Gourmet Style Beast Taming

Chapter 123 - 123: Finals

Chapter 123: Chapter 123: Finals

Translator: 549690339

Noticing this, Qi Xiaoyu grinned at the other three. “So who do you think will win?” she asked.

“I think Zhang Sheng’s chances are better!” Zhao Chen answered without hesitation. “Of his four Food Spirits, three have already reached five-star rank and are not far away from activating the fifth Star Vein, while Zhou Tianhao only has two five-star Food Spirits.”

Having paid attention to the entire provincial competition, it was not difficult for him to have a clear picture of the situation of these two players.

“I have a different opinion.” Du Weiwei calmly analyzed, “Zhou Tianhao is better at using Combined Battle Skills than Zhang Sheng. In the previous matches, he even demonstrated a Combined Battle Skill formed by three separate battle skills.”

“If this match is a multiple-versus-multiple style, Zhou Tianhao has a huge advantage.”

“You’re mistaken about Zhang Sheng’s…”

Watching the two Spirit Battle enthusiasts heatedly discuss who would be the champion, Qin Lang couldn’t help but rub his eyebrows.

He had crammed real hard the night before, and was just barely able to keep up with their discussion.

The rules of the training competition were much different from those of the cooking competition.

For example, even though each match in the training competition was much faster than a cooking contest, it had a longer schedule to give the competitors more time to recover and prepare.

In the training competition, situations where ranking matches were held consecutively in two days as in the city-level cooking competition would never happen.

Besides, the lottery method for picking opponents in the training competition was different from the cooking contest.

In the training competition, next round’s opponent would be decided by drawing lots after the previous round had ended. As there was no need for competitors to prepare their dishes in advance, the specific competition subject would not be immediately decided but drawn before the match began.

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This was somewhat similar to Qin Lang’s on-the-spot performance with a rare theme.

The last difference lay in the competition subjects.

There were five subjects for a regular cooking competition: Limited Ingredient Value, Limited Cuisine Theme, Warehouse Self-Selection Ingredients, Fixed Ingredient, and Limit Opponent’s Ingredients.

While in the training competition, there were only three subjects: Replaceable Wheel War, Multi-combination Battle, and Full Line-up Combination Battle.

In the Replaceable Wheel War, each player would decide which of their Food Spirits to play. Each time they could only send out one spirit to fight against the opponent’s spirit.

The spirits could be replaced at any time during the match as long as they had not lost their combat power. Spirits that had been replaced could also return to the field until they had lost their combat ability.

The special force field of the battle arena, known as ‘Constant Strength’, would prevent them from using up their power out of thin air and also couldn’t recover mid-battle. The match would only end when one side’s last Spirit lost its combat power.

This competition subject was also applicable to matches where the number of Food Spirits on each side was different.

For the Multi-combination Battle, there would be a second drawing to decide the minimum number of Food Spirits the contestants should have. This should be a figure larger than 1 which would determine the number of Food Spirits each side should send into battle.

For example, if one player had five Food Spirits and the other only had four, in this subject, they would draw lots to decide whether to send 2, 3, or 4 Food Spirits into the battle simultaneously.

The victor would be the one who was able to knock out all the Food Spirits of the other player.

In the Full Line-up Battle, both players would directly dispatch all their Food Spirits at the same time to determine the winner. If the number of their Food Spirits was the same, this would be no different from getting the maximum number in the Multi-combination Battle.

However, if the number of Food Spirits on each side was different, then the Full Line-up Battle would turn into a many-vs-few match, where the side with more Food Spirits would have an overwhelming advantage.

The rules of the training competition, therefore, made the number of Food Spirits a major factor in determining the victory. Because of this, the strength of the competitors in the training competition needed to be well-matched.

In the city-level training competition, the number of Food Spirits a competitor possessed should be no less than three.

In the provincial training competition, it should be no less than four.

The restriction that only a Spirit Chef below the age of 25 could participate did not apply to the Youth Training Competition.

Neither Du Weiwei nor Zhao Chen was able to decide who they thought would win finally.

After all, the drawing for the subject of the match had not started. The different subjects drawn would also greatly affect the final result of the battle.

But one thing they both agreed on was that the battle would definitely be fantastic.

“The audience seats are already packed!”

The astonishment of Qi Xiaoyu interrupted their discussion.

“Ten minutes before the start of the match.” After looking at the time, anticipation painted on Du Weiwei’s face intensified.

Time ticked by and, within the tense and anxious atmosphere of the audience seats, those ten minutes just flew by.

“Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Finals of the Tianhua Province Training Competition!”

Along with a sudden hearty voice echoing in the arena, the host appeared on the rising stage, catching everyone’s eyes.

“Now let’s welcome with the warmest applause–

Zhou Tianhao from Tianhua Province’s Shanzhong City who, under our watchful eyes, has made his way step by step to the present!

And Zhang Sheng from Yulan Province, who was once the runner-up in the Yulan Province Training Competition!”

Amid the thundering applause, two figures emerged from the Player Passage.

The Finals were about to begin.

“They’re here!”

Seeing the two contestants in the middle of the battle arena, Zhao Chen excitedly stood up from his seat.

While Du Weiwei remained seated, unlike Zhao Chen, her clenched fists clearly showed her concentration on the match.

In contrast, Qi Xiaoyu and Qin Lang’s reactions were more like those of casual spectators.

“Do you want some?”

Qi Xiaoyu handed some snacks she had prepared in advance to Qin Lang.

“I’ll have some.”

Qin Lang calmly grabbed a handful and, after feeding the eager-looking Dan Bao, used the snacks to pacify the overly excited Spicy.

“This match will be judged by the president of the Tianhua Province Royal Chef Guild, the only three-level Spirit Executor in Tianhua Province, Mr. Qu Cheng!”

“Let’s welcome him with the most enthusiastic applause!”

Three-level Spirit Executor!

At this moment, even Qin Lang and Qi Xiaoyu couldn’t help but sit up straight.

Was that Tianhua Province’s only Third-level Spirit Executor Badge conferred by that man who gradually ascended on the rising stage?

In the increasingly intense cheers and applause, Qu Cheng slowly walked to the center of the arena. Behind him, the Star Map was interweaving in dazzling light, stars shining brilliantly.

The Six-bright-one-dim Seven-star Map demonstrated his astonishing strength.

Spirit Chef with six activated Star Veins!

Even without a single Food Spirit appearing, his majestic Spiritual Power was more than enough to suppress everything in the arena.

“Now let’s draw the competition subject!”

There was no need for loudspeakers. Qu Cheng’s voice, with the support of his Spiritual Power, was loud enough to fill the arena.

On the enormous screen above, the names of the three subjects were scrolling rapidly until Qu Cheng gave a low shout of ‘Stop’, and they came to an abrupt halt.

[Multi-combination Battle]

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