Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Li Chunhua was almost too excited and say it out loud, but before she could speak, her mind turned. Shiheng was still here. If she guessed wrong, Shiheng would not be happy.

With this in mind, Li Chunhua stopped eating her rice: Xuezhu! Why didnt you tell mom about your discomfort earlier! Lets go, hurry. Stop eating for now, mom will take you to the clinic.

Shiheng! You dont have to come with us. Stay at home and watch over the house. Your wife and I will be back soon.

He Xuezhu did not respond and was pulled to stand up and follow her. Li Chunhua accompanied her. Be careful, dont walk so fast when you are uncomfortable

Come on, Moms will hold you.

He Xuezhu had never seen such an attentive mother-in-law. She was holding her hand at a loss and did not dare to refuse. She subconsciously looked back and saw her husband standing in the courtyard, looking at them smiling, turning her head and waving at her.

Xuezhu, just follow Mom. Ill wait for you at home.

It was such a smile that made her relax all over. She also smiled back unconsciously.

Watching his mother and wife go, Lin Shiheng walked around the house and looked around to see if anything was broken.

He is rarely at home. Even if he comes back, he would only for a few days. There are only two women in the family. Even if they can bear hardships, they cant keep up with many things physically. Li Chunhua has a strong temperament and refuses to ask others for help. If its not urgent, she could afford to wait for her son to come back.

After wandering around, Lin Shiheng found a plastic cloth covering the rice jar and an umbrella on it.

Looking up, the roof above the rice jar was indeed leaking, covered with plastic sheets. But judging from the fact that the plastic sheets were still filled with water, you would know the sheets were almost useless.

(Ancient people use to store rice grains inside a large porcelain or ceramic pot/jar. This is very heavy, if you include the weight of the grains inside, could weigh around upwards of 15 kg.)

He lifted up his sleeve, grabbed both sides of the rice jar, and lifted the whole rice jar with rice in it.

When the smiling Li Chunhua came back, carefully caring for her daughter-in-law with the same happy smile. She saw that the rice jar in the house was lifted from the leaking corner to a place where there was no leakage. The big frying pan was brushed clean, and even the missing step outside was temporarily padded with boards.

The smile on Li Chunhuas face immediately became more soothing. She was about to go in and call Lin Shiheng when she heard her son calling from behind: Mom, Xuezhu, your back?

Shiheng? Where did you come back from?

Lin Shiheng smiled and showed them the light bulb in his hand: Mom, the light bulb in your room is not bright. I went to buy a new one and change it for you.

Usually, Li Chunhua is sure to take her sons hand and lament her sons filial piety, but now, she smiles like she won a 10 million prize and cant wait to announce the good news.

Shiheng! Xuezhu is pregnant!

Lin Shihengs facial expression immediately turned into surprise and joy like the excitement of a dream.

Xuezhu! Is Xuezhu pregnant? Am I going to be a father?!!


With a crunch, he was so excited that he crushed the light bulb in his hand.

He Xuezhu was touching her stomach and looked at him with a smile. When she saw the broken bulb, she got a fright and hurriedly stepped forward to check: Shiheng, are you okay? Did you get hurt?

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Nothing, its alright!

Lin Shiheng clapped his hands to get the broken glass debris off and hugged his wife in excitement: Xuezhu, you are pregnant! Im going to be a father!

There is no doubt about his excitement. He Xuezhu herself was immersed in the joy of being a mother. When she was infected by her husbands happiness, the smile on her face suddenly became happier.

Unexpectedly, Shiheng was so happy. He must have been looking forward to the child for a long time.

Shiheng reached out and carefully touched his wifes lower abdomen, and looked down at her with a smile. Li Chunhua watched the scene, only to feel that her eyes that had been crying before were a faint memory.

She said, her son is so good, God wouldnt be so cruel to him. Even after being wounded and couldnt have any children, God still left a single seedling in Xuezhus belly.

Afraid of letting her son see that something was not right, Li Chunhua wiped the corner of her eyes and coughed only when she was sure there were no tears. Now, Shiheng, hurry up and hold your wife to sit down. She cant be tired now. Im going to heat the rice. Today we didnt know and almost forgot. Tomorrow, go to your wifes second aunts house and buy all the old hens left in her house. Later well cook chicken soup for Xuezhu every day.

Mom, let me help you warm up the food.

Go, your wife has a baby and you dont have much time to be with her. Mom will tell you; when you are pregnant, the baby would be healthy when the mother is in a good state of mind.

You dont understand all this Mom knows all about it. Later on, you have to listen to Mom!

Li Chunhua pushed back her son who wanted to help, and stepped into the kitchen with a face full of confidence.

If she had known that her daughter-in-law was pregnant, Li Chunhua would have been happy, but she would not have taken care of her so meticulously. But its totally different now!

This is the only seedling of the old Lin family. Shiheng and Xuezhu have no experience. She is a grandmother and must not make any mistakes.

Li Chunhua cheerfully warmed up the food again. As soon as she opened the curtain, she saw the young couples talking happily, and her heart melted.

If she had seen her son treat her daughter-in-law so well before, she might have felt a little sour in her heart. But after experiencing the constant hiding of all the pain and sorrow, Li Chunhua now looks at the smile on her sons face with only gratitude.

Thank God for keeping Shiheng from suffering so much.

She put the dish on the table with a smile. She stopped He Xuezhu from reaching out to help. Its hot, mom will do.

He Xuezhu has never been taken care of so carefully before. For a moment, he was at a loss. She subconsciously looked at her husband. Lin Shiheng patted her hand soothingly. Mom is right. You are pregnant now. It is better to be careful. I will do it.

After saying that, he got up and went to the kitchen to serve the food. When Li Chunhua saw that he didnt only care about her daughter-in-law, she felt even more comforted. She was happy and even complained: Cant Mom serve? Its just a few dishes. Just accompany Xuezhu and do what you can for her.

Look at what youre saying mom. Xuezhu is now pregnant with a child, mom, werent you also pregnant with me once? If Im not good to you, who should I be good to?

Li Chunhua felt her heart soothe as her son said so, the sourness of before was completely gone. Coming out of the kitchen, she looked at He Xuezhu face with more affection.

Come on, Xuezhu, eat up. Mom will tell you a few things after the meal. Things that pregnant women needs to pay attention to.

At this point, her heart went over what all the people in the village who lost their child were doing.

Pregnant women are most afraid of fatigue, shock and poor nutrition. She must take good care of the Xuezhu. First of all, she must keep up with what she eats. Then there is the shock. Li Chunhua thought for a while and felt that the Xuezhu is quite daring and should not be frightened by anything. Even if there is anything, she was only startled by a madman wandering around the next village when she went out before. However, as long as she was steady as her mother-in-law, Xuezhu would not be afraid.

This might be exaggerating a little, but she; Li Chunhua has never been afraid of much!

Just then Lin Shiheng said, Mom, can you tell Xuezhu about this later? Ill talk about building the house first.

I was thinking. Lets buy another piece of land, build a bigger house, hire more people and try to finish it sooner.

The expression on Li Chunhuas face immediately hesitated a bit: Buy land again? Do we have enough money?

Thats right! Lin Shiheng clapped his hands: Look at me I was so happy to come home. I forgot all about everything.

He stood up and entered the room under the confused eyes of Li Chunhua and He Xuezhu. He took out the big bag and handed it to Li Chunhua: Here, look dont be scared.

Li Chunhua smiled and glared at his son: When did your mother ever scared. I already so old Oh my!!

She screamed and shocked Xuezhu who was curious to see. However, she saw her mother-in-law shocked and hurriedly put her arms around her sons bag. She looked around vigilantly and confirmed that there was no outsider. Then she pulled Shiheng back and asked in a low voice, Where did you get so much money?

Before I came back from leave. I did a task. It was sent to me from above.

Lin Shiheng looked at her and He Xuezhu, who were still in a daze. He cheerfully patted his chest.

Mom, Xuezhu, Ill try harder in the future to make a better life for you.

Li Chunhua was still shocked, but He Xuezhu looked at her husband. Thinking about what he had just said to her, that he would take good care of her and her children and her mother-in-laws gentle treatment. Her mouth could not help but smile. Shiheng, I believe you.

She thought that even if he didnt build a new house, she would have a good life.

A few days later, the Lins bought another piece of land to build a new house and the news that they had hired some people spread all over the village.

The He family was shocked when they heard the news. Didnt they say that Lin Shiheng had an illness and wanted to see a doctor?

They didnt think Lin Shiheng would cheat them. After all, since He Xuezhu married, this son-in-law has always been a straight talker. If it were Li Chunhua, it might be the case.

Little brother He had greed for the money. Why didnt he know a soldier could make so much money before? Thinking that he had no money every time he wanted to play cards with his friends, he immediately encouraged his mother to borrow money from the Lins.

The mother and son went again, this time to show their sincerity, they also specially carried a greeting gift.

As soon as Mother He heard about her daughters pregnancy, she immediately smiles. She ate some sunflower seeds while saying, this is a good thing. Xuezhu, you must have a big fat boy in your stomach!

He Xuezhu touched her stomach and whispered, Mom, dont say that. The baby hasnt been born yet.

Its okay, you eat more sour foods and dont touch any spicy food. Sour will birth a boy and spicy will birth a girl, but dont give birth to a silly little girl.

Li Chunhua is lifting the door curtain to come in. She also fully agrees with this sentence. Thats right, you must have a son!

But as soon as she lifted her eyes, she saw her sons ugly face his hand slightly gripping the corner of the table.

Other people didnt pay attention, but his mother sees it clearly.

Her mind immediately cleared up.

Right! Shiheng cant have any more children!

Who can say the childs gender for sure? If its a son, its all right. But if its a daughter and she is bent on having a grandson, wont it make Shiheng feel unhappy?

Li Chunhua immediately dropped her face into gloom and went in.

Whos a silly little girl?! Am I; Li Chunhua the kind of person who favors boys over girls?! As long as its my Lins baby, I would love a boy or a girl the same way!

I would never say that, in-law. Your feudal thinking is really impossible. Dont say it again in the future. Its humiliating!

When they first promised marriage, Li Chunhua had talked to her and they had a heated discussion on the topic of Its no use giving birth to a daughter. They all love boys and try to get Xuezhu to give birth to a boy. Mother He froze while still holding a sunflower seed to her mouth, stunned.

This old woman, is she crazy??

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