Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

In the chat record, the poor student begged the boss to give him a chance.

Finally, Hengxing agreed.

His request was also very simple.

[l can only be online for 2 hours a day. You only need to help me at other times to level up; if there are any quests, do them.]

Huo Jingzhou was ecstatic and agreed and sent an emoji sticker to thank the boss.

Every month, according to the agreement, Huo Jingzhou sent a spending bill to Lin Shiheng to look at. After reading it, there would be some queries.

[Where did all the immortal weapons go, how come I didnt see them in the inventory?]

[Some of them were clropped when I was fighting with someone, and some of them were what she wanted, so I bought them according to your instructions and gave them to her.]

The players who saw this simply had to curse out for Jingzhous shamelessness. The post came with the billing records and Hengxings records of gifting immortal weapons.

While reading the bills and records, people deeply realised how brazen Jingzhou was.

The boss was in poor health, so he asked a substitute to help him level up. As a result, he poured out the bosss money, made friends everywhere, and he even lied that he hacl droppecl them.

Who didnt know that Jingzhou hacl never lost, had never been defeated, clropped my a*s!

Other players also saw that Hengxing didnt know anything about the game at all. His main purpose of logging in was to accompany his fiancee, the one named Zhen Zhen.

Thats right: it was the Madam of the immortal guild who was now with Jingzhou.

It wasnt like the rumours at all. What did they mean Hengxing was jealous of Jingzhou, who was substituting for him?! In reality, Zhen Zhen was Hengxings fiancee since the beginning, and he logged in for her.

Looking at Jingzhou buying all kinds of immortal weapons under the guise of gifting them to Zhen Zhen, buying all kinds of immortal weapons and then gifting them to various people, and gaining fame...

He was very generous and righteous.

It wasnt his money, of course, he was generous!

This gossip topic was the biggest one of the year.

Everyone knew that Jingzhous popularity relied on his generous spending. Even if he was discoverecl as a substitute, these friends all stood by his side to express their support.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

But now, the truth was revealecl. It turned out that he was just a shameless person who borrowed flowers as offerings to Buddha and took something from someone else to fill the generosity.

Then look at Hengxing, who had been talking coldly in the chat record, ancl turning gentle when talking about his fiancee.

[l put money into my account again, so you can just buy her anything she wants, and tell me when its not enough.]

[Zhen Zhen saicl theres a five-hour raid tonight. She wants to see it, and its too dangerous to go alone, so you should accompany her. Ill pay three times the salary for these 5 hours.]

[Zhen Zhen saicl you have a good attitude, so Ill double your salary. Take good care of her.]

While looking at the records, the players who were busy eating pop-corn looked up the time of the raid in The Immortal Path ancl tutted.

That nights raid only took one ancl a half hours, not 5 hours at all. Since Hengxings fiancee cheated on him in this way, she must have hooked up with Jingzhou at that time. It was really sad. Not to mention gifting money and equipment, he was also gifting his fiancee.

Worst of all, these two were still cheating openly while spending Hengxings wealth to go on a date, while turning Hengxing into a third party who burned the bridge after crossing.

Scum and b*tch, a perfect match!

It was like New Years Eve in the forum. People were busy eating popcorn while reading the threacl, ancl they soon found various situations not previously noticed by people.

At first, the account Hengxing had enemies because he wanted to kill people with no cause or enmity for the sake of equipment, but then it gradually got better. Through the chat records, it could be seen that Jingzhou was doing that. Hengxing was very dissatisfied with him, killing people for little gain. After all, he only logged in to this game to accompany his fiancee, and this kind of behaviour that made enemies was simply unnecessary in his view.

Then, the problem came. At that time, this account wasnt at the full level yet, ancl it relied on high-quality immortal equipment to suppress opponents. Naturally, those pieces of equipment were bought, but in the bills, they didnt see Jingzhou mention anything to Hengxing.

A substitute should have professional ethics. Although some bosses didn't care, they would directly tell the substitute that the equipment obtained by accident or fighting monsters could be disposed of by the substitute. But here, Jingzhou had never mentioned a word about the equipment with an initial value of almost 300,000 yuan to Hengxing.

From the bill, they could see that at first, he still had some scruples ancl was afraid to use Hengxings spirit stones casually. Until he noticed that Hengxing was only online for 2 hours a clay, just to accompany his fiancee, his courage gradually increased.

At the end of the day, it was just a blatant attempt to build his own network with Hengxings money.

This kind of superb substitute couldnt be found in ten thousand years!

Jingzhous reputation instantly stunk. Some people in the immortal guild feel that they should believe Huo Jingzhous character. There were also some people who saw the ironclad evidence, felt disgusted in their hearts, ancl directly withdrew from the First Immortal Guild.

Huo Jingzhou was too afraid to open his messages. In this short time, the notification sounds didnt stop. Obviously, his relatives and friends saw the post and started to ask questions.

After he got Hengxings account, he had a pleasant journey. For a long while, he felt the power of money. He gradually felt that he was also a rich man, ancl he was the owner of this account.

Even if Lin Shiheng took the account back, it didn't matter; he could just appear with his own identity aboveboard instead of using other peoples faces to have relationships with beautiful women.

But now, when the halo on him faded away after everyone had seen through his lies, he didn't know what to do.

His mobile phone suddenly rang, and before Huo Jingzhou realised it, his hand had already clicked to answer.

Ai Zhizhens voice was heard, sobbing, Jingzhou, whats wrong with that post? Why did you give someone else an immortal weapon and tell Brother Shiheng that it was for me?"

Also, why are you giving those girls so many immortal weapons and spirit beasts? Didnt you tell me that you were just in an ordinary master-disciple relationship with them before?"

With so many things in his mind, Huo Jingzhou was already annoyed. This time, when Ai Zhizhen was fussing about with jealousy, disgust rose in his heart.

However, he couldnt scold her. At this time, he needed peoples support the most. Ai Zhizhen was a rich young lady with spirit stones in her hands; if he had a falling out with her now, it wouldnt be good for him.

He could only suppress his anger at the bottom of his heart and coax with a warm voice, Zhen Zhen, those are all fake; they are all forgecl by Lin Shiheng to deceive you. How could you be so silly as to think that Im that kind of person?

Even if l did use his money, l wouldnt take that money and give something to another woman, right?"

Ai Zhizhen cried, But Ive seen those bills, and you sent them to Brother Shiheng. Didnt you tell me that you were giving those immortal weapons to your best friends because they had problems at home?

Yes, didnt l introduce you to those friends? Zhen Zhen, Im misunderstoocl by everyone now, and youre the only one who can help me. Dont get mad right now, okay?"

Ai Zhizhen listened to her boyfriends exhausted voice, ancl her heart softenecl. With a slight tone of complaint, she saicl, Brother Shiheng has gone too far this time. How can he do this to you? Just now, a lot of people sent me messages saying that they wanted to leave the First Immortal Guilcl. I just learned of the forum post.

I know hes angry, but hes angry at me and should attack me. Why woulcl he be angry at you?

Huo Jingzhou was delighted. Sure enough, Ai Zhizhen was as easy to coax as ever.

Now, as he pointed out if he wanted to turn over, he hacl to rely on Ai Zhizhen.

Zhen Zhen, can you do me a favour?

What is it?

Huo Jingzhou licked his lips ancl nervously said, Arent you Lin Shihengs fiancee? Do you know his mobile phone password?

Ai Zhizhen nodded, Yes, Brother Shiheng told me."

Then can you go to his place, find a way to get his phone, and use his account to help me clarify?

When Huo Jingzhou said that Ai Zhizhen was surprised, Clarify? You mean his forum account?

Yes, he posted it in the forum, and of course, he should also clarify in the forum. Zhen Zhen, you dont have to do anything, just post that those chat records are forged."

But in that case, what about Brother Shiheng ...?

Shiheng! Shiheng! Its no time to think about Shiheng!

Huo Jingzhous eyes were filled with frustration. Holding back his anger ancl softening his voice, he begged, Zhen Zhen, l only have you now. Didnt you tell me that Lin Shiheng is very much favoured in the family and is a young master? He doesnt lack anything, ancl its just a game. Even if he doesnt play this game, he still has other things.

But everything l have is in The Immortal Path. If my reputation stinks, Ill lose everything. Zhen Zhen, help me, will you?

Ai Zhizhen hesitated.

Jingzhou was right. Brother Shiheng was the second young master of the Lin family. He was rich and powerful, and Uncle, Aunt and Older Brother Lin lovecl him so much. It was just a game; it was fine even if he didnt play it.

But Jingzhou couldnt. Jingzhou made all his money from the game. If he couldnt play The Immortal Path anymore, he was only just a student; he wouldnt have any capital to set up his company.

Thinking that her lover once saicl that he would come to her house to propose marriage righteously after he succeedecl, the hesitation in Ai Zhizhens eyes faded. She bit her lip and agreed to clo so.

Okay, l II go find Brother Shiheng right away."

Dont worry, Jingzhou. I will certainly help you.

She hung up the phone and quickly asked the driver to drive to the Lins residence.

The two were engaged since childhood, and Ai Zhizhen frequently went to the Lin familys home. In her eyes, Uncle Lin ancl Aunt Lin loved her like a daughter, and even Eldest Brother Lin, who was serious to outsiders, regarcled her as his own little sister. If it dicln t work with Brother Shiheng, she would ask Uncle Lin, Aunt Lin, or Eldest Brother Lin.

They loved her so much; they would surely help!

Ai Zhizhen thought quite well. Unfortunately, when she arrived at the destination, the Lin familys butler, who had been smiling, turned cold when he saw her and stoppecl her at the cloor.

Miss Ai, please go back. Im afraid the Second Young Master isnt feeling well ancl wont be able to see you.

Ai Zhizhen was worried, Uncle Butler, please let me go up. Im looking for Brother Shiheng for an urgent matter.

I know what urgent thing Miss Ai is talking about. Withdrawing from the engagement with the Second Young Master, right?

The old butler, who was always full of smiles, now had a mocking expression, Dont worry, Miss Ai. Although Second Young Master is in poor health, he isnt someone clingy. Since you already have a boyfriend, we Lins will naturally break off the engagement.

Ai Zhizhen froze up.

I... Im not here to talk about that. Uncle Butler, let me in. Are Aunt and Uncle in? They love me so much; if you stop me like this, they will be angry! Uncle! Aunt!!"

She tried to break in but was stopped at the door again.

The butler was about to throw her out, but then they heard someone coughing from above.

The two looked up and saw Lin Shiheng standing at the terrace on the second floor.

He was wearing pyjamas, his handsome face was pale, but his expression was very light.

Butler. throw her out. Our Lin family doesnt welcome the Ai family.

Ai Zhizhen couldnt believe that her Brother Shiheng was so heartless. She shouted shrilly while being pushed and refused to leave.

Brother Shiheng, you cant clo this to me. Uncle and Aunt will be angry when they find out! Brother Shiheng!!"

Lin Shihengs pale lips were slightly aroused, and there was a hint of ridicule in his eyes, Uncle? Aunt?

Ai Zhizhen, you should know that my parents love you because of me. All the benefits you receive in this family are only because youre my fiancee.

Without me, youre nothing in the Lin family." Do you understand?"

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