God's Apostle: Rebirth of a Lazy Genius

Chapter 132 Tavern Talk

Two days later, the merchant convoy packed its bags and left Millfield city, heading on their way on the main trade route going towards the capital of Atrana Kingdom. 

The caravan finally left the Duke's military sphere of influence as now the territories of various noble houses began appearing. Ranging from barons to counts and marquis, the caravan was traveling through smoothly without any issues. 

The nobles gave the caravan no hassle as the caravan had the official letter of approval from the Duke and the merchant association itself. Since this was still the Whitesburg Duchy and all the nobles in it came under the Duke's jurisdiction, no one dared to cause trouble for the caravan. 

Traveling from place to place, 'Klein' was experiencing different cultures and diversity among the people in the Duchy as well as the Atrana Kingdom itself. 

He was observing the various towns and villages with awe and wonder and truly having a good time. 

At each stop, the merchants would break away from the caravan, staying at the place for their business while some continued the journey with the caravan. 

The caravan stayed for a day at least to rest, do business, and refuel supplies each time it stopped in a particular town or a small village. This allowed Clovis and his family to visit the local nobles and merchants and make more acquaintances. 

As for the warnings that they had been hearing, so far nothing had happened but the caravan was still very cautious. 

One day, the caravan reached one of the most significant cities in the Adenberd Duchy. Clovis immediately took care of the storage of all his cargo and then he, Klein, and Luke went out into the city to explore and relieve the pent-up boredom. 

The group then went around the city, seeing the bustling marketplace and other fun things, and then finally landed at a famous tavern to have their meal. 

As the group entered the tavern, all eyes turned to them as the lively tavern became silent and people began murmuring in hush voices. 

"Hey, I heard a merchant caravan has arrived today, I think they're the merchants we have been hearing about." Someone murmured, invoking others to talk and discuss as well. 

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As Klein looked around the tavern, he immediately spotted the merchant who had requested to tag along with the caravan. 

Klein approached the table that the merchant was sitting on and the merchant also saw Klein and Clovis as he got up from his seat and said, "Oh! Sir, and the young master. Fancy meeting you here."

Clovis smiled and sat in front of the merchant and said, "Yes, what a coincidence." 

The merchant bowed gratefully and said, "Indeed, but we will part ways from this point on. I'm very grateful for the escort."

Clovis shrugged nonchalantly and said, "Not at all, so tell me… Do you travel frequently?"

"Yes, I travel regularly, going to different cities where I can do some business and settle in one place someday."

"Is that so? Where do you usually stay?" 

"Well, my family and I usually change places often. But for now, I stay in the northern highlands." 

"Highlands? There isn't much to do there I hear." Klein spoke suddenly. 

The merchant smiled and replied, "That is subjective. I think it's quite nice to stay peacefully. But for a prosperous future? Perhaps not." 

Hearing this, Klein and Clovis nodded in agreement while Luke yawned in an uninteresting manner as he muttered, "I'm hungry." He then raised his hand and yelled out at the tavern owner, "Hey! Bring some food here!"

The tavern owner, seeing the luxurious clothes of Clovis and others as well as the guards behind them, immediately responded, "What would you like to have, sirs?"

"Hmm, whatever that's your specialty as well as some beer," Clovis said and the tavern owner responded, "Sure! Coming right up!"

Suddenly, just as the merchant was about to say something, a racket sounded from a table in the corner where a bunch of men was surrounding the table and leaning down. 

Curiously, Luke asked, "Hmm? What's happening there?"

As he asked this question, a big burly man answered in a loud voice as he chugged down his beer, "Yaa! These chaps are playing that game again!" 

"Game?" Luke asked. 

"Yaa! Don't you know? Mmm… I guess not, since you don't seem to be from around here. Come with me, I will show you!" The man said as he stood up and began walking towards the crowded table in big strides. 

Luke raised his brows and followed the man for the sake of curiosity. After reaching the table, he saw two men scratching their heads with strained expressions on their faces as they tensely looked at the board with white and black squares on which a couple of wooden figurines were placed. 

As Luke saw this, he immediately recognized what this game was. He looked at Ethan and jerked his shoulders as if to say, 'Well, you know what it is.'

The big man thought that Luke was confused seeing this foreign object and began explaining proudly, "This is called a chessboard. It's a game invented by our Young Master. It's pretty fun but it gets violent at times. Hahaha!"

Just as the man said this, one of the men sitting on the table slammed the table, knocking some pieces down as he said, "You fuckhead! You moved some pieces, didn't you? How dare you cheat?"

The man sitting on the opposite side also roared, "What? Your dumb head filled with dirt can't win so you're blaming me now?" 

Seeing this, the surrounding people swooped in to break off the brewing fight but the two men involved only became more unperturbed, hurling insults at one another and escalating the matter as it seemed they would come to blows at any time. 

Just as one of the men raised his fist, an annoyed voice resounded which immediately calmed everyone down, "For goodness sake! How many times do I have to say this? Don't cause a ruckus here! If you wanna fight, then get out and kill each other somewhere else!" 

Everyone looked at the tavern owner who was fuming in anger and frustration as everything became silent once again. And the two men involved also sat still in their seats and harrumphed 

Seeing this spectacle, Luke chuckled and said, "Idiots… Quite entertaining indeed." 

He then walked off from the table and returned to Clovis and the others. At this moment, the tavern owner also arrived carrying the food with a smile on his face. 

Since the spectacle was quite loud, the merchant sitting with Clovis had heard everything. With sparkling eyes, he asked, "Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, of course," Clovis replied. 

"Some of my friends informed me that Duke White's youngest son has opened a trading company which has introduced the game of 'chess' invented by the Duke's son himself. Not only that, but I have heard he has also invented a social product that has immense health and skin-rejuvenating qualities. It's called 'soap'. 

I also heard that sir has some connection with the Ducal Household. Have you seen the young master? I'd love to meet a person like him who has invented such products at such a young age." 

Clovis chuckled nervously as he shot Klein a glance and said, "We didn't get to see the Duke or his son. We only received the Duke's stamp on the letter and that's it. But I have also heard some rumors about this soap. Have you tried it yet?"

The merchant sighed with regret and said, "Unfortunately not, they're only selling it to the nobles and the rich people in high society. I hear it's more expensive than gold and energy crystal."

Clovis fell into thought and then suddenly exclaimed, "I thought it was just a baseless rumor to scam people. But it seems that there might be some truth to it since nobles are interested in it. I will certainly try to procure one and see for myself." 

Hearing this, the merchant became elated as he said, "I would also like to see it for myself. Alas, it's very difficult. I wish I could sell it too."

Clovis laughed and then the merchant stood up and said, "Well, it was nice seeing you. I hope we meet again, Mr. Sigrid. Thank you again for your help."

Clovis smiled amicably and said, "Likewise, nice talking to you as well. Take care on your journey." 

The merchant bowed and then took his leave. After he left, both Luke and Clovis looked at Klein with strange looks in their eyes while Klein simply joyously devoured his meal. 

After some time, Clovis, Klein, and Luke as well as their guards and followers left after having their meal. 

After they left, the tavern became abuzz as everyone discussed and gossiped openly about Clovis and his sons. 

After a few moments of gossip, the topic of discussion naturally changed and people began talking about other various things while new customers entered and some left after having their fill. 

However, no one noticed as a man wearing black robes and a hood, hiding his appearance entered the tavern and went to a rather deserted table where only one middle-aged man was sitting with his head down. 

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