God's Apostle: Rebirth of a Lazy Genius

Chapter 40 Investigation

"Miss Earlene, tell me... Did anything strange happen while I was in the cocoon? Anything? Even if it's the smallest of things." Ethan asked as he sat on the usual sofa chair in his room.

Earlene sighed helplessly and asked, "Will you tell me what's this about? So that I can at least have a context?"

Ethan stared at her without any expression for a few seconds and pondered.

"Did anything strange happen with my uncle recently?" Ethan asked cautiously not revealing what he was getting at only revealing a vague context.

Earlene did not know whatever that was going on in Ethan's head. She once again sighed hopelessly and raised her chin and revised everything that happened in those ten days.

After a few seconds, she said, "I don't think anything significant happened except that I didn't see him much in the later days of that time."

"That's when he fell ill, right? I wonder what happened to him so suddenly." Ethan muttered in a thoughtful pose.

'Something doesn't feel right, when I first saw him after waking up I thought he was pale because of shock; seeing that I suddenly became normal. But a few days have passed since then and he truly appears to be sick, And then there's that book he was reading...' Ethan closed his eyes and thought.

"So you're just worried about your uncle?" Earlene spoke with a doubtful tone in surprise. She couldn't imagine Ethan ever being worried for his uncle of all people.

"Hmm..." Ethan muttered absentmindedly.

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"Ah! Now that I remember, there's one thing!" Earlene exclaimed as she remembered a particular memory.

"Oh? Tell me." Ethan mused as he looked up at Earlene narrowing his eyes.

"Well, he's been sick ever since I saw him in your room on the fifth day. Before that, he was perfectly fine but don't know what happened suddenly." Earlene said and then went on to describe exactly what had happened.

After she was done reciting the entire event, Ethan smiled amicably and nodded, "Hahaha, looks like my uncle got a bit too stressed thinking of my safety." Ethan joked and shrugged the entire topic playfully.

Earlene knew that Ethan was changing the topic, she looked at him suspiciously and then once again sighed with vexation.

"Alright then, if this is all I'm leaving. I need to meditate on my blessing." She said and stood up, gave Ethan another doubtful glance, and left.

Some time passed. Ethan stood up and went outside his room. He then asked a nearby servant to fetch Selene and went inside again, a picture was slowly building in his head and it needed but a final piece in the puzzle.

Soon after Selene entered and bowed wondering why she was suddenly summoned.

When Ethan 'regained' his intellect, she was happy and nervous at the same time. Although she hadn't fed him the poison Alier gave her—Ethan somehow still turned out to be strange. She didn't know if this was a coincidence or if Alier had also used someone else for the task.

"Tell me, Ms. Selene... When I was in my Awakening after the fifth day; what was my uncle doing?"

"I-i... Don't know..." Selene was startled by the mention of Alier. Although she and her son didn't die because of Ethan's act—she was still living in fear.

"Do not lie, he threatened to take your son's life. So it's obvious that you'd subconsciously keep an eye on him as much as you can." Ethan said with a charming smile on his face.

"Wh- What... Y-you... Master... How?" Selene's eyes widened in absolute shock and horror. She could have never imagined that Ethan of all people would casually say out loud her biggest secret. She feared he knew more and if he knew that she once had thoughts of poisoning him.

Ethan got up from the chair and walked toward her. He got closer to her and smiled benevolently.

"Yes, I know everything! God is with me, he also told me that you did not stray on the path of evil. Therefore, you do not need to worry. Soon your fear will also be no more. This is God's Will!" Ethan declared with a gentle smile as he looked into Selene's eyes with a kind gaze.

Selene's mind short-circuited as she couldn't make heads or tales of what she had heard. Finally, her faith in God compelled her to believe in Ethan wholeheartedly.

Ethan's abrupt Awakening and behavior change weren't anything less than some Godly Miracle.

Sometimes in panic, people will believe what is convenient for them. Selene was the same and so she blindly believed whatever Ethan bullshitted.

"Now tell me what I asked!" Ethan demanded in an authoritative tone that was uncanny for a seven-year-old. Seeing this, all doubts in Selene's mind vanished and she prostrated before Ethan on her knees.

"Young Master! I always kept eye on his movements all this while as much as I could because I was afraid. After the fifth day, he locked himself in his chambers and did not come out until when he woke up!" She spilled whatever she knew almost devoutly.

"I see, I assume there is no need for me to explicitly mention that what happened here stays here, correct?" Ethan uttered in a soft tone with a kind voice as if he was the angel sent by God himself.

"Yes! Of course, M'Lord! Even if I die I won't say a word!" Selene blurted with assurance and devotion.

"Good, may the Holy Father bless you and your son. You may leave now." Ethan said benevolently clasping his hands together in prayers.

Selene nodded repeatedly clasping her shaking hands devoutly in prayers as well and left the room in haste.

Ethan sighed and his expression changed 180° from benevolent and kind to incredibly vexed, "Will I have to do this kind of thing often now? This is such a pain..." Ethan muttered under his breath, closed the doors, and went inside.

He leisurely picked an apple from the fruit basket and began eating as a ruthless glint flashed in his eyes.

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