Genius Warlock

Chapter 321

"…Consequently, our Roar lineage found themselves responsible for overseeing a significant faction of the kingdom's military," Philip Roar conveyed, while seated opposite, his beard resembling a mane, which he stroked contemplatively.

Oliver responded with an applauding gesture, genuinely impressed.

"Um, that's truly remarkable."

His sincerity was unmistakable.

It was well-justified, given that Philip's account of the Roar family's history was undeniably captivating.

Esteemed for their extraordinary mastery of magic, yet also constrained by its complexities, they emerged as the pioneering wizards capable of deciphering the temporal currents. With unwavering loyalty, they swore allegiance to the kingdom, becoming an integral facet of its identity. What magnified their feats was their unceasing ambition; post-induction, their influence expanded far beyond mere neutralizers of human threats, evolving into the very heart of the establishment.

They architected the indispensable paradigm of war wizards, erecting a specialized institution to nurture these enigmatic wizards, and conceiving revolutionary concepts such as a magical-based military framework, strategic doctrines woven with arcane intricacies, and an innovation system for enchanted weaponry.

From being mere game pieces on the board, they transformed into the adept hands guiding those very pieces.

Even Oliver, a novice in these matters, experienced more than a passing fascination with this narrative.

Whenever uncertainty arose, he posed inquiries, seeking insight into their innovative process and the practical execution of their concepts.

For instance, he probed into the genesis of their groundbreaking ideas and their translation into tangible actions.

Thankfully, Philip Roar graciously divulged the ancestral sagas passed down through generations.

"My great-grandfather recounted their assimilation into this art through direct engagement on the battlefield, alongside the foot soldiers. They grasped the needs of the troops, the challenges, the support indispensable for the warriors. That's precisely why every male in our lineage commences their journey with fieldwork. Administrative prowess devoid of field knowledge remains naught but armchair conjecture."

"Uh… I might not be well-versed, but doesn't that expose them to considerable danger?"

"Indeed, danger is an ever-present companion. The battlefield wields mortality capriciously, irrespective of an individual's might. An ill-fated bullet spares no one… This lad right here had a brush with death once as well."

Pointing towards Terence, who stood almost huddled beside him, Philip directed attention to the smaller-statured man. Although Terence possessed his own strength, it paled in comparison to Philip's imposing figure.

He began, "Well… I once narrowly escaped danger, all thanks to Kevin."

Terence's words were laden with sincerity, yet Kevin's response was tinged with a touch of bitterness.

"I merely executed my duty."

"But it's undeniable that such individuals are rare."

With finesse, Philip aligned with Kevin's sentiment while subtly dissenting.

"Ah, yes… On a different note, shall we revisit our previous topic?"

"What are you referring to?"

"Kevin, are you involved with anyone romantically? Either for amusement or with thoughts of marriage?"

Kevin arched an eyebrow once again.

"It's futile. Just answer. Do you expect an old man to concern himself with a young man's emotions? Growing old brings its own melancholy, but there are moments when I'm grateful for it."

Unabashedly, Philip spoke, eventually prompting Kevin's surrender.

"Sigh… No, I'm not."

"That's good to hear. What if I were to introduce you to my granddaughter? The nineteenth or twentieth, I believe, is currently unattached."

Oliver was taken aback. The revelation that Philip had twenty granddaughters was staggering enough, but his willingness to arrange an introduction for Kevin was even more astounding.

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This move was significantly bolder than those made by other wizards within the Magic Tower, according to Oliver's observations.

"That's an exceedingly generous offer."

"You're a capable wizard… It could be a favorable proposition for you, correct? You're of an appropriate age. The time has come to consider marriage and progeny, has it not?"

"It's a rather traditional mindset."

"Why is matrimony and offspring considered old-fashioned?"

"Regardless, I'm content as I am. I'm grateful for the gesture, but I must respectfully decline."

"Are you truly certain? Do you aspire to age alone, akin to your Master? That's a sorrowful prospect, isn't it?"

Kevin remained silent, clearly vexed, and then glanced at Oliver, the catalyst for their current predicament.

Philip's gaze shifted towards Oliver, and he unexpectedly proposed,

"Your name is Zenon, correct? Have you ever contemplated enlisting in the military?"

"I apologize, but I have mana-null syndrome."

"Indeed, it's unfortunate. However, it isn't an impediment if you possess the skill. A man's worth hinges on capability, doesn't it? I've heard you're remarkably skilled. You single-handedly subdued train robbers, and you spar with Magic Tower students, don't you?"

Oliver was mildly surprised by Philip's extensive knowledge about him.

"I can merely defend myself."

"And you also adeptly instruct students, yes? Employing a technique from the distant Eastern lands?"

"It's a method derived from a faraway desert region in the East."

"Yes, precisely. It's a name that seems as though someone instructed you to christen it as such."

Oliver and Kevin found themselves taken aback. The words spoken were sharp and felt like finely honed deductions.

Thankfully, Philip chose not to delve further.

"Just a jest," he remarked, defusing the tension.

"General… Why are you attending this conference this time? You usually don't attend such events, do you?"Kevin inquired, shifting the conversation.

"Well, indeed. I received an invitation. From Mr. Theodore," Philip responded.

"An invitation?"

"Yes. Despite my lack of affiliation with their family or the Life School faction, they extended a personal invitation to me. Refusing would have been improper, so I decided to attend. Especially if it's Mr. Theodore… By the way, is your Master going to be present? I heard rumors to that effect."

"Probably not."

"That's a pity. I was hoping to exchange greetings. Well, your presence here is remarkable enough."

"There's no reason not to come."

Kevin answered, his emotions controlled. Though only a few words, his response seemed to carry a veiled meaning.

Shortly after, the thick trees outside the window began to thin, gradually revealing their destination: a small tourist spot named Lake Village situated in Halfway's inland.

As illustrated in the pamphlet, Lake Village revolved around a sprawling lake, with buildings and laboratories associated with the Life School and life alchemy departments scattered throughout.

Upon arrival, their vehicle accelerated before halting in front of a massive yet somewhat weathered hotel perched on a hill at the heart of the town.

The hotel, while initially grand, had succumbed to the ravages of time, exuding an air of faded elegance.

Philip, who disembarked the car, commented, "It's rather somber, fitting for the central continent."

"I agree, General. Thank you for the ride. We appreciate your assistance in making our journey comfortable," Kevin acknowledged upon stepping out alongside Oliver.

"Even empty words of gratitude hold value. Do you have a schedule in mind for the half-month conference?"

"What sort of schedule could there be? It'll likely involve leisurely observation of the intriguing presentations organized by the hosts."

"Don't neglect the social gatherings. For us wizards, a conference is more than just acquiring knowledge."

"Yes, I'm aware. I do plan on attending the social events."

"Good to hear. We'll run into each other on occasion then. While it's been a pleasure meeting you, I must bid you farewell here. I have various introductions to make."


With farewells exchanged, Kevin and Philip embarked on separate paths.

Following Kevin, Oliver carried their luggage into the hotel. Something about the place felt slightly askew.


"Oh… It's quite pleasant, isn't it?"

Oliver remarked as they entered the VIP room designated for special guests, toting Kevin's bags.

While the exterior of the hotel appeared dimmed by age and the mist from the lake, the interior and rooms surpassed expectations.

In fact, to be more accurate, they were exceedingly comfortable.

Not only were they impeccably clean, but the beds and furnishings glistened as if new.



Curious as he unpacked Kevin's luggage, Oliver sought clarification.

"I had a hunch this conference held special importance, but it seems even more so this time. That would explain the extra care put into its arrangement."

"Ah… Did you have a reason to think that?"

"Didn't General Philip mention it earlier? His direct invitation, despite lacking family or faction ties."


"This leaves two possibilities: Either he's conducting research so extraordinary that it's stirring widespread astonishment, or he's proposing a profoundly significant deal… We may not know the specifics, but it must be substantial enough to warrant the involvement of organization leaders. Significant enough to draw the Grand Master's attention."

Kevin's voice grew more resolute, his ambition kindled. It seemed rooted more in negative sentiments than positivity, hinting at some underlying concern with the life magic faction.

‘But there's more than just concern.'

Unpacking the luggage and reflecting upon the earlier interactions, Oliver couldn't shake off a sense that something was amiss. There was an uncanny quality to them—was it a disturbance in the Life-force and mana? The problem lay in his inability to precisely identify what exactly felt off.

The sensation felt strangely familiar, reminiscent of something he had encountered before. Yet, the source remained elusive.

And that wasn't the sole anomaly.

"The fog is quite dense," Oliver remarked, gazing out of the hotel window after completing his task with Kevin's belongings.

Indeed, the entire town seemed engulfed in a misty shroud, the lake and haze imbued with magical attributes. This not only hindered normal vision but also posed an obstacle to the warlock's vision.

Kevin concurred, "It's due to the proximity to the lake. This area was once a popular tourist attraction centered around the lake."

"A tourist attraction?"

"Yes, which explains the presence of such a grand hotel. The lake and its mana-infused mist were once renowned as tourist draws, believed to alleviate minor ailments through body soaking and inhalation."

Oliver was taken aback by the revelation, finding it both astonishing and plausible.

Currently, apart from the hotel accommodating Kevin's party, there were numerous inns of varying sizes scattered around the vicinity.

"But it doesn't strike me as a tourist spot. Aren't we, the conference attendees, the sole visitors?"

"Well, you're right. It's been on a decline for the past 50 years."

"Fifty years? What led to this decline? Did the lake or mist's properties diminish?"

Oliver inquired, casting his gaze out the window at the pure mana suffused within the lake and mist.

The mist wasn't incredibly thick, yet its quality was remarkable, and the lake's mana concentration was equally impressive.

"No, it was due to a warlock."

"A warlock?"

"Yes, the Pied Piper… Ah, close call."

"I'm sorry?"

"I almost got carried away by our conversation. It would've been a waste of time."

Oliver didn't object. He might have inquired further had Kevin been more forthcoming.

"It's not an urgent matter, but it's not leisurely either. We spent a night and a day on a boat and then several hours in a car. And…"

Kevin glanced at his watch.

"In three hours, we'll have dinner, followed by the first social event of the conference three hours after that."

"Yes, that's correct."

Oliver affirmed, well aware of the conference schedule he had received.

"I personally dislike social gatherings. They're quite draining, especially mentally. Still, I intend to attend. Until then, I want to conserve my energy. Do you get what I mean?"

"Yes, I understand."

Oliver responded, comprehending that Kevin wished to avoid any further fatigue for the day.

Kevin seemed satisfied with Oliver's acknowledgment and continued,

"Great. Now, go ensure Felix and Derick have settled into their rooms, then proceed to your own and rest. Do you know where you're staying?"

"Yes. VIP floor, corner room for the attendants."

"Good, you've got it right."

"I'll follow your instructions and then head to my room. Should I come to your room when it's time for the social event?"

"Yes… You brought a suit and appropriate shoes for the event, correct?"

Oliver nodded.

"Yes, I packed them as per the provided list. Since I wasn't sure about the specifics, I just included what was recommended."

"By the tailor?"

"No, by Mr. Edith. He chose the outfit for me when I expressed my uncertainty."

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