Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 46.2

Chapter 46.2

On this side, they reluctantly parted ways with each other; but on the other, when Hu Chuan and the other two classmates came down the ship from behind, they looked very ugly after they saw this scene.

Just a merchants son and a sick person, but they were so popular that it was a travesty!

Remembering that because of what Lin Shiheng said before, the Jurens on the ship all thought he was a man who didnt want to admit he had lost, Hu Chuans face became even more ugly.

Then looking back at the appearance of the scholars who were affectionately calling out Brother Lin and Brother Zhao, he couldnt hold this breath anymore and waited until some of them had left before stepping forward himself.

After a hypocritically greeting the other, he looked at Lin Shihengs pale face, who didnt look well at all, Brother Lin has only recently gotten better, yet now he has to take the exam soon. The weather in the capital is also so cold, if Brother Lin feels unwell, dont be reluctant. After all, there will be another chance after three years anyway.

When he said this, Zhao Hes face immediately sank.

Just now, some people had also warned Lin Shiheng that if he couldnt stand it anymore to not push it as his life was more important, but they had reminded Lin Shiheng in good faith. But for him to say it in such a roundabout way, wasnt he(HC) just trying to curse him(LS)?

Thinking about what Hu Chuan said again, this was simply cursing Lin Shiheng to fail in the exam!

He was about to open his mouth, but his arm was caught by his best friend.

Dressed in a white cloak, the young scholar stood against the backdrop of people stepping off the ship one after another with a warm smile and sincere eyes.

What Brother Hu cared about was that if one couldnt stand it any longer to not to stubbornly persist This is something that everyone knows. So, of course, I also understand this.

Brother Hu will be able to pass the exam with his knowledge It was fate that you and I could meet on this ship, and if we could be located close to each other in the examination room, then that fate would be even deeper.

Hu Chuan thought Lin Shiheng was out of his mind.

He insinuated that Lin Shiheng couldnt pass the exam, yet Lin Shiheng replied that he was looking forward to getting close to him.

Thinking about this past period and about what he had heard from those Jurens, how Lin Shiheng was a pure person, good and kind, Hu Chuan who did not believe it originally, now also felt that he had to believe it.

Of course, however, in his mind, being kind to others was akin to being mentally ill.

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If that is so, then naturally, that would be good.

Either way, the curse had already been said, so Hu Chuan just took his leave.

He didnt think that there was anything wrong with cursing someone. Lin Shihengs poor health was a fact. He just said something that was very likely to happen, didnt he?

Having waited until after Hu Chuan had left, Zhao He looked at Hu Chuans back indignantly while he tried to endure it but couldnt resist any longer. So he asked his friend beside him, Brother Lin, he was satirizing you. Couldnt you hear it?

It was already difficult for us to come to the capital to take the exam together. Why make it so ugly? Brother Hu said it, yes But I wont lose a piece of meat because of it, so I dont have to dispute it with him.

A Juren, who was passing by, happened to hear these words. Although he didnt manage to hear what Hu Chuan said before, he knew what these two people had argued on the deck that day, so he immediately slowed down and set up his ears to try to hear what had happened.

Even so, it was too much of him to curse you to fail when its so important.

Zhao He was simply so angry that he could not resist the urge to fume, Brother Lin, you are too good-natured to actually talk about fate with him! Even if you two were destined, it was still an ill-destined fate!

In the face of Zhao Hes anger, Lin Shiheng only carelessly smiled with kindness and generosity written all over his face.

Under the sunlight, he looked even more magnanimous, Its fine, Brother Zhao. He only said that, but nonetheless to have the fate of meeting each other, furthermore, you and he are also classmates If you guys pass the exam together, it would be better to help each other in the future.

Zhao He was startled.

Brother Lin, after hearing such a curse, he could still bear it and didnt care, could it be because Hu Chuan was his classmate?

His heart was touched and felt a little helpless.

Although it was comforting to befriend such a good character like Brother Lin, if he was deliberately satirized by those who were scheming against him, it would make people angry for him!

He wanted to say that he hadnt been getting along very well with Hu Chuan and the others, but seeing all those people that were coming and going, he still didnt say anything in the end.

Brother Lin, the exams will be held soon, and my family has a residence in the capital. So, why dont you come live with me and save yourself the daily effort of having to come over to study?

Lin Shiheng waved his hand and looked embarrassed.

How could I do that? Ill just find an inn to stay at. It wouldnt be right to disturb your residence.

Seeing his refusal, Zhao He was even more moved.

Brother Lin endured that Hu Chuans nasty temper for him and was so considerate as to not cause him trouble, so he naturally wanted to return the favor.

With this thought in mind, Zhao He grabbed Lin Shihengs arm and gave the book boy a wink, That residence hasnt been occupied for a long time, and its still lonely for me to live alone, so I would rather trouble you to accompany me, Brother Lin.

Wheres the sense in that Eh, Brother Zhao, Brother Zhao?!

The several book boys hurriedly followed, crowding behind Lin Shiheng as they pushed him forward while they persuaded him to reconsider.

Master Lin, you should go with him. We dont want to leave Master Lin behind.

Yeah, its only lively when there are more people.

A few Jurens who watched Lin Shiheng being forcibly taken to stay at his friends house sighed with envy.

That was what best friend truly means.


Compared with living in an inn with a lot of people, it was naturally more comfortable to live in a friends house, allowing you to study and wait for the exam.

Lin Shiheng lived in Zhao Hes home while he waited for the examination.

The two of them read together every day with a book in their hands, but because of health reasons, he could only get up at breakfast time every day and rest after sunset.

Zhao He, who struggled to get up and study before dawn every day, not only didnt feel that anything was wrong but also sympathized with his friend, who had to lose so much study time.

The day before the exam, the book boy who would cook excitedly brought them a box of things packed into small squares.

Master Lin, I have already made everything you told me to.

Zhao He looked at them curiously and saw that there were red and oily little lumps inside. He was a little puzzled.

What is this?

Replying to Young Master, it was requested by Master Lin. To put some kitchen spices together with lard then let them dry; when they are put into the pot again, they will boil. Even people who arent good at cooking can then cook very well.

He added, Wasnt the Young Master always worried that he wont know how to make his own meals during the exam? You would only need to add a piece of this!

Zhao He was thoughtful, then his eyes gradually lit up, Indeed, its a good idea. I was starving during the last exam, but I couldnt manage cooking myself. I thought I would eat cold and hard food with water for a few days. I didnt expect such good things. I dont know how Brother Lin came up with them.

Lin Shiheng smiled with some embarrassment, Its not that good of an idea Brother Zhao boasting like this is making it difficult for me.

By the way, are the copper beads ready?

Its ready, and its still being burned.

Speaking of the copper beads, Zhao He looked even more excited than before.

He didnt know what Brother Lins thought process was like, but he was able to come up with the idea of throwing copper beads into a charcoal fire to roast, then taking them along to the exam. In this way, the copper beads could keep the temperature for a long time after being burned. Although they would still cool down after some time, couldnt it still keep them warm for a while?

I really didnt expect the capital to be so cold. Although the elders in my family have been to the capital, they were all wearing heavy and warm winter coats while sitting in palanquins. If I hadnt listened to Brother Miao and the others about the environment of the exam a few days ago, I would have gone in without any preparation and might even catch a cold!

Lin Shiheng smiled, Brother Miao has Juren elders in his home, so he would naturally know these affairs. After Brother Zhao is married and with children, you can also tell him these things.

Zhao He waved his hand, Dont joke around anymore. Let us just get through this ourselves first.

Brother Zhao should bring some more of this with him. If the copper beads are no longer hot, you can also heat them in water and drink them, there are rhizoma gastrodiae and some other spices inside that can make you warm. At any rate, it will help with the cold at least a little.

By the way, if Brother Zhao runs into Brother Hu and the others, you should also ask if they would like some.

The corner of Zhao Hes eye twitched, Brother Lin, my relationship with Hu Chuan is really bad If I asked them, they definitely wouldnt want it.

Lin Shiheng smiled gently, You are his old classmate, and you have something new So it is only natural that you should ask. Brother Zhao, just listen to me.

Zhao He didnt want to hear it.

There were times when he really felt that Brother Lin was good everywhere, but this temper was just too nice.

People were bullying him, but he was still thinking of asking them if they wanted new gadgets.

Perhaps even a saint couldnt do that!

Eh, thats right

Such a pure and gullible person like Brother Lin, what kind of wife would he marry in the future?

Zhao He thought about it, then suddenly remembered that it was popular to capture a son-in-law from the ranks, and a young scholar like Lin Shiheng was most at risk! With a face like his(ZH), after he became a Juren, he too was almost captured! Wasnt Brother Lin in even more of a danger?

It would be better for them to sit at the inn when they announced the rankings. Let the book boys go and come back to inform them.

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