Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 58.3

Chapter 58.3

Lin Ningan quickly went from not knowing anything to being the spoiled child she is now.

Amongst the group of disciples who now called her Senior Aunt, Shan Huaiyu was very close to Lin Ningan, a rare occurrence between separate generations.

Truthfully, he approached Lin Ningan at the beginning just to be able to get a bit of all those potions prepared by the guest elder for his daughter.

Lin Shiheng had always been generous, and Lin Ningan followed in his footsteps. Every time Shan Huaiyu comes back with Lin Ningan, he would be given whatever she received from her father. No one was at the mountain when his master was in seclusion as Shan Huaiyu gradually stayed at the foot of the mountain and cultivated with Lin Ningan every day.

As time flew by, looking at Lin Ningan, whose looks grew better and better and whose nature was so transparent that he could understand her, he had some other thoughts in his mind.

Senior Aunt, I heard that most of the disciples in the school can leave the clan to train and gain experience. Did the Elder say you should go?


Lin Ningan was biting into a fruit and ate it with great pleasure when she heard this. She immediately said, I wont go through the training. Dad said I dont need experience.

Shan Huaiyu, who was ready to say why dont we partner up and practice!, choked back upon hearing these words. Why not? Although Senior Aunts cultivation is high, you have never been in actual combat. If you dont experience it, how can you fight with others in the future?

It doesnt matter. Dad will always be by my side to protect me. I still have Dads protection charm too, so even if someone with a higher level of cultivation than me were to strike at me, it would be blocked by the protection.

Unwilling, Shan Huaiyu continued to ask, But the protection provided by the Elder is provided by the Elder. If Senior Aunt is incapable, this protection, even if it would block once, can it block a thousand times?

Lin Ningan yawned, Good point. Thats why Dad put a thousand protection charms over me. Anyway, if someone really wanted to do something to me, this thousand times protection is enough to delay until my Dad comes to save me.

Dad has long since told me about this training. Its nothing more than fighting demonic beasts that chase people and then going into seclusion. Whats the point in that?

Shan Huaiyu had no choice but to add, The Elder could protect Senior Aunt for a while, but he cant protect Senior Aunt for a lifetime. The Elder is highly cultivated and will probably ascend to the Heavenly Realm soon. When that time comes, Senior Aunt could lose the protection of the Elder. What would you do?

There wont be such a situation.

Lin Ningan said, Dad has long been able to go to the Heavenly Realm, but he is worried about me and suppressed his cultivation. When I can ascend to the Heavenly Realm, he will naturally protect me and leave with me.

Shan Huaiyu was left speechless.

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He had a huge earthquake in his heart. He never thought it would be like this.

He knew that Elder Shihengs cultivation was high, but he didnt expect that he had reached the point where he could ascend to the Heavenly Realm.

And if he always protected Lin Ningan, and the two ascended to heaven together, then as for Shan Huaiyus various hidden thoughts Where would they go?

Shan Huaiyu didnt know what Lin Ningan thought. She has always been taught that one power subdues ten. As long as she was strong, no matter what conspiracy she meets, he wouldnt need to help her. Therefore, she didnt bother to ask Shan Huaiyu, who she never understood.

(TNote: one power subdues ten = one strong force could subdue ten martial artists.)

The Clan Competition is coming up soon. Is Senior Aunt going to be in the ring?

Should be. It depends on whether Dad wants me in the ring. No matter where I go, I always win anyways, so its meaningless.

Lin Ningan wasnt arrogant when saying this. Although she had only been here for 5 years, there was no one in the clan who didnt know that she was in the Mahayana stage at a young age and was only waiting for the tribulation to ascend to the Heavenly Realm.

Many people were jealous and envious, but Lin Ningan had never taken them seriously. Even if some people are full of schemes in their hearts, so long as that person treats her well on the surface, she was also willing to treat this person well on the surface.

True or false, why bother to make it so clear?

Shan Huaiyu looked at this free and easygoing Senior Aunt. It was wrong to say that he didnt have envy in his heart. Although he was brought up by his master since childhood, at most, he was ahead of his peers by only a generation. He had to practice hard every day to maintain this advantage, so as not to be laughed at for not being able to match the realm of his peers.

Like his master and all the people in the Cultivation Realm, he wanted to ascend to the Heavenly Realm and become a real immortal.

For this goal, he would pay anything.

Lin Ningan looked at Shan Huaiyu, who was always full of worries, and then left for her residence.

The house was luxuriously decorated, and even the quilts were made of celestial fairy yarn. She laid down on the bed, looking at the stars placed on the roof by her father and began her divination.

Lin Ningan could calculate fate. She learned the ability from the Tiger Demon before, but she always had human love in her heart before, and she could never get anything from her divinations.

Since she drank the soup, it was as if she had suddenly emerged from a labyrinth and had a completely different result than before when she calculated.

Its strange that the divination portrayed that she actually has a hint of affection with Shan Huaiyu.

Yet, she didnt like Shan Huaiyu.

Lin Ningan got up and looked around sneakily. When he saw that her father was away, she got a little brave. She got up, took the mirror that her father gave her, and put it in front of her. Then, she began to calculate this strange and odd love.

Her cultivation was high, and she was blessed with the body of the silver dragon. Even if she didnt have dragon horns and claws, she was much stronger than ordinary people. Soon, Shan Huaiyus face appeared in the mirror.

At the same time, there was Lin Ningans own face.

It was the same appearance and size, but the difference was that her face in the mirror seemed unworldly, looking at Shan Huaiyu with eyes full of adoration.

Shan Huaiyu was saying to her, You are my spiritual snake. Even if you are transformed, you are still mine.

We call this spiritual cultivation, just like a mortal couple. Dont you love looking at mortal paintings? We are husband and wife. You should cultivate well in the future. Wait for us to ascend to the Heavenly Realm together and continue to be husband and wife.

Lin Ningan held her chin and looked at the silly self in the spirit mirror who was in love with Shan Huaiyu, and felt very odd from the inside out.

Her father always felt that the spiritual power of the cultivators in the Cultivation Realm was low. He told her more than once that if she wanted to find a husband in the future, she would have to wait until they returned to Heavenly Realm to find an immortal.

In truth, she doesnt want to find a husband, because the fruit isnt delicious, or the puppet men are uncomfortable to serve. Her father said, even if she wanted a doll, he should just go into the primal chaos and capture one back.

A husband was really useless for her.

Back to the mirror, which shows she was with Shan Huaiyu. Why didnt her father come and stop her?

Also, what did this mean? She was a snake raised by Shan Huaiyu?

Although Shan Huaiyu really caught her 5 years ago, her father had rescued her at that time. Until now, he still didnt know that she was the spirit snake back then.

Lin Ningan took another bite of the fruit, while thinking about whether there was something wrong with this calculation. She watched a big scene in the spiritual mirror with the mindset of watching a play.

In this portrayal, her father didnt find her. She was raised by Shan Huaiyu as a spiritual pet. One day, after an accident, she became human.

Shan Huaiyu only thought that she had eaten too much in spirit fruit, but he still kept her as a spirit pet. However, she was always with Shan Huaiyu, and no one taught her anything else. She was like a blank sheet of paper, and she felt that the name Huaiyu was familiar, and gradually regarded Shan Huaiyu as her mortal husband.

Shan Huaiyu obviously regarded her as his wife, and over time, he became more and more gentle with her. They also rolled in the sheets and agreed to dual cultivate to ascend to the Heavenly Realm.

During this time, Shan Huaiyus master saw her face one day and instantly lost control.

Then, Shan Huaiyu was ordered by his master to bring her to his masters room.

The self inside the spirit mirror was terrified and cowered in the corner in her true form, calling Shan Huaiyu to help.

In the end, she failed to marry Shan Huaiyu, but was seized by a man named Shan Junqing for many years.

The girl inside the mirror didnt have her father. She didnt know that she was actually a dragon instead of a snake. She only cultivated the demon cultivation method taught by Shan Huaiyu before, and her spiritual power was always inferior to Shan Junqings.

Finally, after she managed to find a chance to escape, she ran to Shan Huaiyu with all her heart, but learned that Shan Huaiyu had married the daughter from a nearby clan. When she came, they were drinking under the moon and saw her. When the daughter of the clan asked him who she was, Shan Huaiyu didnt hesitate to answer, That is Masters concubine.

Lin Ningan, who was watching the show with intent, smashed the table with a slap.

What a sh*tty divination!

She, a dragon, became a concubine!?

The mirror almost shattered to pieces. Fortunately, Lin Ningan suddenly remembered that it was a gift from her father and quickly let it float again with spiritual power.

At this moment, the life of the snake in the mirror was still playing like a small TV.

The little snake was persistent. She had been with Shan Huaiyu since she was taken down the mountain. She has always listened to what he said, but this time she refused to believe it.

Anticipating Shan Junqing to be looking for her, she only learned from Shan Junqing that Shan Huaiyu was bent on becoming immortal. In order to make this disciple voluntarily give up on her, Shan Junqing gave him a lot of treasures.

Thus, between an ignorant little snake and the chance to become immortal, Shan Huaiyu chose to become immortal.

Lin Ningan looked at her desperate self in the mirror, breathed a sigh of relief, endured the impulse to hit someone, and then kept watching.

Her father would definitely come to her.

When the time comes, the one in the mirror must kill these people.

Unfortunately, until the end, salvation didnt arrive. Soon, Lin Ningan saw Shan Junqing find out that she was his wife in the Mortal Realm, and he beat her to death before she could have a chance of meeting her father.

Lin Ningan who watched herself get killed and disappear into spirit dust in the air

She was born with a semi-immortal body, so when she died, she wouldnt leave a soul behind. She would simply disappear.

So, since her body was turned into spirit dust in the spirit mirror, she really died.

She couldnt wait for her father, nor did she kill the abominable master and disciple.

Lin Ningan lamented, She died just like that???

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