Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe

Chapter 239 Savant Tower

Chapter 239 Savant Tower

"Halt!" The silver-armored security personnel guarding the academy's library stopped the trio from entering. One of them came forward and glanced at Valerian. "No familiars allowed."

Valerian's eyes narrowed and he hissed at the guard. "Rawr~"

Instead of feeling intimidated, the guard only felt as if this familiar in front of him was the cutest thing in the world.

"It's alright, Val." Adam glanced at the young dragon and gestured. "Get back in."

The following moment, Valerian transformed into a gray light and returned to Adam's spirit sea.

Seeing this incredulous scene, the guard was flabbergasted. He even rubbed his eyes multiple times to ensure he wasn't seeing things.

Adam and his friends didn't pay any heed to the dumbfounded guards. They flashed their academy identity tokens and made their way inside.

As they climbed the stairs leading to the Savant Tower, they couldn't help but admire its architecture, despite visiting this place on numerous occasions.

The Savant Tower was renowned all over the Southern Federation. It was known for the vast depository of arcane knowledge that it contained.

It was built hundreds of years ago when the Clover Academy was established. It was the pride and joy of the academy. The tower was a monolithic structure, its outer walls weathered by time and history.

Adam had to crane his neck to gaze at the top of the tower that seemingly disappeared into the clouds. The youth couldn't help but marvel at its architecture no matter how many times he visited this place.

As the trio approached the main entrance of the Tower, they could see the students as well as the faculty members of the academy going about their day.

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The Savant Tower was perhaps the most-visited building on the academy campus. Not only students, but even professors would carry out their research work here. On a few occasions, even the Headmistress was seen visiting this place.

As the trio entered the famed library, they were greeted by the scent of old parchment and ink. But something even more striking was the model of their planetary system!

Adam's gaze was drawn upwards and he couldn't help but be filled with awe.

Suspended from the high ceiling, bathed in a gentle light, hung a magnificent model of their solar system. Each planet was meticulously crafted using some sort of polished metal, hanging in perfect proportion to its neighbors.

The sun, at the center, glowed warmly, illuminating the eight planets that orbited it. Through a mystical spell, the time it took for these metallic planets to orbit around the sun was about the same time it took in real life.

Adam gazed at the third planet orbiting the sun. This was his home planet, Tron.

Edward suddenly asked in confusion, "Our professors say that Tron is the only planet capable of sustaining life in our solar system. But how would they know? It's not like they've gone to other planets, right?"

Lisa remained silent. She didn't know the answer to that, however, she did have some guesses. But she didn't dare speak them, afraid that others would make fun of her.

Adam, on the other hand, secretly glanced at his friends and his lips curled up into a mysterious smirk.

"I'm going to the study room on the seventh floor. Catch you guys later."

With that said, the youth ventured into the depths of the library. Walking past countless students, he made his way up after climbing several fleets of stairs.

The air was heavy with the scent of old books and dust, and the only sound that could be heard was that of the rustling of pages. People were prohibited from making too much noise.

It was a library, after all.

Tall shelves lined the walls, each filled to the brim with books and scrolls of all shapes and sizes. Adam, with great familiarity, picked up several thick tomes from the bookshelves and walked toward the floor librarian.

The Savant Tower had fifteen floors and each floor had a librarian. The main job of the librarian was to make a record of all the books being borrowed by the Magi. Moreover, they were also in charge of the transaction.

Yes, like most things in existence, the books in the Tower had a price tag as well.

Adam placed the stack of books on the counter and asked the middle-aged librarian in front of him, "How much?"

The man checked the books one by one before flatly replying, "17 gold pieces."

"Tsk." Adam pursed his lips and muttered in a hushed tone. "I've been coming here for so many years. Can't you just give me a discount?"

"No." The librarian didn't care, however, he simply stretched out his palm. "If you're going to your usual spot, it will cost you another 10 gold pieces for renting it out for the entire day."

"I know, I know," Adam replied with slight dissatisfaction. He really didn't like spending money.

He paid the librarian 27 gold coins, grabbed his books, and walked away.

"Don't forget to return the books within twenty-four hours," the middle-aged man said while glancing at the youth's departing back.

"Yes, sir, I know!"

Adam walked toward the spiraling staircase leading upstairs. After having climbed two more floors, he finally arrived at his regular study room. He entered the room and locked the door behind him.

The room was small with only enough space for a couple of people to move about. However, it was more than enough for Adam. There was a wooden desk and table placed beside the glass window.

He kept the stack of tomes on the table in front of him and finally took his seat. He stretched his arms and cracked his neck joints, ready to bury himself in endless research once again.

However, it wouldn't be on the usage of spiritual power this time. There was something else that the youth had been vigorously researching.

Adam took out a clean parchment paper from his earring. Then he grabbed a quill and dipped it in ink. Finally, he started jotting down his speculations.

The youth's eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he delved deeper into the arcane texts, mumbling to himself,

"The relationship between mass and gravity…"

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