Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Zhang Yanming saw Lin Shiheng looking at himself in an instant, and his face darkened a bit: What do you think Im doing? Didnt you hear Miao Xing asking about you?

He always spoke so rudely to people. The handsome leader standing in front of the window was not as good-tempered as before. Instead, he frowned slightly and looked into Zhang Yanmings eyes with a little inquiry: When did you have such a good relationship with Miao Xing?

Zhang Yanmings face was stiff: None of your business!

If I remember correctly, at least right now, I am still your immediate superior, Zhang Yanming. Is this how you talk to your superior? Didnt anyone teach you in the army?

Unlike in the past, after Zhang Yanming rude remark, Lin Shihengs eyes remained unchanged and his words were not slow, but carried a sense of oppression.

Zhang Yanmings face became even more ugly.

He is young and has been disgraced in front of his beloved woman. He is definitely not in a good mood. But Lin Shiheng is right. The army has strict rules on the upper and lower levels. Its okay if nobody pursues it. If Lin Shiheng really wants to investigate, just finding out one is enough to deal with Zhang Yanming.

In the past, the original host did not want to have a dispute with him. After all, Zhang Yanming said that his identity was concealed and thrown into the army, but how could his relatives really be so confident that Zhang Yanming was thrown directly over, without revealing his family.

The original owner himself moved up step by step. He did not want to be an enemy to a man like Zhang Yanming. So, he had to be patient. Lin Shiheng, on the other hand, was lazy to get used to him.

Are the troops all right? To keep such a big deputy like you in the hospital for so long Now, go back immediately.

As he said, he looked up at the watch hanging on the wall. The tone was still so light, but the meaning was not so polite.

Its three oclock in the afternoon. Ill call the troops at three thirty. If you havent returned before then, Ill report the punishment.

The military hospital is not far from the army, but this side is not as good as the city. There are no buses going back and forth. Zhang Yanming doesnt have his own car, he could only to walk back. But, in order to reach it within half an hour, he had to jog back.

But the orders of the superiors and cannot be disobeyed by subordinates. Even if Zhang Yanming defiant, he has to turn around coldly.


He closed the door heavily with anger. Miao Xing was shocked by the loud noise. She hesitated to look at the closed door. She was afraid that Zhang Yanming would be punished. She went up to him warmly and persuaded him, Shiheng, dont be too angry. Deputy Zhang was also worried about you staying in the hospital.

As she talked, Lin Shiheng expression remained unchanged. She advised: Everyone knows he often comes to the hospital to see you. If you punish him, then how would people look at you?

By the way, youve been lying down for a few days and are weak. Shall I take you downstairs for a walk?

The warmth and consideration of her words, as well as the admiration in her eyes, showed that she was thinking of the person she liked. Lin Shiheng slowly sat back on the bed. When she wanted to come and help him, a hoarse voice; because he had slept too long, sounded, I have been asleep for the past four days, but my consciousness is clear.

Miao Xings action immediately froze, and panic slowly appeared on her beautiful face.

I also heard clearly what you and Zhang Yanming did in the ward yesterday.

Miao Xings face has completely turned white. She remembered that Zhang Yanming came to see Lin Shiheng yesterday, but he pressed her on the wall to kiss when she came in to change medicine.

At that time, she was moved by the kiss and forgot to struggle.

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Shi Shiheng, listen to my explanation, I am not

All right.

Naturally, the original host was not awake, but who made the plot so clear?

He lay down for four days. Zhang Yanming came every day. He either looked for Miao Xing or was close to Miao Xing in the ward.

Lin Shiheng is also very strange about the mentality of the couple. During this period, the former host and Miao Xing did not even talk about it. To outsiders, it was only Miao Xing who liked him unilaterally. Zhang Yanming, apart from the last step, did everything. He did not tell the original host directly, but waited until they were ready to get married.

Looking at Miaoxing again, she asked him not to be intimate with his wife, while the original host didnt pay attention to her intimacy with Zhang Yanming countless of times, very had to understand.

Lin Shiheng rubbed his eyebrows tiredly and looked up at the beautiful woman in front of him. Miao Xing, I have a wife. Im grateful to you for liking me, but since you chose Zhang Yanming, please keep a distance with me in the future.

Even if I have no wife, I will never rob my subordinates of women.

Now, please leave.

Miao Xings face was green and white. She had been used to his gentle voice since the first day she met Lin Shiheng. This was the first time that she was sent away so coldly.

She had grievances and guilt in her eyes. At that time, Lin Shiheng looked as if he wouldnt wake up. Although Zhang Yanming was only a deputy commander, he loved her wholeheartedly and was looked at with such hot eyes. How could she not lose herself in confusion?

Miao Xing had not left yet. The little Nurse who had just sent someone in and out came in with a pen and paper. Commander Lin, you wanted a pen and paper.

Lin Shiheng smiled at Miao Xing with a gentle smile, which was quite different from Miao Xings attitude. He took the pen and paper and said, Thank you.

The little Nurse knows that Miao Xing likes Lin Shiheng. She looks at Miao Xing who is standing stiff and not quite right. She thought that Lin Shiheng expression was ugly when she opened the door just now.

She looks at Lin Shiheng who put the paper on the desktop and writes something about it and asks: What are you writing, Commander Lin?

Lin shiheng raised his head and smiled: Writing a letter to my wife. I almost died this time. I plan to take time off to go back to visit her after I am busy.


The little Nurse was stunned. She had never heard of Commander Lin having a wife.

If colonel Lin has a wife, does sister Miao know ?

Just when she thought of it, she heard Lin Shiheng add: Nurse Miao, please go to work if there is nothing else. Deputy Zhang is a responsible man. If Im right, he will come to see you tomorrow.

Miao Xing body froze, she saw the little nurses shocked look. She could not restrain her grievance anymore. She opened the door and ran out in tears.

Ah! Sister Miao!

The little Nurse saw her crying and caught up with her in a hurry.

Her voice did not stop Miao Xing, but made her run faster. She never mentioned that the man she liked was married in the hospital. After all, in Miao Xings view, Lin Shihengs home was so far away. People in the hospital would only think that they were married once, when he got divorced and they got married.

But now Lin Shiheng said it directly in front of other people, not counting, and he even spoke about Zhang Yanming. Isnt that equivalent to tearing off her face and stomping it on the ground?

Miao Xing was so emotional that she didnt notice that many people saw her running out of the ward crying. Several Nurses in the nurses station saw her running downstairs before they had time to call her. Several people looked at each other and saw that the little Nurse who liked to follow Miao Xing came out to chase her shortly after she was admitted to the hospital and hurriedly shouted at her.

Ah Qi, whats wrong with Miao Xing?

Sister Miao, she

Ah Qi stopped and looked hesitantly at the empty stairs. Finally, she was pulled into the nurses station by several people and told them everything.

As soon as she finished, the older Nurses began to look strange.

Half of the hospitals knows about Miao Xing liking Commander Lin. Both of them are talented and good-looking, and they are happy to see them together. Before that, they were still wondering why Commander Lin did not respond. But now it seems that leader Lin has a family.

There was also Deputy Zhang. Before, they were wondering why he said they would come see Commander Lin every day. As a result, they would certainly be alone for a few minutes. Now, in retrospect, every time he disappears Miao Xing also couldnt be found.

Once or twice can be said to be a coincidence, but always? People have to suspect.

Maybe they would not be so shocked if these two things were talked about separately, but they just put them together. Miao Xing likes Commander Lin who has a wife, while ambiguously being with Deputy Commander Zhang. Although it is not feudal society now, such a chaotic relationship still complicates their hearts.

(TLNote: okay I confess I dont understand their ranking/position in the military, so I stuck with what I found the first time Lins position is a Regiment Head, with a title of a Commander/ Colonel please dont kill me)

Head Nurse, what was happening? I just opened the door to see Commander Lins looking at Miao-Jie, her expression seems ugly

As she spoke, she began to panic. The Head Nurse patted her on the shoulder and sighed, Never mind, we cant get involved in this kind of thing. Lets go busy ourselves.

Whats this all about? Why didnt we see Miao Xing was such a person before?

A few people were preparing to spread out and go about their business. Lin Shiheng came to the door and spoke, Would you please come and help me? The window on this side seems to be broken. I cant use my hand.

Miao Xing on this side, however, ran downstairs in one breath. As she passed the small garden, a long arm suddenly reached out beside her and pulled her into the tree. Miao Xing gave a subconscious cry of alarm, and Zhang Yanming said with a laugh in his ear, What are you doing in a panic?

As soon as she heard his voice, Miao Xing, who was still holding back tears, immediately burst out crying.

Zhang Yanming noticed the mistake and quickly released his hand and looked down at the weeping Miao Xing with gloom: Whats wrong? Who bullied you!

Tell me, Ill help you.

Blame you! Miao Xing did not hear him at all. With tears, she stretched out her fists weakly and hit him in the chest. He choked his voice and said, Shiheng had always knew, he knew what we are doing!

Hes been awake all the time. Hes heard it. Just now he said hes going to write to his wife. I cant marry Shiheng anymore

Zhang Yanming was surprised at first, then his eyes showed ecstasy. He doesnt want you, I want you!

With that, he took the woman in front of him in his arms and kissed her at the edge of the tree.

Miao Xing gave him a few frivolous pushes and indulged in the kiss.

Yes, Shiheng doesnt want her anymore, but she still has Yanming. But before that, she liked Lin Shiheng. The whole hospital knows that even if she stays with Yanming in the future, she will have to wait for a while. Moreover, she cant make them feel sorry for Lin Shiheng

While kissing, she suddenly felt something wrong. Miao Xing was uneasy. She opened her closed eyes slightly and looked upstairs, at the shocked eyes of her colleagues standing by the window.

Standing beside the bed, facing several nurses, Lin Shiheng made the bed slowly and orderly with his right hand. On his handsome face, a gentle smile appeared.

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