Grandmaster Of All Job Class

Chapter 26 - Time Scry

Joan was getting curious about this boy's life so he used his [Clairvoyance] once more accompanied with [Time scry]. He discovered that this boy was peculiar and thus grabbed his curiosity.

[Time scry]–a spell used to see the past doings for the person. Costs a lot of mana to maintain the spell.

Joan saw in the imagery, a boy in his bed combed in his hair by his mother. Talking with each other while him getting to sleep.

The room was dark and only a candle was in the the bedside. Flickering like a pulse while giving off light to the both of them.

"The World of Almaria–a world of Monsters, Demons and Humans. Ever since then, the world was divided into two; The Demon lands and the Human lands. Humans fought wars with each other and they ravaged each other's lands.. Upon warring, their resources were depleted and wasted. Famine came and the soldiers were exhausted. While they were all suffering, the Demon lords came to rise and grown in power. Attacking all the lands with all their forces. Many were slain and thus retreated to Tirad pass. The Heroes sacrificed themselves to make a barrier, stopping the dark forces at bay. Now that they survived, they made a Kingdom and they were now called Almarians. Having a hundred years of peace, they became successful in many ways. Their peace was sufficient for them to grow but it will not be for long."

This was the story of Stephen's mother always tell him during bedtime before he fell asleep. About the horror of the past that their grandfather's failed to forget.

The Mages, Lycans, Druids, Necromancers, Knights, Assassins, Rangers, Paladins, Ronins, and Fighters take refuge in Almaria kingdom, as well as the commoners and the nobles.

The Peacetime was nearing its end because there were cracks at the barrier and the Knights were assigned to patrol at the Kingdoms' vicinity to eradicate the enemies.

Meanwhile at Stephen's house.

"Good morning Stephen Burg!" His mom said to him when he woke up early in the morning.

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"You need to prepare for school!" His mom shouted while slamming the pillow on his face.

"Yes, Mom!" He replied as he hurriedly climbs down the stairs.

He took a bath beside the well of their house. He felt the chill of the icy water that early morning.

After he took a bath, he went inside and wiped himself with a towel then dressed in his clothes. He has a mini-training ground built by his father for him to train in the backyard.

He stretches first followed by push-ups, sit-ups, jog, and weighted punches with weights on his arms.

Then he executed one thousand random slashes on the training dummy followed by sideways side jumps.

With these pieces of training made by his father, he became a confident person.

Not to mention his skills to adapt faster and learn faster among his generation since elementary.

After his daily training, he healed himself with a skill taught by his father–Douglas Burg.

He healed himself as he cast [Minor Heal].

[Minor Heal] - a skill used to heal minor injuries especially fatigue and torn muscles. Effective as an after-exercise remedy in all body aches.

This was the only skill he learned taught by his father but made him this strong, for he knows that his body will always be repaired.

Stephen changed his clothes as he climbed down to eat. His mother packed his lunch after he finished eating.

"This is your backpack and lunch, go home early okay!" His mother said as she kissed him on his cheeks.

"Yes, Mom!" Stephen replied.

As he walks to school, he constantly hears gossips about the weakening of the barrier.

'The peacetime will not last forever. I should get stronger as time goes by.' Stephen said in his mind.

He walks to the school, meeting other students. Whether they were nobles, farmers' son, or a commoner, they were free to go to school because the kingdom was short of soldiers to defend.

His grandfather was a retired Mage at the Mage Academy and his uncle Dante was a Protector Knight that wields a shield and his favorite weapon was mace or hammer.

While his other uncle-Allan Burg was a Paladin of the Royal family that uses two-handed swords.

His two uncles wanted him to train in heavy lifting.

[Heavy lifting] - a passive skill that lets him lift and swing heavy weapons like hammer and maces including two-handed swords.

He thought that his body will be torn apart lifting and swinging, but luckily he has the skill [Minor heal], his only skill so far that helped him be at ease.

He has pieces of training from them since childhood and maybe can become a squire. But he was still not an official student of the academy.

Stephen was a 13-year-old student that will go to high school and at that time he will have an aptitude test on which classes he's capable of after graduation.

After he graduates from high school, he will be given a chance to train on job classes in college depended on what he excelled at.

There were many classes that he can pick. The Brawler classes like Chaos Knight, Fighter, and, Ronin. The Durable classes like Holy Knight and Paladin. Agile classes like Rogue and Ranger. Magical classes like Mage and Necromancer. Last were the Shapeshifter classes like Lycans and Druids.

The basic skills were taught in high school and his job class depended on what he will excel at in high school, which will be his job class at college.

Meanwhile, advanced skills were thought in college.

Many survivor clans took refuge at the Almaria kingdom to escape the horde of dark forces.

The kingdom was independent and has vast land that was covered by walls. The dark forces seemed to affect the lands which were why the Fallen kingdoms were abandoned and clans took refuge at Almaria kingdom.

Here, they allied to destroy the dark lands and reconquer the lost kingdoms.

The Almaria kingdom was protected by the mountain ranges and the only way to enter was through the Tirad pass, which was sealed by the heroes one hundred years from the past.

The Alliance of Mages, Holy Knights, Chaos Knights, Rangers, Rogues, and Ronins then formed an Academy but the Druids, Lycans, and the Necromancers were elusive and they teach only their skills to their young ones in secrecy.

After they thought of them, they let them enter the Academy by winning their coming of age ceremony.

As he passed by at the market, he observed that the sellers and customers were enjoying their talk with each other.

Stephen was observing them, intrigued by their chatter when someone in the crowd shouted.

"They're here! They are coming! It's the Eagle corps"

As Stephen hurriedly walked and made his pace faster, he saw a brigade of Knights accompanied by mixed parties that successfully recovered the Navasca Fort. Just outside the Tirad pass.

They left some people in the Garrison and will be aided with assistance and food weekly.

The people cheered to them as they waved their hands.

He pushes himself to the crowd to see a better view because he's so small.

He waved his hands as he saw his father at the parade.

His father did saw him too as well at the thick crowd and Stephen smiled with pride as he clenched his fist and put it on his chest making a salute-like posture.

He nearly forgot that he was going to school so he turned back and went to school running.

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