Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 106.2: Good Food (3)

Chapter 106.2: Good Food (3)

[A new therapeutic nutrient solution has appeared in the market!]

[Experts announce that this healing nutrient was donated by a Blue Star who had inherited the ancient Earth recipe.]

[Shocking! The new nutrient solution is actually made of pepper, an ancient earth killing weaponi]

A week later, similar headlines were floating all over the Blue Star network.

Have you bought the new official nutrient solution yet? How does it taste? Does it taste good?"

I didnt buy it. Im desperate for the official one, the healing nutrients coming out are getting worse one after another. I now think its better to chew raw meat than to drink nutrients."

Eh, I was just about to go and buy it. I hearcl that the nutrient solution that came out this time tastecl particularly good, it was donated by a Blue Star man who inherited part of the ancient Earth recipe. Tell me, if it's from an inherited recipe, it wont taste bad, right?"

Come on, last time they came out with the new Kung Pao Chicken they swore that it tasted better than the first version of the shredded fish ancl meat. They were particularly confident in asserting that no one woulcl get silk in the nutrient solution this time, and what happened?

The Blue Star man who bought the new Kung Pao Chicken healing nutrient solution after believing the experts' credibility, was still upset about the incident.

They didnt actually state on the label that there was a spike in it, causing me to swallow it in one gulp. Sometimes, I really wonder how on earth people usecl to live. Spikes are something we pull out; how could they pull them when they were so weak 1000 years ago?

Dont even believe the experts anymore. Maybe its because 1000 years ago the earthlings tongues looked different from ours. Anyway, it's just good enough to curb the psychic surges."

Forget it, I'll have the shredded fish and meat. Hearing this new name, beef brisket with potatoes, they might acld dirt to it. Im allergic to clirt, and I'm better off drinking silk than eating clirt."

(TNote: [d:s] tu dou = potato; orliterally translated means 'earth bean/'soilbean'.)

Similar conversations took place in various parts of Blue Star. Although there was a group of Blue Star people who were reluctant to buy the new nutrient solution after being tormented by the first version, there was also another group of Blue Star people who believed in the experts.

The potato and beef brisket flavored nutrient solution soon hit the shelves and sold out sporadically with purchases from Blue Star people who rushed to try it.

Lin Shiheng and his two roommates stayecl in the automated supermarket to observe the purchases.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Obviously, the number of Blue Star people who trusted unreliable experts was relatively small. Most of those who entered the supermarket went for the shredded fish and pork and Kung Pao chicken in the nutrient solution section, while only a small number stood in front of the potato ancl beef brisket nutrient solution area for a long while, trying to look through the packaging to see if there was anything strange inside before hesitantly putting this newly issued nutrient solution into their shopping basket.

Since it was new, people were afraid to buy more than one, and most of them only bought one or two bottles with the intention of tasting them out.

Of course, the healing nutrient solution was something that no one woulcl normally taste test, they would still have to wait for a psychic surge before they would open a nutrient solution and pour it into their mouths with irony, a sh*t-eating expression, and while holcling their noses.

Every Blue Star who finished drinking the healing nutrient solution with a grimace tended to sigh from the bottom of his heart, as the psychic surge was suppressed.

"Its really hard to stay alive."

Eating nasty things to stay alive. *

We even have to eat a whole box of it*

Such a painful realization.

Therefore, while the three of them had been stationed in the nutrient solution area for a while, the faces of every single Blue Star person they saw who came to buy nutrient solutions, looked very cloudy and uncertain.

If translated, it was probably equivalent to spending money to buy sh*t, and that mentality would be very varied.

In this situation, the two roommates were very confident.

Dont worry, Ive bought and clrunk it. It doesnt taste as goocl as Shihengs, but it tastes much better than the first version of the nutrient solutions. Just wait until they tasted it."

"Yes, once someone has had it, they will definitely come back and buy it again."

Their decisiveness was soon proven.

Outside the supermarket, a Blue Star man who just came out of the supermarket, carrying newly purchasecl nutrient solutions, had a psychic surge.

As soon as the manic energy emanated from him, some of the Blue Star people who had been walking peacefully around him moved away from him as fast as they could. The traffic police officer, who was directing traffic on the roadside. pullecl out a horn in a well-versecl manner, and stood far away from him, shouting at him.

Sir, please drink the healing nutrient solution immediately.

The sadness and despair in the eyes of the male Blue Star, who was suffering from a psychic power surge, was evident, as his hand trembled, hesitating to reach into his bag. The hand, covered with the veins, reached out, shaking.

Poor thing, why in the world is there such a terrible thing as a psychic power surge?

Yeah, its a good thing I dont have psychic powers. Every time I see a psychic drink nutrient solution, I feel their agony.

Passers-by sympathized with the man with despair written all over his face in the distance. Their eyes were full of pity, I just went into the supermarket with him, he bought the new nutrient solution, that potato and beef brisket. I dread to think what was put in it, if it was all dirt, how would this poor guy swallow it?

I actually dont have an opinion on eating dirt, but it would be nice if the dirt didnt taste as bacl as shredded fish ancl pork and Kung Pao chicken.

Nice try. Its an official healing nutrient solution, what else did you expect?"

T rue."

Uncler the compassionate eyes of many people looking over from afar, the Blue Star man, who was a burly man in height and build, finally made up his mind at the urging of a psychic surge.

His eyes were full of pain. With the determination of a brave warrior, his large, veiny hands trembled as he took out the newly purchased nutrient solution.

Opening the nutrient solution, he brought it to his mouth.

It doesnt matter, just bear with it for now.

Desperately hypnotizing himself in his head to just drink it all, the burly man closed his eyes in pain. With tears streaming clown his cheeks, he poured the entire nutrient solution into his mouth as quickly as he could.

The sympathy in the eyes of the onlookers became heavier.

"I hope he doesnt vomit it out."


Unexpectedly, the burly man's eyes widened as he drank it down, and a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes as he first looked down at the empty bottle and smacked his lips. It was as if he was relishing the taste of what had just entered his mouth.

Blue Star people have excellent eyesight, ancl after seeing the poor guys movements very clearly, some of them looked over with a bizarre stare.

What's he doing?"

Why isnt he hurrying to find water to rinse his mouth now; does he want that smell to stay with him all night?

Just as they were talking. the burly mans eyes lit up a little. With disbelief and a hint of surprise, he quickly lowered his head and rummaged through the bag he was carrying.

To the astonishment of many, he found another bottle of nutrient solution and poured it into his mouth.

Everyone was shocked, including the traffic officer who had sensecl that the psychic surge had stopped and was holding a horn with the intention of shouting, 'Clear the area and return to normal orcler.

Did I see that right? Hasnt his psychic surge subsided? Why is he still drinking?"

Could he be a masochist? But he looked pretty normal before he drank earlier."

Are my eyes broken?! He actually drank another bottle!!!"

Damn!!! Another bottle! Or is my perception gone wrong? I clearly sensed that his psychic power wasnt violent anymore!

As the group chattered, the commotion outside the supermarket also attracted three youths who were stancling by the shelves.

As soon as they hearcl that it was someones psychic power surging. their eyes lit up and they ran out.

This would have been a straightforward way to see the results if someone had bought the potato brisket healing nutrient solution.

All three were very confident in the potato brisket, ancl by the time they got outside, they were met by a very mentally calm uncle, frantically drinking nutrient solutions.

That must be our potato brisket.

Du Mowen gloated, Other nutrient solutions cant have such an effect.

Lai Wei, who has always been a bit reserved, also showed a rare outburst of joy, Yes, it looks like everyone is about to find out how good the potato brisket is.

Outside. the burly man drank all the nutrient solutions.

He hastily entered the supermarket with hurried steps, mumbling that he wanted to buy another case to drink at home.

The three youths excitedly waited for onlookers to discover how delicious the new healing nutrient solution, potato brisket was, through the reaction of the burly man.

Well certainly get rich this time."


Several passers-by passed them with a hint of sympathy, still chanting in their mouths...

Ah, another one becoming crazy after drinking.

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