Grand Dad Is The Pervert God

Chapter 137 A Sight She Would Never Forget For The Rest Of Her Life

Through the beautiful caves of the mountain, Amanda and Shade led Penny.

They went through turns and twists, and then they finally made it to hall way.

The moment that they got to eth Hall way, Penny could hey moans.

At first they were low. However, the further in they went, the bigger and better they got.

In front of a particular room were Medusas and Nagas.

These ones were in their half snake forms.

For Penny, it was still a very surprising sight to see.

However, these women did not look ferocious.

Some of them had embarrassing looks on their faces.

Some others had longing looks on their faces.

The one thing they all had in common was that they were all blushing sheepishly.

The loud moans were coming from the room ahead.

The moment the snake women say Penny, Shade and Amanda, they bowed lowly.

"Its the Princess and the Kings wives," they greeted as they bowed.

once again, there it was.

They were calling her princess and the other two ladies Wives.

Penny did not really understand.

however, instead of explaining, Amanda thought it was a better idea to show Penny.

They made their advance to the beginning of the line.

Meanwhile, one of the Medusas called to Shade.

Shade turned in her direction.

Immediately, she rushed to her.

It was Diana.

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She looked weak, and had sleep bags under her eyes. This was evidence that she was growing weak from a lack of exposure to the Sacred pool.

However, she had a smile to her face.

"Sister, It will soon be my turn to be touched by the king!"

Shade nodded, "Yes it would."

"But I'm... I'm a bit nervous. What if he gets done when its my turn or what if he does not like me? What if I am to fat, or i don't satisfy him well!? You know, its my first time with a human."

Shade giggled a bit at her, "Don't worry, there is no need to be nervous. The king is a very strong stud. It is no problem for him to touch hundred more. Also," Shade took her hands, "you are very beautiful sister, and you are strong. A strong warrior of our new Snake Kingdom! I am sure he will enjoy touching you!"

Diana smiled back at her. The encouragement was a huge boaster to her self confidence.

Penny managed to eaves drop on the conversation between the two.

She did not exactly understand, but whatever it was, one thing was sure.

The King who she had come to know was referring to her grandfather, must have done something really nice for these people.

She really was curious as to what magic touch her grand father had that had saved these people.

After all, she had been hearing stories since she came of how he had a magic touch that had saved the two tribes and even united them.

As his granddaughter, she had always had the opportunity to have him embrace her and enjoy the privilege of his touch.

It was warm and comforting. Especially since she had always been homeless before Eros took the both of them in.

She had the opportunity to have him to herself day and night.

Of course, this was all before he married that woman that ran away theoment he died.

But the way these women described his touch was as if a god had sanctified his hands from the very heavens.

They talked about him as if he was a messiah they had been waiting for, for several centuries.

At this moment, Diana's eyes laid on Penny.

"That is is granddaughter right?" She asked Shade, "she looks very beautiful!"

"Of course," Shade Chuckled. "The king only produces beautiful children like him. One day, I hope to also carry a daughter as beautiful as her," She rubbed her stomach affectionately.

penny heard this and was taken aback. "It was not that serious now, or was it?" She thought to herself.

Diana bowed to her, "princess Penny, it's an honor to meet the Granddaughter of the king."

"No! No!! The honor is all mine," she tried her best to fake a laugh.


A loud announcement was made by a woman standing guard by the door.

"Sister Shade it's now my turn. I am already very weak. I have to go now!"

Diana said her good byes and rushed into the room.

"I am so jealous of you!" Shade gave her a hug and sent her on her way.

In total, five medusas and Nagas went into the room.

As they did, five medusas and Nagas came out the room.

All of them came out on two legs.

As they did, they tried to walk but their legs were all wiggling.

Some women came and helped them to another room by the side.

"Where are they taking them to?" Penny asked out of curiosity.

"They are taking them to a place were they can cultivate." Amanda replied.


Penny did not really understand.

After all, she herself was not a cultivator.

Unlike Dan that could not cultivate, Penny was capable of cultivation.

However, for reasons unknown, any style of cultivation she had ever tried had never seemed to work for her.

Butler Jimmy had said that her meridians were just too unique and that all the cultivation Techniques at her hand were below her standards.

In other words, there were just too low grade that her Meridians rejected them.

And so in this manner, both brother and sister, chosen heirs for Baron Eros were empty of a cultivation base.

"Yes," Amanda responded, "the king's touch resets their meridians so that they can accommodate celestial energy better. It also helps them develop control over the curse that has become one with our soul. They need to get used to circulating the energy. If not, it will affect their future cultivation."

Penny knew next to nothing about cultivation both the way Amanda said it made it easier for her to understand.

Now, she was very interested in this magic touch that her grandfather had.

She wondered if she could also ask him to touch her so that her meridians can allow her cultivate.

After all, no matter how special that her Meridians were, if she could not use them, then that meant that they were useless.

Now, she really hoped that her grandfather could touch her.

"Maybe he was fortunate to have had a good encounter. Maybe that's where all the good things are coming from!" Penny thought to herself.

By this, she was referring to the abundance of money that Dan was able to ebven through away like it was rice meant for the birds.

Not long after Diana's set got into the room, Penny the mornings resumed.

Hearing them so close, they very loud.

Amanda saw the expression on her face.

She could tell that Penny was curious to see.

She turned to Shade and both women nodded at one another.

Penny walked up to the guard in front of the room.

"We seek to see hs majesty!"

"Yes, Your highness, " the guard bowed respectful. "However, his Majesty the king is still busy. Maybe you should wait during his break time to see him."

"Hmmm, it's no problem. We are not here to cultivate with him. We only came here to watch."

"Oh! Of course, your highness," the guard bowed one more time as she made way for them to enter.

Amanda led the way while Penny followed and then Shade came from behind.

On entering the room, the first thing that hit Penny's nose was the smell of wet sweaty bodies.

However, instead of it to disgust her, it actually had a sweet smell to it.

And she subconsciously took more of it.

She was not the only one.

Amanda and Shade had also subconsciously taken more of this scent in.

They knew this scent. They were very familiar with it.

This was the scent of Ero's yang energy.

He had poured so much of it in and out of the women that it had permeated the air.

It did not have any foul smell and actually made the room feel good.

This smell alone made Amanda and Shade flash back to the exotic moments that they had in Eros's embrace.

They could already feel their legs moisten to the memory.

Amanda could see that Shade was already pinching hard at her thighs to hold herself back from touching herself sexually.

Penny too felt it. Although she did not know what she felt.

All she knew was that her breathing suddenly hastened and her legs felt like they were in need of special attention.

This was a unique feeling and it made her cheeks flush red.

Because of the sweating bodies in the room, the room was filled with water vapour like the dew of the morning.

They could hear the moans but they could not see the people.

However Amanda suddenly waved her hands to clear the Vapor with her soul energy.

And then Penny's eyes met a sight she would never forget for the rest of her life...

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