Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 109.2: Good Food (6)

Chapter 109.2: Good Food (6)

Lin Shiheng saw that they were silent, so he simply came out.

Xiao Yu.

Hearing someone calling her name, Lin Yu subconsciously turned to look bcick, wiping away the tears. She saw a very tall, dark-haired young man approaching her.

He went to her side, crouched down, reached out and gently touched her head.

Not disgusted but full of tenderness, What are you doing?

Lin Yu stared blankly at the person in front of her, with timidity in her eyes. She didnt say anything.

The slightly older one of the children scowled a little when he saw that Lin Shiheng knew Lin Yu. Then, he mustered up the courage to ask, "Hey! Who are you? Do you know her!?

Lin Shiheng took Lin Yu's small hand, which was dark and dirty because of several falls, and slowly stood up, Tm her older brother.

Brother... Older Brother...

Several of the children who had just bullied Lin Yu subconsciously took a step back, with more guilt showing in their eyes.

Lin Yu, on the other hand, stiffened and raisecl her head to look at the person who was holding her hand.

Was this her older brother?

She remembered that she had an older brother, but she only met him once when she was 5 years old. She only hearcl that her older brother was at school, and he had to give her younger brother tutoring when he came back on vacation.

Sometimes when she was hungry or bullied, Lin Yu would fantasize that her older brother would appear to help her. It was because she knew that she was different from her younger brother and the same as her older brother.

Neither her nor her older brothers father was the same as the one she had now, so her mother and father didnt like her. When she was younger, she was always locked up in the house, and only when she was a little older, and was of school age. clid her mother reluctantly send her to school and stop locking her up, but she ignored her even more than before.

Lin Yu had never felt a mothers love, but she had seen how her mother treated her younger brother, so loving and affectionate. However, she was always cold ancl full of disgust towards her, as if she was some kind of burden. As a chilcl, Lin Yu longed to be a goocl girl so that her mother would like her. It was only when she went to school and understoocl the situation that she came to realize that no matter what she did, her mother would never like her.

Even her olcler brother, whom she had only seen once since she was a child and hacl been kicked out of the house as an adult, certainly wouldnt return for her.

The only solution Lin Yu could think of was to study harder and try to survive until she was 18. By the time she was over 18, she would be able to leave her family ancl be like her older brother.

But at that moment, she felt the warmth coming from the hand that was being held. Hope rose in her heart, which was something she had never felt before.

Older brother... was he here to see her?

Lin Shiheng didnt notice what the little girl whose hand he was holding was thinking as he lookecl across the street at several children and asked, Who told you to bully my little sister?

What did you say...? No one asked us to bully her, we just wanted to bully her ourselves ...

The several children were a bit scarecl and backed up. The one in the lead even shouted, Useless Lin, since your brother is here, then we will stop playing for today. Were going home.

Saying that, the child was about to run, but Lin Shiheng, who was stancling aside, fiercely raisecl his leg and kickecl it onto the wall. He leaned over and cut him off, blocking the way.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I heard you say your mother told you to play with Xiao Yu, didnt she? What do you think your mother would do if I looked for her and told her youve been bullying Xiao Yu all this time?

The childs face instantly looked frightened. He quickly turned arouncl and waved his hands, "Big Brother Lin, dont tell my mother. We really didnt bully her much, we just kept telling her to be the ghost.

Yes, we even brought nutrient solution for her to drink. Otherwise, she would have starved to cleath.

Really, really! If you dont believe me, ask Useless Lin.

Lin Shiheng lowered his head, his serious tone softening as he facecl his sister, Xiao Yu, are what theyre saying true?

Lin Yu timidly lookecl up at the children, who looked like they were begging, and cautiously nodded. They have been bringing me nutrient solutions to drink.

Lin Shiheng looked at the suddenly relieved children but had no intention of letting them go, But the bullying is real too, right?

Tell me why you're bullying her, or Ill go to your parents one by one later.

For small children, reporting to their parents was the biggest threat in the worlcl.

The first child grittecl his teeth. hesitatecl a few times. and finally said, Its Useless Lins younger brother. He said that if we bullied Useless Lin and made her unhappy, he would give us 100-star coins each.

Yes, its him. He also said that we can play video games.

We thought we'd just let Useless Lin be the ghost every time we played the game. Her brother would see it ancl think we were bullying her. We really didnt want to make Useless Lin cry.

Younger brother...

If memory serves him right, this younger brother was only 7 years old right now.

However, these children were only 7 years old, so they knew how to fool adults and bully Lin Yu and get the money behind their backs.

Useless Lins brother... Dont be angry. If we dont make money, how can we get money to buy nutrient solutions for Useless Lin? Shell starve to death without it.

Yeah. please spare us.

The 7-year-olcl kid was pleading.

Lin Shiheng smiled and crouched down, 'Tm an adult, why would I bother with you kicls?

Just as they hacl breathed a sigh of relief, he addecl. Okay, how about this. I have 100-star coins here. If any of you would be willing to be blindfoldecl and fall to the ground ten times like my sister, Ill give them the star coins. Does anyone want to?

The several children stiffly shook their heads.

A gentle smile rose on Lin Shihengs face as he asked in a soft voice, Why dont you want to? Is a hundred star coins not enough?

But falling hurts...

Yes, it hurts when you fall.

Lin Shihengs smile remained very kind, If you guys feel hurt, wont my Xiao Yu feel hurt too?

Whats more, have you given her a choice? Did you give her money? You just startecl bullying her without saying anything, and then you used the money you got for bullying her to buy her nutrient solutions afterwards. Are you expecting her to be grateful to you?

She treated you as friends, ancl you bullied her to earn star coins. In the end, you just had to justify it by saying that if it wasnt for the fact that you bullied her to earn money, she would have starvecl to death.

His smile remained the same, but the words that came out were like a knife in the hearts of the small children opposite him, Dont you find this behavior of yours clistasteful, children?"

We... we..."

Lin Shiheng interrupted their words and bluntly said. Ill give you a thousand star coins if you cut off friendship with your friends, bully them every time you see them in the future, and make them fall all over the place as the ghost while playing. Youll get a thousand star coins. Would you do it?

The first childs eyes suddenly turned red, I... I dont want to.

Useless Lin ... Im sorry."

Lin Yu pursecl her lips and looked up at her older brother. Only after seeing his encouraging glance she whispered, My name isnt Useless Lin. My name is Lin Yu.

The children. like defeated roosters, hung their heads, We know were wrong, and we will never bully her again. Please let us go.

Its okay, my familys Xiao Yu forgave you.

Lin Shiheng smilingly took out a small box from the bag he had been carrying.

I rarely come back to see my sister. I bought her presents. Because I thought she would have friends of her own age, I prepared some extra presents."

With that. the dark-haired youth looked around, placed the box on a flat stone, unwrapped it and took out the contents.

Do you know the 311 group? The one that just opened.

The sweet and savory aroma immediately spread through the air as soon as the package was unwrapped. The children gulped and drooled, looking at it with bated breaths. When they heard Lin Shiheng ask. they quickly nodded one after another, I know, I know! My Mom and Dad bought some.

My Mom, too. She woke up really early.

My Dacl also bought some.

Seeing that they all knew, Lin Shiheng smiled with satisfaction, This is the 311 Groups foocl."


The childrens eyes suddenly lit up, I hear its very expensive!

Yeah, my Mom said it cost a lot of money!"

She also said she would buy it and give it to my Grandma. Its not for our home."

Is it really from 311!?

Of course, its real.

Lin Shiheng took out what was in the box and showed it to them.

Something big and rouncl and covered with some beautiful patterns was revealed.


The children were amazed. Even Lin Yu, who had been too timid to speak, stared at it with sparkling eyes and sniffed her nose.

So pretty!!!"

It smells good!!

Useless Lin ... No... Lin Yus brother, what is this?

Lin Shiheng counted the forks in the custom-macle bag and smiled, This is a cake, a type of ancient Earth treat that used to be enjoyed by the children of Earth.

Its really a good thing. Your parents cant even buy it if they want to. Do you want to eat it?

The children gulped ancl hastily responded in a rush, Yes!!!"

Okay, come and try it."

Lin Shiheng took a fork, dabbed at the cream on the cake and handecl it to the child standing at the front. As the child eagerly ate the tiny bit of cream, he dabbed the other forks with a bit of cream ancl handed them to the other children as well.

The sweet cream began to melt in their mouths, accompanied by the fragrance and delicate taste of fruits. Nearly all the children squinted in enjoyment. and then, without waiting for them to enjoy it a little more, the cream was involuntarily swallowed.

Childrens self-control was even shallower than that of the adults who could restrain themselves. After tasting the creamy deliciousness, their bodies were filled with the new 'I want to eat! vigor. Their eyes eagerly looked at Lin Shiheng.

Lin Shiheng gently smiled ancl asked, Is it good?

The group of children desperately nodded: Good!!

Want more?"


The reply was clear ancl loud, a positive volume that even greeting teachers at school couldnt match.

The dark-haired young man in front of them had kindness and tenderness in his eyes as he lowered the fork into his hand and sliced another small piece of cake.

As the cake was cut, the layers of jam inside were revealed. Although they didnt know it was jam, the children had a good sense of smell. When they caught a whiff of the sweet aroma, they gazed at the cake with more and more eagerness.

Lin Shiheng placed the slice of cake on the small plate he prepared and slightly held it up. A breeze blew in, and the sweet ancl creamy aroma intensifiecl with the gust of wind. The group of small children began to gulp faster.

Uncler their eager eyes, the large, slender hands delivered the small plate holding the cake to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu acceptecl it with amazement. She sniffed the scent ancl looked up at him.

For me to eat?"

Of course.

Lin Shiheng stretched out his hand and gently touched his sisters little head.

Hurry up ancl eat.

With that. he lookecl up and warmly spoke to the group of eager children, Oh sorry, this gift is for my sisters friends. Because you bullied my sister, then youre not her friends. I wont give gifts to people who arent Xiao Yus friends."

With a gentle voice and a kind smile on his face, he uttered cruel words to the small children who hacl tasted the deliciousness of the cake...

'You guys just stay here quietly and watch her finish eating it all by herself.

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