God of Time System: Harem in the Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 130 Within The Atlanta High School

[Author's note: Sorry for the long Author's note and this short chapter, but please pay attention.

I kind of see that it is a bit difficult to imagine all the scenes in this chapter, but if I start explaining it, it will become a descriptive chapter which I kind of want to avoid. So, in replacement to that, I am trying to draw the whole thing and post it on discord later on. The discord server should be done by 20th of Feb, so make sure to join there for a lot of things. For example, character art, location art, location mapping (Example Black Water City) and other stuff.

There would be different channels for Dungeon Screen, Shop Screen, item descriptions, Michael's status, his skills, etc. Overall it would be more and more like a game along with a nice harem story.

Later on, once basic things are done, we can even hold events and stuff, like a zombie horde attack, different dungeons, skills, rewards, etc where you guys can participate and interact as well by creating those hordes, items etc. Your personalized zombies, dungeons, etc, you can even set the difficulty of everything, but a few things like item price, etc, will be in my hands.

It won't be just limited to that, but also towards the Different Worlds that I plan for the MC to visit later in the story.

And of course, where would be the fun without a reward? So based on how well things go on, we can devise a reward system (Coins/ Discord Nitro/ Simple Money Rewards) but honestly, that will depend on how well things go on. I mean, I am not exactly swimming in money, so the amount of things I can do is limited. All right, I won't take any more time and the rest of the things will be explained on the discord server.

The link should be present on every other chapter, status, first chapter, chapter comments, my profile etc. by 20TH OF FEBRUARY, 2023.]




This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Coming back to the normal world, I first moved out of the room and reached the streets. Looking around, I didn't find any zombies nearby. Checking on the map, though, a few zombies were marked red within the nearby building.

Slowly walking into that building, I first cleared the area completely before clearing another building. It was kind of slowing me down, but since it was getting me some Exp, I kept killing the zombies nearby, anyway.

'Though I wonder if it will affect the lives of the survivors,' I looked at the bigger things for a change. The world has already gone haywire, I know, but let's say that I succeed in undoing this whole zombie thing. What will happen to those who are killed? I don't think they will come back.

Even though I was thinking that, I still didn't stop killing zombies left and right. Why? Because the amount of f*cks I have for this world are kind of running low. My priority is centered around my family and friends, that's all.

"Anyway, let's continue," I said as I put all those thoughts at the back of my head. For now, I have three goals in my mind.

Save my family.

Create a safe place where they can live freely.

Find a way to end this Apocalypse.

Since, I don't have a way to look into the third goal and the second goal is already going on its own. All I need to do is prioritize the first one.

And with that in my mind, I started killing the zombies faster and faster as I reached closer to that high school.

About an hour later, I finally reached the place where that arcanist guy guided me to.

[Author's note: That one hour is in the outer world. With both time slowing abilities activated, Michael had spent over 100 hours walking and killing zombies in his path, while also searching for any survivors, whom upon finding he guided back to the Arcadia University where William and the others are currently]

The Atlanta High School.

Standing at a distance from the main gate, where I saw the zombies trying to crawl their way into the gate. Making my way around that place, I analyzed it thoroughly. There were a couple of people with guns guarding the gate. I used [Inspect!] on them and found nothing interesting so I just moved around the highschool, tracing its perimeter.

Walking around the area, I found a few more men, some guarding the smaller entry gates, while the others on the rooftops with sniper rifles in their hands.

'Now, how did they gain that?' I thought, as it kind of piqued my interest a little. Walking a bit more and reaching the back of the high school, I found the second entry to it. The one that was connected to the softball ground.

The gate was open and I could see a few zombies walking into the high school through it. Moving into the area through that open gate, I looked around to see the softball field, football field and baseball field within my vision with the main building at a distance beyond the football field.

The zombies were just randomly roaming about, with a few of them moving to the building as well. Focusing at a distance, I even saw a couple of people standing at a high ground with shotguns in their hands.

I looked around the place as I walked towards the building. The zombies were more or less E-Grade, with a couple of them being Lesser D-Grade, but nothing more.

Walking slowly and slowly, I reached near the building as I got the clear view of the things around. There was another gate within the building which blocked the entry of the zombies into the main building. While the outside gate was open, this one was closed and shut tight.

Jumping to the other side of the gate, I found an opening with nothing but a couple of guards who seemed to be talking to each other.

Ignoring them, I moved further into the area until I reached the main channel gate of the building, where I could see a few people working inside. They had a really tired face, and it felt like their will to live has more or less exhausted.

Since the gate was closed, I tried looking around for an entry into the building. Firstly, I traced the building's perimeter and tried searching for any other entry, which was present but closed like the main channel gate. Since gates weren't the option, I then started looking for any open windows which weren't that high to reach.

'Ah! There is one,' I thought as I looked at the window at a distance on the first floor, which wasn't closed.

Moving towards to the bottom of that window, I first tried calculating the distance between me and the first floor and adjusting the power of my jump


I jumped, reaching the window immediately and entering the room where I saw a guy tongue kissing a girl. At first I wondered if it was forced, but looking at that expression and what the [Inspect] skill told me, I guess it was not one sided.

Also, from the clothes the girl was wearing, she looked pretty fine to me. Hmmm... though their status... It had a few things in their description that made me wonder if it was all right to kill them right now.

In the end, I decided to check things out first. Maybe we will come back here later...

The door was half closed, but there was enough space for me to get out of there and reach the classroom balcony. Moving a bit closer to the railing, I saw people... like slaves they were walking... carrying furniture on their back towards the gates of the building.

And about a dozen or two people with guns surrounding them. Unsurprisingly, the number of men was way more than the women.

'I just don't... let's hope... I don't lose control here...' my anger was rising by a bit every passing second as I wondered what they might have done to the girls... man... it's a school... kids study here...

It gave me a shudder to the core, as I kept walking, looking around in various rooms, trying to find where the rest of the people were. Where the 'leader' of this whole mess is. I passed by the normal classrooms, searched the floors above, but sadly, I still didn't find any of the girls there. Neither any leaders at all.

And soon after searching through all the floors above, I then reached the ground floor and something caught my attention. At the corner of the stairs on the opposite side, a small crowd was gathered.

'What is going on there?' I questioned before moving towards that place.

Reaching that place, I found 18 people standing in a crowd and at a distance from them, another couple trying to break a certain gate which was connected to the stairs below.

'Hmmm... interesting,' I thought as I used [Inspect] on the two guys at the front.

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