God's Apostle: Rebirth of a Lazy Genius

Chapter 38 Settling The Debt

"I will find a way to annul the engagement, you don't have to worry," Ethan said as he looked at Anicia firmly.

"What? You can't do that!" Anicia exclaimed in surprise and said desperately.

"Huh? Why?" Ethan asked in puzzlement as he did not think that Anicia actually wanted to get married and truth be told he wasn't ready for these things yet either.

"Well... Because of this engagement, no one will dare attack the Stout territory anymore... You see, our lineage isn't that of warriors or knights. We are healers and cannot protect ourselves as well in case of a strong assault." Anicia said with a downcast expression.

"You have saved my life and for that, you have my gratitude, I'm sure that my father feels the same way. If anything happens my house can surely come in need. There is no need for marriage." Ethan tried to reason as he did not know Anicia's circumstances yet.

Anicia heaved a resigned sigh and said, "My father would never agree because there is another reason for this. I have the blessings of light and people like me are also referred to as the 'God's favored'. The church values us immensely as we have mass healing and ritualistic capabilities so they will want to have me join the Church at any cost now that my secret has been revealed."

Anicia curled up in nervousness as a slight breeze blew. Ethan could finally see the whole picture—as his brain worked out several possibilities.

"I have heard the church mostly uses the favored ones to heal. They are respected everywhere they go and also carry the enormous mantle of the church with them.

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Joining the church as a favored one might also solve your problem of being attacked by outside forces and not to mention that you can also help countless people along the way. Then why do you not want to join?" Ethan asked in a prying manner.

Anicia did not speak for a few seconds pondering on something with hesitation. A few seconds passed and she finally spoke, albeit timidly.

"That lifestyle is not for me... I will happily give my life to save another but I would like to live a free life without any constraints binding what I do, where I go, who I meet, and how I live. Is it wrong to be just a bit selfish?" Anicia looked at Ethan with her big, beautiful eyes and asked him hoping to get a genuine answer to her quandary.

It looked as if this was something she had been conflicted about. Somehow, she felt like Ethan would be able to solve her dilemma.

"I think that people who are kind and also a bit selfish are the most reliable ones. Someone who can't even think of their self-interest is nothing more than a slave. So yes, it's fine to be selfish. I'm also selfish... And to be honest with you, I don't want all this marriage stuff right now." Ethan laid out his honest thoughts on the matter calmly.

"Why not? It's pretty normal to marry. You are so different from the others." Anicia muttered earnestly as if she truly was baffled.

She even doubted if there was something unlikeable about her.

"Anyways, I understand that the church is powerful and influential and as a house with less influence, you can't deny joining them if they keep pressuring you. So if you are officially my fiancé—then the church can't do anything if you don't want to join them as they wouldn't want to have a conflict with The Duke of the kingdom as well as someone like me who underwent an Early Awakening. Is that correct?" Ethan asked as he summarized the whole situation in simple words.

Anicia was surprised that Ethan was able to understand the implications so easily. She too had heard some rumors about him after all.

Anicia suddenly had an inkling that if Ethan wanted; he could truly break the engagement off resulting in both house's relations being jeopardized.

"I-i don't wish to join the church. Once I join I will have no freedom." Anicia clenched her fists and uttered nervously not having enough courage to look at Ethan.

"I want to keep in touch with my mother, I want to have the freedom to do as I wish and marriage is still a better option. I always knew that political marriages are inevitable for noble women and that's why I agreed." Anicia said further pleading her case.

Ethan saw that it was getting dark. He stood up, shook off the dust from his clothes, and moved in front of Anicia.

Sensing his presence, Anicia looked up and saw a calm, reassuring smile on Ethan's face.

Ethan bent slightly and gave her a hand to get up like a proper gentleman and said calmly, "I may be selfish, but I'm not ungrateful. I owe you my life... So consider this the repayment of this debt. I will not let them take you against your wish."

Anicia blinked twice as she was memorized by Ethan's reassuring smile, his profound and confident gaze, and his long white hair fluttering with the wind as the full moon shined serenely behind him giving his hair a silver luster.

Anicia grabbed Ethan's hand which felt warm to the touch giving her a sense of belonging and safety. She sighed with relief and for the first time, gave him an enchantingly sweet smile.

Both of them walked side by side in the darkness amidst the light of torches and lamps.

Anicia once again remembered her home as both of them were entering the mansion. This time though, she paused before entering and turned around, looked at the moon, and mattered, "Mother, Father... Are you also watching the moon?"

A melancholic smile appeared on her face but she did not feel as lonely as before. She felt as if her parents were there with her whenever she looked at the moon with the new perspective that Ethan had taught her.

Ethan halted when he sensed that Anicia had stopped. He looked back and said, "What's the matter? Let's go!"

Anicia nodded and both of them entered the mansion—Ethan escorted Anicia to her room and returned to his own. He finally had something interesting to think about after talking with Anicia and getting to know more information about the church's infamous nature.

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