Good Man Operation Guide

Chcpter 80.1

Chcpter 80.1

In the past 5 years, the world hacl become increasingly chaotic.

Outsiders had come in, and their own countrymen had also started fighting amongst themselves to gain the upper hand. They emerged from different walks of life. Bandits, warlords, Marshals, and legitimate troops all mixed together in fighting. The situation was very complicated.

Lin Shiheng took refuge under a Marshal in Shandong Province. This Marshal was naturally not a legitimate Marshal. Right now, the Marshals were fighting. As long as there were soldiers at hand, it was natural for these soldiers to call themselves whatever they wanted.

(TNote: in the war era in those times, some Marshals were under the President, and some made themselves Marshals were actually warlords.)

Although he was a self-styled Marshal, he had a lot of power at hand. Lin Shiheng had taken refuge in his army smoothly. He was young, but his work was very efficient. He gradually won the respect of the Marshal and the jealousy of some villains.

He moved quickly to the top, but he couldnt contact his family.

He didnt only follow the Marshal to conquer the world these 5 years but also prevent internal strife among their people. Times were chaotic right now, and there were heroes, traitors, and unscrupulous beasts that woulcl do anything to get what they wanted. Lin Shiheng looked at the current scenario, but the military power in his hands depended on the Marshal. In his view. it was naturally unsafe.

Fortunately, his name was directly hidden at the beginning with the alias Lin Jiu. It broke the path of his family being implicated, and he slowly became the first valuecl person bythe Marshal.

Lin Shiheng didnt intend to stay inferior to others forever. He planned for four years, but before he started a new plan, the Marshal died on top of a woman because he was old. His eldest son died early, leaving only two children less than eight years old. When the person clied, the mothers of the two children quickly packed up and took them to escape. The group of people was leaclerless. Lin Shiheng simply changed the plan and directly took over as Marshal.

In the blink of an eye, he became a Grand Marshal himself.

8,000 doesnt sound like much. but in fact, in the present situation, it was considered a significant amount of power. In addition, he acted decisively and made several quick attacks, adding another 4,000 to his 8,000 soldiers and horses.

The food and drink of so many people was no small matter. Lin Shiheng still had to be patient and properly organized. As time passed, the 12,000 soldiers and horses finally became completely submissive after he had made a name for himself.

Speaking of his appearance. at a young age, he could accomplish such a feat. Naturally, he looked brilliant, handsome, and attractive.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

When Lin Jiu led his men down to Mei City, they knew that he never worked for the people. Although the people in Mei City didnt dare to greet him in the streets, they huddled in the roadside houses and quietly looked down.

At that time. Lin Jiu was sitting on his horse, dressed in military uniform. When he looked up with his cloak on, people could only think of the four words good-looking and handsome. Because of this, he won over a lot of Mei City girls hearts.

But his nature was very different from his outward appearance. At a young age, he acted in an old-fashioned way, watching his deeds, looking like a cunning old fox.

Since Mei City was brought down and became his own stronghold, the original high-ranking officials of Mei city had been paying a lot of attention to him. They had even held several balls, appearing to welcome the new owner into the city. But in reality, just by looking at the various beautiful girls brought by the elders, the intention of intoxicating him with warmth' was also clear.

Needless to say, in their minds, such a successful and powerful young man should be accompanied by a beautiful woman. Its just that to their bitter disappointment. for Lin Jiu, this group of beautiful women were invisible.

He single-mindedly focused on settling the city affairs.

Some of these people in Mei City, who moved their minds, saw that they couldnt get any benefits and shifted their goals. After all, Lin Jiu himself was a young man with a lot of young soldiers under him. Some people were unwilling and tried a few times to take advantage of him. However, after hitting a wall, they could only walk out and withdraw in disgrace.

Because of this, many people spread the rumor that Lin Jiu might have some kind of fetish that others didnt know about.

Otherwise, why would he capture Mei City, butthe Grand Marshals Residence didnt even have a woman to serve?

Just before the word could get out, Lin Jiu announced in public that he had a fiancve.


Thats a rare statement.

People only knew that Lin Jiu jumped out of nowhere and rocketecl to his current status, but they had never hearcl that he had a fiancve.

It was probably decided later on.

Was it the daughter of the southern forces or the northern warlords?

The group of people speculated but didnt expect that one day when the wind was calm, the Marshal, who had always been obsessed with dealing with official business or military training, had the rare opportunity to ask people to clean up the treasury and carry out a lot of good things that hacl been saved in the past 5 years. He packed them into good boxes and ordered 3,000 soldiers intending to go out.

What was he going to do?

The soldiers were all brave, but they were facing the Marshal, who was privately known to them as the King of Hell. When the Marshal orderecl. how clare they ask questions? The kid who had been with Marshal Lin for the past 5 years took advantage of his good moocl and had the guts to ask where he was going and why he wanted such a big show of it.

"Jin City.


Jin City ah, a good place. It was the home base of the southern side before, but then as the years went by, the south gradually weakened. Jin City was such a good place, and it became a big fat piece of meat.

After all, it was known that there were many families and rich people inside. All of them were aristocrats and noble ladies, and for these soldiers, who came from mostly grassroots backgrounds, it was a place of great wealth.

Although Lin Shiheng was now restrained compared to his reckless fighting everywhere as before, according to the unspoken rule that everyone knew, wherever there was a place to capture, the wealthy families living in that area of the city must bring silver money to the door, which was considered money for safety.

Lin Shiheng had always been generous. When he got the money, he deducted 50%, and the rest was rewarcled for merits, which made his soldiers rush forward one by one when they got into battle, fearing that they would be too slow and lose the opportunity to gain merit.

Now when they heard that they were going to a wealthy place like Jin City, the soldiers each had excitement in their eyes.

Are you going to take down Jin City? Jincheng is small, ancl most people there arent equipped with guns, so why did Lord Marshal need to bring so many men? 1,500 should be enough.


Lin Shiheng mounted his horse. His handsome military uniform displayecl his broad shoulders and narrow waist because of its close-fitting. Raised his hands, he wore his military hat, carrying an imposing appearance.

"Its to propose.

Not to mention how Lin Shiheng's words shocked the jaws of a large group of soldiers, just the news of his departure with 3000 soldiers and horses towarcls Jin City soon reached Jin Citys side.

Lin Shiheng had his car. But with 3,000 soldiers, he couldnt let every one of them ride it, so he sat in the car and drove slowly. A group of soldiers in military uniforms walked neatly behincl him. 3,000 people didnt sound like much, but if they were in front of people, the momentum was enough to make passers-by afraid and avoid them.

Accorcling to the current speed, plus the night rest and mealtime, they would arrive at Jin City in less than 3 days.

Before he arrived outside of the city gate, Jin City was flustered for a while.

Some ordinary people in Jin City still didnt know what had happened. But the families, who received the news early, began to fret and repeatedly speculate on what to do now.

Before the chaos in the country, some competent families in Jin City had already gone abroad. These people were rich and well connected, so even if they went abroad. they livecl happily as usual.

Ancl the ones left either only had contacts in China and couldnt be used abroad, or they felt it was difficult to leave their homeland and didnt want to leave the country.

They were most afraid of someone coming to attack. Although they were their own people, nowadays, there were many unreasonable criminals as if they werent Chinese. They captured the territory, burned, killed, ancl lootecl, causing fear ancl panic.

So, this time. as soon as they found out that a force wanted to attack Jin City, the higher echelons had a moment of turmoil. After finding out that it was Lin Jius soldiers, they were relievecl again.

Lin Jiu. this person was said to have a goocl reputation among the various Marshals. After entering a city, people would offer him their belongings and say a few kind worcls. As long as they didnt disrespect him. he wouldnt make things difficult for them.

Ancl he was the new noble, and his momentum looked fierce. If they could take refuge under him this time, the return could be much more than several other forces.

These elders needed to consider power, but the carefree youngsters werent aware of this. They only knew that he never messed with the original residents. Therefore, after less than a days tense atmosphere, Jin City was again full of singing and dancing and was peaceful and prospering.

In the past 5 years, the polarization in China hadnt decreasecl but became more and more pronounced.

Ordinary people fled for their lives, lost their homes, lost their land, hungry and gnawing at the bark. But the children of the rich and powerful people went to parties, galleries, poetry, and painting gatherings every night and were having a good time.

Many young people in Jin City were born to rich families and decided to save the nation after perceiving this abnormal social state. Some came back from studying abroad and only wanted to repay the motherland with their own talents. Some of them resolutely left their families and joined the patriotic party. In contrast, others wrote down their own words in articles, only wanting to use their pens to inspire more people to participate in this movement to save the nation.

On the other hand, some people were just eating and drinking for themselves and didnt want to look at the outside world at all.

There was also the kind of young people who wore fancy clothes, ate good food, ancl went arouncl partying, yet claiming to be patriotic.

They were the fastest group to accept new things. They wore foreign clothes, ate western food, and spoke foreign languages, believing that they were in line with the new era and fighting for patriotism by criticizing the old feudal society.

The real patriots were too tired to pay attention to them. After all, with the situation today, everyone was busy in the chaos. How woulcl they have time to monitor a group of young people acting pretentious?

Among these young people, Shen Yunqing ancl his lover Ren Fuling were particularly active.

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