Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 104. Good Food (1)

Chapter 104. Good Food (1)

The memories were received smoothly, but they were complicated.

The original owner was just 18 years old, the age of maturity, but his life had its ups and downs.

It was also a different place to the ones Lin Shiheng had been to before, with more sophisticated technology. Whereas once those world tours could only be done throughout Earth, here, it was possible to travel from planet to planet.

Also known as an interstellar era.

The original owner was a native of Blue Star, or to be precise, a native of Earth. The planet Blue Star was once known as Earth and was developing its technology step by step when an alien Prince, whose homeworld technology was much higher than that of Earth, encountered a black hole in the universe and fell to Earth.

After being rescued by the earthlings, he took a liking to Earth, which seemed to him like a backward little raggecl ball. Having a high status himself and being favorecl on his planet, the alien Prince easily decided to offer some of his planets technology to help Earth join the interstellar alliance.

Since then. Earth had ceased to be a small ragged ball. unrecognized by the Interstellar Alliance, and had become a member of the Interstellar Alliance as an inferior planet.

After all, Earth was just a small ball to the big interstellar societies. All their technology was provided by the alien Prince, and their own scientific and technological personnel still couldnt keep up with the sudden progress spanning tens of thousands of light-years. Therefore, after Earth joined the Interstellar Alliance, it didnt even think about showing itself in the interstellar world. With the technology given by the alien Prince, they returned to their own territory and began to concentrate on research.

Although they were at least a planet. in the eyes of the major planets of the Interstellar Alliance at that time, they were like cavemen in the wild era seen by modern people . Except for the alien Prince, who was saved by the cavemen, and took a liking to them, the rest of the planets werent interestecl in dealing with ancient cavemen.

In the long run, Earth wasnt actively representecl in the Interstellar Alliance and was concentrating on researching technology in its own little ball. No one from the Interstellar Alliance thought of visiting Earth. Gradually the people in the Interstellar Alliance forgot that there was such a little planet.

It was also a blessing in disguise. Not only did the people of the Interstellar Alliance forget about Earth. but even the interstellar pirates forgot about it.

A thousand years ago, a group of powerful and murderous interstellar pirates appeared in the world. Unlike these major planets in the Interstellar Alliance, which 'playecl well with each other, and actecl respectfully, and from the very beginning, revealed their ambition to unite the stars.

Interstellar pirates would quickly show up. When they arrived at a planet. they would destroy the whole planet without hesitation. They had no intention of coming down and colonizing at all. There were a lot of planets in the universe anyway, and only the planets in the Interstellar Alliance with advancecl technology could fight pirates. As long as they were eliminated, the rest of the backward planets were still within reach.

The major planets had always acted separately, never crossing borders or interfering with other planets. Now that interstellar pirates had suddenly appeared, they could only fight while panicking.

The battle lasted 300 years, and in the midst of the battle, the space pirates unleashed the black bomb at the risk of dying together.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The black bomb. made up of matter floating out of a cosmic black hole, was so deadly that this launch destroyed almost all the nearby civilizations.

Almost all the advanced civilizations were destroyed, leaving only fragmented planets and indigenous people struggling to survive. Earth was lucky and unlucky. Fortunately, it was too backward to be directly destroyed by the pirates. Unfortunately, when they managed to keep up with the pace of other planets and decided to take a spaceship to register and upgrade with the Interstellar Alliance, the black bomb exploded.

Earth. which knew nothing from the beginning. was also affected. Only the lucky spaceship. heading for the Interstellar Alliance, was left unharmed because its coordinates were farther away.

Because of the black bullet, the Earths ground caved in, the sea rescinded, and the entire landscape was one of Armageddon. The ship urgently returned to participate in the rescue, after which it finally learned what had happened from the Interstellar Alliance personnel who had escaped. They knew that the pirates wouldnt spare a planet like theirs that was aware of the Interstellar Alliance.

Unable to grieve the clestruction of their homeland, the people of Earth were forced to take up arms and began to fight against the space pirates.

Yes, Earth was a small ragged ball, but it never slackened for a moment in the past 300 years.

Add to that the fact that some of the other planetary civilizations that had escaped had given their own weapons technology to the only planet that could still fight, Earth. This fight, surprisingly, also lasted for 200 years.

By the time the 200-year mark was reached, Earth, which had already been decimated once by a black bomb, was no longer fit for human life, and mankind had to find another place to live.

After searching for 10 years, they found a planet with an environment similar to that of Earth. and there were no intel ligent creatures on it. The earthlings began a 5-year-long relocation to Blue Star.

In the 700th year after the emergence of the interstellar pirates, the earthlings, who had grown into the big powerful sphere, wiped out the last interstellar pirate and announced the re-establishment of the Interstellar Alliance.

The little ragged ball that was weak became a big player. and the surrounding planetary civilizations had to take their time to recuperate because of the heavy losses they suffered in that battle.

Its just that the black bomb still affected all the major planets, while Earth, the farthest away, wasnt affected much. All those alien bloodlines were greatly affected.

It was only after 500 years that these effects became apparent.

In the beginning, because of the war, a large part of society died. In order to not clie out, earthlings had to have children. They not only gave birth to their own race but also through intermarriage with aliens. Although Earths armed forces were the most powerful at the time, and a group of spiritual warriors had been awakened during the battle, they had to admit that they were still physically weaker than the aliens.

The mixed-race babies born from intermarriage with aliens made up for that. As a result, there were more and more mixed-race babies and fewer and fewer pure-blooded earthlings. Now. 1000 years later, there are very few pure-blooded earthlings.

Originally, being physically and spiritually strong should have been good for these hybrid babies, but after almost 500 years, when Earths bloodlines were already mixed, symptoms gradually erupted from all the mixed bloodlines of the Blue Star people .

The specific symptoms were severe headaches, stabbing pain in the heart. irritability and inability to control ones mental powers and emotions. It soundecl similar to a pure-blooded Earth womans period but was a million times more frightening.

When a mentally strong Blue Star person couldnt control their mental powers, they could destroy objects around them or seriously injure or kill those around them. When they came back to their senses, they could be brought to court, even if it was an accident.

Before anyone found a way to control it. the whole planet was in fear, and no one was brave enough to leave their houses. No one could guarantee that they woulcln t run into an out of control Blue Star person.

Experts had exhausted all options and strenuous research to find out what to do. and just when all the Blue Stars people were desperate, research finally showed progress.

And that was: to eat!

When the Blue Star people were still earthlings, the place where the alien Prince landed was in China. In that ancient time, the country, with the technology given by the alien Prince, managed to become a major player on Earth. After the interstellar war broke out. most of the earthlings that survived were Chinese.

Coupled with all the various intermarriages over the years, almost every Blue Star person had the Chinese genes in them.

According to scraps of historical records, what the Chinese people loved the most was food. Even when they were at war and the soldiers were exhausted, they could immediately return to the battlefield after they were refreshed by a meal.

Was this the power of food?!

Because of the years of war, the original earthlings were so preoccupied with improving their combat power that the Chinese civilization was lost. After so many more years, the original earth was no longer accessible to even the most spiritually powerful military soldiers: in other words, the Chinese culture wasnt passed down.

Not only was it not passed down, but it could no longer be found.

But this was a big deal for the entire Blue Star!

Finally, through scraps of history and countless experiments, experts finally made a legendary Chinese dish.

Shredded pork with fish!

There was no such thing as fish on Blue Star, but it didnt prevent experts from purchasing similar-looking fish from photos in historical records from other planets.

In the case of spices, it was said to be an earthly spice, and the best-preserved information was the rhinoceros horn spice; there were no photos of the rhinoceros thing, but by description, the Blue Star experts still worked hard to find animals with one horn and big eyes to replace it.

Although it was 50 meters long and took a whole platoon to take the rhino down, they managed to get one back.

Unfortunately, because of this spice, and the rhino-looking animal would only take each others horn off to mate, the animal probably misunderstood something; after they got the horn, the animal followed the platoons plane with all its heart.

In the case of meat. it was the most documentecl in history and the only one that hadnt been lost. It was just that the old ancestors had started drinking nourishing soup 700 years ago, and the experts couldnt decide what kind of meat to use for the shredded fish and meat. In the end. they deliberated and used a giant spiny beasts meat, which was supposed to look similar to an animal called a pig on Earth.

Photographs of pigs werent preserved. and experts could only compare them based on an earthling named Zhu Bajie.

(TNote: Zhu Bajie = one ofthe three heipers ofMonk Tang and a major character of the 16th-century novel 'Journeyto the West. Zhu means pig, and Bajie means eightprecepts.)

With its large ears, round belly and snout, it didnt have as many spines as the giant spiked beast, nor did it look as large as the enormous spiked beast, but it should be similar.

For the word Shredded made the experts breathe a sigh of relief as they went to find silk that was used to make clothes to place in the pot, it was perfect.

(TNote: [&] Si = meaning thread/ siik/shreds of.)

The first plate of 'Shredded Pork with Fish recorded by the Blue Star appeared.

When a soldier in the military ministry had a mental surge. he tasted it, and the mental surge really subsided very quickly.

At that moment, the entire Blue Star planet was cheering.

Although it didnt cure the root cause, it was a way to remedy the situation.

Experts worked overtime to begin researching and putting the first batch of shredded fish-flavored nutrient solutions on the market.

It really worked.

Or the food gene' left by the ancestors was still working well.

Its just that. as time went by, everyone still found something wrong.

A bottle of healing nutrient solution could only heal a low-level mental surge. The more high-level it was, the more they had to consume. Having one bottle for a low-level mental surge was fine, while a high-level mental surge needed a whole box.

And. people would often vomit after they took a bottle.

This was embarrassing.

The experts were working overtime again.

Finally, they found an even more embarrassing fact.

The shredded pork with fish flavor they made tasted terrible.

Of course, the fact that it tasted terrible was known since the first day, but they thought that this was normal. After all. the main use was to heal an illness.

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