Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe

Chapter 402 Coordinates

Chapter 402 Coordinates

"Ah, that's right!" Realization dawned on him that this was his soul body.

From constantly absorbing souls, his soul body had become extremely big in size. Far bigger than his physical body.

Moreover, it had been a long time since he had visited the Spirit World. He didn't know how big his soul body had gotten.

But even he didn't expect it to have become this enormous.

"This… isn't this way too big?!" He yelled out in shock.

Seeing the sheer size of his body, he was greatly taken aback. But then he thought, Hmm this must be the result of me regularly absorbing those soul fragments when I was bedridden.

He stood there surrounded by mushroom trees, stroking his chin and mumbling under his breath, "Yeah, this will be too inconvenient to move around."

The next moment, his eyes lit up. "Let's give that a try."

Adam closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. Then, when he opened his eyes again, his black pupils shone with the white lotus pattern!

Following that, he instinctually willed it with his mind and his body started to shrink, slowly but surely. Within a few moments, his soul body had now become the same size as his physical body.

After having gotten initial control over the white lotus, his proficiency with the usage of spiritual power had gotten very high.

Now, with a simple thought he was able to alter the size of his soul body.

"Hahaha, that was surprisingly easier than I thought," he laughed heartily.

Then, he realized that he was also buck-naked. His lips twitched and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

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Suddenly, he had another idea. "If I can control the size of my soul body, then perhaps I can…"

The lotus pattern in his eyes lit up once again and he guided his spiritual power to create a layer of clothing.

Gradually, motes of light gathered around his body, covering it. Then they came together and transformed into loose black robes.

Adam touched the robes on his body and was astounded, "This… feels so real!"

Surprisingly enough, his control over spiritual power in the Spirit World was far more potent than he had expected.

After all, he couldn't do what he had done just now in the material world. Even if he switched to the alternate form of energy—mana—he still wouldn't be able to materialize a set of robes.

However, in the Spirit World, when he used spiritual energy, he felt natural, confident, and fully in his element. Much like a fish in water.

After solving his size and clothing problem, he looked around at the enchanted mushroom forest that he had arrived at.

His eyes shone with immense curiosity and he muttered, "Hmm, if I'm not wrong, this place should belong to the healing spirit that the Professor has signed a summoning contract with."

Professor Whitaker had already informed all the graduate students everything about the summoning contract and the spirits they would be able to summon.

The runic formation that she had handed out to them contained the coordinates of this place in the Spirit World. Naturally, she wouldn't give them access to a hostile place filled with malevolent creatures.

"This should be the home to wood spirits," said Adam as he looked around the place with curious eyes. "They're very similar to pixies and sprites found in the material world."

He took a step forward and smiled brightly, "Alright then, this should be fun."

As he journeyed through the enchanted mushroom forest, a sense of awe and wonder enveloped him. Although he had visited a similar place before, this one inside the Spirit World left him mesmerized.

The air he breathed in was vastly different from that of the material world. It was as if the air here hadn't been contaminated at all.

His soul felt at peace whenever he stepped foot inside the Spirit World.

As he journeyed deeper, the forest seemed to come alive around him. Delicate vines hung from mushroom to mushroom, adorned with tiny twinkling lights that shone like the stars in the night sky.

He could hear the soft rustlings of small creatures in the distance, the faint chirping of insects, and the distant sound of a flowing river.

Adam paused to observe the life around him. Tiny birds flew about, leaving trails of stardust in their wake. Small horned rodents hopped from one place to another, looking for food.

Other curious creatures, their eyes wide with curiosity and wonder, peered out from behind small mushrooms, watching his every move.

Looking at these tiny creatures, he smiled and waved at them.

Some fled away, while others waved back at him. Seeing that, he couldn't help but chuckle. The energy and the creatures in this forest deeply resonated with him.

Every step revealed new wonders.

He passed through natural archways formed by intertwining mushroom stems, and hidden alcoves glimmering with otherworldly light, hinting at history long forgotten.

Occasionally, he would stop by to gather rare herbs and mushrooms. If he used his ingredients in potions, they would have surprising effects in soothing one's spirit sea.

As he crouched down and delicately picked up herbs with care, he couldn't help but grin, "Kekeke, if I sell these ingredients to the guild, I wonder how much money I'll make."

He walked deeper into the forest, hoping to come across a wood spirit and sign a summoning contract with them.

But strangely enough, there weren't any wood spirits in sight. He had seen all other types of forest creatures, but not a single one was what he was looking for.

"How strange." He frowned. "Isn't this supposed to be the home of wood spirits? How come there are none here?"

For a moment, he thought he had arrived at a different location. But he quickly got rid of this thought. Professor Whitaker wouldn't be so careless as to give him, or other students for that matter, wrong coordinates.

Just as he was deep in thought, wondering about the whereabouts of the wood spirits, the ground suddenly started to rumble.

In the shadows of the mushroom trees in the distance, Adam could see countless silhouettes of creatures, big and small, storming toward him.

Finally, his gaze landed on the beings that he had been looking for ever since he had arrived here.

"Wood spirits!" He blurted out in shock. "But why are they charging at me?!"

Without even waiting to see how things would play out, Adam turned around and ran for his life!

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