Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 13.2

Chapter 13.2

You have been working as a Nurse for several years. How can you make such a low-level mistake? Thats a long tube of air. If I hadnt found it, you would have injected the air in!

This is to protect the wounded soldiers of our country. If something happens on your watch, can you afford it? Would your conscience bare it?

The Head Nurse was also very angry. She was not satisfied with Miao Xing, who had made many mistakes in recent days. As a result, today, she almost injected a wounded soldiers body with a long tube of air, which would be fatal. If she hadnt prevented it in time, nobody knew what would happen.

Miao Xing held her head down, her hands were hanging on both sides.

It wasnt her fault. She just married Zhang Yanming. Even if she had pursued Lin Shiheng before, she didnt do anything wrong. As a result, the Nurses around her pointed at her and it made her uneasy. Otherwise, she wouldnt make these mistakes.

If she had made a mistake, since it did not cause great damage, it would have passed. But Miao Xing had no remorse on her face, the Head Nurses became even more angry.

She just had to open her mouth to criticize a few more words.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and she turned to look. It was Lin Shiheng in a stiff military uniform who was holding a beautiful girl beside him.

The Head Nurse was stunned: Commander Lin?

Am I disturbing you? Lin Shihengs face was apologetic and embarrassed. Umm, I came to see one of my soldiers today. Thinking of the care that everyone had given me before, I came to say hello and give you some candy while Im here.

Saying so, he stepped forward, grabbed a handful of candy from the bag and handed it to the Head Nurse.

ah, thank you. Who is this?

Hearing the Head Nurses question, Lin Shiheng looked sideways at the other person and warmly said, This is my wife, He Xuezhu. She is pregnant. Our custom is to give candy to the people around us to spread happiness. All the boys in the army had gotten theirs, but its not the same as people in the hospital. Its a thank you for saving me before.

When the handsome man in military uniform looks at his wife, everyone can see the tender, loving and happy look in his eyes. The Head Nurse immediately congratulates him. On the other hand, Miao Xing looks up with a dark expression. While looking at He Xuezhu; who was attached to her husband, a trace of disdain crossed her face.

However, she is a woman who is attached to a man. Apart from the child in her belly, she has nothing else!

As soon as the Head Nurse watched the two people leave, she turned around and saw the expression on Miao Xings face. Her face sank down immediately. What kind of look is that?

Nothing. Miao Xing blocked the fire in her heart and replied coldly. My stomach hurts. Im going to the toilet.

After that, she went straight out without looking at the Head Nurses ugly expression.

Going to the toilet is naturally a lie, she was just taking the opportunity to go out.

Isnt it just a tube of air? Before that, she accidentally injected a little bit into the patients body, but nothing happened!

The difference was that nobody noticed it at that time.

(TLnote: No! getting air in you vein can kill you or cause brain damage, if the air bubble cuts off the blood supply to your brain. this woman should not be a nurse!)

Miao Xing was not grateful to the Head Nurse for stopping her, even a little resentful. If that woman hadnt found out, there wouldnt have been an accident; even if the air had been injected in. But now, everyone, including the wounded soldier, knows that Miao Xing had almost made a mistake. Almost injecting some air.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She washed her hands well, hid the anger from her face, and went back slowly.

As a result, when she went to the door. Before she opened it, she heard a crisp female voice inside.

Does she look down on Commander Lins wife?

Miao Xing didnt make a move and stood at the door with a sullen face, listening to what was going on inside.

Yes, I sat there and saw it clearly. Commander Lin also had a good temper and ignored her. If it was someone else, they would have been angry.

Do you think she still has thoughts on Commander Lin? Otherwise, why would she use that kind of expression to look at someones wife.

Possibly. But let me say, Commander Lins wife is gentle and beautiful. She has a better temperament than Miao Xing. No wonder Commander Lin didnt choose her.

Yeah, I saw the clothes on Commander Lins wife in that department store in the city last week. Its precious. I dont know if Commander Lin bought them Just now I sat there and looked at Commander Lins eyes. He looked at his wife so tenderly. They must have a very good relationship. Unlike Miao Xing, Deputy Zhang didnt come back to pick her up after they got married. Didnt she marry him? Every day she looks overconfident and conceited. Last time, it was clearly the work of the two of us, she didnt do it herself and kept saying I didnt do it well. Its really irritating.

Okay stop talking about that. You might as well go to the ward and see the patients. Although the Head Nurse also disliked Miao Xing; whose temper is getting more and more strange. She doesnt like to talk about people behind their backs. As she was saying that, she stood up and went out.

Well, Miao Xing has been compared to Commander Lins wife from head to toe. I think she clearly looked jealous.

The Head Nurse opened the door. Miao Xing; who was standing outside, was exposed to everyone.

The room was instantly quiet.

Miao Xings body trembled with anger. The jealousy she had been trying to hide was torn open, she had snapped.

I cant match her?!

I cant compare with a village woman who only attended primary school; has never worked, and cooped up at home since the day she got married?!

Do you think its still the old society? When you marry a man, just enjoy the happiness at home! Im at least a nurse. She is at best a village woman! She has no skills at all! She cant match me from head to toe!

She had just finished saying this, when there was a sudden bang outside. Everyone looked. There was a doctor in a white coat clutching his chest and twitching on the ground not far from the door.

The Head Nurse was surprised and rushed over: Director Wang? Director Wang?!

Hurry up, hurry up! Call Doctor Liu and the others.

A Nurse hurriedly went to the doctors office and came back with a full face of panic: Dr. Liu and the others arent here. I think they have gone to eat. Ill go downstairs and look for them.

The Head Nurse is trying hard to help Director Wang off the ground, Get some equipment. He cant breathe.

Er er

Director Wang couldnt breathe at all. His face turned red, he fell to the ground with a full face of pain, his hands clutching his chest. There was a flurry of activity around him. The doctors were eating downstairs again. It was too late to wait until they were called up.

(TLNote: nope, this hospital should be inspected this is not how it works, its not how any of this works! Ugh I just respect doctors and nurses sorry)

People in the surrounding wards opened their doors to see what was happening. He Xuezhu was sitting next to her husband with a smile and listening to him talk about interesting things in the army. Lin Shiheng suddenly raised his head: Is something happening out side?

Ill go and have a look.

He Xuezhu got up, opened the door and saw the busy scene.

She was surprised and suddenly remembered the medical book she had just read this morning. There was a symptom in it. It was exactly the same as this one. If this situation was not treated quickly, the other party would definitely suffocate.

Without paying attention to anything else, He Xuezhu hurriedly ran forward and pressed hard at a point according to the method in the medical book, and then hit him hard on the back.

Cough cough cough

Director Wang coughed a few times and finally was able to breathe. His face gradually returned its color and his chest was strongly panting.

All right, its all right Let him stand up and walk a little bit. The more he moves, the faster he gets better.

The Head Nurse hurriedly helped Director Wang to stand up. Before he could catch his breath, he was weak and thanked her, Thank you, thank you

Its okay, its okay. Just walk back and forth in the corridor. He Xuezhu herself was too excited that she managed to do it. It was the first time that she saved someone with the ability she had learned. It was not a small thing like a twisted foot, but saving a life.

When she reacted, and wanted to stand up, she found her legs were weak.

Come on. Behind her came a soft voice. He Xuezhu turned her head and saw that Lin Shiheng was gently lifting her up, looking at her eyes with surprise and pride: Xuezhu, youre really amazing.

If He Xuezhu was a bit excited just now, after receiving her husbands praise, she felt warm inside.

Did she really save someone?

Standing there, the few Nurses who didnt need the equipment they were holding had bright and worshipful eyes while looking at He Xuezhu. Are you a doctor? That was really awesome.

He Xuezhu blushed and waved, No, no

Yes, Xuezhus father is a doctor. Shes very smart, and shes learning everything quickly. Now shes reading a doctors book and shes going to continue studying.

Wow!! Later, you would be a very outstanding doctor!

Yeah, yeah! That technique just now was very good.

Would you come to our hospital to be a doctor in the future? Its also closer to Commander Lin!

She was looked at by a group of Nurses with admiration and yearning. Listened to their chirping compliments, He Xuezhu was embarrassed by the inferiority in her bones. She looked up at her husband as if asking for help, but saw Lin Shihengs face full of pride.

Shiheng is proud of her?

She settled down and leaned back in her husbands arms.

Lin Shiheng grabbed his wife and smiled: When the time comes, lets see Xuezhus arrangement. I wont hold her back. This is no ordinary skill. It can save lives and we cant be careless.

Her skills .

Why is this sentence so familiar?

The sight of several nurses, if any, fell on the door.

At the door, Miao Xing who said Xuezhu didnt have any skills, stood with a pale face.

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