Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 745 Ivan Talley (Mark Talley’s cousin)

Chapter 745 Ivan Talley (Mark Talley's cousin)

Sub-Taboo Hall:

Seeing that Carlona got back to her joyful mood. Ivan thought it was the right time to question her.

"Senior, can I ask you something?" He asked.

Hearing that Carolina who was sitting behind the desk raised her head to look at him.

"I heard my brother died in that ruin. But before his death, he seemed to have had a conversation with Vincent Carey," he added.

Carolina's expression changes drastically. For a second, she lost her cool before she managed to control her emotions.

She thought this little fellow came to meet her and to talk about old memories. But she never expected to hear such questions.

Suddenly, a realization struck her mind.

"Ivan was fine a few minutes ago. But after Senior Gilbert's revelation, he is raising questions like this?" Carolina said in her heart.

"Is he going to seek revenge?" Carolina said to herself.

The next second, she looked at him and said, "Ivan, I don't know what's on your mind?"

"But your cousin Mark's death has nothing to do with Sub-Taboo Hall or Vincent Carey," She stressed this point.

Ever since Vincent has gone outside to complete the mission. A new event has been taking place in the academy for the past few weeks.

One of them was the return of the elite wizard students who had previously gone outside of the academy to seek experience.

Ivan Talley was one among them. Especially after learning of Mark Talley's death, he has been pestering to meet her in person.

She eventually decided to meet him today. But who would have known that someone could attack the academy's aircraft?

Which caused her stable mind to spiral. But Senior Gilbert's truth bomb has revealed Ivan's true face.

Ivan was not satisfied with the answer. Because he knows more than that. Someone from the Taboo Hall has already filled him with the details.

But right now he doesn't want to cause a scene. Because Gilbert Reese is back. He doesn't want to show any ill intentions against Vincent Carey. Otherwise, he might be marked by the Sub-Taboo Hall.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Then he left the Sub-Taboo Hall in a hurry.

Seeing his disappearing back. Carolina frowned.

"Have I made any mistakes?" Carolina said. She then decided to share this conversation with Vincent later.

At the same time, Ivan starts walking towards the Beast Hall.

Soon, he arrived at the place and walked into the Hall. The Beast Hall is different from other Halls.

Here the wizards have beast companions with them. So several different types of beasts can be seen roaming in the Hall.

When Ivan appeared in the main living area. His appearance attracted a lot of attention. The place is not deserted like the Sub-Taboo Hall.

The place is packed with people. Seeing Ivan's expression, his friend quickly came to him and asked, "What happened?"

"Did anyone mess with you?" A slender-looking female wizard asked.

She has 2 falcons on both sides of her shoulder.

"No, Rita I'm fine." Ivan said before sitting down on the sofa.

Rita rolled her eyes at him before saying, "I saw you knocking on the doors of the Taboo Hall this morning."

"Why are you meeting those high-profile guys?" Rita asked.

Ivan's eyes flickered. He didn't see that he was being followed earlier.

Rita is a close friend of his. Like him, she also returned to the academy after touring many countries.

She doesn't mind sharing details with her.

"My cousin is dead," Ivan put it bluntly.

"Which cousin?" Rita asked. Then she seems to recall something.

"That weird plague guy," She uttered in a surprising tone.

Ivan looked at her coldly. Seeing that Rita recovered her expression before saying, "Senior Mark was a strong wizard. Normally, no one messes with him because of his magic.

"Then how did he die?"

Suddenly, Rita looked at Ivan before asking," Is it related to your Taboo Hall's visit?"

Ivan nodded his head.

"Both Taboo Hall and Sub-Taboo Hall are weird. You should stay away from them," Rita said in a solemn tone.

In the Academy, there are many wizard halls. Their Beast Hall is one of them. And they have their own circle. She doesn't want her friend to come in contact with troublesome people.

"My cousin helped me get into this Academy. He was the one who found out the true potential of my awakened magic."

"So I want to know what happened behind his death. If it's natural, I won't mind it. But if it's someone else's sketch, then I'll target him," Ivan said angrily.

Rita remained silent. She knows about Mark and Ivan's brotherhood. It's just Ivan and she went outside to seek experience. Whereas Mark stayed in the academy looking for a further breakthrough.

Purple spiders with red eyes rushes outside of Ivan's sleeve. Those spiders are small in size. But they can feel the emotions of Ivan as they are connected to him.


Rita's falcons made a sound. The purple spider poses a strong threat.

"I'm going to practice alone," Ivan said before standing up to leave the place.


Royal Force Hall:

In the Capital City, there is also an important academy located at one of the mana-abundant places.

The Academy is none other than Royal Force Hall Academy. At this time, the death of the level-6 wizard and his team have reached the ears of higher-ups.

Not many knew about the Willow City incident. It was approved by the dean and implemented by the few trusted elders below.

If their actions were exposed, then it would be like directly breaking up relations with the Yellow River Academy.

There has always been competition between the 3 academies. But none of them openly attacked each other.

There have always been covert operations from time to time to kill each other's outstanding students. But most of the outstanding wizard students come from influential backgrounds.

So they are not disturbed by the power struggles. Most of the wizard family employ a powerful guardian to safeguard their descendants.

It's not only done to save them from schemes of rival academies but also from the attacks of the evil organization.

Sadly, Vincent Carey didn't have such luxury. He happened to be an easy target which the Royal Force Academy can take advantage of.

But the presence of level-7 wizard Gilbert Reese thwarted their plan. After the failed attempt, the Royal Force Academy didn't want to make the death of the level-6 wizard and others public.

This is an ongoing secret confrontation between the academies. Next time, the Yellow River Academy might take the initiative to harm its students.

So shortly after the news died down like other secret operations. But as long as there are opportunities, the academy would dispatch people to eliminate rival academy's wizard seeds.


Yellow River Academy:

Elder Galvin and Gilbert Reese are discussing this.

Elder Galvin is hearing details from Gilbert Reese's mouth. Including the details of the dark league's local branch destruction.

20 minutes later,


Elder Galvin let out a long sigh. The threat faced by Vincent was not ordinary. And it's definitely not something which can be handled by Grade-8 Artifact.

"Elder, what is the identity of the unknown level-7 wizard?" Gilbert asked.

Elder Galvin shook his head before saying,"It's still unclear. Comparing his magic powers, behavior and attacking pattern. No one matches our record."

"Even our dean contacted the Weapon Palace's dean to find out the truth," Galvin added.

"What?" Gilbert uttered in surprise.

"There is no need for us to contact those people. Already, the Royal maniacs are targeting Vincent Carey. I guess the Weapon Palace will soon make him the target as well," Gilbert said.

Elder Galvin answered with a smile,"Experts have died on both sides. Our men are also targeting their seeds. It's natural for them to target hours."

"Compared to others, Vincent has more chances of surviving," He added.

Gilbert sighed inwardly.

"Alright, you should bring those allied forces to the Capital City and wait for Vincent Carey to arrive."

"I guess the dangers are still there," Galvin said.

Gilbert understood the meaning. The real danger lurks inside the Capitol. Last time, the hostile wizards attacked the Train Station.

This time it's necessary to protect the place.

Then he left Elder Galvin's place and went to meet the wizards from the allied forces.


The Taboo Hall was also the condition of Vincent Carey and then they shared the information with the Shadow Skull.

Because of the failed attempts, the Taboo Hall is losing money. At the same time, the failed attempts put a stain on the Shadow Skull's reputation.

So back in the Shadow Skull's castle. The level-8 wizard is discussing with the castle owner.

The triple killer's previous 2 failures have put the Shadow Skull in a difficult spot. So many influential forces are using their resources to find the identity of an unknown level-7 wizard.

The Adventure Union is spearheading the task.

When the castle owner heard it he let out a sneer. He knows that the Adventure Union wants to get hold of every piece of information. They don't want anything out of their control.

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