Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 8: Two Prophecies (REWRITTEN)

Chapter 8: Two Prophecies (REWRITTEN)

Hearing Zeus say that the contents of both prophecies were unfavorable, confirmed the suspicions of most of the gods in the hall.

After all, despite the reveal of two prophecies at once being unprecedented, it was not much of a reason for the 'Highest Threat Level' to be declared.

However, if both of the prophecies were unfavorable, then it would be a cause for alarm.

These prophecies that were given out were said to be the will of the cosmos or the universal sea. It was believed that the prophesies sent to the various pantheons were its way of warning the inhabitants of these universes of incoming events of great importance or danger.

Although not all prophecies were warnings of danger, over 90% of the confirmed ones were.

Zeus spoke on the matter for a bit before turning to Apollo, giving him the go-ahead to speak of the prophesies' contents.

"I believe we are not the only ones who have received this, hearing the contents would let you know why I say so. Other pantheons have most likely received it already and have probably started attempting either of two things.

Preventing it from coming to fruition, or making sure it comes to fruition."

Hearing that some pantheons would attempt to make sure the supposedly 'dangerous' prophecies come to pass caused a stir among the gods in the hall. Apollo ignored this as his eyes glowed green and he began to speak in his true voice.

|On the day of black sun, as the sky darkens,

All gods of all worlds shall tremble with fear,

For the one who can bring an end to them,

Shall be born.|

The second he finished speaking, there was an uproar in the hall. This was within expectations, the gods were a race of beings that ruled most of the known universes. A prophecy that spoke of a single being capable of bringing an end to them was too absurd.

Over the billions of years that the gods have ruled, various uprisings, rebellions, and coups have occurred to thwart their rule. However, the percentage of these attempts that succeeded was very low, majority of them failed with the culprits suffering fates worse than death.

Some of these attempts were planned by beings of great power and influence with armies numbering in millions, yet no prophecies were given to forewarn about these events.

This was the first time that a prophecy related to this was being given and yet it spoke of a single being.

A single being capable of bringing an end to the numerous gods that govern numerous universes.

Such a thing was simply...absurd.

Some gods erupted with anger upon hearing this, some shook in fear, some laughed as if it were a joke while some found it amusing.

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One word from Zeus and all the voices died down instantly. The gods only needed a single look at his face to realize he was enraged, this was only natural, he was the proud Zeus who rebelled against his father, Kronos' rule, eventually defeating him and becoming the new Master of the Olympus Universe.

Such an individual was being told that he could potentially die to a being who was not even born yet, it would be weirder if he was not enraged. Even so, he calmed himself and told Apollo to speak of the second prophecy.

"This one is quite strange, it is less of a prophecy of the future and more of a telling of a past event."

His eyes glowed once more, as he began to speak in his true voice, all the gods listened carefully, believing there may be clues providing greater insight to the first prophecy.

|An uneventful spring night it was,

Where the paths of two beings crossed.

One a god, the other, an enemy of the gods.

Their union shall bring forth a child of destruction,

One who may cause his father's end.|

While Apollo was speaking, the goddess of wisdom, Athena, caught a look of surprise, then realization before acknowledgment on the face of one of the gods seated around her.

She understood the look of surprise, as even she was surprised upon hearing Apollo's words, however as for the expressions of 'realization' and 'acknowledgement', she failed to understand.

The person looked as if they understood the prophecy's meaning down to the identities of the two being whose paths supposedly crossed. She was beginning to have various ideas as to why they showed that reaction but Zeus' voice brought her out of her sea of thoughts with a question.

"What are your thoughts on this, Athena?"

She was startled a bit but quickly recomposed herself before answering.

"I believe the second has given us almost all the clues we need to figure out where this being shall be born, and to whom he/she shall be born."

Athena placed her hand on her forehead and thought for a few moments before continuing.

"This 'child of destruction' is most likely the one spoken of in the first prophecy. The father is most likely the god and the mother is the one who is an enemy of the gods, although we have many enemies, the mother is likely from a race that most of the god pantheons unanimously consider to be enemies.

This narrows the options even more. For such a being to possess the kind of power the prophecy says they would, the child's parents should not be of low status, power, or influence within their respective races or pantheons.

The conclusion is, from the side of the father, we are looking for at least, a high-rank god; inferior stage high tier deity realm and above and the equivalent of that on the mother's side."

All the gods who heard her words pondered on it as many nodded in understanding. While most were lost in their thoughts, a sickenly sweet voice rang out in the silent hall instantly garnering the attention of everyone in the hall.

"Then what races do you think they are from?"

The one who spoke was the goddess of love and beauty, hailed as the most beautiful goddess in all of Olympus; Aphrodite.

Every single being in the hall of gods, regardless of gender, turned their attention to her the moment she spoke. Even those who were lost in their thoughts pondering on Athena's earlier words stopped to stare.

Aphrodite, however, did not seem to care about all the attention on her as she was focused on Athena alone. On the other hand, Athena shot her a weird gaze before replying.

"Titans, devils, giants, fallen angels, Gigantes, Formories.

These are my suspects. Although we have many other enemies, these are the only ones I know of that would take the time to raise a child with such power, just to kill us."

The races called by her, were all known enemies of the gods of various pantheons, ruling various universes.

"I believe it's the titans." A god said.

"I think it's the devils." another voice rang out.

"Definitely not, which sane god would bed those cunning bastards?" one questioned.

After that question, Athena inadvertently glanced in the direction of her earlier target of observation and noticed his eyebrow twitch along with a trace of anger on his face.

'As I thought, he might know something.'

"Maybe it's the demons."

"Could be the giants."

"Nahh, they're too big for that hahaha!"

"Maybe it's a race that's hiding their power? Some races are fond of that these days."

"Could be one of those that Lady Athena didn't mention either."

Multiple voices with different opinions rang out as the gods tried to figure out what race the mother of this prophesied child of destruction could be a member of.

"How would we find the mother of this prophesied 'child of destruction'?

One of the twelve Olympians spoke up, causing the chatter across the hall to cease immediately. This was Artemis, the goddess of the moon and hunt.

"You do not seriously expect us to start scouting the territories of all our enemies for any being who is the equivalent of a high-ranked god and is also pregnant?

That will waste so much time and resources."

Artemis voiced out her opinion, seemingly put off by how stressful the search for the mother of the prophesied child sounded. Although she liked hunts, this was nothing but a wild goose chase to her.

"We obviously won't do that alone, would we?"

The god of war, Ares spoke up in reply to Artemis. He pointed at Apollo before continuing languidly.

"The yellow head said something about others receiving the same prophesies, so let's just ask for their co-operation."

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