Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe

Chapter 381 Saratoga Castle

Chapter 381 Saratoga Castle

Adam and Daneli rode on horseback the following day and exited through the city's western gates. The scene that greeted their eyes was farmlands that stretched out westward.

As the rise of the early morning sun cast a golden glow across the sprawling farmlands, the pastures seemed to have come to life.

Rows of tall corn swayed gently in the breeze, while the nearby fields of ripe wheat glittered like a blanket of gold.

Neatly arranged vegetable plots added myriad colors to these farmlands—verdant green cabbages, bright red tomatoes, and orange pumpkins nestled among the vines.

It was a beautiful sight to behold.

The mortals that resided in these farmlands may not have been as well off as those within the city walls, but they were well enough taken care of and produced enough low-cost food for everyone.

Adam and Daneli rode side by side on sturdy black steeds, enjoying the tranquil atmosphere.

Occasionally, they encountered a few farmhouses with smoke curling from their chimneys. Children could be seen playing in the yards, their laughter a sweet melody.

Farmers could be seen diligently working in the fields, bowing toward the two Magi when they rode by.

A few hours passed, and the pair entered a valley, bidding farewell to the picturesque farmlands behind them.

As they moved through the valley, the landscape around them transformed into a magical scenery. The valley floor was covered in vibrant grass, dotted with wildflowers of various colors.

Magical beasts could be seen frolicking through these lands. The air was fresh and crisp with dense mana, carrying the faint scent of blooming flowers and the earthy aroma of the rich soil.

"We're about to reach any moment now," said Daneli as he glanced at Adam with a faint smile. "You're going to love the view."

Adam nodded, his eyes unable to mask the excitement and anticipation.

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He looked around and saw towering mountains framing the valley, meanwhile, the Dell River wound its way through the place like a blue ribbon.

As the two young Magi continued their journey, the valley began to open up, revealing a breathtaking sight in the distance.

Positioned on a small hill beside a serene lake, stood a grand castle!

Its exterior was a mixture of medieval architecture and magical enchantment. The castle's stone walls exuded an ancient and weathered aura. They were thick and formidable, giving this humongous castle a fortress-like appearance.

Seeing the castle's massive scale and its towers and turrets that seem to reach toward the clouds, Adam's eyes widened in disbelief. "It's huge!!"

Daneli couldn't help but chuckle in amusement seeing the youth's flabbergasted look. "Indeed, it is. Saratoga Castle is perhaps bigger than most towns in the Empire."

Adam was stunned for a long time. The horses continued to gallop as the pair slowly approached the majestic castle.

The lake beside it was tranquil, giving off an ethereal vibe. It reflected the castle and the surrounding landscape with crystal clarity.

"That's Marian Lake," said Daneli as he gazed at the large reservoir. "It is home to quite a few fantastical creatures."

Adam's interest was piqued. "Oh? Like what?"

"You'll see for yourself," said the elf with a mysterious smile.

"Tsk, bastard." Adam clicked his tongue in annoyance. He then thought of something and asked, "By the way, is there any particular reason this castle was built so far from civilization?"

"The founder of Saratoga Castle, who also happens to be the founder of Ravenfell, believed that only by being close to nature could one deeply resonate with mana," said Daneli, his eyes flashing with admiration.

After all, as an elf, he truly believed that only by being one with nature could a Magus truly understand magic.

Adam had a pondering expression on his face. "Well, that is indeed true. Mana is found in abundance in nature than in towns and cities."

He had experienced it himself. Ever since he left the city earlier today, he could feel the amount of mana permeating the air increasing at a steady pace as he moved further inland.

Gradually the Magi arrived at the base of the hill, the path becoming a winding cobblestoned road that slowly ascended toward the castle.

Neatly trimmed hedges and flowering bushes bordered the path. Beautiful plants and trees were planted on both sides of the trees, the birds perched on them singing melodiously.

Adam even spotted a few young Magi wearing gray cloaks sitting out in the open, enjoying the warmth rays of the sun that filtered through the canopy.

As he ascended, the number of Magi in the vicinity grew in number. His heart was filled with exhilaration, realizing this would be the place he would be calling home for the foreseeable future.

The closer he got to the castle, the more details of this humongous structure could be seen.

Adam noticed the thick ivy crawling up the stone walls, banners with the raven insignia gently fluttering from the battlements, and the castle's glass windows glowing with the warm light of torches and candles. It was breathtaking.

Finally, the pair arrived before the grand entrance of Saratoga Castle.

Massive wooden doors—bigger than anything Adam had ever seen—reinforced with a magical type of ore and adorned with intricate runes stood open, welcoming them.

Adam raised his head and saw that above the towering wooden doors, countless huge gargoyles carrying deadly weapons sat patiently.

They almost seemed like stationary statues. Except they weren't.

The moment, he glanced at them, they looked back at him!

"Sentient gargoyles!" Adam's pupils constricted.

He could feel a dangerous aura coming from them. He believed that if he were to be ganged up by them, he would have no other option but to flee.

"Relax, they won't hurt you," Daneli taunted as he gracefully dismounted from his horse.

He then beckoned a couple of undergraduate students in the distance and instructed them to take away their horses. The students respectfully did as told.

Daneli walked up to Adam and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't just stand there gawking around. Let's enter."

Adam snapped out of his daze and lowered his head, glancing at his friend. His lips curled up into an excited smile.

"Alright, let's go in!"

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