Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe

Chapter 145 Orange

Chapter 145 Orange


"Ughh!" Adam snapped his broken nose back into place. "Why do these guys always aim for the nose? It hurts, you know?"

He got to his feet and blew all the blood from his nostrils. Only then did he glance at the second hobgoblin who was now heroically stepping out of the hut.

This one was a woman with a height of 1.6 meters. Like the other hobgoblin, this one's skin complexion was also reddish-brown. However, unlike the other one, she wielded a double axe. Furthermore, she too was wearing steel armor like her counterpart.

Adam cast a quick look at the battlefield around him and confirmed that the vast majority of the goblins were currently fighting the group of Magi. Seeing this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"This is still salvageable." He glanced back at the female hobgoblin who was taunting him with an ugly smirk on her face. Seeing this, he rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath, "Although an additional hobgoblin was unexpected, the plan remains the same."

He walked toward her with wide and confident strides. At the same time, he took out a pair of black gauntlets from his earring and put them on.

"I just need to deal with this fellow, grab the treasure, and escape before the effects of the spells I cast on the Magi come to an end."

Adam figured he only had a little less than a minute before the effects of the spells ended. When that happened, the group of Magi would immediately know that something had gone wrong with them and would surely begin to suspect him.

Regardless, when the two spells, Persuade and Bravery, ended, Adam knew that the Magi would choose to immediately flee the scene instead of continuing to fight with their lives on the line. He had to finish everything before that.

He started running toward the female hobgoblin. The latter also rushed toward him while readying her double axe. The moment Adam was within her range, a bloodthirsty light flashed in her eyes, and with a cruel grin on her face, she viciously swung the axe at the youth's neck.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Adam skillfully jumped over the incoming swing of the axe, somersaulted in the air, and positioned himself right above the hobgoblin.

He then stretched his right arm straight and placed the tip of his four fingers on top of the female hobgoblin's head. Then, he followed up with a devastating one-inch punch, while at the same time rotating his arm and fist.

Hand of Doom: One Hit!


The female hobgoblin's head burst open like a watermelon. And that was not all!

Her spine snapped in half, followed by her entire body folding in several layers. As If a giant boulder had fallen on top of her, her body was smashed onto the ground.

And finally, a large crater with a radius of five meters was formed underneath her feet. Spider-web-shaped cracks spread in all directions as blood and flesh mixed along with them.

Adam nimbly landed on the other side after having completed the somersault, and without even looking back, he rushed inside the hut.

This sudden deafening sound caught everyone by surprise. They all simultaneously looked in the direction where the sound came from. And then…

Their jaws dropped.

The Magi were having so much difficulty dealing with the other hobgoblin. Whereas Adam had already killed one with a single attack. The goblins were the most shocked out of everyone.

"KIIIEEEEKKK!!" The male hobgoblin, the leader of this village, bellowed in agony as he saw the mangled corpse of his wife. Tears rolled down his his bloodshot eyes as he caught sight of Adam who had just entered his hut.

With another loud and heartbroken roar that seemed to pierce through the skies, the hobgoblin rushed toward the hut with boundless fury.

Meanwhile, he made sure to command the other goblins to completely surround the hut, not intending to let his wife's murderer escape.

With the vast majority of the goblins now dashing toward the hut in the center of the village, the group of Magi who had been bathed in blood from the brutal fighting, now found themselves standing in confusion with barely any goblins around them.

After killing the last of the goblins near them, one of the human Magi stated, "This… We should take this chance to escape!"

The other Magi also snapped to their senses, thinking that this decision was very reasonable. But at the same time, they couldn't help but think, why did they not think of that before? Just why were they fighting an unwinnable battle in the first place?

When they thought till here, their suspicions naturally fell on Adam.

They couldn't help but involuntarily look at the hut that was now being surrounded by countless goblins. Seeing this, an extremely complicated expression marred their faces.

On one hand, Adam had saved them from the goblins. So by all rights, they should lend a helping hand to him now. But on the other hand, they suspected that the youth had used spells on them and manipulated them into fighting the goblins for his personal gains.

They didn't know how to feel about it. But it didn't take them long to come to a decision.

The Magi looked at one another and nodded. Then, they all escaped from the goblin village, fleeing in different directions. As for what happened to Adam, they didn't care. Their survival came first.

The male hobgoblin carried his greatsword on his shoulders and walked toward the entrance of his hut, fuming with unbridled anger. By now, all the warrior goblins had surrounded the hut, making it nigh impossible for Adam to escape.

Gnashing his teeth in rage, the hobgoblin broke through the door of his dwelling. He raised his sword and was about to go wild, but he suddenly paused. He noticed that everything in his hut was missing. Not a single piece of furniture was left!

All that remained inside the hut was dozens of broken vials sprawled on the floor. And from these vials, an orange-colored liquid seeped out and stained the ground.

The hobgoblin's eyes narrowed as he gazed at the orange liquid, a foreboding feeling welling up in his heart. But he didn't have much time to think, much less act.

Because the next moment, the liquid caught in flames. The plumes of fire spread all around and soon enveloped him.


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