Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 102.2 The Untouchable Flower in the Criminal Investigation Unit (6)

Chapter 102.2 The Untouchable Flower in the Criminal Investigation Unit (6)

Feng Kaiyuan led him on, But you still broke up with her. Why? Because you were planning on leaving?


The painful look on Zhang Huas face got even heavier, Because of Sister Zhang Mei.

She approached me again, saying that, after we stoppecl seeing each other, she realized that she really liked me. She offerecl me a higher amount of money to continue to be kept by her. But, l liked Mingfang, ancl l already had some money in my hand. So, l turned her down.

But Sister Zhang Mei took out pictures of us in bed. I have no idea when she took them, and if Brother Zeng saw those pictures, he would definitely deal with me.

Feng Kaiyuan thought about the kind smile on that kind ancl chubby restaurant owners face, So, you agreed?


Zhang Hua nodded, After l agreed to Sister Zhang Mei, so of course, l couldnt continue my relationship with Mingfang. I proposed to break up, but Mingfang refused. She chased me and demanded a reason, l could only say that l didnt like her anymore as an excuse. After that we got into a fight and we broke up completely.

Officer, l really didnt do anything to Mingfang. Even if we broke up, l still likecl her. How could l kill her?

At this point, he became visibly agitatecl and Feng Kaiyuan had to reassure him, Were still investigating this right now. You should calm down and cooperate with our investigation. If you really didnt clo anything. you should help us catch the killer. Its a good way to pay your respects to Zou Mingfang.

Lin Shiheng, who was standing behind Feng Kaiyuan, suddenly asked with indifference, "You once repaired the large light where the corpse was in. Did you know there was a slight crack between the wood lining under the box?

Zhang Hua froze, thought back almost a minute before answering, l know, l accidentally made it. Once, when the lighting was broken, Brother Zeng told me to repair it. The laclder wasnt stable, my hand accidentally picked that bit off when l fell, trying to grab something.

Who else knows about that?

A lot of people ? At that time, the restaurant waiters were in, Brother Zeng was also in, but l didnt seem to see anyone else.

Shui Wei asked, Was there really no one else? Think again.

Zhang Hua pondered for a while.

Ah! Yes, Sister Zhang Mei also knew. My arm was bleeding at that time. and she was the one who applied medicine for me when l went to see her at night. I told her about it.

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The rest...? I dont know. Officer, believe me, l couldnt possibly kill Mingfang. We just broke up, why would l kill her?! There is no reason!

Lin Shiheng and Shui Wei were the first to walk out of the interrogation room.

Leader Lin. clo you think he lied?

Juclging by his appearance and body language and attempts to conceal the correct arrival time to the building from the police, he is a very cowardly and ignorant man. He loves money, but he doesnt love it so much that he lost his sensibility. Plus, he really has no vendetta against Zou Mingfang from the sound of it. I dont hes the murderer.

Shui Wei nodded, l dont think so either. So, were left with Zeng Longhai and Zhang Mei. I dont know why, but l always get the feeling that theres something wrong with Zhang Mei.

Then lets go and see her.

Lin Shiheng brought Shui Wei, and sat in front of Zhang Mei.

As the previous information showed, Zhang Mei was a very beautiful woman. She was 35 years old this year. and the difference between her and her husbands age itself was relatively large. Because of her outstanding looks, this difference lookecl even greater.

Her mental qualities were obviously much stronger than Zhang Huas. When she saw two more people coming in, there was actually a friendly smile on her face.

Lin Shiheng ignored the smile, took the notebook hancled by his subordinate, opened it and asked in a light voice, Zhang Mei, what do you think of Zou Mingfang?"

Looks good, also smart enough. people like her."

Zhang Mei smilecl. Unexpectedly, her evaluation was very high.

If it werent for her small courage, she definitely wouldnt have been just a small waitress.

Lin Shiheng raised his eyebrows, You are thinking you have the courage?

Of course.

Zhang Meis smile widened, l went out to look for work at 13, at that time l had no education ancl no abilities. I was too young and couldnt openly look for a job. I would also be targeted by people trying to scam me. My starting point was much lower than Zou Mingfangs."

At that time, in orcler to make money and get rid of that kind of life, l started moving bricks in, doing odd jobs, ancl lived in a room clecorated with a lot of lead. I deliverecl food to the point of exhaustion. As long as it made money, Id take on any kind of work."

Lin Shihengs expression didnt fluctuate. There was neither sympathy for working hard at an early age, nor admiration for her ability. However, he asked. How did you and your husband meet?"

Zhang Hua leanecl back and faintly smiled, Blind date.

When l was 25, l had my own chain of hot pot restaurants. At that time, l felt a little lonely. I simply found a dating agency and startecl going on blind clates. I finally met Zeng Longhai. and we got married."

Did you know that Zeng Longhai had a woman outside?


Zhang Mei scoffed, After l fell ill for a while, he began to frequently lookfor women. I knew about it for a long time, but played dumb for my daughters sake.

At this point, she carried a hint of mockery in her tone, Why are you asking me, a person with mobility problems? Was Zeng Longhai the one who liked Zou Mingfang? Or. as his wife, when his little lover cliecl. Im also a suspect?

Lin Shihengs gaze sharpened.

Little lover?

You mean that before Zou Mingfang died, she was already with Zeng Longhai?"

Zhang Mei pausecl. The look on her face grew more and more cynical. and the words she spoke were extremely sharp.

How could l not know about them? Zeng Longhai would hardly come to my place, and l wouldnt go down to his place because of my leg problems. Anyway, he still cares about his daughter, but l dont care about him. He plays with his, l play with mine.

Lin Shiheng caught the last phrase, You play with yours?"

Thats right."

Zhang Mei shrugged her shoulders and casually played with her nails, Since you guys also called Zhang Hua in, with that soft nature of his, he probably couldnt hide what happened between us, right?

I checked. You are the ones that called us over to cooperate with the investigation, we still have the right to privacy. You cant tell other people about what we divulged. In that case. it doesnt matter if we tell you."

I really like Zhang Hua, and l originally wanted to leave Zeng Longhai to live with him. I didnt expect the guy to change, ancl l wouldnt have botherecl to save him. My daughter would have to go through a bad divorce. He would play with his, l would play with mine. As long as theres no kids, we wouldnt cause a scene.

"Officer, do you have anything else to ask? Its about time for me to take my medicine. Its raining outside, any my leg is hurting. I have to take my medicine to manage it."

Zhang Mei said so, as she slightly bent down. She had a frown on her face, mixed in with some pain. She stretched her hand down, to rub her leg.

Shui Wei listened quietly, still in her original sitting position, but her eyes were on the fingers she was rubbing her legs with.

Miss Zhang, is the manicure on your middle finger broken?

Zhang Mei massaged her leg with her fingers. She paused for a moment, then continued as if nothing hacl happened. Her tone was also very casual, l dont know when l broke it. Although Im the owner, l still have to work. Breaking a finger nail is nothing strange.

Do you knowwhen you broke the nail? Today, or yesterday?

Zhang Mei rubbecl her calf with her hand, and looked down. No one could see the look in her eyes, l dont know. If you didn't tell me, l wouldnt have noticed.

I can go now? My leg really hurts, its unbearable.

Lin Shiheng lightly respondecl. Thank you for your cooperation."

Take her outside.

Zhang Mei limpecl out of the cloor with the help of a policewoman. Shui Wei was staring closely at her leg, which was indeed very weak, not as if she was faking it.

It was only when the door closecl that she turned her head to look at Lin Shiheng.

Leader Lin, how is it?

She has a strong personality and seems to have a lot of confidence.

Lin Shiheng added, But just now, she had been trying to express that she doesnt care about Zeng Longhai, even at the expense of pulling out the fact that she has been keeping Zhang Hua to solidify it. But why wouldnt a woman, with a strong temperament, divorce her husband when she doesnt like him? He isnt even doing his job as a husband."

Shui Wei followed suit and nodded, Yes, if its just for the child, as she said, its found that the children spend most of their time with their mothers. Since she could keep a lover like Zhang Hua. she shouldnt be the traditional person who thinks that children must have both parents. Besides, she has a hot pot restaurant of her own, and she workecl hard all the way up. It shouldnt be for the money."

She is a bit too agitated. If the matter really has nothing to clo with Zhang Mei as she said, she shouldnt be so agitated and wouldnt put up such a high and confident attitude to hide it."

The mans slender hand knocked on the table. I think its more likely to be Zhang Mei.

I think so too.

Shui Wei seriously analyzed, Just now, l noticed that her manicure nails were broken. Generally, girls would cherish their manicures. Even if they were broken, some girls would out them flat, others would find a nail technician to fix it. Wealthy girls would splurge a little more, take them all off ancl redo everything.

Getting fake manicures, her nails would be much longer than normal nails. If they suddenly break off, she might not have noticed it if she was only staying at home. But when l observecl her, her hair was recently done, the clothes on her body are all famous brands, and her bag is also a limited-edition bag, even the pair of leather shoes on her feet was worth half of my monthly salary..."

Shui Wei, who hacl been reluctant to spend money on a top international brand for a long while, was quite sure. "Although Zhang Mei has her own hot pot restaurant, since she could spend so much money on her body, she should be a person who pays great attention to her image. How can she not know when her nail was broken? Even if she didnt know the specific time, she should have rememberecl how many days it had been like that. And just now, her nail was obviously out flat, but she lied that she just found out. There must be something wrong there."


Lin Shiheng nodded ancl got up.

Speaking of which, we havent thoroughly searched Zhang Meis hot pot restaurant.

Since Zou Mingfang didn't leave the building, Zhang Mei, who also has a restaurant in the building could also be a suspect."

Lets go to the hot pot restaurant."

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