

"I think… it should be fine."

"Do you have any grounds for thinking that way?"

"Not particularly, it's just that neither the children nor Bigmouth has ever harmed me."

"Well, that's fortunate. I've heard that if the master is strong, they can't attack."

"Yes, that's what I've learned. However, it's a bit disappointing."

"Excuse me?"

"I thought it would be interesting if the children could make decisions and move on their own will."

Carver momentarily stiffened at this calm yet quite radical statement. Such overconfidence or pretense was typical of superhumans, but when Oliver said it, it felt remarkably genuine.

Carver had sensed it for a while—Oliver's thought process was far from normal.

"Oohhhh!! Is it over?!"

Suddenly, a cheer caught their attention, and Carver and Oliver turned their gaze back to the arena.

In the arena, the Glutton bag seemed intent on finishing off Bigmouth, who was desperately attempting to crawl away.

The Glutton bag, certain of its victory, made a gesture of drawing a horizontal line at what appeared to be its neck with its thumb.

Meanwhile, Bigmouth, at a disadvantage, emitted ‘Grrr. Grrr…' noises as it struggled to crawl to one side of the arena.

"Hmm, I think you might need to buy a new Glutton bag. Are you going to give it a name?"

"If it wants. However, I think it's not necessary."

"Excuse me?”

At the same time as Carver's question, Child-Second threw a sawed-off shotgun to Bigmouth.

Oliver was surprised by this act. The sawed-off shotgun was Second's favorite gun, and when Oliver had asked to borrow it for a while, Second had sulked and shown obvious reluctance.

But now, it willingly handed it over to Bigmouth.

Upon receiving the shotgun, Bigmouth, surprisingly agile for its massive size, pointed the gun straight at the Glutton bag.



"Did it just shoot?!"

The familiar and powerful gunshot resonated, and the members of the Fighter Crew shouted in unison, shocked by what they perceived as some form of cheating.

However, the children cheered loudly, and Bigmouth took advantage of the situation. It charged towards the Glutton bag, which now had a hole in its stomach, and vented its pent-up frustration.

"Kkurook! Kkururuk-Ii!! Kkurook! Kkurururuk-Ii!! Kkurook! Kkurook!! Kkururuk——!!"

Only Oliver could understand what Bigmouth was trying to convey, but everyone could tell that it was expressing immense rage and sorrow.

It was understandable, considering that its master had thrown it into this deadly match.

Bigmouth lacked finesse but released its resentment with crude punches, kicks, and shotgun blasts.

Once it had vented enough, as the child instructed Bigmouth hoisted up the Glutton bag and then threw it into its giant mouth.


"Alive! Alive!!"

"Swallow! Yes! Swallow!!"

"Good Bigmouth. Nice Bigmouth."

The Glutton bag struggled against Bigmouth but couldn't resist due to the gunshot wound. Eventually, like a calf swallowed by a snake, it was entirely devoured by Bigmouth, which was a size smaller.

Overjoyed, the children rushed towards Bigmouth.

In their elation, Child-Second fired its gun into the air, startling the Fighter Crew members, who fled outside.


"Inside! Inside!"

"Swing! Swing!"

So ecstatic were the children that they hoisted Bigmouth up into the sky.

As Bigmouth reached the peak of the ascent and started to fall, Duncan muttered as if he'd realized something.

"Wait a moment…"

Along with his words, Bigmouth came crashing down. The children who had been cheering on the ground couldn't handle Bigmouth's weight and were crushed underneath him.


"Ouch! Move!"

"My gun! Butt! Move! Gun! Butt!"


Oliver, watching this harmonious spectacle, sent his congratulations to Bigmouth.

"Great job, Bigmouth. I knew you could do it."

However, Bigmouth and the surrounding children stared at Oliver in surprise, their eyes wide with disbelief, disdain, and even scorn.

Carver seemed to notice this and joked with Oliver.

"It seems that Bigmouth and the children might turn on Dave."

"Yes, that's a possibility."

Despite the brutal joke, Oliver remained calm. He believed it wouldn't be too bad if that actually happened.

"Anyway, thanks to you, I've had quite a show. Let me repay you."

Carver pulled out a file.

"What's this…?"

"It's the latest information on the Ark Orphanage. I came to deliver this."

Oliver immediately took the file and checked the contents. It contained the financial status and recent developments of the orphanage.

"Honestly, the situation isn't very good."

Carver said, and Oliver nodded.

According to the data in the file, if the current financial difficulties continue, the orphanage children may be sent to other orphanages, and some older children may be forced to become independent earlier.

Oliver, who had lived in an orphanage, knew how dangerous this could be. They could be crushed under the weight of living in another orphanage, starve, get beaten to death, or die from overwork in an industrial frontline at a too young age.

"Were they not able to secure the operating funds again?"

"Yes, it seems so. Even though God's mercy and love are infinite, money is finite."

Without realizing it, Oliver nodded.

"You found out quite quickly?"

"Don't mind it. I'm just trying to put some pressure on Dave. Don't feel obligated, but do feel obliged."

"…Are you joking?"

Carver chuckled.

"Half joke, half truth. I want to maintain a good relationship with Dave. For the sake of this city."

Just like when he first proposed it, Carver said this sincerely. Of course, his feelings were selfish, but they were not malicious.

He intended to secure safety and profit through a healthy contractual relationship. Of course, feelings can change, but there seemed to be no problem at the moment.

"Of course, you don't have to answer right away. You can think about it for a week-"

"-I accept."


"The unofficial alliance with the city."

"Are you…serious?"

"Yes, since you said there's no need for me to feel pressured, I think it's a good idea."

"That's true. I have no intention of causing you trouble by mentioning our relationship awkwardly."

"Thank you. But could you do me one favor?"

Carver stood up straight.

"Please tell me."

"I'll give you access to my bank account, can you regularly donate just the amount necessary to the Ark Orphanage on behalf of the city instead of me?"

(To be Continued)

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