Grand Dad Is The Pervert God

Chapter 139 The Origin Of The Anchor Stones

A Snake Lady rushed through the snake forest.

The information she had to report was a very important one.

She jumped from tree to tree so fast a rabbit would have been envious of her strong legs.

Surprisingly, she had only gotten them recently.

The moment she got to the Snake Mountain, she rushed into it, "I need to see the King!" She informed one of the guards.

"He is busy at the moment, but Her Highness Queen Eli and her Highness Wife Amanda her in the Scared Pool."

The Snake lady nodded as she rushed to inform them.

Meanwhile, Amanda and Queen Eli were having discussions about allocating resources.

Now that both tribes had now become one, it was best to plan for the rest of the winter together.

Although it had been agreed that all three of them were to become Eros's wives, Eli was agreed upon to be queen whenever Eros was unavailable.

It was majorly for three reasons.

Firstly, she was oldest and most experienced, and therefore wisest amongst all three women. Secondly, She was the one that discovered Eros's potential, and lastly, because she had the best sense of responsibility.

This was an Arrangement that both Amanda and Shade agreed with.

They were both at the Sacred pool within the mountain.

Although the pool no longer served the purpose it used to before, it was still sacred ground to these Snake women.

After all, it contained their history.

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Amanda had even made plans to merge the Sacred Pool from the former nest of the Nagas with this one.

While Both women Analyzed the rations and calculated how resources were to be allocated, the Snake lady rushed into the Sacred Pool.

"Queen Eli, Lady Amanda I have news!"

Both Women stopped and turned to her.

"Speak Sister! What is the matter?" Queen Eli asked.

"It is the Dungeon. The same one that affected the Sacred pools. It seems to be reacting to something. It is about to open!"

It was at this time that the Sudden explosion of divine energy occurred.

The entire mountain shook fiercely.

The Shaking only lasted for a few seconds. But Everyone felt it, and in some places, rocks fell from the ceiling.

"LOOK OUT!!!" Amanda screamed as she dived and saved the Snake Lady before Stalactite from the Ceiling could crush her.


It fell heavily on the ground.

All three women looked at where the Stalactite fell.

"Thank you Lady Amanda" The Snake Lady bowed at her.

She nodded.

Amanda and Queen Eli looked at one another.

"What was that!?" Queen Eli Voiced out the question on both their minds.

Immediately, the same thought popped up in their heads, "THE KING!!!"

They both rushed out of the Scared pool in search of Eros.

Meanwhile, the blast had hit Eros to the wall.

But it was not something that he could not handle.

He waved his hands and contained the effect of the blast before it could go any further.

Celestial energy forced out of his body like a swarm of bees.

It went around the room, wrapping itself like a blanket around the Divine energy running amok in the air.

The divine energy was of twelve different colors. With nowhere else for it to go, it resided once more into Dan's body.

As it did, Eros waved his hands and his celestial energy also settled down.

He walked up to Dan. His body floated in the air, and his eyes had resumed the blank state. Except that this time around, twelve colors fought for space in his pupils.

Eros Sighed lowly, "so It has come to this!"

At the same time, Queen Eli and Amanda rushed into the room.

"My lord!!!"

Eros turned to both of them. "Do not worry, It is alright! All is well."

However, even though he said so, they could see that he bleed from Burnt marks on his chest.

"My lord you are..."

"Granddad!" Penny's voice interrupted Amanda's words.

After she had fainted, Shade had taken her to rest. But the Rumbling had woken her up and she immediately ran to check up on her brother.

She ran up to him, "Granddad! You are injured."

"Hahahahaha!!!" Eros gave a hearty laugh, "don't worry, it is just some light bruise."

"Light Bruise!?"

Everybody was surprised by his words.

However, Eros waved his hand on the bleeding areas and the blood seemed to have a life of its own as it traced back into his body.

Penny was left speechless by this.

However, she suddenly saw the state that Dan was in.

"DAN!!!" She wanted to hurry to him, but Eros immediately pulled her back, "if you touch him, you are good as dead."

"But Granddad!" she stared at him with tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry my dear," he pulled her into his embrace, "we will fix your brother!"

Eros sighed as he looked at Dan's condition.

The twelve colours extended at different parts of his body like the roots of a tree.

Everyone excused the room.

At the table, Eros, Penny, Amanda, Shade and Queen Eli were all seated.

Eros sighed lowly as he turned to Queen Eli, "I remember seeing carvings of the Anchor stones in the Sacred pool. You were the priestess of the Medusa tribe. What exactly do you know about this?"

Queen Eli nodded, "Its a good thing that you brought up this topic, my lord. Ironically, I was also about to report a particular situation concerning An Anchor stone to you."

She waved her hands as she explained.

The Emperor's Jewels or as they are popularly known as the Anchor stones are ancient precious stones.

The First mother of the Medusa tribe had not been from this world, but another world.

It is recorded according to her that when this world was made open to her by the celestial, the Anchor stones had accompanied her arrival.

It was done in a sneak attempt by a particular god.

When they first arrived, the whole world entered a state of chaos.

At the time, both man and beast fought for possession of the Anchor Stones.

The Anchor stones were twelve in number. Each with a unique color and a unique function.

There were Red= This was the Anchor stone of...

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