Global Awakening: I created the system

Chapter 13: Global awakening!

Chapter 13: Global awakening!


Clashing together, their two fists met generating huge gusts of wind, and the huge dome seemed to tremble showing signs of collapse

"Haha, how is it mysterious man, although the master said we should decide for ourselves who would lose"

"Don't you think that we can also use this opportunity to find out who is stronger?"

Laughing crazily, the clown bit his right thumb and began to blow air into it

*crack~* *cruch~* *crack~*

Like a biscuit being chewed on, the clowns body began to deform and expand until it became a towering three metres tall

However to this, the mysterious man didn't react since he already expected this much

Rather, looking at the huge figure in from of him, the mysterious man just sighed before taking out two bat shaped boomerangs from within his coat

"Hey clown, although you and I do not agree on most things, however this time is different"

"Let's use this opportunity to find out who's stronger once and for all!"

Saying this, he immediately threw his bat boomerangs into the clowns eyes

Obviously, their fight was about to get serious, as both of them needed to find out a winner

This time, not only for their master but also themselves.


[outside the dome]

Soon time passed, and while the clown and the mysterious man were still furiously going at it, the audience outside still remained in their seats

Even Lin Yue who was scared of her mind a few hours ago when the clown first arrived was seated

Holding her selfie stick to live broadcast, unknowingly her viewers had broken through the million mark reaching a staggering five million

However, she wasn't the only one experiencing a surge in numbers as even the anchors and newscasters who came to cover the events were shocked by their amount of coverage

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that almost all eyes in the country hand turn towards that dome as everyone waited nervously for the winners




One by one, huge tremors keep happening allowing them to feel the intensity of the battle

"Impossible! How could something like that exist!"

"City lord explain!"

"Could it be that the government has been hiding something from us!!"

"No, it's aliens! It's definitely aliens!"

Nobody knew who shouted first, but soon perhaps due to the ongoing tension a series of conspiracy theories began flying through the air giving the atmosphere a faint chaotic tendency

"Not good! If things continue to go on like this, then those two monsters might not be the only source of danger here"

Imagining herself being stomped uptown by a mob of conspiracy theorists, Lin Yue could help but look around as she contemplated leaving early

After all, most of the clowns were either scared of being killed by the clowns earlier attack, Lin Yue didn't think anyone would stop her

However, just before she could make a decision a huge change occurred


With a tremor so large that nearly half of the audience was knocked off their feet, the dome seemed to signify the end of the battle

Soon seconds passed, and after everyone's repeated confirmation, it really looked like the fight had finally ended

"Is it finally over?"

Looking at the dome which showed no signs of opening Lin Yue wondered if the fight had really ended

Fortunately, what happened next fully put her mind to rest

Under everyone's astonished gaze, the dome with had shown no signs of movement completely disappeared

And with its disappearance, what it revealed next left everyone gasping in disbelief

Standing upright in a six-meter deep, and 10-meter wide hole

The mysterious man stood, with injuries all over his body, blood dripping from behind his mask, arms, and legs, and an unconscious clown slung over his shoulder

Looking at his figure, obviously, he had won the fight just now but the price for that was definitely not small

However, just when people were wondering if they should go down and offer some help to their savior, the mysterious mans cold voice suddenly resounded throughout the blue star

"People of the blue star, on the order of my master, the son of the plane and creator, I've come to give you a warning!"

"A week from now, a global awakening is going to take place"

"And once that does, everyone will awaken an innate ability"

"But this does not apply to only humans, for remember everything thing and anything can awaken"

Taking a pause, the mysterious man took a quick scan of the crowd before proceeding

"But do not fret, my master as the son of the plane has been tasked with keeping the blue star safe"

"So he created me and a few others to help in this task since he currently cannot move giving us a part of his power"

"And this man, slung over my shoulder known as the immortal clown is what you might call an alien from beyond the sky's trying to steal opportunities from the blue star before the awakenings"

"All of you, remember this message from my master!"

"If you want to survive, after the awakening comes, do not rely on anyone!"

"Only by becoming stronger can you survive in the approaching new world"

Saying this, the figure of the clown, completely disappeared leaving a completely stunned and silent crowd

Obviously the tomorrow's headlines, are going to be one to remember

However even at this, while everyone was focused on the mysterious mana words just now

In a certain, house in city B, one person wasn't paying attention to the live broadcast, rather he was smiling from ear to ear as if he had encountered something interesting

"System bring out property panel"

Thankfully, this person was alone as a translucent panel actually appeared following his commands

But even that was not as shocking as the contents shown in the panel

[Host: Ye Tian (Creator, Lord of the plane, Son of the plane, Prophet, Savior)

STR: E(B+)


PHY: F+(B+)


Ability: Creation authority(0.001%), Lord of the plane(0.001%), Son of the plane(0.001%), Prophecy(1%), E-level immortality(98%), A-level fighting skills, B-level black dome]

Looking at the earth-shaking changes that had gone on in his property panel, Ye Tian knew his plan was a success

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