Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe

Chapter 216 Endure

Chapter 216 Endure

While he was deep in thought, Morden called out to him repeatedly, "Brother, are you listening?"

However, Oswald didn't reply. In the end, Morden could only helplessly stand still and wait for his elder brother to finish his speculations.

Adam makes friends with Edward Turner and Lisa de Clare. After listening to the girl's life story, he decides to help her. I see… it's beginning to make sense now.

He sends that elven woman to fetch Laura de Clare and negotiate with me about the release of Jamie de Clare over half a year back. This could only mean one thing!

Oswald's eyes turned cold as he started radiating a deep killing intent.

Looks like this kid has been planning to get rid of Kevin and save Lisa's family for a long time. He figured it would be the perfect opportunity to kill Kevin inside the secret plane with none being the wiser.

Hehe, did you really think I wouldn't know even if you managed to kill my nephew in the secret plane? How naive!

The next moment, he looked at Kevin and asked with great suspicion.

"You said you saw a… dragon?"

Kevin nodded earnestly. "Uncle, I know all this sounds bizarre, but I swear it! After I used the magic scroll you gave me, Adam was heavily injured and unconscious. But you must believe me, he was saved by a dragon!"

Forget Oswald, even Morden was looking at Kevin in a displeased manner. "I understand that you suffered a big loss at the hands of that commoner, but must you lie now too?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Father, I'm speaking the truth!" Kevin had an aggrieved expression on his face.

He knew exactly how all this appeared. He lost to a mere commoner and was now using the excuse of a dragon to get his family to seek revenge on his behalf. Anyone would feel the same way his father and uncle did.

"Silence!" Morden roared. He couldn't believe that his son could come up with such a ridiculous excuse.

"A dragon? Do you know how absurd that sounds?" He heavily reprimanded his son. "Dragons are creatures of legends, and you're telling me that you saw one in the secret plane?

"If there was a dragon residing within the secret plane, the Magi of the Southern Federation would have already known of it by now."

Kevin could only lower his head and remain silent. He clenched his fists and thought to himself, Damn it! Why won't you believe me? I am speaking the truth!

"This dragon you speak of…" Oswald suddenly began. Although he believed that what his nephew was saying was a blatant lie, he still decided to entertain him a little out of general curiosity. "Tell me more about it."

Seeing that his uncle was still interested in this topic, Kevin's eyes lit up. "It was a young dragon with gray scales, no bigger than the size of a house cat. When I came to, I saw the dragon nuzzling his head against Adam as if… as if it deeply cared for him!"

The moment Oswald heard the last sentence, he couldn't help but scoff. "That's it—"

However, Kevin continued speaking nonetheless with a crazed expression on his face, "The dragon then grabbed Adam and flew into the distance. It didn't look like the dragon wanted to cause him any harm. If anything, it felt like the dragon wanted to protect him!"

"Kevin," Oswald muttered coldly, having had enough of his nephew. "Speak no more of this, lest people think you've gone mad."

"But uncle—"

"I said speak no more of this."

Kevin's body shuddered seeing the stern look on his uncle's face. He lowered his head in fear. "I apologize… I misspoke."

"Hmm." Oswald nodded.

Even Kevin's father couldn't help but be irked by his behavior. He then glanced at Oswald and asked expectantly, "Brother, how do we deal with that commoner?"

Although he found his son's lies to be despicable and shameless, totally unbefitting of his character, he still deeply cared for him. He couldn't take it lying down that Adam had crippled his son. He wanted to seek revenge.

Oswald was silent. A long time later, he finally made up his mind.

"We will let that boy be."

"What?!" Morden was dumbstruck. "After all that bastard has done?"

He pointed at his son's missing arm and screamed in anger, "Look at what he's done! Kevin is crippled for life. If this is not enough reason, have you forgotten how we had to give up that De Clare boy without even getting anything in return?"

Morden was outraged. "Since when did the Gracie Family become so pathetic that anyone could walk all over us? Needless to say, it was a mere Rank 1 commoner!"

"Morden, I feel the same way," Oswald sighed.

"Then why don't you do something about it?!" Morden was at the end of his wits.

"Because that kid has powerful backing," Oswald began, "not only does Adam have the protection of Lord Berger, who is a renowned Herbalist in the Southern Federation, but he also seems to have a close relationship with a Rank 3 elf from the Baja High Forest."

Morden was stunned speechless. "W-What? Lord Berger… and a Rank 3 elf?"

"Yes." Oswald nodded. "When that female elf had come to take Jamie from us half a year ago, she had divulged Adam's relationship with Berger. And a few days back, Hemingway told me about the Rank 3 Baja Elf."

"Does that mean we have to take this lying down?" Morden spoke in an extremely aggrieved tone after a long moment of silence.

"Endure, brother, we must endure," Oswald comforted him.

The next moment, he glanced at Kevin and smiled faintly. "However, not everything is lost."

He took out a box from his space-type storage ring and said, "I spent a considerable fortune to get this item made from an Artificer from the Empire."

"What is it?" Kevin asked curiously.

"Come, take a look at it yourself." Oswald smiled.

Kevin walked forward and received the box from his uncle. When he opened it and laid eyes on the item inside, he was shocked. "This is…"

"With this, you don't have to worry about being a cripple anymore." Oswald patted his nephew's shoulder.

"Thank you, uncle!" Kevin spoke sincerely. "Thank you so much!"

"Work hard, my nephew." Oswald encouraged him. The next moment, his face turned solemn. "And I want you to bury this incident with Adam, do you understand?"

"I understand." Kevin nodded after a brief moment of hesitation.

"Good, you may go now."

Kevin respectfully bowed and bid farewell to his father and uncle. When he turned around and made his way out, his eyes suddenly flashed with sinister intent.

Bury this incident?


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