Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 33.2

Chapter 33.2

The man shouted, all the people on the floor came to watch the hustle and bustle before he stopped, protecting his crying girlfriend and asking the public security if they could leave.

Ive taken a statement before, so you can go now. Well call you if we need anything.

All right, go back and comfort your girlfriend. Its a good thing nothing happened this time. Dont leave her alone next time.

The young officer looked at the young couple; She had tears all over her face, she hid in her boyfriends arms, and his eyes were red, his hands were about to tear up the face of that old pervert. The public security man could only sigh.

Its not safe anywhere these days.

The man and his girlfriend thanked them, and the two got into the elevator and went downstairs together.

The young officer stood by the window, looked at the figure of the two snuggling away together, sighed, and turned to the ward to look for Old Man Yun.

The doctor said that he had not been seriously hurt, but did he pretend to have severe pain all over his body?

No matter how much you pretend, you will still be punished by the law.

Downstairs, the girl clasped her boyfriends arm with tears in her face, buried her face in his arms, and asked softly, how many point did you hit?

It looks like it would hurt for more than ten days, and during this period of time, his joints are so brittle that he may get a fracture if he falls. If he breaks a bone, it will hurt whenever it rains on a cloudy day, which will last him for the rest of his life.

Youre awful

Well, thats what Shi-ge taught me, and I dont know where he got it. Come on, go back and tell Shi-ge to take it easy and let him take the next step.

The girls face was buried in his arms and smiled, Im good at acting, do you think I can be a star or something? I heard that being a star is quite profitable.

Come on, are you still short of money? And I wonder what advantage Shi-ge has given you to make you, a big miss, do this. Tell me about it.

Exchange opponents, have you ever heard of it?

Shi-ge and I dont have much communication on the surface, and the insurance is appropriate.

The man immediately remembered that the big misss attack on her cheating cousin was reported some time ago. He has been sneaking around, digging a corner of the company, and cheating with her fathers mistress.

At that time, he was still wondering who did it, so beautiful without leaving a trace. Now he understood.

The two have swapped opponents.

Ah, dont bother to think about it

As he was thinking, the girl suddenly stuffed something into his pocket.

What is it?


She got up from his arms. The old mans. I just took it. Think about it. The public security must inform his relatives, but his phone is gone now. He certainly wont tell anyone about his sons phone. He can only recite his daughter-in-laws cell phone number, but the couples old number would be busy all the time. Shi-ge can do a lot of things while he cant inform them.

The man touched the cell phone in his pocket and sighed.

City people have a lot of tricks.

He still earned a sum of money and could take the money to open a pig farm in the countryside.

Okay, I see. Thank you.

Lin Shiheng was afraid of disturbing Yun Xiangyi, so he went to the balcony to answer the phone. He listened to the people on the other side say that the task had been successfully completed. He was not surprised at all. He couldnt expect any moral integrity from anyone who could molest a teenage girl.

After learning that the other party also included a lost mobile phone gift bag, he said thank you, hung up the phone, thought about it, and dialed another number.

This feeling of easily crushing opponents.

Its so bright that its not challenging at all.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Early the next morning, the door of the Yun house was knocked.

Father Yun, who had been hiding in the house since the accident, heard a knock at the door but had no intention of opening it.

Since childhood, he has always been the existence of excellence in peoples eyes. When has he ever been insulted like this?

Unfortunately, Father Yun couldnt scold back openly, because he did say those words.

He hated the insidious and cunning villain Lin Shiheng to death, deliberately inducing him to say those words and putting public opinion on his side. Now everything he does is wrong, and no one will believe him anymore.

The knock on the door continued, and Father Yun walked around the house angrily, turned around and went back to his room.

Hello, Im a reporter from the X newspaper. Im here to interview you about what kind of person Yun Xiangyi used to be.

Hello, Mr. Yun. Are you at home?

Mr. Yun, please rest assured that Im just here for an interview. If you are not satisfied with the result of the interview, the newspaper will never publish it.

Mr. Yun, Mr. Yun

Father Yun was so upset that he thought that after a while the reporters outside would think that no one would come out. As a result, they kept knocking on the door, and three neighbors even came to ask questions.

He couldnt stand it and opened the door.

I wont give an interview, so please go back.

Mr. Yun, please dont close the door yet. I have also read the reports on the Internet, but as far as I know, you have never stated your position publicly. Maybe you can rely on the strength of our newspaper to clear your name.

Father Yun hesitated, and unlike his wife and daughter, who had always insisted that he should not show up; He was in a situation no less than drowning in a smelly gutter, he, who had been bathed in the envy of others since childhood.

Of course he wants to argue back!

Hes not like what he looks like in the video at all. It was all induced by Lin Shiheng.

When the reporter saw that he wavered, he took the time to persuade him with a few words. After all, he mastered the pen and talked like a duck to water. Father Yun finally let him in for an interview.

During the next period of time, the reporter began to brainwash him, ah no, suggest things

Your current image isnt really very good. I suggest that if you want to correct your name, youd better choose a relative with a better image. After all, you and Yun Xiangyi still have an adoptive father-daughter relationship, and it will be more convincing to use your relatives as a bridge of communication.

If you want to reverse the current situation, of course, you have to produce the evidence that Yun Xiangyi is exactly what you said, or witness without evidence Again, a witness with a better image will be more credible.

Are you saying that when Yun Xiangyi was a child, she seduced your father to get pocket money? Wasnt she too young? And your father is really too old to be trusted, and its easy for people to think that this is dirty. Its better to change it to her age and have a close relationship with several boys at the same time. Your father is a very decent person who saw it and called you. Thats why you decided to let her go to boarding school.

Those rumors that Yun Xiangyi had a miserable life at school and that the cost of living was not enough, you can say that the family was indeed in straitened circumstances at that time; But no matter how tight it is, you and your wife have been gnashing your teeth to cover the living expenses of Yun Xiangyi. After all, she is an adopted daughter, and you have done your best.

In short, the higher the image of your father, the better. After all, he is a decent elder and an old man.

If you feel that writing cant pour out the feelings you want, we can record and broadcast the interview, you can use your own voice. Ill ask the questions, you answer, and after you have finished asking, I think I can post any questions on our official platform, so that the audience can see it soon.

Father Yun, who has been stuck at home these days, complained by his wife and daughter, and despised by others, cant wait to clean his image.

He cooperated in recording and broadcasting a video.

In the video, according to the direction given by the reporter, Father Yun praised his father, saying that he was an excellent father and a very kind grandfather.

His behavior is very decent, which is embodied in the way he never remarried since Father Yuns mother died, and he has not had any contact with any woman. Father Yun once asked him, and the old mans answer was that if he married his mother, then his body and mind would belong to his mother.

So, he never remarried all his life.

It was because of this that Father Yun admired his father so much that he chose to send Yun Xiangyi to boarding school as soon as he said that she had intimate relationships with several boys at an early age.

As for the harsh treatment spread on the Internet, there was no such thing. They were very short of money at that time, and all the money was saved from their hard work.

There is also the mental hospital, although that mental hospital was unreliable, but the money invested in it over the years was not fake.

The video was quickly recorded, and the reporter said goodbye to Father Yun with a smile, saying that he would go back and cut the video with subtitles, which would be posted on the public platform in the evening at the latest.

With a smile on his rare face, Father Yun personally escorted the reporter out the door.

Throughout the afternoon, he refreshed the Weibo account given by the reporter from time to time, and finally, at 7 p.m. he saw his recorded video.

When he clicked into the comment area full of confidence, he received a lot of scolding comments.

[The so-called lack of money means letting Xiangyi eat steamed buns, while taking the whole family to travel abroad and taking pictures to show off?]

[Xiangyi and several boys were intimate? Ill politely ask, did you father go blind?]

[ Even a decent man can have a son like you!]

[Do you believe it? I dont believe it anyway, hah]

[Would you please explain, Mr. Yun; Why you have such a close relationship with the family who bullied your adopted daughter?]

Father Yun was scolded unpreparedly

But then, someone sent out a short video showing a man beating an old man who kept screaming.

It just looks pitiful, there is nothing that can describe it. The old man attempted rape and was beaten by a girls boyfriend.

The face of the man on screen was pixelated, but the old man wasnt. Father Yun only looked at it once and recognized that the old man on screen was his father.

No way!

He listened in disbelief at the voice of the person who recorded the video.

How could his father molest?

Its impossible! Its absolutely impossible!

Soon, a surveillance video was also revealed.

In the monitoring, at first, the little couple came over. The girl was obviously drunk, the two sat on the bench and talked, and the man put her carefully on the bench and left uneasy.

After a while, he came back, first helped the woman sort out her clothes, touched her forehead, smiled and kissed her. From the monitoring angle, we could see what he had said. They speculated that he was telling her to wait for a while and went to buy water himself.

As soon as he left, the figure of an old man came out on to the surveillance video, he looked left and right, no one around, and then went forward and made a series of obscene moves on the sleepy girl. Until the girl woke up and screamed for help, he turned and ran. The man came back with water in his hand and suddenly chased him down and knocked him to the ground. Then, two men in uniform appeared.


[Despicable family! Never have anything to do with them!]

[The son does not treat his adopted daughter as a person, and the father tried to molest a girl who is old enough to be his granddaughter. Im afraid theres something wrong with the genes in this family.]

[How on earth can that disgusting man say that his father is decent?]

[Perhaps, in his view, it is decent to rape young girls directly without taking another wife. Also, he can only marry someone around his age. His rape and indecent assault specifically targeted younger girls. Think about how disgusting the family is. You are such a person, and you still try to slander Xiangyi!]

[This video is a naked ridicule. I wont allow this! I have to repost it to show others how such wonderful people exist are in the world.]

Watching the commentators while shaking, Father Yun trembled to find the reporters number and dialed it.

Delete, quickly delete that video.

Sorry, the videos have been posted, and I have no right to delete it.

However, Mr. Yun. Although the video cannot be deleted, I have something else to say to you.

If Father Yun thought he could save himself, he grabbed his phone as if it were a lifesaver.

What is it?

The other end was quiet and there was a sound of rustling, as if he was handing the phone to another person.

The next second, there was a mans chuckle from the other end.

The familiar magnetic voice sounded, and Father Yuns body froze for a moment, like falling into an ice cave.

Are you satisfied with my present


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