Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 71.2

Chapter 71.2

The next day, he took his well-dressed three sons and waited for someone on the road, away from the mountain bandits nest.

Lin Second Son touched his tattered clothes with dried blood, and touched the wound painted by his father with makeup. Then he looked at the pot of chicken blood beside him, shivering.

Father Do you really want to do this?

Lin Shiheng took the bow and arrow in his hand. He made the bow himself. Although it didnt look very nice, it was very easy to use. Hearing his sons words, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

What are you afraid of, dont you trust your father? Did you forget how good the wild goose shot down in the morning tastes? As soon as he said so, Lin Second Son immediately remembered the wild goose that was shot in the head by his father early this morning.

Its delightful to see and delicious to eat, but

He couldnt help but touch his head again. He didnt know how many times he had touched it in a short period of time.


He was thinking bitterly, but Lin Shiheng suddenly pulled them down, Someones coming.

There was indeed a line of people walking forward on the road below, which looked like a line of merchants.

Lin Shiheng pushed Lin Second Son. Its your turn to come out!

Lin Second Son stood up with shaking legs and splashed some of that pot of chicken blood on his body.

Then he ran down with a loud cry for help.

Help!!! Help!!!

The procession of merchants stopped, and the people sitting on the horses were alerted. They took their swords and looked around. Just as they were turning their heads to look around, they saw a bloody man covered in blood running down from the hill. The bloody man ran to the crowd, and they found that he wasnt only covered with blood, but even his face was covered with ferocious scars. According to the blood marks on his body, there were a lot of stab wounds on his body, they were horrified.

Lin Second Son ran to them and fell to the ground with a heavy plop, using a weak but clear voice for people who came to investigate, shaking his voice and opening his mouth. When he lied for the first time, he was nervous and afraid, but he expressed the emotions that should have been displayed to the fullest.

there are bandits in front of everyone who passed by was killed. I cough, I escaped with a few brothers with great difficulty. You mustnt go there they wont spare any


A sharp arrow shot from nowhere, from the perspective of the merchant and his party, the arrow shot straight to the ground, at Lin Second Son, who was lying on the ground.

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The bloody man who was talking to them closed his eyes with a miserable scream, and lost his little life. Before the merchants could react, another sharp arrow shot out of the mountains and in front of the horse closest to Lin Second Son.

Lin Shiheng retracted his bow and patted his two sons who were gawking aside. The two men were shaken as they hastily opened their mouths and shouted, We found someone! Kill them!!!

The merchant line at the bottom burst into a commotion.

Its the mountain bandits. Run


A group of people frantically rode horses and returned to the original road with the goods. The dust was flying, and they all the way out of sight. Lin Second Son was still on the ground, remaining there until Lin Shiheng came out of the mountain forest with his two brothers. Then, he carefully opened his eyes and looked as if he was in a trance.

Second Brother, are you ok?

Come on, get up.

The two brothers were more concerned about this brother than their own father, and they quickly helped him to stand up, and asked him a lot of questions.

Lin Second Son was fine. He was just scared silly. Since he stood up, his eyes stared straight at the arrow on the ground. The place where this arrow shot at was the gap between his arm and chest.

Almost He almost died.

Lin Shiheng picked up the arrow and looked at his second son.

Still afraid now? If youre afraid, let your third brother and fourth brother go next time.

To be honest, he was afraid. Thinking about the tension and despair of life and death just now, Lin Second Sons calf was shaking. But thinking that he had to bear it for his two younger brothers, he tried to stand up straight as he said, I Im not afraid.

The eldest brother was like a father. Although Father was still here, the eldest brother was gone. He would be the eldest brother of the Lins in the future.

Lin Second Son patted his chest hard, trying to show that he was all right. Let me go next time.

Lin Shiheng looked at him with satisfaction in his eyes, this trace of satisfaction let the other party, who thought that he would die, Lin Second Son, almost drop tears. This was the first time that his father was satisfied with him since he grew up.

Second, hang in there. You will understand that Father is doing this for your own good.

Lin Second Son was in tears, I know, Father. I understand.

Dont worry, Father wont be biased. Your brothers will get a fair share of this good opportunity to train the mind.

Third, you go next.

The touched Lin Second Son,

Lin Third Son, who was named at the side, and Lin Fourth Son, who would also get a turn, both had mental flashes of the goose that was shot through the heads early in the morning in their eyes. Uncharacteristically, they raised their hands together and touched their own heads.

By the time the whole county and even the whole city knew that there were mountain bandits who killed at the sight of people, the three Lin brothers had already experienced countless arrows from their own father.

Besides these, they were also asked to practice riding horses and slashing with wooden swords.

In less than 10 days, all three brothers were reborn.

Its not that they had become powerful in less than 10 days, but now, no matter how big of an incident that happens, the three brothers could remain calm. They couldnt help it. After experiencing countless times of if my father slightly misses the shot, I would die, the three brothers have quite the feeling of being indifferent towards life and death.

When they got home, they were greeted by their family, and at night, they followed their father to sit in front of a shabby table for a meeting. They would be very calm, and all three thought that even if their father said he wanted to rebel and experienced the struggle for life and death, they would never show any fluctuation on their faces.

Then, Lin Shiheng knocked on the table and directly cut to the topic, Im going to rebel.

Three brothers: ???

What did you say father?

Rebel? Arent we trapping bandits? Why the sudden jump to rebellion?

Faced with three jaw-drop facial contortions and scared to almost fainting sons, Lin Shiheng disgustedly withdrew his eyes.

The fallback has been arranged. Are you willing to follow me together? If you are unwilling, leave with your mother, wives, and children to hide.

All three were miserably pale. True, their courage has been tempered by arrows day by day, but no matter how daring they were, they were still naive people. Since childhood, they have accepted such remarks as the Emperor is bigger than the sky, we commoners should listen to the officials, and so on.

Ask them to rebel? They dont have the courage at all. But if they dont go with him, Father would go by himself, and no one would know what would happen to him. In the end, the three that were still shivering with a pale face, agreed to join the rebellion plan.

After it was confirmed that they wanted to rebel, their hearts were once again uplifted.

They decided to rebel, being shot by arrows was nothing.

After the city knew that there were bandits in a mountain, not only robbing property but also killing people, the people and merchants were agitated. There were merchants begging to the government, trying to get the government to eliminate the bandits.

The government, which was in a difficult position to protect itself, naturally wouldnt promise them anything. The world is chaotic right now. It was hard enough to manage the people, but to fight bandits? What would they fight with? Where would they get soldiers to send?!

The mountain bandits were all dependent on robbing passers-by to feed themselves. They used to be cruel, but at that time, they were covered up by killing actual criminals. The world was chaotic, and the government didnt care. Gossip spread around, but no one knew that those people were killed by them.

Right now, everyone knew that these bandits lurked in the mountains, not only robbing money, but also killing people, so how could merchants still take that road? At this time, the bandits lost their means of living.

Even if they changed mountains to hunt people down, their den was still here. Wouldnt they have to start over in an unfamiliar place?

Yet, just waiting around is a problem. They were used to eating a lot of fish and meat, and suddenly, their food was pitiful. How could anyone get used to that?

One night, the den was brightly lit, and the heads of the group gathered in the largest room to discuss what to do.

Lin Fourth was quietly lying on the ground listening to the movement inside. He was the youngest, and his martial arts couldnt compare with his two brothers, but he was the fastest to learn how to sneak around. When the people in the room came out one by one and dispersed to their own rooms, he quietly climbed up and followed the moonlight into the mountains.

Lin Shiheng had already put away the bow and arrows that he used to cover him earlier and watched as the youngest son quietly approached.

Father, they intend to rob the village below the mountain. Listening to their words, they also want to kidnap women and children up the hill. They would also kill any man they see, so no one could take revenge in the future.

Lin Thirds face looked angry, scolding this group of mountain bandits as beasts. Lin Shiheng wasnt surprised. He looked at his eldest son who was full of contemplation and didnt know what he was thinking, Second, why do you think the mountain bandits chose to rob the village below the mountain?

Lin Second Sons first reaction was to carefully glance at his father and saw his face full of encouragement. Only then he stammered, I think, theyre just bullying the weak. The villagers there only know farming, and there are no officials patrolling the streets. Even if the mountain bandits rob them down the mountain, it would be too late for the government to take care of them. Moreover, the government has never paid much attention to small villages. They only send some people to collect taxes every time. If the mountain bandits rob them and quickly run, even if the village people who survive report to the government, the government wouldnt go looking for those mountain bandits.

He has always been an ordinary peasant man who works hard. He seldom says such a long string of words. After he said it, he was afraid that what he said was a mistake. His heart was worried, and his hands were nervously placed on his chest. Listening to his beating heart, he hung his head and didnt dare to speak again.

The next moment, a hand fell on his shoulder, followed by his fathers satisfactory voice in his ear. Second, you are right.

Lin Second Son raised his head with joy and saw the sight of relief in his father.

It seems that youre the one most like me.

Hes most like his father! Lin Second Son was simply screaming with joy in his heart.

Lin Third and Lin Fourth on the side, both looked over enviously and waited until Lin Shiheng took the lead and went forward before they dared to come up to their Second Older Brother.

Second Brother, how did you come up with these ideas? Although I have been listening to the bandits, I couldnt guess why they decided to rob the village below the mountain.

Yes, Second Brother, I didnt think you were that smart, as smart as Father.

Being praised by his two brothers, Lin Second Son felt like he was floating.

So, he was smart? Surprisingly, he could be as smart as his Father.

Recently, he actually had some inferiority complex. Third Brother was very good at practicing martial arts and Fourth Brother was very good at spying. He wasnt as good as his two younger brothers, but he was obviously the eldest brother, but he couldnt compare with them anywhere. Even at playing the dead, his father said that Fourth Brother acted the best, naturally imitating convulsions before death.

But now, his Father said that he was the one most like him. During this time, his inner frustrations were immediately swept away by this sentence.

Lin Second Son regained the feeling of being the eldest son. Learning from his father, he patted the shoulders of his two younger brothers that praised him, and his brows showed more and more calmness.

Okay, lets go, this is a place for mountain bandits in the end. Its not suitable to stay for too long.

The two younger brothers got used to listening to him. They both stopped at once and followed their second brother.

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